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12, DECEMBER 2013

Localized Planar EBG Structure of CSRR

for Ultrawideband SSN Mitigation
and Signal Integrity Improvement
in Mixed-Signal Systems
Hao-Ran Zhu, Student Member, IEEE, and Jun-Fa Mao, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract— In this paper, a power plane with localized tric complementary split ring resonators (CSRRs) structure
planar electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) structure is designed for is presented to reduce the noise coupling within the board.
suppressing simultaneous switching noise (SSN) in mixed-signal To achieve wideband noise suppression, several CSRRs that
systems. Nonbianisotropic complementary split ring resonator
with a bandgap behavior is used to constitute the EBG cells, resonate at different frequencies are designed concentrically
which are partially located on the power plane to prohibit the to cover multiple bandgap regions. It is well known that
noise propagation within the board. An equivalent circuit model the electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) structure takes a good
is proposed to predict the lower cutoff frequency of the trans- advantage of wideband mitigation of SSN in multilayer cir-
mission behavior. From the measured results, an ultrawideband cuits. Mushroom EBG structure, also called high-impedance
mitigation of SSN from 0.26 to 25 GHz is achieved with a
high suppression level of −50 dB. Furthermore, signal integrity surface, has been investigated for noise prohibition in
problem is investigated, and it is found that partial discontinuities PCBs [12]–[14]. Multilayer substrates with additional metal
of the proposed design can reduce the influence on signal quality layers are, however, expensive. Thus, planar EBG pattern [15]
compared with the traditional global EBG structure. In addition, has been introduced to overcome the cost. As the forbidden
the proposed design can lower the electromagnetic interference frequencies of EBG structure are limited to operate above
radiation from edges of the board.
subgigahertz, many structures have been proposed to lower
Index Terms— Complementary split ring resonator (CSRR), the cutoff frequency, such as the vertical stepped impedance
electromagnetic bandgap (EBG), localized suppression, signal EBG [16], meander L-bridged EBG [17], S-bridged EBG [18],
integrity (SI), simultaneous switching noise (SSN).
and lumped chip inductor EBG [19] and so on. These methods
I. I NTRODUCTION adopt inductive bridge instead of the conventional straight
line between the neighboring EBG patterns. In addition, high
S IMULTANEOUS switching noise (SSN) generated by
fast switching device of high-speed digital circuits has
become a big challenge for modern mixed-signal systems,
dielectric constant material EBG [20], [21], artificial substrate
EBG [22], alternating impedance EBG [23], [24], and partial
placement of EBG [25], [26] have been applied to wideband
especially with the trend of fast signaling edge rate, increas-
SSN mitigation in high-speed circuits. Planar EBG structures,
ingly higher operating clock frequency and lower power
however, deteriorate the SI performance as the continuity of
supply voltage, and noise margin. SSN can lead to significant
return current path is destroyed.
voltage fluctuation and result in severe signal/power integrity
In most of the mixed-signal systems, the noise sources
(SI/PI) and electromagnetic interference (EMI) problems in
(such as high-speed digital circuits) and the critical noise
the power distribution network (PDN). Therefore, wide and
sensitive RF/analog devices tend to locate in some specific
steep suppression of SSN associated with good SI perfor-
area. Therefore, if the EBG patterns are locally placed near
mance and low EMI radiation has attracted extensive attention
critical areas within the package, the design can not only
in design of high-speed printed circuit boards (PCBs) and
reduce the noise coupling in the board, but also minimize
packages [1]–[3].
the impact on signal transmission quality. On the other hand,
Recently, many approaches for reducing the SSN coupling
complementary split ring resonator (CSRR), treated as arti-
in PDN have been reported [4]–[10]. In [11], multiconcen-
ficial material with negative permittivity, exhibits a bandgap
Manuscript received October 10, 2012; revised March 13, 2013 and behavior upon an axial electrical field excitation [27]. Owing
May 30, 2013; accepted July 5, 2013. Date of publication July 24, 2013; to its filtering property, the CSRR has been widely applied
date of current version December 9, 2013. This work was supported by the
National Basic Research Program (973 Program) under Grant 2009CB320202 to microwave devices such as filter, antenna, coupler, power
of China. Recommended for publication by Associate Editor D. G. Kam upon divider, and so on [28]. Little work has been, however, focused
evaluation of reviewers’ comments. on application of CSRR for eliminating noise coupling in
The authors are with the Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education of China
for Research of Design and Electromagnetic Compatibility of High Speed mixed-signal system.
Electronic Systems, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China In this paper, a power plane with localized planar EBG
(e-mail:; structure is proposed for ultrawideband SSN mitigation with
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at a high suppression level. Nonbianisotropic CSRR(NBCSRR),
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCPMT.2013.2272788 which has a wide bandgap and is compact [28], is employed
2156-3950 © 2013 IEEE

