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12/6/2020 How to Clean a Laptop Keyboard, Clean Earbuds, and More

The 11 Grossest Things You Use Every

Single Day and Don't Know How to Clean
Written by Amber Petty on February 12, 2019


Every time I buy a new phone, I make the same mistake: I remove the
old case while there are other people within a five-mile radius. The
amount of gunk, weirdness, and straight-up dirt that’s caught within
the crevices is always a horror.
Honestly, at this point, if a fistful of dust and a screaming ghost
escaped my case, I wouldn’t be surprised. But when’s the last time I
cleaned the thing that I press up to my face and hands all day? Oh,
approximately never.


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12/6/2020 How to Clean a Laptop Keyboard, Clean Earbuds, and More

That’s not a great move. A 2017 study from the University of Tartu
found that the cell phones of secondary school students were
swarmed with 17,000 bacterial gene copies. Granted, middle school
kids probably gross up their phones more than the average adult, but
that’s still a lot of germs, especially for an item that you probably stay
in contact with day and night (my phone sits right next to my pillow
while I sleep. Yes, I have problems).
Since my mom didn’t teach me how to wash cell phones, earbuds,
fitness trackers, or other items of the modern age, I went to
sanitization and lifestyle experts for advice on how to clean up my
life and all the little stuff that can’t get shoved into a washing
machine. And with their advice, we all can live a slightly less gross
1. Earbuds
“Earbuds are one of those items you don’t think to clean until you
catch a glimpse of several weeks’ worth of ear gunk inside. Then it’s
all you can think about,” says Allison Bean, lifestyle expert and
editorial director for The Spruce. To clean these tricky little buds,
you don’t need anything special, but it is a multi-step process.
For silicone-tipped buds, take off the silicone and soak those bits in
warm, soapy water. “While the tips are soaking, hold the earbuds
with the opening facing downward, and use a clean toothbrush to
brush off any debris,” Bean says. If they’re extra gunky, Bean advises
dipping the toothbrush in hydrogen peroxide to dissolve the wax and
speed up cleaning. Just make sure you go easy with the peroxide
since you don’t want to drip liquid into the metallic parts of the

12/6/2020 How to Clean a Laptop Keyboard, Clean Earbuds, and More

After a little brushing, dry the buds upside down. Then rinse off the
silicone tips, let them dry, and enjoy the A Star Is Bornsoundtrack on
repeat with squeaky-clean ears.

2. Laptops
If your laptop is anything like mine, it holds about as many crumbs
as it does gigabytes. “Laptops undergo a lot of handling and
therefore collect a surprising amount of germs in a short amount of
time,” Bean says. Like earbuds, laptops aren’t hard to clean, but you
need a little patience to do a thorough job. 
12/6/2020 How to Clean a Laptop Keyboard, Clean Earbuds, and More

First of all, turn off your laptop and unplug it. There are very safe
ways to clean your computer, and there’s no reason to risk electric
shock. Secondly, put equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle,
says Marieta Ivanova, cleaning and home improvement expert for
Fantastic Cleaners Brisbane. Spray a bit of the solution onto a cotton
rag (so that it’s damp but not dripping) and wipe down all surfaces,
including the screen. “If you’re worried about the vinegar smell, you
can add one or two drops of soap as well,” Ivanova says.
Though water and electronic devices sound scary, this tiny amount
of liquid won’t cause a short or harm your device. Just make sure the
rag is barely damp and feel free to use a microfiber towel to grab even
more dirt and debris with less liquid.
If your screen just needs a quick dusting, Leanne Stapf, vice
president of operations at The Cleaning Authority, recommends
using coffee filters. “They are perfect for clearing dust from TV
screens, computer monitors, and any other screens around the home
without leaving behind any fibers like towels do.” Since screens get
dusty fast, coffee filters are great for a quick dust between
antibacterial cleanings.
For the keyboard, you have a few options. You can use compressed
air to give your keys a spray to free any crumbs and dirt, Bean says. A
vacuum with small, detachable hose works great too. If you’d like a
deeper clean, “a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol (you’ll likely
need more than one) is the perfect size to get in-between each key,”
Bean says. Or, if you long for the days of Nickelodeon Gak, you can
use a keyboard cleaning gel like this one: The ooze sneaks into all the
keyboard crevices and seems equally gross and satisfying.
12/6/2020 How to Clean a Laptop Keyboard, Clean Earbuds, and More

