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Name: Ahmed Abba Abubakar

Candidate Number: BU/14A/SCI/1047

Date of Submission: 25/07/2016


Course Code: CHM
Tutor: Mr. Agogo, Hezekiah.O.  B.Eng., M.Sc., Ph.D., MNSE, ICHEME

It is the gradual deterioration of materials (usually metals) by chemical and/or
electrochemical reaction with their environment to form a more stable compound, such as its
oxide, hydroxide, or sulfide. Deterioration means degradation of physical properties of the
material. This can be a weakening of the material due to a loss of cross-sectional area, it can
be the shattering of a metal due to hydrogen embrittlement, or it can be the cracking of a
polymer due to sunlight exposure.

Materials can be metals, polymers (plastics, rubbers, etc.), ceramics (concrete, brick, etc.) or
composites-mechanical mixtures of two or more materials with different properties.

There are about 14 types of corrosion. However, there are 5 general types: galvanic, stress
cracking, general, localized and caustic agent corrosion.

Galvanic corrosion is extraordinarily common, and occurs when two metals with different
electrochemical charges are linked via a conductive path. Corrosion occurs when metal ions
move from the anodized metal to the cathodic metal. In this case, a corrosion resistant
coating would be applied to prevent either the transfer of ions or the condition that causes
it. Galvanic corrosion can also occur when one impure metal is present. If a metal contains a
combination of alloys that possess different charges, one of the metals can become
corroded. The anodized metal is the weaker, less resistant one, and loses ions to the
stronger, positively charged cathodic metal. Without exposure to an electrical current, the
metal corrodes uniformly; this is then known as general corrosion.

Stress-corrosion cracking (SCC) can seriously damage a component beyond the point of
repair. When subjected to extreme tensile stress, a metal component can experience SCC
along the grain boundary—cracks form, which are then targets for further corrosion. There
are multiple causes of SCC, including stress caused by cold work, welding, and thermal
treatment. These factors, combined with exposure to an environment that often increases
and intensifies stress-cracking, can mean a part goes from suffering minor stress-corrosion
to experiencing failure or irreparable damage.


General corrosion/Uniform Corrosion occurs as a result of rust. When metal, specifically
steel or iron, is exposed to water or air, the surface is oxidized and a thin layer of rust
materializes. General corrosion is an electrochemical reaction. In order to prevent oxidation,
a preventative coating must interfere with the reaction, whether by painting the metal
surface or by electroplating, etc.

Localized corrosion occurs when a small part of a component experiences corrosion or

comes in contact with specific corrosion-causing stresses. Because the small “local” area
corrodes at a much fast rate than the rest of the component, and the corrosion works
alongside other processes such as stress and fatigue, the end result is much worse than the
result of stress or fatigue alone.

Caustic agent corrosion occurs when impure gas, liquids, or solids wear a material down.
Although most impure gases do not damage metal in dry form, when exposed to moisture
they dissolve to form harmful corrosive droplets. Hydrogen sulfide is an example of one such
caustic agent.

Other Types Of corrosion are elaborated on a little bit below:

Pitting corrosion is localized corrosion that occurs at microscopic defects on a metal

surface. The pits are often found underneath surface deposits caused by corrosion product

Intergranular corrosion is an attack on or adjacent to the grain boundaries of a metal or


Erosion corrosion is the result of a combination of an aggressive chemical environment and

high fluid-surface velocities.


Four elements need to be present for corrosion to occur and collectively referred to as the
corrosion cell: an anode (+), a cathode (-), a metallic conductor and an electrolyte. Changing
the potency of the electrolyte affects the rate of corrosion.

The factors discussed below will be about corrosion in metals mainly, as, these are the
materials that exhibit corrosion the most.

 Reactivity of metal: More Reactive metals corrode faster than less reactive metals.
For example the reactive metals like Na, K, Mg, and Zn are more susceptible for
corrosion. The noble metals like Ag, Au, Pt, and Pd are less susceptible for corrosion.
 Presence of gases like SO2 and CO2: Presence of impurities like SO2, CO2 in the
environment increases the rate of corrosion due to acidic conditions created by their
dissolution. For example, when SO2 is present as impurity in the atmosphere, it


combines with moisture or rain water forming sulphuric acid. In the presence of an
acid metals like iron are more susceptible for corrosion.
 Oxygen: Like water, oxygen increases the rate of corrosion. Corrosion can take place
in an oxygen-deficient environment, but the rate of the corrosion reaction (and
destruction of the metal) is generally much slower. In immersed conditions, if an
electrolyte is in contact with one area of metal containing more oxygen than the
electrolyte in contact with another area of the metal, the higher oxygen-
concentration area is cathodic relative to the remaining surface. An oxygen
concentration cell then forms, which results in rapid corrosion.
 Temperature: Corrosion reactions are electrochemical in nature and usually
accelerate with increasing temperature; therefore, corrosion proceeds faster in
warmer environments than in cooler ones.
 Chemical Salts: Chemical salts increase the rate of corrosion by increasing the
efficiency (conductivity) of the electrolyte. The most common chemical salt is sodium
chloride, a major element of seawater. Sodium chloride deposited on
atmospherically exposed surfaces also acts as a hygroscopic material (i.e., it extracts
moisture from the air), which then increases the corrosion in non-immersed areas.
 Humidity/Moisture: Humidity and time-of-wetness play a large role in promoting
and accelerating corrosion rates. Time-of-wetness refers to the length of time an
atmospherically exposed substrate has sufficient moisture to support the corrosion
process. The wetter the environment, the more corrosion is likely to occur.
 Pollutants: Acid rain (a chemical by-product from manufacturing and processing
plants), and chlorides (in coastal areas) promote corrosion. Acid gases, such as
carbon dioxide, can also dissolve in a film of moisture in contact with the metal.
 PH of the medium: In general, lower the pH, the higher the rate of corrosion. If the
pH is greater than 10, corrosion of the metal is very slow. If pH is between 10 and 3,
then the presence of oxygen is essential for corrosion of iron. If the pH is 3 or lower
than 3 severe corrosion occurs in the absence of air due to the continuous evolution
of H2 at cathode. However, this is not always the case because metals like Al, Zn etc.,
undergo fast corrosion in highly alkaline medium.