Fig. 1. 3-D view of the localized NBCSRRs-type planar EBG etched on the
power plane.

Fig. 3. 1-D equivalent circuit model of the dashed rectangular area in Fig. 1
for predicting the lower cutoff frequency of S21 .

of slot and arm, respectively. L-bridge is used to connect

the neighboring cells, where wl1 and wl2 are the width of
bridge and the distance between two adjacent EBG unit cells,
For the proposed localized EBG structure, unit cells are
not distributed on the whole power plane, thus, the transmis-
Fig. 2. Top view of two adjacent EBG unit cells connected with L-bridge.
sion behavior cannot be analyzed through conventional meth-
ods [14], [29]. Following the idea in [30] for approximately
predicting the lower cutoff frequency f lc between port 1 and
to constitute the EBG patterns that are partially located on port 2, a simplified 1-D equivalent circuit model of the dashed
the power plane. An ultrawideband mitigation of SSN from rectangular area in Fig. 1 is proposed and shown in Fig. 3, in
0.26 to 25 GHz is achieved with the noise suppression margin which the continuous area in Fig. 1 is modeled as a simple
of −50 dB. The partial discontinuity structure can reduce the transmission line. In general, the circuit demonstrates better
influence on signal quality. In addition, the EMI radiation from performance in dc to L-band. High spurious modes will be
edges of the board can be reduced with the proposed design. induced within the parallel-plate waveguide with the increase
This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, design of the of operating frequency. At higher frequency, the mode below
localized EBG structure for SSN suppression and equivalent microstrip line in the continuous area is no longer TEM mode,
circuit model are given. In Section III, the impact of proposed and it cannot be treated as a simple transmission line.
EBG-patterned power plane on SI performance is investigated. In Fig. 3, the components marked within the solid rectangle
In Section IV, EMI radiation from the edges of the proposed are presented to characterize the propagation behavior between
board is measured and analyzed. Finally, a conclusion is drawn the NBCSRR and the continuous ground plane. L p and C p
in Section V. represent the equivalent inductance and capacitance of the
innerpatch, respectively, which can be expressed as [19]
A. EBG Structure Design and Analysis d2
C p = εr ε0 (2)
Fig. 1 shows the 3-D view of the proposed power/ground h
planes with localized EBG structure. The noise source and where εr is the dielectric constant of substrate, μ0 and ε0 are
noise sensitive circuits are located at port 1 and port 2, the permeability and permittivity of free space, respectively.
respectively. Two arrays of 3 × 3 NBCSRR-type EBG unit Cnb stands for the capacitance of the coplanar waveguide
cells are locally etched on the power plane, while the ground (CPW) of the arm in the NBCSRR, and L nb indicates the
plane is continuous for SI consideration. Ports 1 and 2 are inductance of the parallel combination of two segments CPWs.
located in the center of the two EBG arrays, respectively. Cnb and L nb are calculated as [31]
Another two ports, port 3 and port 4, are located symmetrically
in the board. In Fig. 1, a represents the side length of testing 4w(d + 2s + w)
Cnb = εr ε0 (3)
board, h is the height of the substrate, l is the side length of h
the EBG unit cell, and lb is the length of continuous area. L nb = (d + 2s + w)L pul (4)
The top view of two proposed EBG unit cells and the in which L pul is the inductance of the CPW per unit length
corresponding geometrical parameter notations are shown in and can be calculated by
Fig. 2, where d is the dimension of the innersquare patch, √ 
g is the gap size of the split, and s and w are the widths L pul = Z CPW εeffc c (5)

