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Engineering Computations

Identification of damage in beam and plate structures using parameter-dependent

frequency changes
K. Dems Z. Mróz
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K. Dems Z. Mróz, (2001),"Identification of damage in beam and plate structures using parameter-dependent
frequency changes", Engineering Computations, Vol. 18 Iss 1/2 pp. 96 - 120
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18,1/2 Identification of damage in
beam and plate structures
using parameter-dependent
frequency changes
K. Dems
Department of Technical Mechanics, Lodz Technical University, Lodz,
Poland, and
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Z. MroÂz
Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Warsaw, Poland
Keywords Beams, Plate structures, Frequency, Sensitivity evaluation
Abstract Damage of a structure affects its stiffness properties and induces a shift in the free
frequency spectrum. In the paper, an additional parameter is introduced, such as concentrated
elastic or rigid support and mass. The evolution of natural frequencies is analyzed for varying
parameter values with respect to damage location. This frequency variation is used in assessing
the location and magnitude of damage by introducing the damage indices or by solving the
identification problem requiring the minimization of the parameter dependent distance
functional. The first part of the paper is concerned with the sensitivity analysis of damage
indices with respect to support or mass location. The second part deals with the identification
problem for which the specific examples are treated.

1. Introduction
The prediction of location and degree of damage in existing engineering
structures is of great importance from the point of view of their
serviceability and safety. Visual inspection and extensive testing can be
employed to locate and measure the degradation of structure by non-
destructive techniques such as acoustic emission, ultrasonic methods,
thermography, or modal testing. In the present paper, we shall study damage
or fault detection by the analysis of dynamic response of structures, in
particular their modal parameters, such as natural frequencies with related
modes and damping factors. In fact, eigenfrequencies and mode shapes vary
with structural stiffness and their variation can be used in order to identify the
stiffness reduction and damage localization. Two typical identification
problems are:
(1) specification of a single crack (localized damage) with its size, location
and orientation as unknown parameters; and
(2) specification of a distributed damage within a structure regarded as a
distributed stiffness reduction.
Engineering Computations,
Vol. 18 No. 1/2, 2001, pp. 96-120.
The present work was supported through the INCO Copernicus Project, ``Inverse problems in
# MCB University Press, 0264-4401 structural and material mechanics'', Number ERBIC15CT970706.
A related problem is concerned with the effect of damage on structural Damage in beam
performance and safety. and plate
There are numerous papers devoted to these classes of problems. An structures
extensive review of damage identification techniques in structural and
mechanical systems, based on changes of vibration response, was provided by
Doebling et al. (1996). In most papers it is assumed that the eigenfrequencies and
eigenmodes of an undamaged structure are known and their variations induced 97
by damage are used in the identification procedure. However, the accurate
measurement of mode shapes is not feasible in many cases and the damage
should be identified by using only measured eigenfrequencies and their
variation with respect to the reference (undamaged) model. The eigenmodes of
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an undamaged structure are assumed as known and their variation is assessed

analytically or neglected, as, in fact, the first order sensitivity of eigenvalues
does not require the knowledge of variations of eigenvectors. The papers by
Cawley and Adams (1979), Bicanic and Chen (1997), Hassiotis and Jeong (1993;
1995) and Friswell et al. (1997) provide different techniques of damage
identification based on frequency measurement. When mode shape changes are
measured, then the identification procedure is augmented by using modal
assurance criteria, mode curvature or energy distribution in consecutive
structural elements, and variation of position of node lines. The papers by
Pandey and Biswas (1994), Pandey et al. (1991), Hearn and Testa (1991), Yao et
al. (1990), Rizos et al. (1990) and Nikolakopoulos et al. (1997) provide good
examples of these approaches. The application of model updating method to
damage identification using incomplete data was applied in some works, e.g.
Fritzen et al. (1998), Friswell and Mottershead (1995) and Khot and Berke (1994).
A general sensitivity study of natural frequencies and modes with respect to
crack and holes was presented by Gudmundson (1982), BurczynÂski and Polch
(1994), and also by Garstecki and Thermann (1992) and Dems and MroÂz (1989)
for geometrically non-linear vibration and stability problems.
As the frequency shift measurement provides the global assessment of
damage, it is usually not sensitive to damage values, especially for localized
defects, such as cracks or holes. To increase the sensitivity, an additional
parameter is introduced in the structure, such as concentrated elastic or rigid
support, mass elastically or rigidly attached to the structure, boundary
constraint or prestress. For plate structure, point or line supports, masses and
stiffeners can be introduced. The free frequency measurement is then carried
out for varying parameter values or selected values in order to maximize the
distance norm between the measured and predicted frequencies. The present
work is intended to provide the analysis of sensitivities of free frequencies and
damage indices with respect to parameter variation and next to apply the
parameter dependent distance norm in the damage identification process.
In section 2, the frequency based identification methods are reviewed and
the frequency sensitivity expressions are derived. In section 3, the sensitivity of
damage indices is analyzed for the case of translating concentrated support and
mass. In section 4, the rectangular plate is considered and the sensitivity of
EC damage indices is analyzed for the case of two-parameter variation. In section
18,1/2 5, some identification examples are provided.

