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Topic 10: Patient safety and invasive procedures

Why patient safety is relevant to Although the principles described in this topic are
surgery and invasive procedures 1 important for both surgical and invasive
There is now plenty of evidence to show that procedures, most of the evidence in the literature
patients who undergo a surgical or an invasive relates to surgical care.
procedure are at increased risk of suffering an
adverse event [1-3]. This is not because the Learning outcomes: knowledge and
surgeons and proceduralists are careless or performance
incompetent, rather it is because we now know
about the many opportunities for things to go What does a student need to know
wrong because of the many steps involved in (knowledge requirements): 3
surgical procedures. In addition, there are the • the main types of adverse events
problems caused by surgical site infections that associated with surgical and invasive
account for a significant proportion of all health procedures care;
care-associated infections. This topic will assist • the verification processes for improving
students to understand how patient safety surgical and invasive procedures care.
principles can assist in minimizing adverse events
associated with invasive procedures. There are What a student needs to do (performance
many validated guidelines now available to assist requirements): 4
the health-care team deliver safe surgical care. • follow a verification process to eliminate
There may not be many opportunities for students wrong patient, wrong side and wrong
to implement many of these steps to improve procedure;
surgical outcomes. Nonetheless they can observe • practise operating room techniques that
how the health professionals communicate with reduce risks and errors (time-out, briefings,
one another and what techniques they use to debriefings, stating concerns);
make sure they are operating on the correct person • participate in an educational process for
or doing the procedure on the correct body part. reviewing surgical and invasive procedures
They can also observe what happens when health- mortality and morbidity.
care professionals appear not to follow a protocol.
Does this make their job harder or easier? WHAT STUDENTS NEED TO KNOW
Surgical and procedural site infections, The main types of adverse events
surgical/procedural errors, guidelines, associated with surgical and invasive
communication failures, verification processes, procedural care 5
teamwork. The traditional way of explaining adverse
events associated with surgery and invasive
Learning objective 2 procedures is usually related to the skills of the
The objective of this topic is to understand surgeons and the age and physical conditions of
the main causes of adverse events in surgical and the patients. Vincent and colleagues [1] believed
invasive procedural care and how the use of that adverse surgical (and other procedural)
guidelines and verification processes can facilitate outcomes are associated with many other factors
the correct patient receiving the correct procedure such as quality of the design-interface, teamwork
at the appropriate time and place. and organizational culture. Students should have

Topic 10: Patient safety and invasive procedures

learnt about a system approach in topic 3 as well there are more adverse events associated with
as the topics on teamwork and infection control all surgery when compared to other hospital
of which is particularly relevant to this topic. departments.

A systems approach to surgical and procedural The main adverse events associated with surgical
adverse events requires us to examine both latent care include:
factors such as teamwork and inadequate • infections and postoperative sepsis;
leadership and sharp end factors such as • cardiovascular complications;
communication during handoffs and poor • respiratory complications;
history taking. T3 T4 T9
• thromboembolic complications.

The three main causes of adverse events in When these events have been analysed, a range
surgical care are: T9 (Infection control) of pre-existing conditions (latent factors) have
been identified. Some of these are:
1. Poor infection control methods • inadequate implementation of protocols or
The Harvard Medical Practice Study II [2] found guidelines;
that surgical-wound infections constituted the • poor leadership;
second-largest category of adverse events and • poor teamwork;
confirmed the long-held belief that hospital-based • conflict between the different departments
staphylococcal infections constituted a great risk and the organization;
for hospitalized patients, particularly those • inadequate training and preparation of
receiving surgical care. The implementation of staff;
safer infection control practices such as the • inadequate resources;
appropriate administration of prophylactic • lack of evidenced-based practice;
antibiotics has reduced postoperative infections. • poor work culture;
In addition, increased attention to the risks of • overwork;
transmission show health-care workers how they • lack of a system for managing
as individuals and members of teams can performance.
minimize the risks of cross-infection. In addition to latent factors, individuals working at
the sharp end of peri-operative care are prone to
Everyone has a responsibility to decrease the the following types of errors known to cause
opportunities for contamination of clothing, hands adverse events, including:
and equipment that have been associated with • communication failures:
transmission routes. Infection control is studied in - information is provided too late to be
more detail in topic 9. Students during their effective;
training will be present during an operation or - information is inconsistent or inaccurate;
invasive procedure. They must at all times comply - key people are excluded from the
with the infection control guidelines and practise information;
universal precautions. - there are unresolved issues in the team;
• failure to take precautions to prevent
2. Inadequate patient management accidental injury;
The operating room and environment involves • wound infections, other wound problems,
intensely complex activities that may explain why technical problems and bleeding;

