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I am open to any spiritual guidance that I should focus on today.

Lam open to insight into interpreting a specific dream.

I am open to guidance on interpreting my intuitive hit regarding

Interpreting Your Archetypal Patterns

Once you’ve finished the process of selecting all 36 archetypes and

placing them within their respective wheels, you’re ready to examine the
significance of the results. Begin by understanding the different characters
of the three wheels, and the relative significance of archetypes landing
within one or the other of them. As noted, the Chronos Wheel represents
the archetypes that connect most directly to your physical life. These are
the patterns that engage in the components of your everyday existence in
an almost tactile way. :

For example, people who are lawyers by profession should consider 3

the Judge archetype as suited to their Chronos Wheel, because their lives q
revolve around the management of the law and justice. The shadow side of
the Judge may be appropriate for people, such as corporate lawyers, who :
use their knowledge of the law to take advantage of the system for person- 4
al financial gain at the expense of others. I can’t imagine that many people 4
would choose this archetype based on their shadow legal involvements, 4
even though that choice is completely on target for them, because they 4
might unconsciously block it out. q

The point is that you need to be aware of the prismlike nature of arche- §
types. They are fluid patterns of consciousness, and interpreting their mean- 4
ings and manifestations requires far more imagination than a simple defini- 4
tion of how that archetype shows up as an occupation. Many people who @
aren’t lawyers, for instance, are nevertheless directed by moral or ethical con- 4
cems that manifest in ways other than in the courtroom. They may interact 4
with the law by writing on the subject, as teachers, journalists, or parents who #
guide their children into adulthood by passing on strong codes of honor. '


Always keep in mind that in your Chronos Wheel, the archetypes you choose
are the ones that you can most easily see in motion in your everyday life.
The Kairos Wheel, which is the interior wheel, represents a subtler
part of your nature: fragments of yourself that reflect your deeper myster-
ies, like realized interior aspects that are longing to be named or identified.
These are the archetypal patterns that often emerge under extreme condi-
tions, such as when you're frightened, depressed, or profoundly empow-
ered. These patterns can reflect your fantasy self, images that represent
what you'd like to be or achieve. They may also reflect what you’re
attracted to in others, representing qualities in yourself that you have yet
to recognize, but can see more readily in other people. These archetypes
create the alchemy that keeps your interior process of transformation in
motion. The archetypes that land in this wheel, therefore, should be inter-
preted with the understanding that they’re catalysts, aspects of yourself
that you witness occasionally, but not constantly, as you do those in the
Chronos Wheel. :

The characteristics of these archetypes need to be coaxed into your

conscious mind because at first glance they may not seem to relate to you.
Suppesc, for example, that you intuitively select the Pirate archetype, or
the Prophet. Your first response will be to interpret those two archetypes
literally as opposed to symbolically and with a fluid imagination. You
might dismiss the Pirate because you associate it with bandit ships on the
high seas whose crews steal and smuggle. As for the Prophet, the idea that
you might be a “vision-carrier” could strike you as being as far from your
nature as any archetype could be. And yet, you have to remind yourself
that not only are you defining these archetypes in their most literal,
mundane form, but you’re also failing to use a prismatic imagination to
consider their many subtle implications.

_ _ How many ways can you define “smuggling”? Did you ever smuggle
information via the Internet? One man’s method of trying to get close to
People, for instance, was to smuggle financial or contractual information
about co-workers to certain other individuals in the hopes of creating a
close and trusting friendship with them. Although he was not a smuggler
°F pirate in the conventional sense, this trait was a prominent fragment of
wa dow that he needed to understand. His penchant for pirating finan-

4 wasn’t a constant, in that he didn’t build his life around this


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