2. Damage identification based on frequency measurements

2.1 Review of identification method
Consider the free vibration problem for the undamaged discretized elastic
98 structure:
…K0 ÿ 0i M0 †0i ˆ 0 i ˆ 1; 2; : : ; N …1†

where the eigenvalues are the squares of free frequencies and are the
corresponding eigenmodes. The eigenvalues follow from equation (1) and are
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expressed by the Rayleigh quotients:

T0i K0 0i
0i ˆ …2†
T0i M0 0i

0i ˆ T0i K0 0i ; T0i M0 0j ˆ ij …3†

where the mode normalization and orthogonality specified by the second

equation (3) is used. Here M0 and K0 are the global (ne  ne) mass and stiffness
matrices, 0i is the (1  ne) mode shape vector. For the damaged structure the
respective eigenvalue problem is expressed as follows:
…K ÿ i M†i ˆ 0 i ˆ 1; 2; . . . ; N …4†

where K = K0 + K, M = M0 +M, i = 0i + i , i = 0i + i are the

respective stiffness and mass matrices, eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the
damaged structure. It is usually assumed that M = 0, M = M0 and the
damage affects only the stiffness matrix. From equation (4) it follows that:
i ˆ Ti Ki ; Ti Mj ˆ ij …5†

and from equations (5) and (3) the difference of eigenvalues can be expressed as
i ˆ i ÿ 0i ˆ Ti Ki ÿ Ti K0 i : …6†

For small variation K = K and i = i and then the second term of
equation (6) can be neglected, so that:
i ˆ Ti Ki  T0i K0i …7†

and the variation of eigenvalue is expressed in terms of variation of the

stiffness matrix and the eigenvectors of the undamaged structure. Assume now
the stiffness matrix variation in the form:
Damage in beam
K ˆ ÿ Kel kl …8†
and plate
where 0  kl  1, l = 1, 2, . . ., ne are the non-dimensional parameters
specifying the fraction of stiffness reduction in damaged elements. The
variation of i is then specified from equation (7) as follows: 99
X ne
i ˆ Ti Kej i kj ˆ Dij kj …9†

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Dij ˆ Ti Kej i

is the (N  ne) eigenvalue sensitivity matrix. Equation (9) can be used in

specification of kj by generating inverse or generalized inverse solution. In
fact, when N = ne, then equation (9) can be directly inverted to calculate kj in
terms of i . However, when N > ne, or N < ne, the system of equation (9) is
overdetermined or underdetermined and the generalized inverse solution
should be constructed.
The inverse solution can be constructed by minimizing the properly defined
norm of K and  to the satisfaction of equation (9). Neglecting the variation
of eigenvectors i  0i , and substituting equation into (1) the eigenvalues i ,
we obtain the residual vector:
Ri ˆ K0i ÿ i M0i i ˆ 1; 2; . . . ; N …10†

and its square norm equals:

R ˆ RT Ri ˆ T KT K0i ÿ 2i T KT M0i ‡ 2 T MT M0i …11†
i i 0i 0i i 0i

Neglecting the last term of equation (11) as it does not depend on K, and using
the stiffness matrix variation (equation (8)), we can formulate the minimization
min J ˆ R2 ˆ KT QK ‡ 2KT q…† subject to DK ˆ  …12†

Qij ˆ Tr Kei Kej r ; qi ˆ ÿ r Tr Kei Mr : …13†
rˆ1 rˆ1

the solution of equation (12) provides the generalized inverse of equation (9)
EC (cf. Hassiotis and Jeong, 1995), namely:
18,1/2 K ˆ ÿ Qÿ1 ‰I ÿ DT …DQÿ1 DT †ÿ1 DQÿ1 Šq…†
‡ Qÿ1 DT …DQÿ1 DT †:

The account for the eigenmode variation can be made by applying the modal
100 expansion:
T0k K0i
i ˆ Cik 0k ; Cik ˆ …15†
0i ÿ 0k
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or using the static correction:

i ˆ ÿB0i ‡ B2 0i ÿ B3 0i ‡ . . . ; B ˆ Kÿ1
0 K: …16†

Both relations (15) and (16) present the eigenvector variation i in terms of
stiffness matrix variation K. The residual vector Ri can now be written in the
Ri ˆ K0i ÿ i M0i ‡ …K0 ÿ 0i M†i …17†

where i can be expressed by equation (15) or (16). Taking, for instance, the
first term of equation (16), that is assuming i  ÿBi , the residual vector
can be expressed as follows:
Ri ˆ 0i MBi ÿ i Mi …18†

and its norm now equals:

R ˆ T BT M2 Bi 2 ‡ 2 T M2 i ÿ 2i T M2 Bi : …19†
i i i i i i

The present approach was used in numerous papers. However, it suffers from
the fact of low sensitivity of eigenvalues with respect to localized damage, such
as single macrocrack which affects significantly local strain and stress states,
but the free frequencies representing the global energy measures are not
sensitive for small and localized variation of stiffness. In the paper by MroÂz and
Lekszycki (1998) an alternative approach was presented. Namely, the
additional parameter was introduced into a structure in the form of
concentrated support or mass and the free frequency measurement was
conducted for varying position of support or mass.
In the following, we shall derive the sensitivity of free frequencies with
respect to variation of position of damage and support or concentrated mass.

2.2 Sensitivity analysis with respect to location of damage, support or mass

Consider a beam of length l and bending stiffness EI, with the damaged element
at a distance d from the left beam end. Introduce an additional elastic or rigid
support at a distance s, and a concentrated mass at a distance p (see Figure 1). Damage in beam
The damage will be modeled by assuming the discontinuously varying and plate
stiffness of the beam representative element or by introducing an elastic hinge structures
representing slope discontinuity at the damage location. Consider a free
harmonic vibration of beam structure for which the equation of motion is
formulated as follows:
EIw IV ‡ m! 2 w ˆ 0 …20†

where m = A is the specific beam mass, A and  denote the cross-sectional

area and material density and w(x) is the vibration amplitude. Assume the
system to be modified by translating additional support or mass M along the
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beam. The energy balance equation associated with equation (20) is:
2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
1 1
2 EI  dx ‡ 2 kws ‡ 2 c ÿ 2 ! Mwp ÿ 2 ! mw 2 dx ˆ 0: …21†

The virtual work equation is expressed as follows:

M dx ÿ ! 2 mww  dx ÿ ! 2 Mww p ÿ Rw
s ˆ 0 …22†

where w and  denote the variations at fixed positions, M = EI denotes the
bending moment,  is the beam curvature, k denotes the support stiffness, so its
reaction equals R = kws, and c denotes the hinge stiffness modulus and the
hinge moment equals M = c[] where  = w0 is the deflection slope and []
denotes the slope discontinuity. Consider now the translation of support or
mass. The deflection variations at moving support or mass now are:
 s ‡ w0s s;
ws ˆ w  p ‡ w0p s
wp ˆ w …23†

where ws = w(s) and wp = w(p) are the total variations, w  s = w (s) and
w  (p) are local variations and w0s = w0 (s) = (s) and w0p = w0 (p) = (p) are
 p = w
the deflection slopes at x = s and x = p. Considering variation of equation (21)
induced by support or mass translations and accounting for the virtual work
equations (22) and (23), we obtain the linear sensitivities of eigenvalue:
…! 2 †s ˆ s ˆ Rw0s s ˆ R…s†s;
…! 2 †p ˆ p ˆ M! 2 wp w0p p ˆ M! 2 wp …p†p

where the normalization condition:

Figure 1.
Damaged beam with
additional support and
mass of variable
18,1/2 2
Mw …p† ‡ mw 2 dx ˆ 1 …25†

was applied.
102 It is seen that for translating support the stationarity of eigenvalue occurs
when either R(s) = 0 or (s) = 0. For the translated mass, the stationarity occurs
when either w(p) = 0 or (p) = 0. In the first case the support or mass is placed at
a node of eigenmode R(s) = kw(s) = 0; in the second case, they are placed at
maximal or minimal deflection points (s) = 0, (p) = 0. In general, there will be
numerous extremal positions corresponding to minimal or maximal interaction
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with the vibrating structure.