where Z CPW and εeffc are the impedance and effective dielec- TABLE I
tric constant of the CPW, respectively. C OMPARISON B ETWEEN THE C ALCULATED AND S IMULATED
The circuits within the dotted region in Fig. 3 are to C UTOFF F REQUENCIES FOR D IFFERENT VALUES OF d
describe the bridge effect between the adjacent EBG unit cells.
The bridge can be considered as a CPW, while its parasitic
capacitance is neglected and the inductance L b is expressed
L b = (l + wl2 − wl1 )L pul . (6)
The fringe capacitance C g is induced by the gap between
two neighboring EBG unit cells and can be calculated by [19]
ε0 (1 + εr ) l + wl2
Cg = l cosh−1 . (7)
π wl2
B. Simulated and Measured Results of SSN Suppression
The characteristic impedance and electrical length of the
To validate our design, a sample PDN is simulated and
equivalent transmission line in Fig. 3 are given by Zb and θb ,
fabricated on FR-4 substrate with relative permittivity of
respectively, as below [31]
εr = 4.4, loss tangent of tan δ = 0.02, substrate thickness
η0 h of h = 0.2 mm, and copper thickness of t = 35 μm.
Zb = √ (8)
εr l The board has a size of 180 mm × 180 mm, and the design
and √ parameters are d = 26 mm, g = 1 mm, l = 28.3 mm,
ω εr 1 lb = 92 mm, s = w = 0.3 mm, wl1 = 0.3 mm, and
θb = (9)
c lb wl2 = 0.9 mm. Four testing ports are located at (45 mm,
where η0 is the wave impedance of free space, ω is the radian 45 mm), (135 mm, 135 mm), (45 mm, 135 mm), and (135 mm,
frequency, and c is the light velocity in vacuum. 45 mm), respectively, as shown in Fig. 1. The performance of
Using ABCD matrix, the transfer matrix for the NBCSRR the proposed EBG structure is simulated with 3-D full-wave
unit cell can be expressed as electromagnetic simulator (Ansoft High Frequency Structure
⎡ ⎤ Simulator) [32]. For the modeling setup, wave port is applied
j ωL nb (1−ω2 L p C p )
1 − ω2 L p C p 2 + j ωL p to the input and output. Radiation boundary condition is set
Tnb = ⎣ ⎦
1−ω L nb C nb
(10) to the air box.
1−ω2 L nb (C nb +C p )
j ωC p 1−ω2 L C The dimension of the EBG patterns has an influence on
nb nb
the suppression behavior of the proposed PDN. The lower
where ω is given by
cutoff frequencies for different values of d (other geometric
ω = 2π flc . (11)
parameters of the EBG structure remain unchanged) are given
For the bridge between adjacent EBG unit cells, its corre- in Table I. The corresponding inductance and capacitance
sponding transfer matrix is derived as in the circuit model of Fig. 3 calculated by (1)–(7) are

L p = 0.1 nH, L b = 8.43 nH, and C g = 1.69 pf. The mag-
1 1−ω2 Lj ωL
+C ) nitude of the insertion loss at cutoff frequency is set to be
Tbr = b b g (12)
0 1 −50 dB. As shown in Table I, the capacitance C p of the
and the transfer matrix of the continuous area is: innerpatch and the inductance L nb of the arm both become

