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 You are doing a School job in which you have put a lot of effort doing it. However, by the
time you have already deliver your work, you missed some important parts of that script.
The teacher, patiently recognizes your effort on the work, so that’s why he makes a
feedback on your work and gives another opportunity to improve.
 You’re playing soccer and you have an important role in one team. You made a crucial
mistake that lead to your team losing the soccer match. The manager of the team, instead
of being mad at you, yelling and more, he tries to explain why you made that mistake and
how you could improve.


 You are doing a project that could benefit a community. You work hard to achieve it, and
finally it comes to reality. The people directly affected by your work is pleased and happy
with you.
 You are a teacher, and you try your best to create an impact for your students. You work
so well that yours students recognize your hard work plus, they enjoy having you as a
teacher. They express to you how important you are for them.


 You’re working with some friends in a project. This project is important for your
graduation of your career. However, you made a mistake while doing your work that
directly affects your teammates. Someone on the group directly yells at you and
humiliates you in front of the whole team.
 You (as a teacher) are responsible of taking care of some students. However, you forgot to
take care of those students. This students later damage a part of a classroom. The school
coordinator, is absolutely furious with your mistake. He yells at you.


 You are making a math activity. You are not sure if its ok or not. You finally deliver your
work to the teacher. The teacher never says to you how did you perform. You are left
wondering what happened.
 In work, you are leading a project. You are waiting the feedback of your boss. However, he
doesn’t bother to say to you how you did in that project.

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