Similarly, the analysis can be performed with respect to the position d of
damaged segment. Consider first the weakened beam segment of length a.
Assuming its translation, the frequency sensitivity is expressed as follows:
(" # " # )
M2 M2 M2 M2
d ˆ ÿ ‡ ÿ d …26†
…2EI †d …2EI †‡ …2EI †ÿ …2EI †d
xˆd‡a xˆd

where (EI)d is the flexural stiffness of the damaged segment and (EI)± and (EI)+
denote the beam stiffness on the left and right of the damaged segment,
respectively. It is assumed that the bending moment varies continuously at
x = d and x = d + a, but the beam stiffness and mode curvature vary
When modeling the damaged segment as an elastic hinge, we should admit
the slope discontinuity [] = + ± ± at the hinge position x = d and the
constitutive equation of the hinge is M = c[]. The frequency sensitivity now is
expressed as follows:
h ˆ V ‰Šd d …27†

where V = M 0 denotes the shear force. When the hinge is supported by a

concentrated support, then instead of equation (27), there is:

h ˆ ‰V ‡ ‡ ÿ V ÿ ÿ Šd …28†

where V +, + and V ±,  ± are the shear forces and slopes at both sides of the
hinge. Using the relation:
1 1
‰Šd ˆ ‰Š; ‰Š ˆ ÿ …29†
…EI †d EI

the equivalent stiffness modulus of the hinge is:

: …30†
Damage in beam
d IId ÿ 1 and plate
The sensitivity expressions for a beam with translating support, hinge or
segment were treated generally by MroÂz and Dems (1999). The identification of
position, size and orientation of a single crack was carried out by Burczynski 103
and Polch (1994) using the boundary element method and sensitivities
expressed in terms of path-independent integrals derived by Dems and MroÂz
(1986). The sensitivity of plates and beams in the state of vibration and
buckling were studied by Dems and MroÂz (1989), Garstecki and Thermann
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(1992) and Lekszycki and MroÂz (1983).

3. Sensitivity of damage indices in beams for translating support or

mass with respect to damage location
Assume the damage of each beam element to be presented by equation (8), that
Xne Xne
K0 ˆ Kej Kˆ Kej …1 ÿ dj † …31†
jˆ1 jˆ1

where dj = kj represents the damage fraction of the element. From equation (9)
it follows that:
Dij dj
i i iˆ1
DIi ˆ 1 ÿ ˆÿ ˆ N ; Dij ˆ Ti Kej i : …32†
0i 0i P

In particular, when only one element suffers damage, then the damage index
DIi is proportional to the damage fraction of this element, thus:
0 1
B ia C
DIi ˆ B N Cda …33†
@P A

where a denotes the damaged element. The damage location can thus be
detected by studying the variation of damage index with additional structural
parameter, such as additional support or mass position. The present idea is
different from that proposed by Cawley and Adams (1979), who considered the
ratio of variations of two eigenvalues for the same location of damage at the
element a, thus:
EC DIr r Dra
ˆ ˆ …34†
18,1/2 DIs s Dsa

and the ratio (34) is not dependent on the value of the damage fraction da. Now,
however, the damage index is supposed to depend on the varying parameter,
so both damage location and its value can be identified from this dependence.
104 The sensitivity of damage index will be illustrated by the analysis of a
cantilever beam and a beam built-in at one end and simply supported at the
other end.

3.1 Sensitivity of damage index for a cantilever beam

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Consider a cantilever beam of length l = 1(m), rectangular cross-section

b  h = 0.03(m)  0.01(m), made of material whose Young modulus is
E = 2  105(MPa) and specific density equals  = 7,800(kg/m3). The beam is
modeled using 40 one-dimensional two-node beam elements of two degrees of
freedom per node (w, ) (cf. Hinton and Owen, 1979). Damage of the beam is
simulated by the change of cross-sectional stiffness of one element and no
change of mass. It is assumed that the cross-sectional stiffness of element 10 is
reduced by 20 percent and 60 percent, so that (EI )10 = 0.8EI and (EI )10 = 0.4EI.
To analyze the effect of additional support or concentrated mass on natural
frequency, the following cases were considered:
(1) a beam with an additional translating rigid or elastic support
(Figure 2(a) and (b)); and
(2) a beam with an additional mass rigidly or elastically attached
(Figure 2(c) and (d)).
Figures 3-6 present the evolution of damage indices for five eigenvalues
depending on varying position of support or mass. In Figure 3(a) and (b) the
case of rigid support translation is presented for light and severe damage cases.
It is seen for the support position coinciding with the damaged element, that the
damage indices for first, second, fourth and fifth frequencies increase
considerably. In Figure 4(a) and (b) the variation of damage indices is plotted
for the case of an additional elastic support of stiffness cs = 104(MN/m). It is
interesting to note that the support compliance affects significantly the

