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Summer students will give a big thanks to Sweco and Aspelin Ramm, to our supervisors and colleagues for help,
advice and support, and for the opportunity to work with an interesting problemstilling.Vi also want to thank Ingrid
and Adis from Norwegian Recycling for exciting inspection, using the task. We would also like to thank Geir Roll
Johnsen, from STRAK AS, for interesting inspection, with many interesting remarks regarding former and current
planning in this area. Thanks!

"Manufacturing Town" is 2019 edition of the annual student project - a collaboration between SWECO and
Aspelin Ramm, where students with different scientific backgrounds are handpicked, and during the summer, is
reply to a question. Time is short: a total of seven weeks. The submitted material is twofold and consists of a main
report (which you now hold in your hand - or read on screen) and a final presentation. This year's theme is urban
development in manufacturing - and industrial areas. Is there an alternative to gentrification, where production and
the industry increasingly moves further out towards the periphery in favor of lucrative residential development? Is it
possible to integrate existing manufacturing companies with housing? And what qualities and opportunities to
production space in the city provide? These are questions that we asked ourselves along the way. The answers can
be found in this report. Good reading!

Tobias Wihl - Architecture, AHO (project manager)

Hanna Meyer Thuestad - Urban Planning, NMBU

Johanne Svendsen Helvik - Landscaping Services,


Ida Højlund Rasmussen - Plan, City & Proces, Roskilde

University Aksel Helmersen - Physical Planning, NTNU

Inga Bertelsen - Civil and Environmental Engineering,


Production is tantamount manufacturing products, whose purpose is to provide profits from sales of products.
Today, standardized production, known as industry, mainly flagged out to countries where costs are lower. In this
report, and unless otherwise specified, the term production is used as an umbrella term for manufacturing, logistics
and warehousing. In those cases we are talking about production in the classical sense, this will be emphasized.


2. location and Requirements Analysis 8

2.1 location and NEEDS ANALYSIS 9
2.3 SWOT 16


4.2 SANSING 23

5. GRIP 25

6.1 SUMMARY 58

In the post-industrial urban development paradigm has production been pushed out of the city
for the benefit of the knowledge-intensive industry, and residential and recreational purposes.
Where production previously was a natural part of the cityscape, as Freia factory and port
warehouse once was, has this sector and the people who work in it, gave way to recreation,
culture, cafes and the things of the creative class to. Production in other words, an unwanted
part of the cityscape, and also serves as an essential part of the city. The coffee, clothes,
furniture and food needs, after all, produced, transported and stored somewhere, and all the
garbage it generates must also be sorted and handled. Much of this process takes place in the
periphery of the city center. It belongs another world. How mixed is this mixed-city actually? (...). Looking back
That supply chain is no longer visible in the city might do something with our knowledge of, and at how we organized this wave of urban regeneration,
relationship to things. The increased consumption suggest in any case on a wider use-and-
throw-away mentality, which in turn has major repercussions for the climate. It may be
we can see how we have systematically excluded one
interesting, on the basis of an urban professional perspective, to examine how one can help to program: the productive economy. Every warehouse has
reverse this trend. This will necessarily involve a change from linear to circular economy.
Become loft apartments, every industrial shed an arts or
We wishes to challenge current urban development paradigm by asking us about the
production can once again become an integral and natural part of the urban functions that
leisure centers, every brownfield a fresh residential
surround us in everyday life. neigh- borhood. The productive economy has left the
The following is assumed for Production City: city to the periphery (Europan 14)
"Production should be Encouraged in the city, ask part of the fabric, ask allowed to be seen,
connected two shared daily life, nurtured and celebrated" (Europan 14)

How can production combined with good urban development?
The premise of the project is to keep production in the city, so that the sector does not
continually pressed outwards in densely populated areas, with the social and environmental
the consequences it holds. The overriding question is whether production can be combined with
other urban functions, and how they seemingly conflicting features of this case can be

The issue will be studied on two levels. At a higher level, we will try to sketch out some
universal principles. Then these principles will be used to illustrate how it can look like in
practice, in a selected case area.

p. 5 of 61
Through introducing production as an integral and transparent part of city life puts Production City
agenda for a real sustainable, multifunctional and socially inclusive city.

1: The Visibility and conservation of existing manufacturing and industrial

There are several reasons why visibility and conservation of existing production is p. 6 of 61
essential in manufacturing city. On the one hand it is about preserving embossed, so that
place attachment and identity of typical production areas remain. It also has an economic
and environmental dimension, where extension of production stands in the way of
sustainable development. Visibility is also understood more figuratively. Visibility of
consumer goods, ie their journey from creation to become part of the waste and recycling
process, can make the supply chain between the consumer and consumable clearer. To

In London, it has recently been decided to weigh bins at restaurants to make visible to the
owners how much waste they produce - and therefore how much money they are losing
(The Cunto et al., 2017: 32). Thus seen an economic advantage in visibility of waste
production. In the food industry alone, there are also clear advantages in local, short-
distance production to transport goods from the production site to the refrigerated counter,
and on to the dining table. In Paris, among other things introduced "Plan Alimentation
Durable", a sustainability-oriented program where the city's public canteens and schools
need to focus on local foods and seasonal products. This has meant that more than 77
percent of the fruits and vegetables that are served in city cafeterias manufactured within
250 km (The Cunto et al., 2017: 33).

GOAL 2: A socially integrated and sustainable district

The goal of a socially integrated and sustainable district involves creating awareness of
consumption, and a sense of responsibility of the consumer and resident. That is a
responsibility to the community, and a recognition of the diversity that cities gladly
steeped. To ensure diversity, it is necessary with mixed residential and ownership
factors, not least also to ensure that people from different walks of life also can have the
opportunity to live and work in the city. It can for example be in the form of public and
worker housing. Local Assembly Houses, shared services and facilities will also be able
to contribute to creating social ties to citizens in between, and encourage participation in
production pattern and share the economy. The goal of a socially integrated and
sustainable district hangs in this respect with the goal of identifying and conservation of

Goal 3: An efficient transport and logistics system

An efficient transport and logistics system is required for the establishment of the second
byfunksjo- pensations associated with production. It is about creating connections in the
area but also for the city in its entirety. It does linking to existing nodes, and
creation of new. The transport system must take into account the human scale, and have
a clear sustainable dimension. Vulnerable road users and public transport must, in other
words priority over private car. It is also necessary to recognize that the transport of goods
at different scales is a natural consequence of the production. Increased e-commerce, and
consequently also increased parcel distribution, is an apparent trend. Varetransport must
therefore also be given priority, and should also be included as part of an effective and
sustainable logistics system.
GOAL 4: From a gray to a blue, gray and green district
Production areas characterized delighted by dominant gray structures, cars
and massive buildings to be shown. Such hard surfaces makes production
areas particularly prone to flooding. The start- up of the eaves structures is
thus necessary to ensure that the local surface water management, among
others. Teal structures may also be a way to disguise the "negative" aspects of
production, such as noise and odor, in addition to creating
recreational areas and social meeting places. At the same time can also be
interesting to highlight some of the often overlooked qualities in gray
structures, so that the identity and place attachment preserved.

GOAL 5: To reduce fuel consumption and emissions

An important aspect which should be taken into account in the development,
the environmental impact associated with consumption and emissions. For
example, we know that transport accounts for one of the largest greenhouse
gas emissions in Norway, and that road transport account for a larger share of
these emissions. To reduce fuel consumption and emissions may apparently
appear as a contrast to synliggjø- ring and conservation of existing production.
It still has a clear correlation, where the circular economy is a key word. This
includes setting up the framework for the economic interests behind the
production, so that exhaustion and overuse avoided.
Reduction of fuel consumption and emissions is required in all aspects,
and hangs in respect with all the above goals.

p. 5 of 61

BATCH & INDUSTRY: The area has high density of existing
industrial, manufacturing and logistics oriented companies.

HOUSING: The area has a shortage of housing, but is close to the existing
residential areas.

Green structures: The area lacks paired green infrastructure

recreation areas.

CENTER: The area is a hub, logistics, and is dominated by

motor-driven transport.

Landmarks: area contains landmarks that may create a strong

identity for manufacturing city special and Hovinheia town general.

Haraldrud is located just outside the ring 3 in Oslo.

The selected case area in this report is Haraldrud. Haraldrud is part of Hovin town,
and a priority for the City of Oslo. The reason for this effort is that Oslo has a high
growth in population and that Hovinheia city potentially could hold approximately
50,000 to 60,000 new residents and 50 000 to 100 000
jobs. To date there are approximately 40,000 residents and 50,000
jobs in this part of Oslo.

Hovinheia city includes several sub-areas, including Økern Ensjø, Wolf and
Haraldrud. The sub-areas have different characteristics, and a total of about the
size of the central Oslo, within Ring 2 (City of Oslo, the Strategic Plan for Hovin-

The selected area for planning ranging from increases Center in the west, to Alna
station in the east, bordered by Alna Line in the south and the subway line to the
north. The infrastructural years surrounding area serves as physical barriers and
can thus be seen as a natural boundary. The spatial area is roughly the size of
downtown Oslo (Ring 1).

The appraisal of the project area.

location and
p. 7 of 61
2.1 Location and BEHOVHANALYSE
This is a brief summary of location and needs analysis, where the area's opportunities and needs has been emphasized. Please see attached nowhere and needs analysis for additional information.

Place and needs analysis is the result of a week's work in the area. Using photographs, drawings, interviews and own data collection area existing conditions has been mapped and analyzed. The
observations are divided into the following categories: 1. identity and history, 2. building typologies and urban environment, 3. natural conditions and eaves structures, 4. manufacturing and industry,
as well 5. mobility, transport and infrastructure.

The observations are summarized in the form of a mental map that illustrates how the area is perceived today. Observations have also been a SWOT analysis (Strengths, weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
which forms the basis for strategies and grips in this report.

Photographs of the current situation on Haraldrud.

p. 10 of 61
- 8 monuments of varying value (two conserved under planning and
Building Act, and the remaining is a listed property).

- Manufacturing and Industry was formerly a key company in the area.

-Several of the land and buildings in the area have a common history,
and included in total in the story of technological development, industry
and manufacturing.

Standard telephone and cable factory Hotel 33

PEX Tower increases center


Localization of selected Landmarks and cultural heritage

OPPORTUNITIES AND NEEDS Standard Telephone and Cable Factory (No.3): The brick factory was built in 1916. The company had over
4,000 employees in the 70s and was one of Oslo's largest workplaces. Kabelgaten worked in his time as a
- Preserved cultural monuments and landmarks make the historical readability communication link between the various buildings. Railroad tracks joined the factory to Alna Line and is still
clearly. visible today. The facility consisted of an administrative building, a characteristic port building and a factory
- Kabelgata that transformation object.
Hotel 33 (no.3): Administration building from 1967 currently houses the Hotel 33. The building is designed by Erling
- Identity-creating elements could provide varied and diverse urban spaces. Viksjø
and was awarded the Norwegian Heritage 'Olavsrosa' in 2012.
- STK appears as an important company in an industry historically.
PEX Tower (no.3): Is 1969 and was built for the production of PEX. In the tower took an industrial
- Preservation of the building will be identity-building and good from an production method for machining of metals and plastics. Today owner Oxer Property tower and it's
environmental perspective. called Tower Kulturarena.

- Reusing materials from buildings will also be creating an identity. Increases Center: Built to relieve the center, and was completed in 1970. Increases center was then the
largest office building, and one of the tallest buildings in Oslo.

p. 9 of 61
Building typologies & Living Environments
- Massive, low and bulky to industrial buildings, with elements of some high buildings
(eg. Oxer tower).