Topic 10: Patient safety and invasive procedures

• avoidable delays in treatment; patient/invasive procedures because it is

• failure to take adequate history or physical recognized that one of the best ways to reduce
examination; errors caused by misidentification involves
• failure to employ indicated tests; implementing best-practice guidelines for
• failure to act upon the results of findings ensuring the correct patient receives the correct
or tests; treatment. The evidence convincingly
• practising outside an area of expertise (failure demonstrates that when health-care professionals
to consult, refer, seek assistance, transfer). follow endorsed guidelines and are familiar with
the underlying principles supporting a uniform
3. Failure by health-care providers to approach to treating and caring for patients,
communicate effectively before, during patient outcomes significantly improve.
and after operative procedures.
One of the biggest problems in the operating The complexity of the surgical environment is a
environment is miscommunication. major factor underpinning communication errors
Miscommunication has been responsible for the and they occur at all levels. A study by Lingard and
wrong patients having surgery, patients having colleagues [5] described the types of
operations on the wrong side or site and having communication failures that are set out in Table 17.
the wrong procedure performed. Failure to
communicate changes in the patient’s condition For a real example of how errors can occur in
and failure to administer prophylactic antibiotics surgical procedures see
have also resulted in adverse events. In addition,
disagreements about stopping procedures or (accessed January 2009).
failing to report errors have been documented.
In the Lingard study [5], 36% of communication
Health professionals are often required to deal failures resulted in a visible effect such as team
with many competing tasks in the operating room. tension, inefficiency, waste of resources and
A surgical term is viewed by most trainees and inconvenience to patients or procedural error.
students as a very busy term. In addition to high
workloads, the peri-operative environment is
characterized by staff with varying levels of
experience and abilities. This combination of
factors can seriously impact on the team’s ability
to communicate accurately and timely.
Communication problems occur at all stages—but
particularly when patients are transferred from one
phase of care to another.

The extent of adverse surgical events involving

wrong site surgery [3] led The Joint Commission
on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
(JCAHO) [4] to include wrong site surgery in its
national database of “sentinel events”. Many
countries now collect data about wrong

Topic 10: Patient safety and invasive procedures

Table 17. Types of communication failure with illustrative examples and notes

Type of Failure Definition Illustrative example

and analytical note (in italics)

Occasion Problems in the situation or context The staff surgeon asks the anaesthetist whether the
of the communication event antibiotics have been administered. At this point, the
procedure has been under way for over an hour.

Since antibiotics are optimally given within 30 minutes of

incision, the timing of this inquiry is ineffective both as a
prompt and as a safety redundancy measure.

Content Insufficiency or inaccuracy apparent in As the case is set up, the anaesthesia fellow asks the staff
the information being transferred surgeon if the patient has an ICU bed reserved. The staff
surgeon replies that the “bed is probably not needed, and
there is not likely one available anyway, so we’ll just go ahead”.

Relevant information is missing and questions are left

unresolved: Has an ICU bed been requested, and what will
the plan be if the patient does need critical care and an ICU
bed is not available? (Note: this example was classified as
both a content and a purpose failure.)

Audience Gaps in the composition of the group The nurses and the anaesthetist discuss how the patient
engaged in the communication should be positioned for surgery without the participation of
a surgical representative.