Figure 2.
Cantilever beam with:
(a) additional rigid
support; (b) additional
elastic support; (c)
additional mass rigidly
attached; and (d)
additional mass
elastically attached
Damage in beam
and plate

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Figure 3.
Evolution of damage
indices for a cantilever
beam with: (a)
translating rigid support
for light damage case;
and (b) translating rigid
support for severe
damage case

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Figure 4.
Evolution of damage
indices for a cantilever
beam with: (a)
translating elastic
support for light
damage case; and (b)
translating elastic
support for severe
damage case
Damage in beam
and plate

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Figure 5.
Evolution of damage
indices for a cantilever
beam with: (a)
translating mass rigidly
attached for light
damage case; and (b)
translating mass rigidly
attached for severe
damage case

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Figure 6.
Evolution of damage
indices for a cantilever
beam with: (a)
translating mass
elastically attached for
light damage case; and
(b) translating mass
elastically attached for
severe damage case
evolution of damage indices. In fact, DI3 is characterized by a maximum at the Damage in beam
position near the damage element, but other indices do not exhibit this and plate
property. Figure 5(a) and (b) correspond to the case of a moving mass structures
M = 100(kg), rigidly attached. The indices for the second and third frequencies
are characterized by a maximum for mass position at the damaged element. For
the elastically attached mass (cspring = 104(MN/m)), the index variation is shown
in Figure 6(a) and (b). It is seen that a strong maximum occurs for the second 109

3.2 Sensitivity of damage indices for a clamped-supported beam

In order to have a better insight into the nature of dynamic response of the
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damaged beam, the case of a beam clamped at one end and simply supported at
the other end was analyzed. Figure 7 presents the analyzed cases for an
additional rigid or elastic support and mass rigidly or elastically attached. The
same data as in the previous example were used, except for a mass spring
modulus, now equal to cspring = 105(MN/m). The variation of damage indices for
severe damage case (EI )10 = 0.4EI are presented in Figure 7(a)-(d). The results
are qualitatively similar to those discussed in the previous example. For the
case of a rigid additional support, the damage indices exhibit maxima for the
first, second and fifth frequencies (Figure 7(a)). However, for the elastic support,
only the damage index DI5 exhibits a maximum, and the index for the second
frequency indicates a minimum.

3.3 Two parameter sensitivity of damage indices in a beam structure

Using the same parameters as in previous examples, consider now
the simultaneous action of two additional masses M1 = M2 = 100(kg)
elastically attached to the beam (spring stiffness c1 = c2 = 100(kN/m)). The
beam element 10 undergoes damage with the reduction in stiffness to 0.4EI.
As the two position parameters p1 and p2 are independent, the variation of
damage indices for the first five free frequencies is presented in Figure 8(a)-(e).
It is seen that the damage index DI1 reaches a maximum when two masses are
located at the damage element (Figure 8(a)). However, the variation of DI2
shown in Figure 8(b) exhibits two maxima, and multiple maxima occur
for fourth and fifth frequencies, while Figure 8(d) and (e) and Figure 9(a)-(e)
present the variation of damage indices for the case of simultaneous
action of an additional elastic support and mass elastically attached to the
beam. It is seen that similarly to the previous case, one or several maxima of
the damage indices occur. By proper selection of mass or support
location parameters, the value of the damage indices can be considerably
increased, thus maximizing the distance between the model and measurement

4. Sensitivity of damage indices in a rectangular plate

Consider now the rectangular plate with two edges built-in and two edges
free (Figure 10). The damaged element is marked in the figure with its

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Figure 7.
Evolution of damage
indices in severe
damage case for a
beam with: (a)
translating rigid
support; (b) translating
elastic support; (c)
translating mass rigidly
attached; and (d)
translating mass
elastically attached
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Figure 7.
and plate

Damage in beam

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Figure 8.
Evolution of damage
indices for a clamped-
supported beam with
two additional masses
elastically attached: (a)
first damage index; (b)
second damage index;
(c) third damage index;
(d) fourth damage index;
and (e) fifth damage
Damage in beam
and plate

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Figure 8.

