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A. Understanding
Adverbs come from adding and verbs, so that they have the
meaning of adding meaning to verbs. But in its development the adverb
does not only function to explain the verb, but also can explain other
types of words.

B. Function
1. Adverb usually explains “verb”
The car moved slowly (adverb “slowly” explain verb “moved”)
2. Sometimes, adverb explain “adjective”
She is very beautiful (adverb “very” explain adjective “beautiful”)
3. Adverb can also explain other adverb
Example: She played the piano extremely well (adverb “extremely”
explain adverb “well”)

C. Form
1. In many cases, adverb is formed by adding –ly suffixes to
Adjective Adverb
Cheap cheaply
slow slowly
quick quickly

 Time goes quickly
 He walked slowly to the door

2. If the adjectives ends with –y, change y to I and add –ly

Adjective Adverb
Easy Easily
Angry Angrily
Happy Happily
lucky Luckily

3. If it is adjective ending with –able, -ible, or –le, change –e to –y

Adjective Adverb
Proable Proably
Terrible Terribly
Gentle Gently

4. If the adjective ends with –ic then add –ally

Adjective Adverb
Basic Basically
Economic Economically
Tragic Tragically
*except : public – publicly

5. Some adverbs have the same shape as adjective
 It is a fast car
 He drives very fast
 We saw many high buildings
 The bird flew high in the sky

D. Irregular Adverbs
Some adverb are formed by adding ly to the adjective form. However
there are some forms of adverb that do not follow this rule, like some
of the following adverb.
Adjective Adverb
Good Well
Fast Fast
Hard Hard
Late Late
Early Early
Daily Daily

E. Various Adverbs
1. Adverbs of Time
Explain the time in which an activity was carried out. Used to answer
questions when or what time, what day and so on.
Example of adverb of time commonly used :
NO Adverb Of Time
1 Today
2 Tomorrow
3 Always
4 Morning
5 Then
6 Night
7 Afterwards
8 Before
9 Ago
10 Presently
11 Now
12 Yesterday
13 Late
14 Afternoon
15 Evening
16 Soon
17 Immediately
18 After
19 Already
20 Since

example :
 The car ordered will soon be here
 Mr. santoso is going to do his homework now

2. Adverb of Place
Explain the place where an activity is carried out. used to answer
questions where. This type of adverb is usually placed after playing
verb or after an object.
Example of adverb of place commonly used :
NO Adverb Of Place Adverb Of Place
1 Here There
2 Over Here Over there
3 Inside Outside
4 In Out
5 Near Far
6 Above Below
7 Across Abroad
8 Around Along
9 Up Down
10 Upstairs Downstairs
11 Nowhere Somewhere
12 Hence Thence
13 Hither Thither
14 Away

example :
 I’m going home
 A new office building will be constructed here for tom’s

3. Adverb of Manner
Explain how something is done. Used to answer the question how.
These adverbs are mostly shaped and adjective by adding the suffix
“ly”, for example “quickly” and the word “quick”. This type of adverb is
usually placed after the verb or after the object.

Example of adverb of manner commonly used :
NO Adverb Of Manner Adverb Of Manner
1 Slowly Quickly
2 Thus So
3 Well Badly
4 Calmly Kindly
5 Politely Wisely
6 Wrongly Carefully
7 Suddenly Softly
8 Actively Rapidly
9 Anyhow Happily
10 Simply Automatically
11 Fluently Beautifully

example :
 He swims well
 He plays the flute beautifully

4. Adverb of frequency
Explain how often something is done. used to answer questions how
many times or how often.
Example of adverb of frequency commonly used :
No Adverb Adverb
1. Often Twice
2. Once Again
3. Usually Always
4. Ever Never
5. Sometimes Seldon
6. Mostly Regularly
7. Scarcely Frequently
8. Thrice Rarely
9. Secondly

 Nita always washes her face before going to bed
 Beni often goes to school by bike

5. Adverb of degree
Explain in the level of how a job is carried out. Used to answer in what
degree questions.
Example of adverb of degree commonly used :
NO Adverb Of Degree Adverb Of Degree
1 Very Exactly
2 Partly Only
3 Slightly Too
4 Almost Nearly
5 Rather About
6 Entirely Merely
7 Wholly Half
8 Equally Absolutely
9 Perfectly

Example :
 She works too hard for complete the target
 Fire chiken with level 5 in richeese is very spicy

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