large with the increase of d, and the lower cutoff frequency
cos θb j Z b sin θb decreases correspondingly.
TTL = j sin θb . (13)
Zb cos θb To verify the accuracy of the proposed equivalent
circuit model, the cutoff frequency calculated from the formu-
According to the equivalent circuit model described in
las (10)–(15) is compared with the simulated cutoff frequency
Fig. 3, the transfer matrix of the whole circuit model can be
in Table I. The size of partial EBG unit cell is gradually
written as
decreased while the dimension of board remains unchanged.
T = Tnb Tbr Tnb Tbr Tnb TTL . (14)
From the Table I, good agreements are observed between
Then, the insertion loss of the circuit model is the simulated and calculated results. Small discrepancies con-
2 tributed to that parasitic parameters in the equivalent circuit
S21 =  (15) model are not considered.
T11 + T12 Z 0 + T21 Z 0 + T22 The influence of the width w of arm on SSN mitigation
where Z 0 is the port impedance, Tii is the elements of the performance is also investigated by full-wave simulation.
transfer matrix calculated by (14). Fig. 4 shows the relation between f lc and w. The reduction
Therefore, the lower cutoff frequency f lc can be estimated of w leads to a larger inductance L nb of arm, which can
approximately from (10)–(15) for an expected mitigation level result in the reducing of f lc . In addition, we can observe from
of |S21 | (e.g., −50 dB). The prediction accuracy for f lc will the figure that w has little effects on the SSN suppression
be verified by simulated and measured results in the following performance. It is because that the values of w, wl1 , and
section. wl2 are much smaller than d, the corresponding L nb , L b are

Fig. 4. Simulated transmission coefficients of the proposed PDN for different Fig. 6. Simulated current distribution of the proposed structure in 2.5 GHz.
values of w.

Fig. 7. Simulated transmission behaviors for different values of a.

Fig. 5. Simulated transmission coefficients of the proposed PDN between
different ports.

A testing board shown in Fig. 8 is fabricated. Vector network

nearly not changed when compared with the variation of C p . analyzer (VNA) Agilent 8722ES is employed to measure
The similar characteristics of wl1 and wl2 are also demon- the transmission responses of the proposed EBG patterns.
strated. The measured insertion loss of the proposed structure and
Fig. 5 shows the simulated SSN suppression characteristics reference solid board is shown in Fig. 9, with the simulated
when the noise receiving ports are located at different posi- results also given for comparison. From the figure, it is found
tions, i.e., as port 2, port 3, and port 4. The noise source that the SSN is suppressed significantly with our design.
is excited at port 1. From the figure, the SSN propagation The measured noise mitigation bandwidth of the proposed
between port 1 and port 3 can be prohibited from 0.28 to EBG structure is from 0.26 to 25 GHz with a suppression level
25 GHz under the suppression level of −40 dB. Owing to of −50 dB. Furthermore, the −50 dB lower cutoff frequency
the symmetric structure, similar behavior is also observed f lc predicted by (10)–(15) is around 0.25 GHz, which is
between port 1 and port 4. As the NBCSRR-type EBG close to the measured one. Reasonable agreement is achieved
structures are partially located around port 1, although the area between the simulated and measured results. The discrepancies
around ports 3 and 4 is continuous, the SSN coupling can be between them are attributed to the tolerance in the fabricate
reduced sufficiently. In addition, the maximum noise reduction process and the dissipation properties of the FR-4 substrate.
capability is obtained between ports 1 and 2 because of the The measured noise mitigation capability is compared
surrounded EBG patterns. From Fig. 6, the simulated current between our proposed design and some of the previous meth-
distribution of the proposed structure in 2.5 GHz is shown. ods, as listed in Table II. It is shown that the proposed structure
Furthermore, the transmission behaviors of PDN with dif- can eliminate the noise propagation in an ultrawideband with
ferent dimensions of board are discussed, while other parame- high suppression level.
ters remain unchanged. More parallel-plate resonances in the NBCSRR, treated as artificial material with negative per-
suppression band will be induced with larger PCB board size. mittivity, exhibits a bandgap behavior upon an axial electrical
The noise propagation can be, however, prohibited efficiently field excitation [27]. If NBCSRR is applied to bandstop
with localized EBG structure. From Fig. 7, the noise mitigation filter design, a high suppression level and wide stopband
performances are almost unchanged with the increase of a. characteristic can be achieved [28]. Therefore, to improve


Fig. 8. Photograph of the fabricated board.

Fig. 9. Simulated and measured |S21 | parameters of the proposed PDN in

comparison with the corresponding results of reference board.