- Surface dominated by gråstruktur consisting of parking and parking spaces.

- Low utilization of area, closed facades and buildings withdrawn from street level provides a
experienced long distance for pedestrians.

- Few or no public or private spaces that invite to meetings, residence and activity, and also
get food and beverage outlets.

- The traffic hinders accessibility for pedestrians and the opportunity for spontaneous
meetings and

- Functions and activities are geared towards industrial activities and planned on the basis of
Mapping the larger open area currently used for no parking or pitches.
- No homes in the area.

- Unclear definitions of public / private space.


- Clear distinction between private and public space.

- Establish housing in the area, often in combination with industry where


- Large untapped area can be used for many different purposes.

- Buildings at street level and active facades may shorten the perceived
distance and applying a human scale.

- Co-location of such parking (garage) will release large

amounts area.

One of the many parking spaces on site. Here from the back of One of the few eateries in the area. Brobekk grill & pizza snugly on
Fabrikkhallen Kabelgata. Brobekkveien.

p. 11 of 61
NATURE AND RELATIONSHIP blue-green structure

- Not particularly prone to flooding.

- Challenges of surface water due to the large and hard surfaces.

- Hovinheia Pelvic is piped under area.

- Proven contaminated soil conditions in several places.

- Good sun in the area due to large open spaces and low buildings.
Eng relating to Østre Aker Church. This is the largest green structure south of the area, but is
not readily available as it is today.
- Rock on site provides good soil.

- Something vegetation in the form of narrow discounts positioned close to the busy road. Not suitable
for longer stays,
and probably low species diversity.

- Lack of parks and continuous green.

- Environmental concerns related to noise, odors, air pollution and littering of business, heavy traffic
and per- sonbiltrafikk.

- Flat terrain.
Green structures in the area are few and not suitable to stay and activity.


- Establishment of several blue-green structures can help to slow down,

digest and
purify surface water.

- Open Hovin Bekken.

- Establish continuous green which can also increase biodiversity and act as
shortcuts through the area.

- Low soil can be used for small-scale food production.

- Green roofs and walls will provide a greener feel.

- Planting to limit noise from the traffic.

- Accentuate more sensuous experiences to overcome the environmental

for example odor.

There are very few established blue-green structures in the project area.

p. 12 of 61

- High density of businesses and industry in logistics, stock keeping and office.

- Predominance of activities related to bilnæring and building and construction industry (dealers, workshop, OPPORTUNITIES AND NEEDS
lending etc.).
- Take greater advantage of the freight terminal.
- Remarkably little production (besides catering and bakeries).
- Co-locate businesses that waste with recycling workshop.
- The major players include Norwegian Recycling, Clean and Haraldrud recycling. Disposal
occupying together a large area. - Open for visibility and participation in industry where it can be done.

- The area is directly adjacent to the freight terminal at Alnabru, Norway's largest railway terminal for goods. - Provide more production as growing food both inside and out.
Here logistics companies like Schenker, PostNord and records its terminals, which, according to SINTEF's
"Unique in Europe with such a close location" and as "the system effectively." - Facilitate reuse, workshop activities and local production will be good
from an environmental perspective and open up to a circular economy.
- Some governments such Traffic Administration inntauingstomt and NAV.

Haraldrud recycling requires a lot of space Husqvarna workshop is housed in the old The area has a large proportion warehousing, Several dealers are located in the area. A workshop on the ground floor of an
and are dominating the cityscape. factory hall Kabelgata and built let in natural including PostNord. Here seen from Østre Aker vei. apartment building just off Østre Aker Church.
light. Shows how production can be made visible
and let them combine with housing.

p. 13 of 61
- The area is relatively centrally located right on the border of Ring 3, but is not very accessible by
public transport transport, cycling and walking.

- Get bus, where only one route with few departures runs through the area. The coverage of the
bus seems to be better on the edge of the area.

- Metro network is just outside the area, and the coverage here is relatively good.

- A new subway stretch with stops in the area have been assessed (Breivoll path).

- Noise from traffic exceeds the legal limit and allows much of the area today are unsuitable for
housing, schools and health institutions.

- Buildings and land function as physical barriers (such as factory halls Kabelgata) and lengthens
time distances considerably.

- Lite adapted for cyclists (only pedestrian crossing).

- Heavy and passenger traffic characterize the roads within the area.

- Major barriers for pedestrians in the form of major roads and rail areas (takes about 25 minutes
timeframe to get to the opposite side of the terminal), but in return large and nearby vessels for
heavy transport, as freight.

- Alna Line is used for freight transport (relatively small with 4-8 freight trains per day),
passenger transport on the route is not sought extended due to low traffic benefit. Are
passengers from Spikkestad to Lillestrom.

- Freight trains are running as required and be happy in the evening. Thus less activity in the
Walking from transit stops locations, respectively 300 and 500 meters.


- topography in the range of mostly level terrain makes it suitable for


- Utilizing terminal better for both freight and passenger traffic for more
on the day.

- Toe Using existing underground line for transporting items such as

at night.

- Shortcuts through or over buildings will cut down on time distances.

Lite collective coverage within the area. Much passenger and few cyclists.

p. 14 of 61
One of several examples of major physical barriers.

p. 15 of 61

Mentally map describing days' situation.

p. 15 of 61
2.3 SWOT

Central: close to the center by subway, car
and bicycle.

Easy to connect to existing area

Odor and noise from the production-
oriented enterprises are difficult to
combine with housing.
Railroad: the ability to extend, strengthen
TH reat
Deliveries and traffic close to residential
areas can create challenges related to noise
and road safety.

nodes located in Oslo. Heavy traffic and deliveries pollutes and Kabelgata: screened and pleasant area, with Gentrification: The supply of homes and
creates challenges related to road safety. brick buildings constitute great potential. knowledge-intensive industry at the
Hub for goods and manufacturing, located expense of industry and production can
near E6 in connection with the airport and Small green spaces and recreational areas. Flat terrain, especially suitable for getting have negative effect on existing businesses
railway. around on foot and by bicycle. and increase social segregation.
Large areas with hard surfaces makes the
Special landmarks: Hotel 33, area susceptible to flooding from rainfall. Complicated situation offers the opportunity Great environmental impact by extension of
Increases center, Kabelgata, Oxer to rethink and combine various purposes in industrial production to the periphery.
Tower (culture tower) pipes from the Complex orientation and chaotic structure. new typologies.
recycling plant. Increased transport needs of the
Lack of human scale. Potential to create identity and location area by housing assistance will
Existing industrial / production which is vital associated by preserving or transforming lead to an increase in traffic
for the Oslo region, which waste Sheltered from other buildings by road landmarks. volume.
as physical barriers.
Industrial gathered in one area. Many open area that remains undeveloped
Shared ownership with things called rights. provides opportunities for infill or
Kuben vocational school is an example of a implementation of a new program.
positive contribution in the area. Existing buildings, land-intensive and
large-scale while the utilization rate is Supplements of green areas can be
High capacity on road and track. low. combined to make the area more flood
secure and lessen the effect of emissions
Existing businesses and industry have an from transports, as well as improving the
introvert character and offers little urban environment.
back to the community.
There may be a requirement that the existing
Long distances to public transport. production to a greater extent must give
back to the community.

The proximity of the production allows for a

more circular consumption and a more
sustainable lifestyle.

p. 16 of 61
The reason for the sketches of an overall strategy is to facilitate the production will be,
and make it possible to establish any future production. The strategy may also be
indicative of corresponding regions. The aim of the strategy is to consider the urban
functions that can be combined with the production, so that production function may be
part of what is today considered as "urban".

Location and needs analysis shows that production Haraldrudområdet have different
character. Some areas are characterized by a lot of heavy transport and buildings with
large volumes, while other areas are characterized by lower volume and improved
accessibility for pedestrians. As a starting point shared production by type. That EASY,
MEDIUM and HEAVY production. The division is rough, but forms a basis for saying
anything about possible future developments. Production character can be assessed
according to specific parameters.

It must be stressed that the parameters listed here are not exhaustive, and that they
only give a certain indication of what type of production in question. The boundaries
between EASY, MEDIUM and HEAVY production will be floating, and its final character
must be carefully considered in each case. Thus, other factors also play a role, such as
whether it is likely that given production will be modified or phased out shortly.

This report used the strategy consistently to show what division means for the various
urban functions. That is how the production, housing, transportation and green
infrastructure relate to the three different scales. The breakdown is illustrated in color
codes green, purple and orange, there LETT is highlighted in green, MEDIUM in purple
and TUNG in orange. The area mapped by location on light, medium and heavy manufacturing.

p. 18 of 61

Oslo has a goal of halving CO2 emissions its 2030 and is

already largely led when it comes to recycling economy and recycling. When
we talk about circular economy, it's all about reuse, repair and recycle - and in
this process it is essential to have cooperation between producers,
consumers and governments. An example of this could be the Municipal
waste sorting system, in which food waste and other biomass is converted to
discharge neutral biogas, which is upgraded to a CO2-neutral fuel for eg city
buses (City of Oslo, 2019).

We want to continue the good line, that Oslo has put forward - and want to
optimize it. The circular economy should be an integral part of life in the
Production The city, for example, we envisage that it will be even easier to Graph of existing recycling facilities in Oslo
recycle locally. We imagine a system where a local hub can act collection point
for consuming goods. In the same hub, a corresponding workshop help used
items can be repaired, and then be returned to the owner or sold in a thrift
associated hub. There are already many recycling stations and mini-recycling
stations in Oslo, but the idea of creating local hubs with workshops, shops and
opportunities for self-repairing own thing could usefully be implemented. We
imagine further that several of these stations can be moved further northeast.

Proposals for the development of recycling to

p. 19 of 61
Based on the key findings of spot analysis, we landed on two main concepts for the Sensing
development of production city, namely contrasts and perception. With the starting point, The concept perception is based on findings from site analysis where noise and smell
we see that the Production The city can get a unique character, and that they also can were highlighted as the dominant negative factors in areas of production. This is
act as concrete measures to respond to the overall objectives. therefore the idea of turning something as seemingly negative into something positive.
To preserve and enhance production, it can also be used as a grip for responding to the
contrasts environmental challenges that often follows production. That smell is emphasized or
The governing concept for the development of production city is contrasting. It is a masked, and various forms of noise gives sound to the city. This is also where senses
concept which is partly derived from the overall objectives, and which seeks to give the like touch and taste allows for participation and visibility of production.
city its unique character. The premise of integrating housing and good living
environments in production areas can be said to be contrasting. In addition, we have Perception is part of the city's characteristics, and something we want to highlight.
identified several contrasts in our goals (reducing consumption vs. production, Specifically, this means that LMT strategy can be used to assess the degree of
blågrønnt vs. gray etc.). Instead of seeing this as a challenge, where we either need to perception of production, and the surrounding area. In this way, playing different senses
meet production or residential communities, has in different locations. For example, it is likely that in the L-areas will be possible to add
we have chosen to cultivate the contrasts and considerable production city in a holistic elements that stimulate all five senses, while the T-regions will be more limited
perspective, characterized more by "both and" than "either or". As mentioned, one can opportunities for this. This is also correlated with the degree of participation in the
say that the goal of preserving production stands in sharp contrast to the goal of production, i.e. the extent possible on the one hand to physically join, and at the other
reducing consumption. And the supply of green, as well as preservation of gråstrukturer side sight it remotely.
also will provide a contrast-filled cityscape. The contrast is thus the characteristic of the
manufacturing city, and can contribute to create non-generic Environments. A place
where gray city meetings wild nature, where visibility of production contributes to a
reduction of consumption, and where an efficient transport and logistics system also lays
the foundation for a circular lifestyle.

p. 21 of 61

This bridge, which goes through a lake in the

Netherlands, invited TERs to sojourn and to feel the
contrast between standing in the water and still be dry.

