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Rizal had a fulfilling yet sad story.

He prioritizes his time wisely while also loving the country

whole-heartedly. He was also accountable to his words and to his stand to the motherland
while not forgetting his family. His passion of writing as his sword to fight for the freedom of
the Philippines left no regret on his death.

Rizal told the truth and opened the eyes of the Filipino people

Rizal is a hero who fought without using deadly weapons; he fought using only his sword that
could write to fight for the freedom of our country and led to open the eye of us, fellow
Filipinos. This shows that, we Filipinos can also fight as well without having a hand-battle to
anyone to protect our motherland. As seen in the movie, Paciano is his brother that helped him
and supported him in all his life. This is an example which is relevant to the youth; we must
never forget our family that will have an un-ending support to us.

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