Fig. 10. Comparison of the transmission behavior between the proposed

design and some previous resonators for localized EBG structure.
the noise mitigation performance of the PDN, NBCSRR is
employed to constitute the EBG patterns, which are partially
located on the power plane. The SSN suppression behavior of performance with a reduced number of EBG unit cells com-
our proposed design is compared with some of the localized pared with the global EBG structure. In addition, the SI
EBG structure. The EBG unit cell is consisted by typical performance of the localized EBG structure is better than
resonators. For all the structures, the used substrate and the the global EBG pattern, which will be discussed in the next
size of EBG unit cell are modified to the same as our design, section.
where εr = 4.4, h = 0.2 mm, and l = 28.3 mm. As can
be seen from Fig. 10, in contrast with previous resonators,
the lower cutoff frequency of the proposed PDN is lowered III. I MPACT OF EBG P OWER P LANE ON SI
significantly and the noise mitigation bandwidth is wider with With the above analysis, the EBG structure of NBCSRRs
a suppression level of −50 dB. Both wide suppression band has a good performance of SSN mitigation. The periodic slits
and high rejection level are achieved simultaneously with our on the EBG pattern will, however, affect the continuity of
design, as NBCSRRs inherently hold a filtering property. return current path. The SI behavior may be degenerated if the
The transmission behavior of the traditional global EBG periodic EBG structure is treated as reference plane. In this
structure and the proposed localized EBG pattern is shown in section, the influence of the proposed localized structure on
Fig. 11, and the insertion loss of the reference solid board is the SI performance is analyzed.
presented for comparison. As shown in the figure, the noise The eye diagram, which gives a good indication of the signal
prohibition behavior of the proposed partial EBG structure is quality, is employed for investigating the SI characteristic in
similar to that of a 6 × 6 NBCSRR-type EBG pattern globally the time domain. As shown in Fig. 12, a pattern source of
etched on the power plane. Thus, the proposed localized 27 -1 pseudorandom bit sequence (PRBS), nonreturn to zero,
EBG structure can achieve a wideband noise suppression is launched at port 1. The signal propagation behavior is

Fig. 11. Comparison of the simulated transmission behavior for the reference
board, global EBG structure, and localized EBG pattern on the power plane.

Fig. 13. Measured eye diagrams for comparisons of SI performances.

(a) Case I: solid board for reference. (b) Case II: global EBG structure.
(c) Case III: localized EBG structure.
Fig. 12. 3-D view of three-layer PCBs with signal trace referenced to the
power plane. (a) Global EBG structure. (b) Localized EBG structure.

monitored at port 2. The PRBS is coded at 1 GHz, with swing

of 1 V and nominal rise/fall time of 120 ps. We measure
the eye diagram using Agilent E5071C-TDR. Two parameters,
maximum eye open (MEO in millivolt) for noise margin and
maximum eye width (MEW in nanosecond) for jitter margin,
are used as metrics of the eye pattern quality. Usually, the
larger the MEO and MEW, the better the SI performance.
We consider a three-layer PCB board for SI analysis and plane of global EBG structure. For the third case, the reference
compare it against three different cases. The signal propagates plane is the proposed localized EBG pattern, as shown in
along a 50 microstrip trace on the top signal layer with Fig. 12(b). The solid board geometry is 180 mm × 180 mm,
w0 = 1.5 mm. In the first case, the signal trace is referenced to the same to the previous PDN design in this paper.
the board with power and ground planes both solid. Fig. 12(a) Fig. 13(a)–(c) shows the simulated eye patterns for three
shows the second case, the signal trace is referenced to the different cases. The corresponding SI performances are

Fig. 16. Measured field leakage for both solid and proposed boards with
Fig. 14. Transmission behaviors of the signal trace for different cases. monopole antenna located 10 mm away from the PCB edge.

Fig. 15. Experiment setup for testing near-field EMI radiation.