Shepherding In Wilhelmsburg, HAMBURG

A radical concept emerged in Paris in the 80s and out- A parking garage represent usually the opposite of
demanded sight of the traditional idea of parks as green human scale. It is massive, closed, dark and adopted the
oases and respite in the city. Parc de la Villette man- car. Lincoln Road Herzog in Miami is an exam- ple of the
dated not reject, but rather be an extension of the city. opposite. There's facade open and the ceiling height that
The signal red steel structures, in sharp contrast to the varies from floor to floor, making it possible to have a
green surroundings represent any of this. The Man- ge flexible programming. In summary, one can say that it is
The contrast between sheep farming and road traffic into functions parks can accommodate additionally provides overturning people's attitudes towards car park: from
Him-burg and on the basis of Wilhelmsburg is striking, space for recreational experiences and getting the park places you want to leave as quickly as possible, to a
but shows the simultaneous that it is possible to have to emerge as a social and cultural park, rather than a parking garage you will want to visit.
agriculture-oriented production in urban areas near. pure landscape replica.

p. 22 of 61

Paley Park is a pocket park located in Manhattan. The Parc André Citroën is a public park in Paris. The park
park is interesting, as it represents a respite in New was built on the site where the former Citroën
York's hectic urban environment. Waterfall in bunker tion bilproduksjons- facility was located and was named after
of the park offers a different kind of "noise" than the one the company's founder, André Citroën. The fountains in
found outside the park. the park is a significant part of the park's use.



Freeway Park is a brutalist park from 1976 built over a

highway in Seattle. Park is defined by a series of
irregular, interconnected plateaus interconnected and
The former factory premises of the Mills in Grünerløkka 'Smag at Aarhus' is a natural and food project in which enclosed by plants and concrete walls. The park is an
is converted into offices and food product center. Here it urban spaces are omtenkt making it more edible and example of how it is possible to create an environment
may hap- pen to see in through the windows and look at sensory-oriented environments in Aarhus. 'Smag at that encapsulates a mood different from that of its
the production. The viewer is not invited longer and uses Aarhus' let The general public participate directly in the immediate proximity just - much like the example of
therefore "only" sight. city with their senses including in particular taste, smell Paley Park, NY.
and feel.

p. 23 of 61

Open Bakery has production facilities in Sagene. Early in

the morning spreading the smell of freshly baked bread
over the provinces. Citizens do not participate even in
production, but it is possible to go there to buy surplus


Thorncrown Chapel is a chapel located in Eureka

Springs, Arkansas, designed by E. Fay Jones and built in
Conceptual design for an "invisible bridge" of Scapelab.
1980. The chapel is an example of how biophilisk design
The walkway is designed as a pontoon attached to the
- design, where tags udgangspunkt in human intuitive
bottom of the lake so that it is covered with 10 cm of
attraction to nature and a biological urge to con- tact with
water. User- partner therefore comes into direct contact
the natural.
with water.
p. 24 of 61

TODAY'S CHALLENGES The map shows a possible breakdown of production at Haraldrud. It is intended as an indication, and production final character
must be assessed on a closer basis if you decide to go ahead with such a strategy.
The sections below show examples of how this might look like in practice, and is intended only as an indication. Here we have been based
on typical existing building typologies and urban environment on Haraldrud but that also seems typical for the corresponding areas. It is
important to emphasize that the production and built not be seen in isolation but must be viewed in context with surrounding features and
the area's environment. For example, if it is close to busy roads.







VISIBLE make production and makes it public informed






Today there are obvious conflicts between production
needs and the other the city functions as housing, public
sphere meeting spaces and recreational areas. It is partly
about generating traffic, but also the environmental
challenges that production gladly carry with them. The
combination of the conflicting urban functions thus requires
an overall strategy to see how these can be integrated.
LMT strategy is suitable for this purpose because their
manufacturing operations here are divided by its character,
and integration by other urban functions going on
production premises.
Construction divided by scale production.

p. 27 of 61

Production of light character is usually one or two floors and in smaller
volumes. Such production generates some traffic, but does not depend on
a lot of heavy transport. Exemplary light production may be less workshop
with outlets and smaller distribution warehouses. Possible examples from
Haraldrud are: Signs Maker Borg Round and Aker locksmith.

In light manufacturing areas, we believe it can be made for many urban
functions, and that the housing is particularly well suited to such areas. The
traffic is here less dominant, and we see that it can be good outdoor areas,
while it is not necessary to establish the cafe business on the ground floor,
then also smaller workshop and store can have an outward function and
well into the urban environment.

It is necessary to allocate land for future uncertain use. This is because of
the future needs are uncertain, and production rapidly changed in step with
the technological development. Flexible area can also help to shield homes
for noise from production on the first floor.

p. 28 of 61

Production of medium grade is often characterized by greater volume, and
generate more traffic both in terms of passenger cars, but also some heavy
transport. Examples of medium production can be large warehouses, retail
and leasing for the construction industry. Possible examples from
Haraldrud are: Post North, Byggmakker and bakeries Consept.

In medium production areas may be made for several urban functions, and
also housing. Meanwhile, traffic is also more predominant in typical medium
sites, and public outdoor areas will thus be characterized by this. It is
therefore necessary to establish good public grounds near shielded from
traffic. Other measures to mitigate noise can be soundproof walls and

In the longer term, we see a possibility of how the decrease of per-
sonbiltrafikk frees old parking area. These can get a brand new feature,
such as indoor farming.

p. 29 of 61

Production of heavy grade characterized by large volume, where buildings
tend to have an introverted character, and they also generate a lot of heavy
transport. Possible examples from Haraldrud are: Norwegian Recycling
and Haraldrud incinerators

If the heavy production is not forenligt with housing, may instead be used
area for recreation. For example, the ceiling on Norwegian Gjennvinning be
used as park and idrettsplats. Then the size of the volumes, as in the
current situation is seen as something negative, used as a quali. The larger
the volume, the greater park.

In the future, we envision that other aspects of the production could be
used for something positive. Example of this is to use heat or fumes
emitted from the production. This might be connected to the greenhouse,
or example, to warm up. a kinder garden.

p. 30 of 61
Historically, the production have liked an introverted
character, and as such, contributed little to a form of urban As location and needs analysis indicate there is a It may also be appropriate to control the output in a desired
where the human scale is in the center. Lange, closed preponderance of the automotive area. That both in terms of direction. This means ensuring that key stakeholders and
facades, massive construction major surfaces enables sales, workshops and rentals. We must assume that a part businesses are preserved and developed so that they
production areas perceived as unattractive for pedestrians. of this industry will be phased out over time. An increasingly contribute to urban development. Examples of key players in
The activity takes place indoors and one must have a car to widespread offering of carsharing and the emergence of the area is Norwegian Recycling and Haraldrud incinerators.
get around. However, we believe that production can driverless cars suggests this. These are also examples of actors who go under the
contribute to a good city life if provision is made for this. category of heavy production, which has a closed character
Physically it involves measures: infill, opening of facades, When it comes to the supply of production it would be and generating a lot of heavy transport. The production,
buildings drawn onto street level and facilitation of appropriate to add a deeper understanding of development which will initially be preserved is the one who fills a
pedestrian and bicycle paths. In this way also the into account. For example, it may involve the production necessary function not only for the immediate area but for
production are made visible. activities of commercial and / or logistical nature, handicraft the city as a whole. Construction Products Handler,
work and agriculture. Production activity can also be large recycling centers and workshops are examples of
Publicize None of production can also be stretched further, in terms of the warehousing operation, as well as a local, proudksjon as likely - in line with the green shift and the
and with the circular economy as a mantra, we believe it small scale in terms of engineering and urban gardens. In emergence of the circular economy - is going to grow and
can be an advantage if consumers are better able to take an environmental perspective, it will be necessary to seek play a central role.
part in the production pattern. Hence the concept of to move, production is back to a local level, so that
perception. With emissions associated with transport is reduced. In this REQUIREMENTS FOR PRODUCTION
extensive use of senses in production can the distance context, to establish more production of basic goods, like
between the consumer and the trade decrease. That is how food, which we need in the day-today. Indoor farming is an For that production will be able to become a real and good
the consumer can take part in production by seeing, hearing, example of large-scale production of food with can part of a future urban environment seems appropriate setting
smell, taste and feel it. So this is a form of participation in contribute positively, and which may advantageously be requirements for production activities. It may be in the form
production that we want to support and facilitate. Whether at established in the area. of regulations that says that production must offer a form
a distance, with open facades, so that it will be possible to form of public offers that relate to city life in the surrounding
look into the production, or up close and physically hold area and / or neighborhood. Specifically, we believe that it is
where the consumer can participate in and even take part in necessary to facilitate public functions between Norwegian
it. Recycling and Haraldrud recycling. It may be in the form of a
workshop where waste, old furniture and building materials
can be repaired, recycled and reused.
In this way, also typically heavy production contribute to the
urban environment, and also support the goal of a
reduction in consumption and emissions. Such regulations
may also have social profile. For example, manufacturing
companies offer affordable housing for their employees
through leases.

There also seems to be a general lack of eateries in typical

production areas. One measure here could be to open staff
canteens to the public and turn out onto street level. In this
way, and under the auspices of existing manufacturing
companies, one can ensure that gentrification avoided.

Indoor urban farming.

Producing integrated cityscape. Mills in Oslo

p. 31 of 61
Visualization of production city.

p. 32 of 61

Oslo has an expected population growth of 24% (medium

option) until 2040 (City of Oslo B, 2019). That means it
must be built many homes to accommodate the rapidly
growing population. This population projections are also
the basis for the municipality's strategic plan for Hovin city,
where residential, recreational and knowledge-intensive
industry to be established in the area. The goal for the
development of Hovin city is a development that underpins
what is today characterized as "urban".


The terms "urban" and "architectural quality" is often used to As the incisions (see section on conflicts between residential
describe the desired development. It is still not entirely given and production) shows, the areas of medium and heavy
what it means, for example, "architectural quality" production necessarily be more dominated by traffic and
necessarily have a subjective dimension. transport of goods. It is primarily in medium production areas
"Urban" described today to as: High-density, architectural that residential purposes will be applicable. For that to
quality, fine-mesh street and urban structure, multi- become a reality, it is still necessary mitigation measures for
functionality, diverse land use, outward-oriented features noise and traffic. Here should soundproofed facades and
on the ground floor in the central city / streets (Strategic windows be minimized. To ensure good outdoor areas
Plan for Hovin city). There seems to be an established should either be arranged so that they are shielded from
truth that traffic, or in such a way that the creation of sensory elements
These principles provide good urban environment, but it masking the noise and make the area livable and less
may also be necessary to challenge these. For example, congested characterized (see reference projects for Chapter
seems both multi-functionality and varied land use to be 4. concepts).
principles that not be guaranteed if all first floors consist of
cafes and shops. And the result seems happy to be From an environmental perspective it is necessary to
relatively monotonous residential areas. We believe it is increasingly use existing materials. It may be using the
necessary to redefine what both urban is and what remaining building materials. This may also help to create
architectural quality can entail. a local identity which is anchored in production and its
character. An example of this is student housing in
Preservation and establishment of production will itself Amsterdam Noord where containers have been used for
contribute to creating more diverse residential areas. We this purpose.
believe that a combination of manufacturing and housing
should also create room for thinking differently in terms of
housing types, heights of buildings and public grounds.
Student Housing in Amsterdam Noord

p. 33 of 61
1. Work-live

Homes that have a direct link to the workplace (work-live)

is a living arrangement that may directly benefit from
established in proximity of production. If individual func-
tions are shared with the workplace and the home, such
as social spaces, canteens, flexible space for offices,
projects or art workshops, they can therefore also serve as
an extension of the private sphere, while having a
social dimension and make their homes more space-
efficient. This can also be controlled through affordable rent
or a preferential rate for the purchase of housing.

