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Authors: Syed Safiullah Nasir, Ifra Bint e Amin

Class: BBA ‘A’ 2019

Report 1

Word count: 856


We were given an assignment about interviewing adults (parents, uncles, grandparents) on their
life and then preparing a report on it. We interviewed parents and maternal grandparents. The
reason for this research was to understand how the generations before us lived and how their life
was different than the present human life. This includes advancements in technology, different
circumstances that carved their life into what it is now and how culture played a role in shaping
their life.


We were given a set of questions by our lecturer Ms. Mahvesh Khan. These questions were
asked from the interviewees and they answered in their preferred language. A microphone was
used to carry out the interview. A recorder was also used to record the interviews over a phone


From Safiullah’s interviews

My uncle’s favorite childhood memory includes going to England during his father’s service,
him being a federal board champion and federal board team captain of squash in Rawalpindi. My
grandmother’s favorite childhood memories include strolling in the country fields and eating
fresh fruits of the trees. She also reminisced about her eating corn and playing in the fields with
her friends and cousins.

Moving on to the adult life, my uncle told that he has been married for 21 years and said that he
was married when he was a captain in Pak Army, which leads us to his job. He said that he
served for 29 years and it was an experience he will never forget. He was very satisfied with his
job. My Grandmother told that she was married at a young age and mostly did house chores. She
got the chance to visit and live in every province of Pakistan, which she described as an awe-
inspiring experience.

The most important life lesson for my uncle is to plan the future beforehand, look at the bigger
picture and never stress on what’s going to happen as long as you know that you’re ready for it.
My grandmother said that whether we are talking about education or life in general, we should
work with all our heart. This will lead to us relying on no one other than ourselves.

Changes my uncle observed include technological ones, such as smartphones. Travelling is much
easier and more comfortable. My Grandmother had similar thoughts saying that she didn’t know
much about the world outside her village but now she has the ability to know what’s going on
around the world easily.

Both of them told that the one thing they would like to change is them getting more education.
My uncle said that although he is satisfied with what he has accomplished, he always had the
urge to get more education.

From Ifra’s interviews

My parents’ favorite memories were full of those curricular activities that a generation before us
enjoyed doing. The most vivid childhood memory painted across my father’s mind was when he
used to go to his uncle’s place in the village and how he would wish staying there for the longest.
For my mother it was strolling through the streets of her hometown in the evening.

Upon asking how my father spent most of his adult life, he told me that he has always been a
man with deep admiration for nature, loved animals and was very interested in sports. My
mother viewed her adult life as a streak of increasing responsibilities over the years.

Moving on to the outlooks on life and important lessons learnt my parents were drowned in
emotions. My father started talking about how he has learnt to not take decisions when you are
angry. He continued with a whole 15-minute personal story that led to this conclusion of his. On
the other hand, my mother appeared disappointed with her life because she finds herself
surrounded in these household responsibilities that she can’t get rid of. The important lesson she
has learnt over time was that living a conflict-free life is essential to stay happy.
The major changes in my parents' life were the responsibilities they got after their parents, the
most difficult of all was making these tough decisions on their own.

Things that my father would change in life varied from being a more religious person to wishing
that his children would become more independent and take better care of themselves without
needing much guidance from anyone. My mother was disappointed with her life and said that she
wanted so many things changed that she wished she could start over.


The interviews conducted above paints a beautiful picture in the mind regarding how life has
changed for these people from the above two generations. The most distinguishable features in
both the generations were the technological advancements that took place over the years. All
these things led to a better lifestyle yet the memories from childhood and adult life were
expressed with mad emotions. Life lessons were subject to their own personal experiences and
the things all of them wished for were the things they felt they were devoid of.

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