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Created by Daniel Davidov

Theme 3 – Central occlusion definition

1. Definition of central occlusion.
Central occlusion – position of the mandible with maximum intercuspation of teeth.

2. Definition of interocclusal correlations.

The static relationship between the incising and masticatory surfaces of the maxillary and
mandibular teeth.

3. Central occlusion signs and their practical value.

*Each tooth occludes with the two teeth of opposing jaw.
*Midline of face is equal to line between upper and lower incisor.
*Key of occlusion - Mesio-buccal cusp of the first molar of upper jaw occludes with the
groove between mesial and middle buccal cusps of first molar of lower jaw.
*Lower dental arch is covered by upper dental arch.

4. Classification of partial edentation depending on clinical situation in intermaxilar

1st clinical situation – three or more contact points between jaws. (disperssed equally on the arch)
2nd clinical situation – 1 or 2 contact points between jaws. (need of partial occlusal rim)
3rd clinical situation – no contact points between jaws. (need of two occlusal rims, for each jaw)

5. Determination of intermaxilar correlation in case of stabil occlusion (first clinical

In this case, can be performed with the help of patty (hard silicone material, "C"-class silicones) or
with base plate wax.

6. Determination of intermaxilar correlation in case of instabil occlusion (second clinical

In this case, the occlusion is not stable.
A partial occlusal rim is manufactured in the laboratory, and introduced into the oral cavity after it is
slightly heated.
Patient bites the rim, till the occlusion is fixed and stable.
Occlusal rim is then removed and cooled.

7. Determination of intermaxilar correlation in case of absence of occlusion (third clinic

In this case, there is no occlusion.
Two occlusal rims are manufactured in the laboratory, and introduced into the oral cavity after they
are slightly heated.
Guiding lines are drwan on the occlusal rims. Midline, smile line, canine line, occlusal line.
These lines assist the technitian to mount the artificial teeth.

8. Consecutivity of determination and registration of intermaxilar centric relationships.

Guide the patient to close the jaws, while swallowing saliva. This will automatically, guide the jaws
to their natural place.
Consequenty of determination and fixation of inter jaw relationships in case of absence of occlusion:
1. Complete adaptation of occlusal rims. That consist of - vestibular curve of occlusal rim, plane of
occlusion - correspond to spee and monson wilson,
Created by Daniel Davidov

2. Determination of vertical dimension.

3. Determination of neutral position of lower jaw and centric relation
4. Fixation of neutral position of lower jaw and centric relation.

9. Metods of vertical occlusal dimension determination. Anatomy-physiological method.

*Facial measurements after swallowing and relaxing (reference points)
*Tactile sense (opening ------- closing)
*Phonetics (emm, conversation)
*Facial expression (skin tone and the lips contour) should be relaxed.
*Anatomic land marks (Willis guide) which is designed to measure the distance from the pupil of the
eye to the rima oris (corner of the mouth) and the distance from the nasal spine to lower border of the
mandible when measurement is equal the jaw at rest.
*Occlusal rims

10. What kinds of lines we draw on occlusal border? Method and practical value.
- Smile line
- Canine line
- Midline
- Occlusal line

11. What criteria of choosing artificial teeth?

Color. Length. Width. Morphology of neighbor teeth.

12. Technique of neutral lower jaw position determination.

1 - The patient should be sited in a right position (90 degrees(
2 - Stare in single, far point.
3 - Relax the muscles of expression and mastication.
4 - Measure the distance between the tip of the nose, and the tip of the chin.

13. Methods of fixation of central occlusion (central jaws relationships).

*Using occlusal rims
*Using face bow (kinematic and arbitrary)

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