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Soal-soal Williams TERATOGEN

1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Teratogen

a. Agen apa pun yang berperan menyebabkan perubahan bentuk dan fungsi
yang permanen dalam perkembangan embrio dan fetus
b. Sebuah agen yang mengganggu pematangan normal dan fungsi dari suatu organ
c. Agen yang menyebabkan kelainan pertumbuhan
d. Ilmu yang mempelajari tentang cacat lahir dan penyebabnya

2. Penyebab terbesar kecacatan pada bayi yang dapat teridentifikasi disebabkan oleh
a. Chromosomal dan genetik
b. Obat-obatan
c. Agen Kimia
d. Lingkungan
e. Metabolit Ibu

3. Dibawah ini yang termasuk Teratogen, kecuali

a. Obat golongan ACE Inhibitor
b. Agen Kimia
c. Panas dari lingkungan
d. Sinyal Handphone
e. Infeksi Citomegalovirus

4. Kelainan pada fetus yang berkaitan dengan obat golongan NSAID Indometasin adalah
a. Polihidroamnion
b. Grey Baby Syndrome
c. Patent duktus arteriosus
d. Konstriksi duktus arteriosus fetal
e. Neural Tube Defect

5. Terjadinya Malformasi Kongenital Mayor pada fetus apabila terpapar oleh agen
teratogenik pada saat
a. Pre organogenesis
b. Periode Embrionik
c. Periode Fetal
d. Periode Post Natal
6. Which of the following criteria is not required to prove teratogenicity of a particular
a. The agent must cross the placenta.
b. Exposure to the agent must occur during organogenesis.
c. The association with the teratogen must be biologically plausible.
d. Two or more high-quality epidemiological studies must report similar findings

7. A 32-week fetus is growth restricted and has oligohydramnios and an abnormal

calvarium. Which antihypertensive agent taken by the mother may have caused this
a. Verapamil
b. Nifedipine
c. Lisinopril
d. Methyldopa

8. Which of the following associations regarding anticonvulsants and their risk of birth
defects has not been reported?
a. Hydantoin exposure can cause midfacial hypoplasia.
b. Valproic acid exposure can cause neural-tube defects.
c. Topiramate exposure increases the risk of orofacial clefts.
d. Valproic acid exposure increases the risk of abdominal wall defects.

9. Considered Category X in pregnancy, which antiviral causes skull, palate, jaw, eye, limb,
and gastrointestinal anomalies in rodent models?
a. Ribavirin
b. Efavirenz
c. Zidovudine
d. Nevirapine

10. Which of the following associations between first trimester antibiotic exposure and the
given birth defect is true?
a. Aminoglycosides may cause ototoxicity.
b. Chloramphenicol may cause ashen-gray skin coloration
c. Tetracyclines may cause deciduous teeth discoloration
d. Nitrofurantoin may cause hypoplastic left heart syndrome

11. Which of the following statements is true regarding corticosteroids and the risk of birth
a. They may cause orofacial fetal clefts.
b. They may cause clitoromegaly in the female fetus
c. They may cause phallic enlargement in the male fetus.
d. They may cause labioscrotal fusion in the female fetus.

12. The severe form of the neonatal behavioral syndrome associated with prenatal exposure to
serotonin reuptake inhibitors includes all EXCEPT which of the following?
a. Seizures
b. Hyperpyrexia
c. Respiratory failure
d. Persistent pulmonary hypertension

13. Severe malformations may be seen with use of all EXCEPT which of the following
vitamin A-derived compounds?
a. Acitretin
b. Bexarotene
c. Isotretinoin
d. Beta carotene

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