Surgeons have particular positioning needs so they should

be participants in this discussion. Decisions made in the
absence of the surgeon may lead to the need for re-

Purpose Communication events in which During a living donor liver resection, the nurses discuss
purpose is unclear, not achieved or whether ice is needed in the basin they are preparing for the
inappropriate liver. Neither knows. No further discussion ensues.

The purpose of this communication—to find out if ice is

required—is not achieved. No plan to achieve it is

The verification processes for improving document designed to guide decision-making in a

surgical care 6 specific area of health care. Guidelines are usually
developed by a group of experts using the latest
Guidelines evidence. Evidence-based practice guidelines are
One of the most effective methods for improving normally endorsed at a national or international
patient care is to implement an evidenced-based level by the relevant professional body and include
guideline especially developed to manage a summarized statements about the latest
particular condition or situation. Many terms are knowledge and preferred ways to treat.
used to describe a medical guideline such as
protocol, clinical guideline, clinical protocol and Good guidelines are easily disseminated and
clinical practice guideline. They all mean the same designed to influence clinical practice on a broad
thing. A guideline is usually an electronic or written scale.

Topic 10: Patient safety and invasive procedures

Good guidelines share the following identify the best way to treat patients. Often
characteristics: guidelines may not be accessible to the team who
• they define the most important questions is required to use them; they may not even be
relating to clinical practice in a particular field; aware of them. It is not unusual for a health-care
• they attempt to identify all possible decision organization to publish a guideline but then not
options and the known consequences of make sure that everyone knows about it.
those decisions; Sometimes there are so many guidelines to follow
• they identify each decision point followed by that people turn off and do not see the relevance
the respective courses of action according to or importance of them. Being aware of the
the clinical judgement and experience of the importance of using appropriate guidelines is a
health professionals. first step to students asking about them and then
using them.
The extent of variation of practice in health care
has been identified as a major problem. Institute Safe care requires that all the staff know what is
of Medicine [6]. Variation caused by overuse, expected of them in relation to implementing a
underuse and misuse of medical care can be guideline. The guidelines need to be accessible (are
addressed by evidence-based practice, which they in a written form or are they online?) and
uses the best evidence available with the goal of applicable to the workplace where they are to be
lessening variation and reducing risks to patients. used. (Do the guidelines acknowledge the
Health professionals working in hospitals and differences in resources and the readily available
clinics do not have the time, resources or the health professionals?) For a guideline to be effective
available experts to each produce their own set of the staff must know about it, trust it, be able to
guidelines. Instead, clinicians are encouraged to access it easily and be able to implement it.
adapt already established guidelines and then
modify them to suit their local practice and For various reasons to do with resources, locality
environment. and type of patients it may be that some steps in
a guideline are impractical or inappropriate. In
Guidelines are necessary because the complexity such cases, the team may need to change the
of health care plus the level of specialization has guideline to fit the environment or circumstances.
made personal opinion or professional and When this occurs everyone needs to know about
organizational subjective preferences redundant the changes so they can apply them.
and unsafe. There are now hundreds of validated
guidelines to assist clinicians practise safe surgery If a guideline is not followed consistently by all the
such as preventing wrong site, wrong procedure, team, if people routinely skip steps, the guideline
wrong person surgery and prevention of surgical will not be effective in protecting patients from
site infections. adverse events. It is important that everybody,
including medical students, abides by the
Medical students are not always told about the protocol. Commitment of the whole team is
guidelines that are used in a particular area of necessary for successful implementation of
medicine. Nonetheless, they should be aware that guidelines or protocols.
in many areas of clinical practice, particularly that
associated with the management of chronic Some physicians may question the value of a
illness, there are established guidelines that guideline particularly when they think their

