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Emily Marino

Mrs. McClusky
Newborn Assessment

Assessing the newborn as required from the charts was a new experience that I enjoyed

learning from. The newborn that I assessed on February 28th was born at 36 weeks with

cannabinoid in his system. His mother had potential underlying problems that may have

contributed to her lack of prenatal visits and interest in taking precautions for this baby during

her pregnancy. The baby was 4 pounds 6 ounces at birth with an APGAR score of 7/8. Assessing

this particular newborn allowed me to fully understand how development, birth weight and

outside factors affect the functioning and health of the baby.

I prepared this assessment by observing my clinical instructor perform the assessment on

a newborn in the nursery. Once I completed my assessment on my newborn, I compared my

findings with what was provided in the packet as reference. I identified what was normal and

abnormal. One difficulty that surfaced during the assessment was the mother’s concern and

constant questioning. Although this is to be expected, this was my first in depth newborn

assessment and it was difficult to focus. Secondly and most importantly, any assessment is

difficult on a newborn when they are crying and resisting. Overall, I would express that I did a

great job with the assessment, including all the outside factors that made it difficult. I feel that I

have gotten the kinks out and would perform even more efficiently with the next assessment.

During this assignment, I learned that it is important to fully understand the requirements asked

of me. Furthermore, it is crucial to understand the purpose behind the assessment in order to

comfort and educate the family. I have professionally and personally grown from my experience.

I now understand how important it is to learn as a student but explain and teach as a nurse. This

assessment allowed me to view myself as a nurse for the first time and continue to grow as one.

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