Fig. 17. Measured field leakage for both solid and proposed boards with
summarized in Table III. In comparison with the reference monopole antenna located 20 mm away from the PCB edge.
solid board, the degradations of the MEO and MEW for
case II are about 15.67% and 1.22%, respectively. For case
III, the degradations of MEO and MEW are reduced to 7.92% analyze the EMI radiation from the edge of the proposed
and 0.70%, respectively. It is clearly observed that the SI board.
performances of the case III are better than case II. The main The quantity of the EMI radiation from the edge of PCB
reason for the worse SI behavior of case II is that the return board is evaluated by measuring the scattering parameters
current path of the signal trace is damaged seriously. Thus, at various testing points around the board. Fig. 15 shows
the influence on the signal quality can be reduced with the the experimental setup to characterize the EMI radiation.
proposed localized EBG pattern. A reference board with solid power and ground planes is
In Fig. 14, the transmission behavior of the signal trace for also measured for comparison. The signal generated by the
three different cases is depicted and compared in the frequency VNA is fed to the parallel-plate testing board through a
domain. From the figure, the transmission characteristic of the SMA connector. A quarter wavelength monopole antenna is
global EBG structure is worse than the counterpart of the employed to capture energy leaked from the edge of the
localized one. In addition, by employing the localized EBG PCB board. The feed position is located at the center of
structure to replace the global EBG pattern in the PDN, the EBG patterns. Meanwhile, another cable of the VNA connects
effect of perforated reference plane can be minimized, which the monopole antenna, which represents the receiver in the
can improve the SI performance. experimental setup. Three testing points are chosen to measure
the near-field EMI radiation from the edge of PCB board, as
IV. EMI R ADIATION A NALYSIS shown in Fig. 15.
In compliance of the stringent electromagnetic compati- The Anritus 37247D VNA is used for the measurement
bility regulation, low EMI radiation is important for high- of EMI radiation, which is carried out in a fully shielded
speed mixed-signal systems. As the return current is forced chamber. Figs. 16 and 17 show the measured EMI results
to flow around the period slits in the EBG structures, the when the receiving antenna is away from the edge of the PCB
radiation is accumulated by time-varying fringing E-field from board by 10 and 20 mm, respectively. A −60 dB low EMI
the edge of the board [33]. Therefore, it is necessary to leakage with a wide frequency range is observed. Furthermore,

Dr. W. Shen, Dr. M. Zhang, Dr. J. Li, and Mr. G. Gao for
their valuable discussions on this paper.

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ACKNOWLEDGMENT [19] K. H. Kim and J. E. Schutt-Aine, “Analysis and modeling of hybrid
planar-type electromagnetic-bandgap structures and feasibility study on
The authors would like to thank the reviewers for their con- power distribution network applications,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory
structive comments and suggestions. They also acknowledge Tech., vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 178–186, Jan. 2008.

