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Progress Plan Due date:

*Progress plans are due 1 week after presentation is assigned.

Instructions: As you prepare the material for your presentation, complete the first two columns of the table below
with details on i) content components and ii) sources used. Do not write complete sentences and paragraphs;
provide the key ideas in POINT FORM. You will receive feedback on your progress to date. Based on this
feedback, you should expand and modify information so that your presentation meets expectations.

Content components Sources used Feedback

Description of author – Biographical info

Explanation of genre – Context of the work(s)

Analysis of author – Style, technique, characters, themes

ELIP 3 Presentation – Fall2020

Personal reaction to the author’s work

Marking Criteria:
*Your progress plan will be marked out of 5 marks (5% of overall presentation grade).
*Complete, thoughtful and timely submissions will receive a mark of 5.
*Deductions will be applied for the following:
-irrelevant/insufficient information;
-inappropriate source types;
-copying from sources;
-a 1-mark deduction applies for each day late (up to 3 days)

ELIP 3 Presentation – Fall2020

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