2. Height - the view

It should be increasingly built higher so that some homes

may also offer spectacular views of the area. Some tall
buildings may well be established in areas with low
buildings, so it creates diverse areas. Tall buildings should
have a public function on the roof so that more people can
experience and take part in the activities there.

3. Compact living

Compact living is a housing form where one lives in a

few square meters. Such housing types are suitable for
the first time buyers. It should indeed be compensated
with good common areas, or for example mini allotments
in the area.

4. Family homes with social Assembly Houses

There is a need for more housing that is designed for

families with toddlers in Oslo. Families applying happily out
of town, to have access to the gardens and area where
children can run freely. It should be increasingly established
homes that have such a character. It may be that typical
garden city homes, but these will necessarily be more
expensive than apartments. The residences at Torshov
drawn by Harald Hals can serve as inspiration for family.
Here is a large common area clearly delimited by the
Illustration of different housing types.
facade, but also available for review. Anything that creates a
shared sense of responsibility towards the backyard.
These houses also have a local Assembly Houses used
for social purposes, and may contribute to increased
community sense.

p. 34 of 61


GRAY QUALITIES blue-green structure
TODAY'S CHALLENGES Teal structures is the sum of large and small natural
embossed areas in cities and towns. The combination of
Dominated by HARD SURFACES
urban supply and proximity to recreation and nature
experiences contributes to well-being and quality of life for
NO blue-green structure LACK OF
many (Government 2017). Planned structures contiguous
tissue with thoroughfares and stay zones, with established
walking and cycling routes, this can increase the amount
of daily travel on foot and by bicycle. This can further lead
to reduced greenhouse gas emissions and noise.
Establishment of blue-green structures also provide areas
that can contribute to local stormwater management,
TARGET HOTEL 33 CABLE GATA where the design of green areas and open water surfaces
may contribute to infiltration and fordrøying of increased
CREATE ATTRACTIVE RECREATION AREAS rainfall, as a result of climate change.
In addition, blue-green structures provide a basis for a rich
EFFICIENT MOBILITY FOR vulnerable road biodiversity (Government 2017).

SUSTAINABLE LOCAL stormwater management KEEP The great lack of blue-green structures in the area means
that there is much room for improvement and the need for
AND FORWARD TO RAISE GRAY QUALITIES action. One advantage is that the area is dominated by
large parking areas which can easily let themselves
transform and designed to parks and squares. In addition,
the large roof and facade surfaces that are unused area
GRAY STRUCTURES with much potential.
Today Haraldrud is strongly dominated by the hard
surfaces, such as large parking areas, warehouses and Incinerators INCREASES CENTER
roads. There are few to no larger cohesive green HARALDRUD as blue, gray and green
structures in the area. This creates challenges related to district
future climate, where it is predicted more extreme. Teal structures thus has a number of positive and necessary
Increased precipitation, hard surfaces and much use of effects of a good urban development. It would therefore be
cars in the area causes the load on the VA system, very necessary to make more efforts to provide blue-green
contaminated storm water and flooding. structures in the area. On Haraldrud there has been a
measure to ensure the conservation of existing features, while
The area is clearly built for the car's premises and it is it must be adapted and applied several measures to facilitate
perceived as unsafe, large and difficult when walking on a good city life.
Haraldrud foot. The combination of noise and odor from
bi- laughing production and lack of parks and other social For this to be a district for people it is necessary to make
meeting places makes it possible not residing in the area grip with a focus on and attention to the human scale. It has
len ger than necessary. therefore been focusing on that gray qualities,
identiteskapende elements. Railways OVER BROBEKKVEIEN Alnabru terminal
Haraldrud still has several important established gray
qualities, as functioning infrastructure, production,
cable streets and iconic buildings like the Hotel 33 and
Increases center. These are elements that are
important qualities in a city, and that should be
preserved, it is highlighted and use as

p. 36 of 61
production, be part of deals through
participation and visibility. Combined this with
establishing good and efficient mobility for
pedestrians, continuous blue-green structures and
social meeting places will Haraldrud have the
potential to be a good and distinctive district, with
much identity.

p. 37 of 61


Hovinheia Pelvic located in line and moves through parts of the
project area. Heavy precipitation events could create capacity
problems by rivers that have been piped, compared with open
streams. Open creeks serves as flood mitigation measures and
natural diversion of surface water. It also helps to increase
biodiversity and to purify contaminated water in urban areas.
Rivers with greenery in urban areas contributes to well-being,
recreation and place identity.
Hovinheia Pelvic are opened several locations, as on Ensjø and
Bjerke, and should also be retrieved in Haraldrudområdet
(Adaptation 2019).

Hovin creek in Bjerke Dalen park.Hovinbekken has previously gone through parts of Haraldrud.


There establishing green roofs and walls are important measures
for stormwater management, improved air quality and increased
biodiversity. In addition, green roofs and walls reduce noise in
cities insulate buildings against both high and low temperatures,
and to increase both enjoyment and property value (Løwe 2017).
On Haraldrud there are large unused facades and roofs where it
should be established green roofs and walls. In addition, it should
also be planned into further development.

Green walls at the Orangery, a transformed cannery in The Rotterdam Roof Park

Rewilding is about to return nature to its original wild state, and
has been an important concept since the struggle to counteract
anthropogenic changes in ecosystems began. The ecological
imbalance caused by human impact must be restored, and it's
mainly about protecting and dedicating land to nature's natural
processes. On Haraldrud can have a focus on establishing
wilder and more natural greenery. In particular, industrial areas,
with large open areas and facades withstand a wilder nature.
Nature will be an interesting contrast to the production, and
enhance biodiversity and be a cathartic action of existing

Duisburg-Nord landscape park Tyskland.Seonyudo park Seoul.

p. 38 of 61
Urban agriculture has become very popular and there are
currently long waiting lists for allotments in Oslo. The growing
own food contributes to both local food production and knowledge
of the food's opprinnel- see, in addition to creating social meeting
places that are important for public health and integration (Oslo
municipality C 2019). By saving on rainwater and utilize waste
from the district, can be done to a resource by using it for
irrigation, fertilizers and growth medium to urban agriculture. On
Haraldrud can partly utilize roof area, courtyards and zones
between production and housing to urban agriculture.

Losæter in Bjørvika.Brooklyn Grange is an organic urban rooftop garden in New York.

Wide, busy roads characterize and surround Haraldrudområdet.
The roads will cause greater and less barriers to cross, both for
people, nature and animals. Effective and safe travel for people
is an important part of sustainable urban development, where it
should be attractive to move around the city to continued or
using a bicycle. Meanwhile, roads and development significant
environmental impact as a strong negative impact on the
biological diversity.
There establishing natural bridges over the roads can be a grip
that will help to improve accessibility and create cohesive green

Vancouver Country Bridge. Illustration of naturbro.

Stormwater management: rain garden AND

Rain garden and temporary flooding spaces are both copy in
measures local surface water management as can the
establishment res at Haraldrud. Rain garden is a planted
countersink in the terrain, where the water is stored on the
surface and infiltrates into the ground or surface water network.
Through attenuation and reducing runoff prevent harmful flooding
(Braskerud & Case 2016). May temporarily flood areas can retain
large amounts of storm water and prevent damage due to
flooding. Premiums svømmelsesareal can be accommodated as
different functions in parks, sports facilities, courtyards or urban
(Gabriel & Fiil 2016).

Rain garden in Deichmans street. Skate Park in Roskilde also serves as flood channel and

p. 38 of 61

p. 39 of 61
"The green shortcuts'
"Green Circle" "The green shortcuts'
"Green Circle" is an existing plan related to a green trail The green shortcut linking area Haraldrud and link it to the common By connecting the shortcut to the residential and office buildings can
will link the different development areas Hovinheia city node and the green ring. utilize unused roof area and establish efficient movement between
together. In the project area at Haraldrud the green ring The shortcut extends partially above ground, creating effective and housing, employment, central functions and public transport hubs. Laid
proposed to go along Haraldrudveien and against safe transport routes for motorists. It helps to break barriers by such route over the roof of Norwegian Recycling Can it solve the
Risløkka. Today, there are daily activities of up to 3,000 overlaying and medium sized buildings and roads. The green challenge in Haraldrudveien, where pedestrians and heavy transport can
heavy vehicles in Haraldrudområdet, how much of the shortcut has an effective bicycle pathways and a field for move separately. In addition, one can exploit the large roof areas for
traffic goes on Haraldrudveien. In Oslo's Guiding plan pedestrians, where recreation, senses and experiences are in focus. recreation, food or otherwise.
for the public space (the City of Oslo, 2016), it is
assumed that the Norwegian Recycling will be
demolished and moved but should Norwegian Recycling
continue operating in the same place, this will soon end
up in conflict with the proposed walking trail. Norwegian
Recycling even want to remain in the area and are
willing to make adjustments in order to achieve this.
They also carried out a heavy transport analysis
together with other actors at Haraldrud,

The green ring can function to bind together Hovinheia

city, but the addresses than to the more central parts of
Haraldrud which Kabelgata, kuben vocational arena
and tower Kulturarena. Within and around the project
area there are barriers in the form of wide, busy roads
and large buildings that make distances and
experienced as long. It was therefore seen a need to
develop a route that acts as a transport route for
pedestrians and cyclists within the Haraldrudområdet.

"Green Circle" its planned route extending Proposals for new pathways for "Green Circle" and "the green shortcut" moving through Haraldrud against Økern.
gjennnom core Hovinheia town.

p. 40 of 61
"Green Circle" is an existing plan related to a green trail will If there is a need for vertical signs traffic further east in the By establishing such a structure, there exists a requirement
link the different development areas Hovinheia city area (at, along and across Brobekkveien against Alna for design that must succeed. We have in this section
together. The project area Haraldrud the green ring station), it can be bridged (s) in this area too. Especially if chosen to clarify the key requirements that will have an
proposed to go along Haraldrudveien and against Risløkka. there are homes in addition to existing businesses in this impact on planning in this phase.
Today, there are daily activities of up to 3,000 heavy area, it may be necessary. One possible solution is that it
vehicles in Haraldrudområdet, how much of the traffic goes goes a long Brobekkveien with sufficient connections of the SAFETY / FENCES
on Haraldrud- road. In Oslo's Guiding plan for the public bridge situated along Haraldrudveien. The most important thing to bring to the design is that it must
space (the City of Oslo, 2016), it is assumed that the be safe to move there. This means that the structure must be
Norwegian Recycling will be demolished and moved but Another possible expansion we envisage is a ramp over designed and sized to withstand the load a larger amount of
should Norwegian Recycling continue operating in the the wolf to connect it began housing project there. motorists will provide, as well as adequate with handrail and
same place, this will soon end up in conflict with the prevents falling down.
proposed walking trail. Norwegian Recycling even want to
remain in the area and are willing to make adjustments in The bridges must be lit and visibility for cyclists must be
order to achieve this. They also carried out a heavy ensured. The design must also be such an extent that
transport analysis together with other actors at Haraldrud, accidents forhin- dres, then preferably between cyclists and
pedestrians, cyclists and cyclists, or single accidents that may
The green ring can function to bind together Hovinheia city, result from, for example holes in the substrate.
but the addresses than to the more central parts of
Haraldrud which Kabelgata, kuben vocational arena and HIGHLIGHTS FOR SIZING
tower Kulturarena. Within and around the project area there We envisage that bronettverket withstand sufficient load,
are barriers in the form of wide, busy roads and large such as electric bikes and cargo bikes, but at the same time
buildings that make distances and experienced as long. It be as easy as possible.
was therefore seen a need to develop a route that acts as a This because it is not desirable that motorized vehicles
transport route for pedestrians and cyclists within the to run there and that it should not take unnecessary
Haraldrudområdet. space in the urban landscape.