[20] J. Lee, H. Kim, and J. Kim, “High dielectric constant thin film EBG Hao-Ran Zhu (S’10) was born in Anhui, China,
power/ground network for board-band suppression of SSN and radiated in 1986. He received the B.S. degree in electronic
emissions,” IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., vol. 15, no. 8, engineering from the Anhui University of Technol-
pp. 505–507, Aug. 2005. ogy, Anhui, China, in 2007, and the M.S. degree
[21] B. Mohajer-Iravani and O. M. Ramahi, “Suppression of EMI and electro- in electronic engineering from Anhui University,
magnetic noise in packages using embedded capacitance and miniatur- Anhui, in 2010. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D.
ized electromagnetic bandgap structures with high-k dielectrics,” IEEE degree in electrical engineering with Shanghai Jiao
Trans. Adv. Packag., vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 776–788, Nov. 2007. Tong University, Shanghai, China.
[22] T. Wang, T. Han, and T. Wu, “A novel power/ground layer using artificial His current research interests include the power
substrate EBG for simultaneously switching noise suppression,” IEEE integrity and signal integrity analysis of high-speed
Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 1164–1171, May 2008. circuits, and microwave passive circuit design.
[23] J. Choi, V. Govind, M. Swaminathan, and K. Bharath, “Noise isolation
in mixed-signal systems using alternating impedance electromagnetic
bangap (AI-EBG) structure-based power distribution network (PDN),”
IEEE Trans. Adv. Packag., vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 2–12, Feb. 2010.
[24] P. H. Rao and M. Swaminathan, “A novel compact electromagnetic
bangap structure in power plane for wideband noise suppression and
low radiation,” IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat., vol. 53, no. 4,
pp. 996–1004, Nov. 2011.
[25] J.-H. Kwon and J.-G. Yook, “Partial placement of EBG on both power
and ground planes for broadband suppression of simultaneous switching
noise,” IEICE Trans. Commun., vol. E92-B, no. 7, pp. 2550–2553,
Jul. 2009.
[26] J. H. Kwon, D. U. Sim, S. I. Kwak, and J. G. Yook, “Novel elec-
tromagnetic bandgap array structure on power distribution network for
suppressing simultaneous switching noise and minimizing effects on
high-speed signals,” IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat., vol. 52, no. 2, Jun-Fa Mao (M’92–SM’98–F’11) was born in
pp. 365–372, May 2010. 1965. He received the B.S. degree in radiation
[27] J. D. Baena, J. Bonache, F. Martin, R. M. Sillero, F. Falcone, T. Lopetegi, physics from the University of Science and Tech-
M. A. G. Laso, J. Garcia-Garcia, I. Gil, M. F. Portillo, and M. Sorolla, nology of National Defense, Hunan, China, in 1985,
“Equivalent-circuit models for split-ring resonators and complementary the M.S. degree in experimental nuclear physics
split-ring resonators coupled to planar transmission lines,” IEEE Trans. from the Shanghai Institute of Nuclear Research,
Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 1451–1461, Apr. 2005. Shanghai, China, in 1988, and the Ph.D. degree
[28] R. Marques, F. Martin, and M. Sorolla, Metamaterials with Negative in electronic engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong
Parameters: Theory, Design, and Microwave Applications. New York, University, Shanghai, in 1992.
NY, USA: Wiley, 2007. He has been a Faculty Member with Shanghai Jiao
[29] T. Wu, C. Wang, Y. Lin, T. Wang, and G. Chang, “A novel power Tong University, since 1992, where he is currently
plane with super-wideband elimination of ground bounce noise on high a Chair Professor and the Dean of the School of Electronic, Information and
speed circuits,” IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., vol. 15, no. 3, Electrical Engineering. He was a Visiting Scholar with the Chinese University
pp. 174–176, Mar. 2005. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, from 1994 to 1995, and a Post-Doctoral
[30] S.-G. Kim, H. Kim, H.-D. Kang, and J.-G. Yook, “Modeling and analysis Researcher with the University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA, from 1995
of a conventional and localized electromagnetic bandgap structures for to 1996. He has authored or co-authored more than 190 journal papers
suppression of simultaneous switching noise,” Microw. Opt. Tech. Lett., (including 88 IEEE journal papers) and 120 international conference papers.
vol. 54, no. 7, pp. 1571–1577, Jul. 2012. His current research interests include interconnect and package problem of
[31] D. M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, 3rd ed. New York, NY, USA: integrated circuits and systems, and analysis and design of microwave circuits.
Wiley, 2004. Dr. Mao received the National Natural Science Award of China in 2004,
[32] High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS). Ansoft Corp., Pittsburgh, the National Technology Invention Award of China in 2008, the National
PA, USA, 2010. Science and Technology Advancement Award of China in 2012, and the Best
[33] S. Shahparnia and O. M. Ramahi, “Electromagnetic interference (EMI) Paper Award of 2008 Symposium of APEMC. He is a Chief Scientist of The
reduction from printed circuit boards (PCB) using electromagnetic National Basic Research Program of China, a Project Leader of the National
bangap structures,” IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat., vol. 46, no. 4, Science Foundation for Creative Research Groups of China, a Cheung Kong
pp. 580–587, Nov. 2004. Scholar of the Ministry of Education, China, an Associate Director of the
[34] G. T. Lei, R. W. Techentin, and B. K. Gilbert, “High-frequency charac- Microwave Society of China Institute of Electronics, the Chair of the IEEE
teristic of power/ground-plane structures,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Shanghai Section from 2007 to 2009, and the Chair of IEEE MTT-S Shanghai
Tech., vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 562–569, May 1999. Chapter from 2009 to 2013.

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