3. Phones
How do you get those 17,000 germs off your phone? The easiest way
is to use a little dish soap and water.
“Screens are way too delicate for applying strong chemical products
or using abrasive materials for cleaning,” Ivanova says. “So when
you’re at home, use a cleaning solution of milder dish soap
(preferably an eco-friendly one) and water.” Add this solution to a
soft cloth (again, make it just barely damp) and give your phone a
gentle wash. Ivanova adds that disinfecting wipes will also work if
you need a quick cleanse in a pinch.
Bean suggests using a 1:1 mixture of distilled water and isopropyl
alcohol to clean your cell. Spray the solution on a microfiber cloth
and wash away, then use cotton swabs and toothpicks to get into all
the nooks and crannies.
For both cleaning techniques, the experts suggest cleaning your
mobile at least once a week. And be sure to let the phone dry
completely after every wash.
Or if you’ve stashed your phone in rice too many times after aqua
accidents, you can use a waterless UV cleaning device: A sanitizer
like the PhoneSoap kills 99.9 percent of bacteria and you never have
to pick up a washcloth.

12/6/2020 How to Clean a Laptop Keyboard, Clean Earbuds, and More

Whichever method you choose, remember to take off the case before

cleaning, otherwise, you’ll leave most of the gross stuff on the phone.
4. Remote Control
Have you ever thought about cleaning your remote control?
Honestly, I thought that kind of cleanliness was reserved for the
Martha Stewarts of the world, but according to a study from the
Hygiene Council (via WebMD), the remote control is the 28th dirtiest
thing in your house. That might not sound too scary, but it comes
only one place below toilet flush handle on the dirty list.Since the
remote is something you put your hands on day after day, it makes
Thankfully, cleaning isn’t too hard. “Taking the remote control apart
to remove dust and other things isn’t really a good idea because
there’s no guarantee that you’ll be able to put it back the right way,”
Ivanova says. Instead, use a blend of vinegar and water or water and
rubbing alcohol to clean the exterior. Spray the mixture on a cloth,
then use the cloth to remove the many, many bacterial strains. To get
between the buttons, add a toothbrush to the mix to scrub in all the
little crevices, Ivanova advises.

5. Metal/Reusable Straws 6/17
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“The no-straw movement has certainly increased the use of metal

and reusable straws,” Bean says. “Luckily, there’s an easy way to keep
them clean so you can continue to drink your smoothies every
morning without worry.” Grab a tiny bottle brush or pipe cleaner and
clean the inside of the straw using hot water and dish soap. Many
reusable straws come with tiny brushes to make this even easier.
If you lost the little brush or have trouble finding one at the store,
Ivanova recommends using a wooden skewer and cotton ball. Tear
the cotton ball into a straw appropriate size, then use the skewer to
move it through the straw. It’s not as easy as using a brush, but it gets
the job done in a pipe cleaner-less scenario.

12/6/2020 How to Clean a Laptop Keyboard, Clean Earbuds, and More

Bean suggests washing the straw after every use and letting it dry
completely. “Small traces of water is all it takes to permit bacteria
growth,” Bean says. If you don’t get a chance to wash the straw after
every drink (you’re human), try not to go more than two days without
a little scrub.
6. Phone/Computer Chargers
Guess what else you touch almost as much as your phone? Your
phone charger. I know I always have one rattling around in the
bottom of my purse—and who knows what kind of germ-filled terrors
are in there.
For chargers, the cleaning solution is easy: disinfectant wipes.
Ivanova recommends wiping down the chargers and cords about
once a week. Make sure the wipe is on the drier side (“soaking wet”
and “things that plug into electrical sockets” aren’t a great mix), but
the quick-drying alcohol of the disinfectant will keep your chargers
safe and nearly bacteria free.
7. Toothbrushes
It’s best to replace your toothbrush (or head of the brush, if you have
the electric kind) every three to four months. Before that, Stapf
recommends cleaning your brush every week. Let it soak in a cup of
antibacterial mouthwash for pretty much effortless cleaning. If you
don’t have mouthwash, a soak in a mixture of water (2 cups), baking
soda (1-2 tablespoons), and vinegar (1-2 tablespoons) will work just as
well, according to Ivanova.
To wash the base of an electric toothbrush (which gets shockingly
yellow and dirty,ADVERTISEMENT
in my experience), Ivanova says you can use the 

