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Number of array elements derivable from D after performing certain operations

Difficulty Level : Medium

Last Updated : 09 Jan, 2019
Given an array of N integers and 3 integers D, A and B. The task is to find the
number of array elements that we can convert D into by performing the following
operations on D:

Add A (+A)
Subtract A (-A)
Add B (+B)
Subtract B (-B)
Note: It is allowed to perform any number of operations of any type.


Input : arr = {1, 2, 3}, D = 6, A = 3, B = 2

Output : 3
We can derive 1 from D by performing (6 - 3(A) - 2(B))
We can derive 2 from D by performing (6 - 2(A) - 2(A))
We can derive 3 from D by performing (6 - 3(A))
Thus, All array elements can be derived from D.

Input : arr = {1, 2, 3}, D = 7, A = 4, B = 2

Output : 2
We can derive 1 from D by performing (7 - 4(A) - 2(B))
We can derive 3 from D by performing (7 - 4(A))
Thus, we can derive {1, 3}

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