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Commander Striker


Matthew Simpson

Deanfield Ave, Henley-on-Thames RG9 1UH

(Striker, Piper, Ship)

MUSIC Sci-fi music

STRIKER: It is not everyday you find yourself

under attack by aliens. I would have
liked to introduce this mid battle, with
me walking away from an explosion, with a
woman in my arms and the world at my
feet. But instead, I’m inside a cupboard,
cowering from the aliens who have just
boarded our ship. My second in command,
PIPER, is with me. I say second in
command; we are the only crew on the
ship. Piper is a nice bloke, bit on the
timid side which is not what you want in
a partner during a voyage in space. But
he does make good coffee. We started our

PIPER: (WHISPERED) Striker! Did you hear that?


PIPER: I think they’re heading this way

SOUND: sound of aliens – made using veg/comb –

everything else is silent as it draws

PIPER: They’re getting closer. What’s the plan?

STRIKER: Well, we haven’t got a choice. We stay
here and make a new life for ourselves.

PIPER: In the cupboard?

STRIKER: Well, if you want to go out there and be

eaten, be my guest.

SOUND: Silence – followed by alien clicking,

growing louder.

STRIKER: Anyway, where was I. Ah, me and Piper

began our voyage about 2 years ago in the
year 2053. We were sent by our fellow
humans to try and find a new power
source, as the planet has been milked dry
of all it can give us. So, we
volunteered. Well, volunteered is a
strong word. We decided it’d be better
out here than back at home. But now I’m
beginning to realise how wrong we were…

SOUND: Banging and movement.

PIPER: They’re in the room.

SOUND: Cat meowing

STRIKER: There goes the cat…

SOUND: Sound of more crashing

PIPER: I think that’s the least of your worries

right now.

SOUND: The crashing stops.

STRIKER: Why have they stopped? Do you think

they’ve gone?

SOUND: The clicking of the aliens gets louder

and closer. We hear subtle breathing of
Piper and Striker. Then the cupboard door
open and there’s a screech from an alien.


SOUND: Footsteps as they run, heavy breathing

and the alien behind them.

STRIKER: (Panting) Ok then. I don’t think they’re


SOUND: More of them running

PIPER: In here!

STRIKER: Are you insane?!

SOUND: Alien sound a can be heard, a little way

off but getting closer.

PIPER: Well, it’s that or wait here and let them

catch up.

STRIKER: (Reluctant) Urgh, fine.

SOUND: More footsteps

STRIKER: At this moment I’m not sure whether Piper

has had a stroke of genius or completely

lost his mind. Either way boarding our
attackers ship would not have been my
first choice.

SOUND: As they sit down and start pressing


STRIKER: Right then. Just like riding a bike.

PIPER: I never learned how to ride a bike.

STRIKER: Well then, this should be interesting.

All we have to do is get out of here as
quietly as possible and they won’t even-

SHIP: (Starts talking - Mechanical machine

voice – loud – sudden)

SOUND: During Escape pods line we hear

scrambling and shuffling and bouts of
“Shut the door” and “Turn it off!” in
frantic whispers from the heroes – sounds
of door shutting – decompressing air –
and buttons being pressed)

SHIP: Thank you for flying with Axium

Spacecrafts, the best ships the galaxy
has to offer. You are currently flying
with our regular package. Did you know
you could be flying in luxury with our
premium packa-

SOUND It is cut off as a button is pressed

followed by silence. This hangs for a few

seconds. They are listening for the
alien. Then we hear the clicking.

PIPER: Do you think they heard-

SOUND: He is cut off by a loud screeching

(muffled behind glass) and clawing at
glass – just drag hands down glass – not
nails on window like greasy hands – that
horrible er er er er sound.Both heroes
scream and frantically push buttons.

SHIP: Please select a location and you-


SOUND: sound of the ship being ejected as the

thrusters engage and the monster sounds
fade away. Both heroes sound out of

STRIKER: (PANTING) Yeah. I think they heard us…

SOUND: Moment of silence. They laugh slightly

SHIP: I will need a location to be specified.

Although places in the outer rim will
require a premium-

STRIKER: Set a course to Earth!

PIPER: (Moment of silence) Shame about the ship.

STRIKER: Yeah well, we’ll just get a new one when

we get home.

PIPER: Will they even let us back in? They
weren’t too happy last time we came back
with nothing.

STRIKER: It’ll be fine we’ll just

SOUND: Alarm sounds

SHIP: Problem detected in the engine room.

Running diagnostic. Requires immediate

STRIKER: Oh, for crying out… I’ll go and see what

the problem is.

SOUND: Sound of Striker standing up and going to

the engine room

STRIKER: (From a little way away from) Hey Piper!

Come and have a look at this!

SOUND: Piper walking over to him

PIPER: What is i- woah.

STRIKER: Woah indeed! Look at what they got

powering this thing! Looks like about
half a ton of coaxium. That’d be enough
to power half the Earth!

SOUND: Silence as realisation dawns on them both

STRIKER: Piper. I think we’ve found our ticket


SCENE 2: Mayor’s office

(Striker, Piper, Mayor)

SOUND Traffic noise – muffled by window

MUSIC Rising throughout the scene

STRIKER: So, we made our way back to Earth, and

we’re greeted with open arms. Well, we
were once we showed them the coaxium.
Before that they didn’t look very pleased
at all. But now, standing in the Mayor’s
office, overlooking the city, I really
felt like we’d made it.

MAYOR: Look at it gentlemen. Can you see the

PowerStation just over there.

STRIKER: Yeah, looks like they’re taking the

coaxium off the transport now.

MAYOR: And when it enters that building it will

be able to power this whole city, and
soon the world!

PIPER: Amazing! I can’t believe we did it.

MAYOR: And your quick return was incredibly

useful in the safe transport of the

STRIKER: (Pausing – slightly worried) What do you

mean sir?

MAYOR: Well, Coaxium can be an immensely
volatile substance if it has been
overused. If you powered your ship for
several long journeys in quick succession
it would become unstable.

PIPER: W-what if, just out of curiosity, we’d,

oh I don’t know, stopped off for a few
drinks on Coruscant? (Moment of silence)
Not that we ever would, we came straight
back here. Just… hypothetically.

MAYOR: Well. That would take immeasurable


STRIKER: Yes, but what would happen to the


MAYOR: Well, by now it would be incredibly


PIPER: But wouldn’t the scientists have noticed

if it was?

SOUND Mayor’s footsteps stepping towards them

MAYOR: (Slight laugh) Oh no, it is impossible to

tell what state the coaxium is in. (Beat
- Silence) Gentlemen, gentlemen. Let us
not focus on what could have been. If you
look over there, I think the PowerStation
is just turning-

SOUND: He is cut off by a loud explosion


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