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Catcher In the rye

(summary chapter 22)

Phoebe continues to be terribly upset over Holden's dismissal from Pencey

Prep. She is sure that their father will be very upset with her brother. Holden
says he'll merely be sent to a military school, if he is still around; he plans to
head for Colorado to work on a ranch. Holden tries to explain to Phoebe what
a terrible place Pencey is. He doesn't like anything there. But she concludes
that he doesn't like anything anywhere and challenges him to name one thing
that he likes. Holden tries to focus on the issue, but his mind drifts. Phoebe
interrupts and repeats the challenge to think of one thing that Holden likes. He
says he likes Allie, but Phoebe counters that Allie is dead and doesn't count.
He says he likes talking with her, but Phoebe answers, "That isn't
anything really." Phoebe changes the topic and asks Holden to name
something he would like to be. After some consideration, he says he would
like to be the catcher in the rye and explains to her what that means to him.

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