thickness hd = 0.4h. Similarly as for the beam, consider two masses elastically
attached to the plate and specify the variation of damage indices DI1, DI2
and DI3 for varying mass positions. Figure 11(a)-(c) presents the variation
of damage indices for the case of one mass moving along y-centerline 1-5,
and the other mass moving along x-centerline. It is seen that for the first
and second frequency variations, the value of DIi reaches a maximum for the
mass position coinciding with the damage element. However, this is not a case
for the index DI3 for which a minimum is reached at the mass position
coinciding with the damage location. It is also important to note that the
maximum value could be 20 times larger than the respective minimum value.
This result indicates the strong effect of mass or support position on the
extremal values of DI. For higher frequencies, numerous maxima and minima

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Figure 9.
Evolution of damage
indices for a clamped-
supported beam with
additional elastic
support and mass
elastically attached: (a)
first damage index; (b)
second damage index;
(c) third damage index;
(d) fourth damage index;
and (e) fifth damage
Damage in beam
and plate

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Figure 9.

Figure 10.
Rectangular plate with
damaged element
divided into 4  8 finite

5. Damage identification based on distance norm dependent on

varying structural parameters
The present idea of identification is based on the concept of measurement of
free frequencies for a specified set of additional parameter values. The next
step would lead to optimal selection of these values maximizing the distance
norm between the model and experimental data.

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Figure 11.
Variation of damage
indices for: (a) first;
(b) second; and (c) third
eigenvalues in a
rectangular plate with
two additional masses
translating along x- and
Consider a cantilever beam divided into 20 finite elements with 21 nodal points Damage in beam
(Figure 2(a)). Introduce a rigid support within the beam span l. Let the support and plate
position be a varying structural parameter and measurements of n frequencies structures
are performed for n values of structural parameter. Introduce the objective
1X m X N
Iˆ …! 2 ÿ ! 2e ij †2 …35†
2 iˆ1 jˆ1 ij

where i = 1, 2, . . ., m denotes the number of support positions and j = 1, 2, . . ., N

denotes the number of free frequencies used in the identification procedure.
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Here !ij denotes the j-th model predicted natural frequency of a beam
supported at i-th point and !e ij denotes the measured respective frequency.
The objective functional depends on a set of damage parameters dk to be
identified and on a set of values of a control parameter p (support positions)
induced in order to enlarge the set of available data and generate a more
sensitive response with respect to introduced damage. The optimization
problem is thus formulated as follows:
min I ˆ I …di ; p1 ; p2 ; . . . ; pm †

!2 EI …36†

subject to …K ÿ M† ˆ 0;  ˆ 4 :

A more general formulation would be related to specification of the values p1,

p2, . . ., pm so that:
min min I ˆ I …di ; pl † i ˆ 1; 2; . . . ; N ; l ˆ 1; 2; . . . ; m: …37†
di pl

In this paper, we shall present the examples of identification based on the

functional (35). The additional supports were assumed to be installed
consecutively at three nodes: 5, 11 and 17, and for more refined identification at
five nodes: 5, 9, 13, 17 and 21.
Figures 12-14 present some identification results. In the numerical process,
the sensitivity gradient optimization was applied and stiffness moduli of
different number of finite elements (EI )i were identified. Figure 12 presents
graphically the results of identification for a beam with element 10 weakened,
so that (EI )10 = 0.6EI. Prediction 1 was generated for seven varying element
stiffness moduli, and prediction 2 was obtained for five varying stiffness
Figures 13 and 14 present the identification results for a beam with damage
element 15, (EI )15 = 0.6EI, using three and five support positions in order to
enlarge the available data. It is seen that the accuracy of prediction increases
with the number of additional supports. However, as there was no constraint
set on the stiffness variation, the model predicts some element stiffness moduli


Figure 12.
Identification of a
cantilever beam with
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damage in element 10

Figure 13.
Identification of a
cantilever beam with
damage in element 15
for the case of three
positions of additional

Figure 14.
Identification of a
cantilever beam with
damage in element 15
for the case of five
positions of additional
higher than EI. The numerical procedure will be combined with experimental Damage in beam
verification. and plate
6. Concluding remarks
The present paper is concerned with the damage identification method using
parameter dependent evolution of natural frequencies. One or two parameter
dependence of eigenvalues can be generated by introducing masses or supports 119
to an analyzed structure, thus augmenting the set of measured data and
allowing for detection of localized damage. The method can be combined with
parameter dependent static or forced vibration measurements.
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