Topic 10: Patient safety and invasive procedures

autonomy is being compromised and questioned. The JCAHO Universal Protocol™ for preventing
They may feel their clinical discretion is being wrong site, wrong procedure, wrong person
removed with a team approach. Sharing surgery in 2003 is one example and sets out the
knowledge and information with others in the process and approach for including every
team is absolutely necessary for continuity of care member of the team as well as the patient. The
and achieving the best outcomes for the patients. WHO recently released guidelines for surgical
care advocating the use of a checklist to
Guidelines in surgical care enhance safety [7].
The main protocols in surgical care are about
improved communication to ensure that the right WHAT STUDENTS NEED TO DO
person is having the right procedure in the right (PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS)
place and by the right health-care team. A quick
review of the processes involved in surgery show Follow a verification process to
the many steps requiring active face-to-face eliminate wrong patient, wrong side
conversations particularly for consent, marking and wrong procedure
and or identifying the appropriate drugs and Most medical students will have an opportunity to
equipment to be used. The operating team— visit operating rooms and observe how surgical
surgeons, assistants, anaesthetists, scrub teams work together. They will also observe how
nurses, circulating nurses (scout nurses) and the team manages the processes involved—
others in the operating room—all have to know before, during and after the surgery. During a
the nature of the planned procedure, so that surgical rotation students should:
everyone is aware of the management plans, • locate the main protocols used in a particular
expectations of the different staff and anticipated surgical unit;
outcomes for the patients. For this reason, many • understand how the guideline was developed
sites now schede “time out” that takes place in and whether the processes align with
the operating room where the procedure will be evidenced-based practice;
performed, just before the procedure is to • read and understand why the guideline is
commence. necessary;
• be able to identify the steps in the verification
Safe surgery requires that every member of the process including selection of the right
surgical team knows the main protocols used in patient, right site and right procedure;
an area of practice. It would be very unusual for • identify how conflicts are resolved in
no protocols to be in place. If this is the case, the team. T4
then a member of the team should request
discussion about whether a protocol is required Practise operating room techniques
at a team meeting. that reduce risks and errors (time-out,
briefings, debriefings, stating
There is universal agreement that the best concerns) 7
approach to minimizing errors caused by Topic 4 on teamwork provides a detailed
misidentification of patients is the implementation analysis of how effective teams work and the
of best-practice guidelines for ensuring the actions that team members can take to effectively
correct patient receives the correct treatment. contribute to improved performance and safety. In
There are many guidelines addressing this issue. the surgical environment there are particular

Topic 10: Patient safety and invasive procedures

attributes and actions known to improve surgical • asserting oneself appropriately:

care teamwork. If students are not able to - students should be able to express an
participate on the team, then they can observe opinion or ask for an opinion from any
how the team functions. Students should actively member of the team through questions or
try to become part of the team. They can statements of opinion during critical times;
respectfully ask the leader of the team if they can - students should understand that assertion
be a part of the team even if they do not have any does not include routine statements or
specific function or role. Being included allows the questions about a patient’s heart rate,
students to better see and hear how the team tone, colour and respirations (these form
members communicate with one another. If part of information sharing or inquiry);
possible students should practise: • stating or sharing intentions:
• participating in team briefings and - students should practise sharing
debriefings: information about intentions with team
- students should observe and record how members and seek feedback before
health-care professionals participate in the deviating from the norm—this is important
processes designed to keep the patient because it alerts the rest of the team about
safe—do they use checklists, briefs, planned actions that are not routine;
debriefs? • teaching:
- students should evaluate their own - students should be aware that teaching is
contributions to the team discussions an integral part of surgical care;
about the status of the patient, including - teaching can be in a variety of formats—
identity, site of surgery, condition of the short or informal information exchanges as
patient and plans for recovery; well as guided hands-on learning by doing;
• how to appropriately share information: - students should be receptive to learning
- students should verbally share information from any of the providers (for example,
with all health-care members of the team nurses can teach medical students);
that relates to the assessment and • managing workload:
treatment of the patient; - students should appreciate that workload
- students should know the main is distributed among those according to
characteristics of the procedure and plans level of knowledge and skill.
for managing the patient, including
knowing relevant protocols and their role in Participate in an educational process
implementation; for reviewing surgical mortality and
• asking questions: morbidity 8
- students should actively question Most hospitals where surgery is performed
members of the team in an appropriate will have a peer review system for discussing
and respectful manner; cases so that lessons can be learnt and shared
- students should assess when it is among the group. Many hospitals call surgical
appropriate to ask questions; review meetings a “mortality and morbidity
- students should participate in and take the meeting”. These are well-established forums for
opportunity to ask questions during the discussing incidents and difficult cases and are
period in which the team meets to go over the main peer review method for improving future
the planned procedure; patient care. Such meetings usually provide a