Surface treatments……………………………………………………………
Applied coatings

Plating, painting, and the application of enamel are the most common anti-corrosion
treatments. They work by providing a barrier of corrosion-resistant material between the
damaging environment and the structural material. Aside from cosmetic and manufacturing
issues, there may be trade-offs in mechanical flexibility versus resistance to abrasion and
high temperature. Platings usually fail only in small sections, but if the plating is more noble


than the substrate (for example, chromium on steel), a galvanic couple will cause any
exposed area to corrode much more rapidly than an unplated surface would. For this reason,
it is often wise to plate with active metal such as zinc (Plating with zinc is special and thus is
termed Galvanization) or cadmium.

Painting either by roller or brush is more desirable for tight spaces; spray would be better for
larger coating areas such as steel decks and waterfront applications. Flexible polyurethane
coatings, like Durabak-M26 for example, can provide an anti-corrosive seal with a highly
durable slip resistant membrane. Painted coatings are relatively easy to apply and have fast
drying times although temperature and humidity may cause dry times to vary.

Reactive coatings

If the environment is controlled (especially in recirculating systems), corrosion inhibitors can

often be added to it. These chemicals form an electrically insulating or chemically
impermeable coating on exposed metal surfaces, to suppress electrochemical reactions.
Such methods make the system less sensitive to scratches or defects in the coating, since
extra inhibitors can be made available wherever metal becomes exposed. Chemicals that
inhibit corrosion include some of the salts in hard water, chromates, phosphates, polyaniline,
other conducting polymers and a wide range of specially-designed chemicals that resemble
surfactants (i.e. long-chain organic molecules with ionic end groups).


Aluminium alloys often undergo a surface treatment. Electrochemical conditions in the bath
are carefully adjusted so that uniform pores, several nanometres wide, appear in the metal's
oxide film. These pores allow the oxide to grow much thicker than passivating conditions
would allow. At the end of the treatment, the pores are allowed to seal, forming a harder-
than-usual surface layer. If this coating is scratched, normal passivation processes take over
to protect the damaged area.

***Note: - As a technique, passivation is the use of a light coat of a protective material, such
as metal oxide, to create a shell against corrosion. Passivation can occur only in certain
conditions, and is used in microelectronics to enhance silicon. ****

Anodizing is very resilient to weathering and corrosion, so it is commonly used for buildings
and other areas where the surface will come into regular contact with the elements. While
being resilient, it must be cleaned frequently. If left without cleaning, panel edge staining will
eventually occur.


Biofilm coatings

This is a new form of protection that has been developed by applying certain species of
bacterial films to the surface of metals in highly corrosive environments. This process
increases the corrosion resistance substantially. Alternatively, antimicrobial-producing
biofilms can be used to inhibit mild steel corrosion from sulfate-reducing bacteria.

Controlled permeability formwork…………………………………………

Controlled permeability formwork (CPF) is a method of preventing the corrosion of
reinforcement by naturally enhancing the durability of the cover during concrete placement.
CPF has been used in environments to combat the effects of carbonation, chlorides, frost
and abrasion.

Cathodic protection…………………………………………………………
Cathodic protection (CP) is a technique to control the corrosion of a metal surface by
making that surface the cathode of an electrochemical cell. Cathodic protection systems are
most commonly used to protect steel, and pipelines and tanks; steel pier piles, ships, and
offshore oil platforms.

Sacrificial anode protection

For effective Cathodic Protection, the potential of the steel surface is polarized (pushed)
more negative until the metal surface has a uniform potential. With a uniform potential, the
driving force for the corrosion reaction is halted. For galvanic CP systems, the anode material
corrodes under the influence of the steel, and eventually it must be replaced. The
polarization is caused by the current flow from the anode to the cathode, driven by the
difference in electrode potential between the anode and the cathode.

Impressed current cathodic protection

For larger structures, galvanic anodes cannot economically deliver enough current to
provide complete protection. Impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) systems use
anodes connected to a DC power source (such as a cathodic protection rectifier). Anodes for
ICCP systems are tubular and solid rod shapes of various specialized materials. These include
high silicon cast iron, graphite, mixed metal oxide or platinum coated titanium or niobium
coated rod and wires.


Anodic protection……………………………………………………………
Anodic protection impresses anodic current on the structure to be protected (opposite to
the cathodic protection). It is appropriate for metals that exhibit passivity (e.g. stainless steel)
and suitably small passive current over a wide range of potentials. It is used in aggressive
environments, such as solutions of sulfuric acid.



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