same vinegar, baking soda, and water mix. Just apply it to a soft cloth 8/17
12/6/2020 How to Clean a Laptop Keyboard, Clean Earbuds, and More

and give it a light scrub. Use a cotton swab to get a more detailed
As with all electronics, make sure the toothbrush base is unplugged
before you whip out your homemade cleaning solution.
8. Fitness Trackers
Whenever you wear something on your wrist every day (even if you
ignore the readings—how could I only have 5,000 steps today?! Come
on, FitBit!), it gets filled with sweat, germs, and skin flakes. Aren’t our
bodies delightful?
Anyway, Ivanova suggests that elastomer devices (like FitBit) should
be washed with just a bit of warm water. Use a toothbrush for a
deeper clean, but adding any kind of soap might damage the
If you have a metal or leather band on your tracker, simply use a
damp cloth. Wrist-based trackers are less likely to be havens for
germs, so by removing the daily dirt and sweat from the band, the
device stays clean. You don’t need any heavy antibacterial solutions
for this one.
9. Nose Pads on Glasses
For the non-bespectacled among us, nose pads on glasses might not
seem like a big deal. “Just wipe them down!” you’d cry. But nose pads
are a surprising trap for all things disgusting.
When I was a kid (I’ve had glasses since I was five), I’d look at my
nose pads and see practically a petri dish of mold and mystery
growing inside.ADVERTISEMENT
Since your glasses rub up against skin, sweat, and all  9/17
12/6/2020 How to Clean a Laptop Keyboard, Clean Earbuds, and More

your usual face bacteria, it’s easy for that stuff to get trapped inside
the little silicone pads.
For removable silicone pads, Ivanova recommends taking the pads
off and cleaning them with cotton swabs and rubbing alcohol.
Sometimes, dish soap will do the trick, though rubbing alcohol is
best for the moldier situation.
In some cases, you might have to get new nose pads. You can buy
them without getting new glasses, and it’s usually pretty affordable.
Even if you don’t wear daily glasses, if you have silicone nose pads on
your sunglasses, give them a look. You might be surprised. (And you
probably need to bust out the rubbing alcohol.)
10. Hard-Brimmed Hats
When it comes to cloches, baseball caps, or cowboy hats, I never wear
them long enough to get them dirty. Usually, I give them one try in
the winter and realize my head is weird, and the hat goes back in the
closet. But for people without weird heads, it can be hard to know
how to clean these chapeaus. You can’t just put them in the wash, so
how do you remove the sweat buildup?
Emily McCrary-Ruiz-Esparza, the brand editor at House Method,
says that baseball caps should be cleaned with cold water to prevent
the color from fading. The cold water method is best for other hard-
brimmed hats as well. Just let the hat soak in a mixture of cold water
and gentle detergent (she recommends Seventh Generation). After
about two hours, unless the hat is crazy dirty, give it a quick rinse,
and let it air dry completely.
11. Light Switches
12/6/2020 How to Clean a Laptop Keyboard, Clean Earbuds, and More

Remember that fun list of filthy stuff in your house? Well, light
switches beat remote controls in the dirty department. For example,
the bathroom light switch is only a tiny bit cleaner than your toilet
I’ve been scared to clean light switches since they have the most
direct connection to an electrical line that can kill me, but it turns
out that I’m being far too cautious. Ivanova insists that cleaning
switchplates isn’t dangerous at all as long as you don’t overdo it on
the cleaning solution.
She recommends using a mix of equal parts water, vinegar, and a
couple drops of tea tree oil to disinfect the surface. Spray this onto a
cotton cloth, make sure the cloth is just barely damp, and wipe away.
If the switch is extra dirty, you may want to add a bit of rubbing
alcohol to the mix, Ivanova says.
Though our homes are full of overlooked, disgusting things, cleaning
them is surprisingly easy. With a little vinegar and patience, you can
turn your home from germ factory to clean dream in less than a day.
Amber Petty is an L.A.-based writer and a regular contributor to
Greatist. Follow along as she shares her weight-loss journey in her new
bi-monthly column, Slim Chance. Take singing lessons from her via
Sing a Different Tune and follow her on Instagram @Ambernpetty.

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