Access and egress Since it is thought a greater amount of cargo in the area it is
Illustration of how a possible extension might look like. essential that the bridges are high enough in areas where it
A positive addition aspect by adding pipeline route via passes over motor roads, where a minimum of over- bridges
existing buildings is that you can use these buildings as is 4.90 m (NPRA, 2019). By comparison, Norwegian
access and egress to the bridge. Through staircase or Recycling's plant around 13.5 m high.
elevator, inside or outside buildings. This allows for that if
there are homes in the building, so you can go straight The minimum width for pedestrian and cycle must be
from the front door onto the pedestrian and bicycle bridge. satisfied, in which the demand will depend on how many
pedestrians and cyclists will be in the area. Otherwise, we
There will also be separate ramps adapted to both bike and look not for us a firm requirement for the banks, then we
walk with satisfactory intervals along the stretch. The ramps envisage opportunities for varied designs that may include
will not have too steep climb, so the transition should be as elements of, for example, benches and green.
seamless as possible. For longer ramps can stairway
considered as a supplement. It may be that the lifts must be In addition, points such as snow, wind and dead load,
entered for wheelchair users and others who did not come drainage of water, and materials that can withstand hot
up through the existing buildings. summers and cold winters are taken into account.

Illustration of green roofs with boarding.

p. 40 of 61
stormwater management
UNIVERSAL DESIGN Stormwater management is a hot topic in 2019 with higher
Consideration should be given to universal design frequency of so-called extreme than previously.
bronettverket. This includes, but is not limited to lighting, Haraldrudområdet is dominated by gray structures and hard
contrasts, natural or artificial guide lines, cover, general rise surfaces, such as parking, roofs and roads. To prevent rapid
and rise by entry and exit. runoff and flood peaks at much rain is needed local
stormwater management in the area.
This solution facilitates vehicular traffic on the ground level, The green shortcut can be a good measure to delay and
where the traffic is required to maintain production. consume larger amounts of precipitation, where the water is
Vehicular traffic, and especially many heavy vehicles, means Illustration Cut of "The green shortcut" over Norwegian Recycling
turned into a quality and resource. Measures that could be
it adopted on the green shortcut include establishing greater
going to be noise in the area. vegetation fields and rain garden. In addition, it can be used DESIGN
permeable cover as gravel or paving stones with infiltration The green shortcut will be a green subsidy, which in
We envisage that the future will hold a larger proportion of ability of stay spaces and bicycle parking. The water can addition to being a transport artery will have a strong focus
low noise vehicles, as EVs. However, it is so much noise in also be led to open water surface or fordrøyingsbassenger. on recreation and experience. By establishing a park in
the area that noise barrier measures seen as necessary. height will get a new overview of Haraldrud while the park
Examples might include noise barrier in the form of the As mentioned, there are several large unused roof areas in will be a different and positive contribution in Hovin City and
handrail, the supply of green and sound dampening or the project area. Added the green shortcut across or along Oslo.
absorbing materials. Bridge to going on will also be part of the open roof, one obtains a larger area to utilize. Here,
the noise barrier room provided that it is devoid of apertures among other established social meeting places, which can The shortcut consists of a field of bicycle pathways
down the road. In addition, other audio fed, as stream be used for leisure activities or urban agriculture. separated from the reserve section for pedestrians. This
trickle. allows the bike trail may be used as an effective means of
conveyance and maintain security between pedestrians and
Noise during the bridge, on the ground floor, can be a cyclists. Park section can consist of rich shade, viewpoint
problem for those who choose to move down. EVs and and furnished zones. Varied vegetation use, various fittings
plantings will also help improve air quality in the area. and water feature can be used to promote play and
sensing. An intriguing idea had been to have a waterfall
OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE from the sides of the bridge, which also creates a value for
The main problem will be dealing with snow in winter, when the ground floor. This can also help to break up the sound.
the snow is both in the way of those who will use the road
and a potential problem in terms of how much road shall be By establishing greater vegetation fields, open water
designed. Without the ability to get big snow machines on surfaces and permeable covers the green shortcut
the road, other solutions are being utilized. increase biodiversity and help local stormwater
For example, the facility with heating, an expensive but management in Haraldrudområdet.
effective measure. Photovoltaics may also be considered in
this context, for example, the kind one can ride on. Manual In order to provide a wider variety of senses, it may be an
shoveling may be an option for smaller areas. Also idea to have different themes along the various parts of
autonomous operating machines may be appropriate, in the "The green shortcut." One can divide up into different
form of small, lightweight robots that can shovel the snow areas with water, green, color theme, healing gardens or
away. similar.
Inspiration Images "Cykelslangen" in Copenhagen and "The High Line"
Other points to take into consideration may be selected for in By design on roof areas that adjacency "The green no
the care of green and weeding of leaves and the like. It may New York. shortcuts road" we have not set any specific requirements,
be waste bins which must be emptied, which may be but you want easy access to / from the bridge on the roofs.
connected to the waste management area, and Thus, there had been an advantage with bicycle on the
maintenance in the form of markings and other similar. roofs.

p. 41 of 61



LOCAL stormwater management



L The cut illustrates "the green shortcut" through the light production space.

Road users are separated on DIFFERENT



LOCAL stormwater management






M The section illustrates the "green shortcut" through medium production area.

p. 42 of 61
T The section illustrates the "green shortcut" through heavy production area.

To create further added value of this grip is ACTION UNDER JUMPERS

CUT ZONE T desired that either lowers the ceiling where
A possible problem by establishing a bridge The idea is that the vulnerable road users,
the pipeline route to "The green shortcut" to
re- nom site so that it is thought, is that the primarily due to move on the bridge, but that
Road users are separated on DIFFERENT go, and that the walls are made of glass to
area under the "forgotten" and may be seen they should have the ability to move safely on
LEVELS create insight into how the renovation work
dead if you have not planned well. It is not the ground floor if you ever need or want. It
and create awareness about the volume
desirable that the ground floor should feel like will initially be the talk of sidewalk along the
Moves over building previously taken into the plant. This can be positive
some underworld below those up on the road as pedestrians and cyclists together can
BARRIERS because the process itself is interesting,
bridge, and that steps be taken to prevent just transport on. Hovedsake- tight on one side of
while it may reduce each individual's
that. Consult will probably issue about it, in an the road, but on both sides of the road if
TRANSPORTATION AND RECREATION personal consumption. This is also the
area, established a network of pedestrian and necessary. There will be time fields for the
identity-building when renovation is
cycle bridges, and "shadow side" becomes crossing of the road.
EFFICIENT BIKE ROUTE something of what you associate with
larger. Example of measures is vegetation
along the supporting columns, along the For that to be perceived as more comfortable
LOCAL stormwater management exposed facades of buildings and maybe even hanging to walk on the ground floor can be an
"The green shortcut" would be a common
from the outside of the railing. Vegetation is important measure to reduce the speed limit to
PRODUCTION grip that helps to tie together the various
also helping to dampen noise. Anything else an acceptable level of safety and noise.
development projects in the area. Boligutvik-
is to create a waterfall from the brink along Comfortable wide- those on the pavement and
by the shift in Ulven, new Loren school and
the bridge to create a rekre- asjonsverdi for a clear distinction between road and pavement
square, the wholesaler link with this trench.
the ground floor as well. Window openings in are also factors that contribute to safety along
While it covers a larger area by connecting
the bridge will also help spread the light to the the way.
the "Green Circle".
ground floor,

p. 43 of 61
A comprehensive approach
The green shortcut is a grip that can solve many of the
challenges in the area. It will be an important measure for
increased mobility for pedestrians in the area. By moving
elevation through part of the area breaks the barriers wide
roads, large buildings and heavy production. This adds
therefore to ensure that much of today's production, which
relies on heavy transport to and from the industry, can
continue without creating unsafe situations between hard
and soft road.

The green shortcut will also be a green supplementation

with high attractiveness. Viewpoints and transparency of
production will strengthen the identity of the area, while it
can raise awareness for their own consumption. By
The area west of Kabelgata today, before "The green shortcut".
established aktivitet- and residence zones and rich
vegetation use the shortcut and associated areas
attractive meeting places. The continuous green structure
will also be a
important addition to local surface water management and
increased biodiversity. The unique transparency of
production, combined with recreational areas will make the
green shortcut draws people from Oslo.

Shortcut joins area by connecting on public transport

hubs, green structures and educational institutions. In
addition, it creates flow and excellent transitions
between the many development projects
area. This page Haraldrud is an area of development and
shortcut can expand as it is being developed and the area
becomes larger.

Illustration how the area can get by with "The green shortcut". Here at the entrance to Kabelgata.
p. 44 of 61
Visualization of how "the green shortcut" adopt ceiling on Norwegian Recycling. Notice tennis courts and green structures.

p. 45 of 61
Visualization of how "the green shortcut" adopt ceiling on Norwegian Recycling and visualizes production.
p. 46 of 61




Haraldrudområdet is known as an area that is dominated by a We simply can not ignore that not everyone can or will work at
TODAY'S CHALLENGES motorized vehicle, both with freight to and from lagervirk- coffee shops and consultancy offices, and that there are other
somheter and recycling, with cars and vans to businesses such types næ- rings that are significant to the city functions. Who will
LITTLE NEED TO KNOW FOR vulnerable road Byggmakker and live in a city without good waste management facility? Where the
Storcash. There are huge barriers for vulnerable road users in the goods to cafés and refurbishment projects come from? There must
MAJOR ROADS WITH MUCH Tungtransport form of wide roads with lots of traffic and railway area, but this is in be room for those who work with this as well. And in
return large and nearby vessels for the motorized transport. The environmentally friendly Oslo should be just as easy for them to get
MANY CAR area is simply car-based. This makes it unattractive as an area to to work without a car, as it is for those in offices by Barcode.
stay and live in and difficult to travel without using the car.
POOR DESIGN road and street STRUCTURE In this part of the task we want to shed light on transport-related
My future plans depend on the creation of life and housing in the points that are involved in developing this area for a future-
oriented direction, with industry and housing go hand in hand.
TARGET area, and especially in our case, while holding on to it as an
area where there is production. In other words, housing and
manufacturing, hand in hand, rather than a pure prioritization of We wants to promote the principles and ideas that may challenge
ATTRACTIVE FOR vulnerable road EASY
housing. such a car-based area and contribute to safety and improved
It also means pedestrians and heavy transport close together. It accessibility for the soft road users who will live or work in the
is not necessarily a sustainable and environmentally friendly area. At the same time the necessary freight handled, but also
urban development to move these types of businesses developed towards the future. This contributes to a sustainable
farther and farther out from the city center, even though no one and environmentally friendly development, and facilitates a lively
thinks that this is something they can live next door. It provides area.
longer transport distances and may seem exclusionary to
DEVELOPING GOODS TRANSPORT IN THE people who do not feel at home in a "Grunerlokka Oslo."

