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School of Nursing and Health Sciences

NCM 412: Elective Course (Gerontological Nursing)
Lesson 1 Activity: Introduction to Gerontological Nursing

NAME: Joy-Rena Sabinay Ochondra Year Level & Section: BSN-4A Date 10/30/2020


1. What can you say about the society’s attitude and perception toward aging? (5pts)
The society’s attitude and perception toward aging right now is some people expressed
that aging means change, loss, and not being able to do anything. They felt that when
people get older, they lose their dignity and independence. They were sorry for older
persons who could not take care of themselves. However, they also felt being old
means more experiences and having privileges, for instance, senior discounts, senior
centers, affordable housing for seniors, and senior support groups. Some people
expressed that getting older means getting wiser.

2. Complete this sentence: OLDER PEOPLE ARE . . .

List as many adjectives as you can think of. (5pts)
Older people are caring, loving, peaceful and calm, happy and honorable, homeless
and weak, arthritic, forgetful, penniless, sick, dependent, special , clean and wrinkled.

3. Imaging in a dark room, close your eyes, picture yourself as an 85-year-old. Note
your appearance, sight, sounds, and surrounding. Discuss below how your perception
of yourself goes with relation to your physical, emotional and mental image. (5pts)
As I imagine myself getting older, I might have difficulty focusing on objects that are
close up. I might become more sensitive to glare and have trouble adapting to different
levels of light. I might have difficulty hearing high frequencies or following a
conversation in a crowded room. With age, the skin thins and becomes less elastic and
more fragile, and fatty tissue just below the skin decreases. I might notice that I bruise
more easily. Decreased production of natural oils might make the skin drier and
wrinkles. I might forget familiar names or words, or I may find it more difficult to
multitask, As I see myself sick, as maybe I inherited diseases such as diabetes,
hypertension, and cancer.


1. How do you feel about aging? Do you dread getting older, or look forward to it? (5pts)
You can't stop the aging process, but you can make choices that improve your ability to
maintain an active life, to do the things you enjoy, and to spend time with loved ones.
Yes, I’m looking forward to it with a big smile.
2. Have you ever cared for an older adult? How do you feel about caring for them?
Yes, my grandmother. Well, it’s not easy because she’s bedridden. She suffers from a
stroke at that time. I am the only one who’s capable of taking good care of her. But in
spite of difficulties in taking good care of her, I am still glad and happy because I love
her so much. Age is just a number, You’re not getting older, you’re getting better.
3. What do you think about nurses who work in nursing homes or a home-for-the-aged
setting? (5pts)
For me, those nurses who work in nursing homes or a home-for-the-aged setting are
considered an idol. Because they set a good example for those aspiring nurses in the
near future. Working in a nursing home requires very strong values, ones that will help
these nurses to perform and assist patients as best as they can. It is the kind of role that
nurses know is hard, but once committed, will need to be willing to do what it takes to
make their patients’ lives better.

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