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Coaching Model

Goal Sample questions: What result would you like to achieve? What do you want to change? How
can I help you?
What is the objective of this
coaching session?

Gather the facts that you

need to know to help your

Reality Check Sample questions: Where are you now in relation to your goal? What is working? What is not
working? I have noticed that…am I right?
What is going on?

Listen, clarify, understand

and affirm.

Options Sample questions: What do you need to do to achieve your goal? Who else might be able to
help you? Are you comfortable to approach your work this way?
What are the options

Review, reframe and

generate options/ solutions.

Way Forward Sample questions: How will you know when you have achieved your goal? How much time do
you need to turn this around? Would it be okay if we/you/I…?
What are the next steps?

Set action plan and

timelines. Present possible
consequence of
action/inaction. Set

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