The National Transport 2006-15 pointed

Ministry of Transport on that transport must
be included as part of the overall land use
planning in urban areas.
The cities are facing major challenges when
it comes to the distribution of goods.
Deliveries are necessary for city life and
activities but receive little attention. It is in
many bad solutions for this and it creates
problems. Deliveries, however, has had a
tremendous growth in recent years after
ordering online became more popular,
which requires better solutions in
combination with land use planning (NPRA,
Illustration of logistics (Transport & Logistics 2019 2019) Illustration of attractive urban spaces (Adressa ud).

p. 48 of 61
area. Note that some areas listed as available can be private areas and not really
TRANSPORT With digitization has happened has online sales,
increased. Customers want faster delivery, good
Bylogistikk has also been defined as: merchandise availability, large selection and good buying
experiences, and it places great demands on the
"The movement of goods, equipment and waste into, out commercial industry. It also leads to changes in concepts
from and within at or through an urban area" (OECD, 2011). - for example, can store restructured so shop becomes a
kind of minor showroom with goods on display, while all
Logistics course includes analysis of all physical the goods are closely stored in the corresponding
movements of goods from suppliers through production warehouse. Alternatively sent such goods home later
link to customers, with the planning aims right amount of (Lund, 2017). Vareleverings- and storage structure
the right type, the right place, at the right time (SNL, changes.
2018). Transport is thus a very important part of the
logistics, and the same is inventory management. An One may of course wonder how you relate to population
item that is in stock is a cost for business, so you want to growth, the likely accompanying efficiency gain in retail
minimize the time it is there. trade and related freight. It's naturally be not
environmentally friendly, but the following transportation
Here are the principles as "Just-in-time", which should can be attempted to be moved over to the methods that
eliminate all forms of waste. It is developed by Toyota will be more environmentally friendly than car travel,
and is among IKEA their competitive advantage. It is parking facilities and exhaust-spewing trucks. Maybe it is
characterized by small batch sizes, minimum inventory possible that several new types of means of
levels, short changeover times and high-quality products. transportation on the roads can be more environmentally
The disadvantage of such minimized storage times for friendly?
our part is that it can result in the transport capacity is not
fully utilized. It gives increased freight transport, which EXISTING SITUATION
requires increased acreage and increase pollution. The existing situation is described in the corresponding
spot analysis and principal points in chapter 2 of the task.
A continuation of "Just-in-time" is "lean philosophy", Here we will point out the most important points for our
where among other waste in the form of unnecessary future work. The map below shows what we consider the
transport and unnecessary stocks to be avoided. It is a main points of the possibilities of public transport today and
challenge between buying a little often, providing high its availability. Then it used a recommended maximum
order costs and low storage costs, and buying a lot of walking distance to the bus stop at 300 m (desired max) to
rare, which provides low order costs and high storage 500 meters ( "absolute" maximum).
costs. This relationship is something businesses work, or
should work to optimize.

There is no doubt that the production and transport affect

the environment. When we come into the green logistics -
the various players in the value chain to implement
measures that dampen impact on the environment. Both
companies and individuals have become more adept at
planning and coordinating so the environmental loads can
be reduced. The requirements for both manufacturers
and carriers, but also consumers' ones, including in the
form of waste sorting (Square, 2017).

Illustrative of the distance from the most relevant common points in the
p. 49 of 61
By hub, we have Metro stops Økern and Risløkka,
which are the best routes leading to many
Bus Line 58 is the only bus that really serves the
area, but it does not necessarily go where you
want. It has two stops along Haraldrudveien. Train
line L1 may be a good direct line from Oslo or a
line for those traveling from further afield, such as
Lillestrom. Here's stop at Alna station.

The coverage can be said to be bad for public

transport passengers except those who can travel
by bus 58, then it will be far to go just to get into the
area. In addition, we see limitations as large and
long buildings and access limited building space
not make it any easier to get around inside the
actual site. There is also no separate cycle lane or
cycle paths in the area, you have to ride in the road
or on the sidewalk. However, it's mostly flat, which
is positive especially for cyclists.

The chart below shows the average daily traffic

volume obtained Public Roads Administration map
database (National vegve- late, 2019), and the
percentage of long vehicles. ADT, or year-diurnal
traffic, the total traffic on an average during a
calendar year by number of days in the year.

Illustration of traffic volumes in and around the area.

There can be considerable variation in the amount
of traffic on different days and different times. Also
showed a separate counting the amount of traffic
that the two main routes through the area
Haraldrudveien and Brobekkveien was greater
than that indicated, respectively around 5577 (16%
long, 36% goods
and van) for Haraldrudveien and 16,562 (10% long, 41%
goods and van) for Brobekkveien.

p. 50 of 61
This underscores the impression of a car-based area with a A TRANSPORT HIERARCHY Simply stated, for example, easy scale areas have a clear
lot of both passenger traffic and goods and cargo, and Earlier planning often happened with the car in focus. A hierarchy for pedestrians and cyclists, with their transit in
along with the train station, it also means a lot of noise in result of this is illustrated below. reserve. In addition, not freight forgotten, but we do not
the area. care about design for pure car carrier here. In medium
scale, we say that it is important to facilitate good public
DEVELOPMENT transport as well as walking and cycling, as it may be about
more easily able to move to and from the area. For heavy
Today transport situation for Haraldrud is as of now not scale we recognize goods transport significance largely,
prepared to accept the transport required by the planned although not at the expense of transport facilities for
residential development for the area. This must be pedestrians and cyclists. At the same time it should be
planned and then widened in line with residential easier to use public transport to areas rather than having to
development so that it becomes a good situation for all drive. Some car transport expected.

The green SHORTCUT

"The green shortcut" is a grip that is based on an
existing plan called "Green Circle". This is a grip, Illustrative of historical priority.
which seeks to improve accessibility for both
pedestrians and heavy transport, and are written in Now we are heading for a planning that has walk in
chapter 5.4. focus, with accompanying bicycle and collective
solutions. A kind of desired result of this is illustrated in
In short, we think 'shortcuts' in the area, where the the figure below. It is not intended to send the vehicles Transport Hierarchy for different areas.
vertical separation and ceilings used. The overhead on long detours and pollute even more, but to do it so
Norwegian Recycling used, it is pulled against the that it is easier to go and kjipere to run, so that it We will also focus on alternatives to fossil fuels for
common junction and the center of the area, and becomes easier to opt out of the car. vehicles, where we believe that electric and other
becomes an integral part of the green ring. This environmentally friendly alternatives should have
contributes to more direct and safer roads for the soft priority. It may
road users, and provides space for the heavy transport for example, be with setting up charging stations rather
that need to use the roads. than gas stations, or something similar is a widely used
solution: toll or another form of tax that affects those who
are not driving environmentally harder.

As part of our overall principles we want to set a
requirement that the development and construction of the
site should the developer and the municipality agree on a
plan for logistics in the area - a kind of private
Illustration of priority in current and future planning. logistikkommuneplan. This will help to create better
solutions in the vicinity while it puts a focus on a large part of
We would show that transport should be an integral part the economy in society that often gets pushed away. As a
of planning ahead - simply because it is necessary for a result, it created better city life when unexpected heavy
well-functioning city. We have therefore devised such a traffic will not occurring to the extent that it has made
thing as the right figure when it comes to transport previously.
means hierarchy in various areas going forward.

The green ring, proposed new pathways in addition to choice of routes

for "The
green shortcut "

p. 50 of 61
Vulnerable road / PASSENGER

walk On Haraldrud:
The main, most flexible, environmentally friendly and
popular transport method is walk. It is usually the start As previously mentioned, not Haraldrudområdet much to get around
and end of a trip. Man goes to the bus, car, tram or that consistently. Left map illustrates approximately how far 750
subway and go from the stop to the desired destination. meters from the center of the area to area and pedestrian network is
Previously consistently gone detours in relation to motorized today. On this stretch will spend around 10 minutes at a walking
traffic, a trend that is beginning to turn. All travelers are speed of about 4.5 km / h. Just south you can follow Haraldrudveien
going, there are some who are saying. As an example, and straight north, one can move along the only "green" in the field
those traveling by bus from 45 to 50% of total travel on foot and on a bridge over Østre Aker vei right Risløkka subway station.
and 50 These sections are relatively straight and efficient as desired, the lack
- 55% of the travel time on the bus in section. of experience and much transport it is negative. Northeast Over
The map shows 750 meters along the roads in the area of the current applies much the same.
In planning, it is important to facilitate movement lines, situation.
security and experience. One should get from A to B as Against Kabelgata west one is hindered by fences must be taken
quickly as possible, you should feel safe on the road and around. It is, in reality, for example, a hole in the fence we have
you feel that you are experiencing something while used, but it is not an open and usable solution for all and thus not
passing this road. Direct link to the public transport something that is included in our analysis. This means that you
system is essential have to walk a long detour to get around to Kabelgata.
for planning time network. Furthermore, the network will
have many intersections so you do not have to go detours In the area to the east is the large enterprises with their fences and
to get to your destination and the surroundings should be
roadblocks that makes you practically can not get through the area,
readable and easy to navigate. A good density with
just to the companies, for example, if you work there or are visiting.
benches is also essential so old and movement restricted
who needs it gets a breather ground between the stages.

Another principle which is desired to introduce is that in By opening up by the enclosed car park against Kabelgata, in
areas with a high density heavy traffic where pedestrians addition to opening up passes through the side of the building by
moving or is going to move can be considered vertical plate Kabelgata and Tower Street, and a shortcut from the roof to the
design of the traffic, primarily in the form of bridges, but not Norwegian Recycling in direction Økern improves much the
exclusively. Here we refer for example to "The green availability in that direction.
shortcut." It is assumed that good architectural solutions By facilitating consistently roads through the area to the east better
adapted to the surroundings, and that the design is too much on the availability in that direction. An illustration of the
generally suited to the environment and is of good quality. results displayed on the chart to the right. We see that as expected,
This principle leads to quick and safe passage for much like the north and the south over, while the availability clearly
pedestrians and cyclists, as well as efficient transport of has improved the east and west.
heavy vehicles.

p. 51 of 61
The map shows 750 meters along the roads in the area of certain

These are examples of how some thought

changes could improve the transport network for
pedestrians in the area in the future. Several
changes will be needed to make it a full-fledged
network that you want to use, as active facades
and design of roads that provide security for the
pedestrians. In addition, we continue to think that
the road network closer to Metro stops and the
railway repaired for the pedestrians.

Heading north depends on what will happen to

Østre Aker vei. It is a clear barrier with few
transitions, but if the example developed in the
direction of an avenue, the need for transitions
less. Will traffic like now forward several
transitions, for example in the form of
environmental lid be a relevant measure.

All walkways will obviously be universally

designed, and with many of these measures in
due to the situation internally in the field will be far
better than it is today. It will also make it far easier
for public transport passengers to move inward
toward the area. This must be applicable
throughout the year, so it must be adapted for
good operation and maintenance of the area.

p. 52 of 61
Bicycle and micro mobility On Haraldrud:

Cycling is one of the main means of transport in planning a By bike you can reach 750 meters in 03.02 minutes, so
day. This is because of its flexibility, environmental shortcuts are not as significant to the racers as for
friendliness and speed (compared to walk). The same pedestrians. It is however important that the bike trails
principles of walking also applies in cycling, where the point to be in the area are easy to follow and safe to use. It
of straight lines perhaps more importantly for bike than should therefore be established separate bike routes
walk. Context is also important. If you are traveling long along main thoroughfares. We also envision that they
distances by bicycle will orientation and contiguous easily can be used micro mobility. For safety, we
stretches mean much for the traveler. It helps little about propose that they be separated by physical barriers from
bike route has been very fragmented and you have to ride the roads with the most traffic, which Brobekkveien and
on the sidewalk half the time, or if you ever need of to wait Haraldrudveien.
for the green light. Separation from the main road may also Otherwise establishment of clear bicycle lanes as single
be a point if it helps to give more undisturbed lines and riders between different target points in the area, and
increased security. also pulled further out from the site. White markings may
for example, be Kuben VGS Kabelgata, or the rail Illustration of how many cars a bus can replace (Tide 2019).
Unlike for walking must be established sufficient bicycle collective points for those who will travel further. A
parking in the areas needed.
direct route between the train station Alna station and
hub Økern can be prioritized, as it will do much of the Metro
Under the point of cycling, we also want to focus on what is
area more accessible for the
called micro mobility. It can be defined as all småkjøretøy Metro is one of the more effective transit methods one has
non-car-based traffic. Parking for bike and micro
which can carry one to two people for a short distance, available. It has a high capacity, high frequency and can not
mobility must be planned at both focal and target points.
preferably with the aid of electric power. Ståhjuling, be delayed by ordinary traffic since it mostly located in the
It is also conceivable that the rental services may have
electrical roller, electric scooters, electric bicycles and tunnel and runs on its own rails underground. In this case, if
particularly electric scooters are examples of this, where "Stops" in these areas, so that one can easily go there
you are lucky and have a Metro network available in Oslo,
electric scooter can be said to have taken off in Oslo during by bike or micro mobility without owning.
and it is a route on the north side of the selected area.
2019. Micro Mobility is said to be a positive contribution of Nearest stops are Økern- and Risløkka
the city's traffic problems by taking away the need for some collective Subway station, as previously mentioned. The desired easy
road trips, and on the environmental problem by being access to these stops for the coming residents in the area.
electrically and far less than the electric car. It has been Research shows that the number of parking spaces
adopted by millions of people in a short time, but has also available and use of public transport has a direct In addition, there are plans for a new route that is going to
created challenges. It is in terms of safety and accidents, as relationship. So the less parking spaces available, the go through the selected area, Breivoll path. It is also thought
well as considering how green it really is the short lifespan. greater use of public transport. When this underlies to have a stop station on Haraldrud. It is planned near the
desired minimum number of parking spaces for the current Norwegian Recycling, either to the north or to the
residents of the planned area. west. All this is positive for the future development of the
area, given that the path becomes a reality.
When it comes to the actual public transport, it is usually
not too much you get done, outside of a few tweaks. It is desired that in principle, and for this case study,
So we assume that the frequency of departures, prices, the underground has the highest priority as the
punctuality, transition opportunities, stops and other common
standards are acceptable. transportation method. This means that all transport to
and from the stations have adapted best to the subway.
Transfers to public transport stops is done mainly This applies to pedestrian and bicycle transportation,
through walking, some of the bike and a bit of other shuttle buses and other micro-mobility in the area that
micro-mobility, as written about in a separate section. connects users to the public transport system.
Illustrative of various types of micro-mobility (Tiwari 2019).

p. 52 of 61
Bus Passenger

Today's bus service to the area is not sufficient for the The car as we know it today will probably be a thing of the
planned transformation and must be sharply upgraded. past in the near future. Not only how it looks or what fuel it
The routes need to be upgraded so that they meet the runs on, but also how it is used. Today we are accustomed
travel needs of those who live and work in the area. to private individuals buy, own and use their own private
Herein, it is primarily the number of departures. Whether vehicles. But in a few years will probably this begin to be
several bus routes in the area should be planned phased out, especially in metropolitan areas. A car is parked
depending on the status of the subway extension and about 95% of ten- it. This occupies a total lot of unnecessary
development of other offerings internally on the site. The space in addition to production and sometimes use requires
lack of development here, we consider it necessary to much energy and generate a good part release.
have a route to the area, especially considering the fact
that those who move there to get easy access to the The trend is towards a more autonomy ed car society,
public network, that the existing not be overloaded, and meaning that cars drive themselves and perhaps eventually
that those who go there to shop shall without driver. One of the biggest fears of this is that
dropping to choose the car because the current public Example of a Route autonomous shuttle bus can have in the area. anyone who currently owns private cars acquires an
transport nodes located autonomous car. One of the problems then about all that
"A little too far away." Here, for example, a transverse makes it allows the car to drive to work, and then ask the
pathways is a possibility. car to drive back to the residence to avoid having to pay
parking. Later in the day when going home again asking
Autonomous shuttle buses on the premises: one car come to pick you up, before it drives you home.
This implies a direct doubling traffic volume, and it must be
One of the common development in the area may be a able to foresee, for example, in terms of regulations of any
trench with autonomous shuttle buses. It can go through the kind. This may be limiting the number of autonomous cars
area and move people from the various stops of each other per capita or limitation on the number of parking spaces in
so as to connect the subway, bus and train best. different areas. Further to this limitation,
Another route can be added to improve accessibility additional. On Haraldrud:

Here you also said micro mobility record as potential We want a minimum of parking spaces in the area,
options. If this becomes widespread may be mentioned especially on the ground floor there will be only very few
plan for a bike lane / micro mobility field next to, or in available. This implies that mentioned an increased focus
addition to shuttle bus trench. These will be able to serve on public transport, and transport to and from the stops.
different needs. It may be difficult to bring a lot of goods There will always be access to emergency and movement
on electric scooter, but residents can electric scooter be limited.
Example of autonomous bus that already exists a faster and easier option when they are traveling. On- and relief zones for freight will also exist in addition to
About this has frequent enough frequency, this could solve or as part of parking. The limitation with the parking spaces
a lot between public transport stops on the general public must be planned in conjunction with changes in goods
transport offer is good enough, in addition to making it transport and a better public transport network, so that
easier to reach the hubs that make the rest of the city more these are good replacements for the car. This will help the
accessible. site become less car-based, but also possible to travel to.
There will be some underground where there are many
homes. This in line with developments elsewhere in society
by sharing services, autonomous vehicles and the like. We
envisage that most of these will only exist in a few decades
before they are phased over to other uses, such as indoor
cultivation / greenhouse.

p. 53 of 61

In the section on vulnerable road users is a lot of focus on So how can this be solved?
initiatives that leads the field in a direction where collective
coverage and the possibility of movement in the area is so
great that the area simply do not need to be car-based. We
have also mentioned that transport should have its place in
the area, it largely uses the same roads as the other user.
It's about a reduction in car traffic would reduce the overall
amount of traffic in the area, contributing Current flow of goods for personal consumption.
to improve the flow of the goods transport which must
necessarily exist while providing greater security for the Future flow of goods for personal consumption.
soft road users. In addition, we want to look at solutions
The point of junction is that it introduces an additional link in the
that can help make this item transport may be less harmful
chain where one transfers the goods to another means of transport.
to the life in the area, and may decrease the amount of
This is to make it more environmentally friendly and to create a
trucks without the amount of goods to be transported
necessarily decreases. The latter is the more dependent better city life with fewer larger vehicles in the city center. Delivery
on consumption in society. of inventory to node we want mainly to go with court, in cities like
Oslo subway can be used for this. If it is not expedient or possible
Perhaps we are moving towards a trend where you want can be transported by electric trucks to the node. From node runs
smaller vehicles that are not as annoying towards key areas the small electric / manual vehicles such as electric bicycle, electric
where people reside. So maybe it had been possible to scooter, etc. These will be more environmentally friendly and create
develop such a system? a better city life around their hubs. These can deliver on to the post
office or directly to the customer. The idea is that the system may
Supply chain be relatively liquid. One can retrieve their package anywhere in the
chain that is closest. So that packages can be
The trend today is that the item has approached the sourced by node, and not only at the post office. One can also get
customer more than earlier in the supply chain. This delivered the goods straight to the door of the warehouse, or go and
happened partly by the transition from post office to post fetch it.
office, and by increased home delivery as e-commerce
took off. Such system is currently ordering one item on The advantage of this system here is that some of personbilen- use
the internet or in the shop, then comes the item delivered can is decreased, and it provides a new option for customers. The
to a warehouse before being distributed to the so-called aim is that a greater degree can perform retail without the use of
"pick-up point," typically post office, where the beneficiary tires by means of a more developed and wider delivery system.
comes for the package. Optionally running customer all
the way to store the first provided to, for example.
Haraldrud, to retrieve the item. The latter may typically
apply to larger items.
Another trend is that the struggle for land in urban areas is
getting tougher. As the large cities aiming towards being
less car-based, the area of delivery is also less. This has
led to that motorized vehicles on some routes have
restricted, and other roads are one-way. This requires
better planning and flexibility, and sometimes longer driving
Meanwhile, society more concerned with climate-friendly
single-copy solutions, both locally and globally. Man is
more concerned bymil- ation, which includes air quality,
sound, image and security. All these points go in conflict
with the current big trucks.
p. 54 of 61
home. The product is subsequently delivered to
a pick-up point, on the door or to be retrieved by
a stock.

Illustrative photo of a typical showroom (General Fire and Safety, ud)


Showrooms, which can be said to be a way to

put together physical and Internet commerce,
is becoming more and more popular.
Automotive is an example of how it has been
used, but the concept is popular even with e-
commerce and other major trade. Some stores,
Clas Ohlson, reduces retail area, so it is still
possible to bring some goods right home, but if
you want access to the entire range must be the
online store. For clothes has for example 'smart'
mirror can be used to
"Try" clothing. Shoes from the online database
can be tried on and then ordered as online
store, where it could try helping to reduce
returns. Online stores have the opportunity to
provide direct service and to build a relationship
with them (Allhorn & N. Evensmo, 2018).
The concept is still not an undivided success,
including IKEA has experienced. They opened
three showrooms, which was closed down after a
few years including profitability as justification for
it. There are also those who do not believe in the
concept, which Elkjøp. Where they believe that
customers must be able to act immediately,
saving time and that the profitability of the
showrooms is hard to figure out (N. Evens- mo,

The transportation tank with showrooms is that

they want less heavy freight transport in the city
center, and employs showrooms to showcase
articles. In addition, you as an individual easier to
use other means of transport than car showrooms
when not to take with them the goods straight
p. 55 of 61
alternative means of transport
Underground network for logistics at night From the goods transported further to the desired
destination. By lighter goods ENVIRONMENT "mini There is already an ongoing development to partially or
The untapped potential is to use the underground network transport" (such as electric bicycle) of nodes (so called completely electrifying trucks in Norway. ASKO has for
to transport goods and waste at night (in first place), when "last mile"). And by larger or heavier goods must be example stated a goal that by 2020 they will use 100
it is not in regular operation. This will make the goods equipped trucks are used. It- tea has probably also a percent renewable energy sources, and the electric truck
transported in virtually linear lines to their destinations, but correlation with how close the center one is, and the is part of the strategy (Seehusen, 2018). Some choose all-
in a limited political demands they make of vehicle running. electric
window of time. It is a fact that maintenance is done at night and others begin with hybrid tractor units, and there is also
in the subway network, so this must of course be We envisage that this could be a win-win situation. Also a variation in hydrogen. An example of an electric truck is
coordinated. As of now, there are five underground lines in learn to because there may still get cheap, direct and Mercedez-Benz 'Urban eTruck. In time this will make
Oslo, where two moving right Haraldrud and that potentially environmentally friendly transport, and those who own the freight transport more environmentally friendly and less
is available around 1:30 am and 05:00 am each day, and subway can earn money under the current "døtiden". Maybe noisy.
1:30 to 6:00 on weekends. It provides 3.5 to 4.5 hours to they employ also more?
spare for deliveries.
Whether it is possible or not to transport goods on the
The idea is that operators along metro network that current subway system, we think that the idea is
operates supplying or receipt of goods, products, waste or exciting and one in the future can plan and prepare for
lig- forming can utilize online at this time of day to
this can be implemented.
Distributed. Furthermore, the idea that one building smaller
hub in the center areas, or operating the existing
underground stop and adapted to the hoisting. This must be
an effective system for the players to see the value of
choosing this over such a truck. Other possibilities for
adaptation is to facilitate the distribution operators put to
work close to the underground network and that, for
example transported goods through the tunnel to the grid.

Mercedez-Benz Urban eTruck (Panait, 2017)

Autonomous vehicles coming more and more and are

already well begun. What we envisage is Level 5
autonomous vehicles, ie vehicles that are fully automated
on all types of roads and in all kinds of environments. It
need not just be cars like the picture below, but it can be,
for example buses and trucks. Autonomous buses can be
Illustration Photograph of stock (ClayCo, ud) ideal for on transporting people from one point to another in
a fixed interval during the day.

Illustration for deliveries at different times of day.

Illustration Photograph of stock (Wheeler, 2014)
Illustration Photograph of an autonomous vehicle (Google, ud)

p. 56 of 61
Electrical goods delivery bikes will be part of the supply In contact with Norwegian Recycling, we have received Freight transport is a challenge for vulnerable road users
chain, and then towards the end of the chain. Whether as information on how goods flow their is in and out of in terms of safety and noise. The green shortcut using
delivery to the final hub or to deliver to your door. It is first business. Inn of enterprise comes trucks from all over the vertical separation as a means to separate, and a means
and foremost very flexible in delivery and do not need large Eastern region with private garbage, and Oslo of providing both groups priority. An increase in the
space or extensive logistics to come to a delivery point. In municipality garbage. On the way out goes the goods amount of freight transport can be expected with
addition, the environmentally friendly and good for the mainly to countries such as Sweden, Denmark, Germany increased population quantity, and consumers expect
urban environment when it is less disruptive in the urban and the Netherlands. With the exception of Sweden, all fast deliveries and quick and environmentally friendly
landscape than for example trucks. cargo in trucks. Because Norway has a surplus of waste management. The amount of trucks could be
imports to mean in principle that the trucks that come into reduced by moving parts of the goods of other transport
the country will run out again. It is precisely these trucks methods. Subway network can be deployed
Norwegian Recycling fills up with their goods. In Sweden, at night. Hubs and showrooms can be used, together
around 50% of goods by train and by 50% with trucks. with flexible electrical load cycles. This also contributes
Exactly how it is for the other companies in the area, we to a better urban environment, and makes trade
are not familiar with. possible without large trucks into the city center. Less
car-based center cores hatches allere- the some of
these out. Along with good public transport, this means
adminstration that the car becomes less necessary in connection with
merchandising. Smaller trucks can increase the feeling of
Haraldrud is an area that is accessible by car-based safety for vulnerable road users, and a transition to
transport and not for pedestrians. In areas has industry electric trucks are more environmentally friendly. This will
players that are essential to keep for Oslo as a city, but help to reduce noise and improve air quality.
Illustration Photograph of deliveries by electric load cycles. that involves a lot of heavy transport. The desired
properties in the area, which could potentially conflict
Alnabru terminal with these business activities. Is it possible to develop in
the direction of retaining some of the businesses and
In the initial phase of this task group was very pleased associated transport and logistics, while one can stay
with the location of the project area as it was right by the and live there?
railroad, and we saw a lot of potential at this location. It's
a rare good opportunity when many companies in the For pedestrians, it is important rightly bevegelseslin- jer,
region engaged in logistics and goods, and thus could confidence and experience while you can recover quickly
have exploited the close location to their advantage. departed. For consistently we can create shortcuts,
either as, or in addition to the adaptations that the green
What we have learned throughout the project period is no shortcuts road. Bike trails can also be used for micro
that for now so experienced railway as inflexible, mobility should be constructed along the main routes in
unreliable and traffic lines of railway is often not where the area, ie between different target points and public
they want to send. Therefore preferred commercials transport hubs. Here we can also create a direct route
greatly. It is not ideal to date, but in the future also this between Alna Station and Asian hub Økern, which can
industry be fully or partially electrified - and perhaps be for both pedestrians, cyclists and the autonomous
automated. This will mean that rail becomes even less shuttle bus that makes it easy to get into and from the
relevant for businesses. Territory. Frequent departures are important
for public transport users. To reduce the amount of
traffic we will have minimal parking spaces in the area,
especially on the ground floor. Yet we will ensure that
there are adequate stopping places for goods and
freight and other unique vehicles as ambulances. Car
sharing services can contribute to the limitation of own
cars eventually.

p. 56 of 61
The mission, which we were given by Aspelin Ramm and Sweco in early summer, said Such location and needs analysis showed there is great potential in the development of the
simply: "How can production combined with good urban development?" It quickly became area, as well as many interesting ongoing planning processes and regulations. The task we
clear to us that the task was not as easy as we had envisaged. By using what we have received from Sweco and Aspelin Ramm was twofold, so we on the one hand, should seek to
learned in our respective studies, discuss, investigate, try and error, and ask more develop universal principles that would be used for development of other places that are
questions, we've got a good insight into production and its social significance. It also similar Haraldrud and
dawned on us that the term "urban" with advantage can be expanded and become more While finding concrete solutions to the more site-specific challenges in the area. We developed two
inclusive. grip: "LMT Strategy" and "The green shortcut."

We was based on the premise that if production and manufacturing increasingly pushed Formåelt with "LMT strategy" is to challenge the City developers to think more holistic
further out of the cities, this will have both social and environmental impacts. development of areas affected by manufacturing and industry. Instead of pushing companies
in the areas out we suggest that by evaluating the areas and businesses on the basis of
Urban economy, and hence also production role has changed over time. The emergence of various parameters, we can divide the three groups; Light, Medium and Heavy production.
globalization, neoliberalism, and the transition from industrial society to information society, Then considered area that more or less suitable for residential development. It is important to
has undoubtedly contributed to the development of towns as they are today. The trend in emphasize that the helhetsorienter- tea idea is central, and LMT strategy therefore should not
urban development has for many years been focused on planning for a growing creative be considered a direct zoning. The limits areas in between, we consider that liquid, and the
class. Gentrification - often disguised by the term "revitalization" - has created islands with parameters will always be site specific.
cafés and culture focused areas, where both the original jobs and people have been forced
out of the city core. This has created cities that are more generic and less diverse (Tone "The Green shortcut" is a grip that is based on the Oslo's "The Green RIN gene" described
Huse, Tøyengata - a nouveau riche piece of Norway, 2012 pp. 14-15). including in Strategic Plan for Hovinheia town. The ring is a turdrag which runs in a ring from
Hovinheia, Lorena via Økern to Risløkka through Haraldrud and back. We see many
If we are to believe the claim that the most successful and attractive areas are those who advantages in "The Green Ring" and wants to "The Green shortcut" to play on the Planning
want all kind of people welcome (as Richard Florida writes in 'Cities and The Creative Class', and Building Administration's idea of several green paths - also on Haraldrud. At the same
2005), there must also be room for all sorts of residences and all sorts jobs. time should also turdraget be something other than just a recreation area, and also get the
usual pedestrian or cyclist more to good everyday. It's not uncommon to want to make use of
It is our belief that the development of Hovin city in general, and Haraldrud specifically, the roads brin- ger quickest ahead. For this reason, we propose a change of route selection to
raised few or no questions about what the consequences have to push production out of "The
suburban areas - both locally and in the larger picture. For example, increased emissions in Green Ring "and also proposes a unifying shortcut, to get visitors and especially residents of
the form of increased transportation needs and increased social segregation. the area for good. We imagine one cycle path, as in T-areas can go over the hill, and the L-
areas are on the ground floor.

p. 58 of 61
6.2 THE WAY 3. It is necessary to have a common grip - across
1. The production must be preserved and integrated
FORWARD with housing
and other urban functions
scales - connecting areas

In this report we have tried to highlight "The green ring" which is issued by the City of Oslo is an
and problematize current byutviklingspa- The need to preserve production has been a recurring exciting idea. The goal of putting a frame around Hovin city
radigme, and with it also the planned element in this report, and the social and environmental with recreation and green spaces with the well met. But
development of Haraldrud with Hovin consequences of inaction there seems to be a lack of links across the ring so that it
town. We propose a series of measures it has on several occasions been ascertained. On becomes a full grip. "The green shortcut" to support such
that can help the site can be developed Haraldrud we see how Oslo as a city depends on the key measures, and can thus connect public transport, green
into a vibrant city with a distinct identity, players on Haraldrud, and thus also serves to preserve structures and different areas into a cohesive city.
where their manufacturing operations are such a production area so close to the city center. If
at the center. The report gestaltet actual production integrate with several urban functions, such
proposals on how this can be resolved. as housing, different kind of nourishment and recreation
Nevertheless, it is necessary to areas, we see that there can be a place with an identity
emphasize that there are principles, and and belonging that differs from other, more generic
not the physical form, which is the residential areas. The goal of a socially integrated and
most important. Finally, we will highlight sustainable district, where diversity is emphasized, can
four points we believe are essential for a thus be fulfilled.
successful urban development on
Haraldrud and in Hovin town.

2. It must be planned space for the future / be made 4. Regulations are a good tool to create an
for future unexpected needs inclusive city

It's hard to predict what type of production we will have Regulations in many cases can help to support a desired
use for in the future. Nevertheless, it is likely that development. Although they can not be used to
future production will be based on much of what exists regulate which actors have the opportunity to establish
today. A prerequisite for being able to preserve existing themselves in the area, we believe that it can - and
production in a realistic manner, is to facilitate possible should - be a requirement to ensure that the players have
future changes, for example in the form of flexible spaces. a social profile. It can for example be in the form of
To Finally, we will take the opportunity to In this way, companies can confidently develop, expand, leases which give production enterprises discounts
come with a little encouragement to those scaled down or converted in step with the times. About the rental price if a minor part of the area used for public or
who have read this report: Feel free to some productions phased out, it will still be needed to social purposes. Be it homes to the employees, or the
use all of the ideas, thoughts, grip, cover the basic needs of our food, clothing and waste possibility of the neighborhood to gain access to the
sketches or what could be be, that you management. The rapid technological developments may, premises after working hours. It can help Haraldrud
find of value in this report. We hope that however, come to change production becomes a living and inclusive space. This also underlines
the ideas can serve as inspiration and largely. 3D printing is an obvious example of this. The that with small means could go far when it comes to
further developed. And if there is way we move, live and consume in the future is also creating a social integrated and sustainable city.
something that has become clear to us, unknown factors that most likely will be affected by Regulation is all urban mother.
after a summer of Production town, so it technological developments. Thus it is necessary to
is that collaboration is the key to a good allocate space for what we do not yet know anything
result. about.

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