Topic 10: Patient safety and invasive procedures

confidential forum for auditing surgical the incident/area have the ability to report?
complications and are necessary for improving • Are juniors, including students, encouraged to
practice in a surgical department. The meetings attend and participate in mortality and
may be held weekly, fortnightly or monthly and morbidity meetings? These sessions provide
provide a good opportunity for learning about an excellent opportunity for students to learn
errors in surgery. Because patient safety is a about errors and the processes for improving
relatively new discipline, many of these meetings particular treatments and procedures.
are yet to adopt a systems approach (blame free) • Are all deaths involving a surgical procedure
for discussions about errors. Instead, some at the site identified and discussed?
remain focused on the person who made an error • Is a written summary of the discussions kept,
and use a punitive approach to discussing including any recommendations made for
adverse events. When meetings adopt a “person improvement or review?
approach” to discussions about errors they are
often closed to other members of the operating Summary 9
team, junior doctors and medical students and This topic outlines the value of guidelines in
only include the surgeons. reducing errors and minimizing adverse events.
But a guideline is only useful if the people using
Notwithstanding some of the problems associated the guideline trust them and understand why
with the past, mortality and morbidity meetings using a guideline is better for patient care.
are excellent places to learn about errors and Protocols can prevent the wrong patient receiving
discuss ways to prevent them in the future. the wrong treatment as well as facilitate better
Medical students should find out if the hospital communication among the team.
has such meetings and ask the appropriate senior
surgeon if they can attend. If this is possible, HOW TO TEACH THIS TOPIC
students should observe to see if the following
basic patient safety principles are demonstrated: Teaching strategies/formats
• Is the meeting structured so that the
underlying issues and factors associated with An interactive/didactic lecture
the adverse event are the focus, rather then Use the accompanying slides as a guide
the individuals involved? covering the whole topic. The slides can be
• Is there an emphasis on education and PowerPoint or converted to overhead slides for a
understanding, rather than apportioning projector. Start the session with the case study
blame to individuals? and get the students to identify some of the
• Is the goal of the discussion prevention of issues presented in the story.
similar things occurring again? This requires a
timely discussion of the event when Panel discussions:
memories are still fresh. Invite a panel of surgeons and theatre nurses to
• Are these meetings considered a core give a summary of their efforts to improve patient
activity for the entire surgical team, including safety and to talk about their roles and
the technicians and managers as well as the responsibilities. This can help students appreciate
clinicians (medical, nursing, pharmacy, the role of teamwork in surgery and invasive
allied health)? procedures. Students could also have a pre-
• Does everyone who had any involvement with prepared list questions about adverse event

Topic 10: Patient safety and invasive procedures

prevention and management and have time the later years of the programme. Nevertheless
scheduled for their questions. there is no reason why students could not be
exposed to them from the very first year of study.
A small group discussion session • Students could attend a surgical procedure
The class can be divided up into small and observe and record the activities
groups and three students in each group be undertaken by the team to ensure that the
asked to lead a discussion about one category of patient being operated on is the right patient,
adverse events associated with surgery. Another that they are having the right procedure and
student can focus on the tools and techniques at the right time.
available to minimize opportunities for errors and • Students could observe a surgical team,
another could look at the role of mortality and identifying who is on the team, how they
morbidity meetings. functioned and how they interacted with the
The tutor facilitating this session should also be • Students can attend a mortality and morbidity
familiar with the content so information can be meeting and write a brief report as to whether
added about the local health system and clinical the basic patient safety principles were
environment. applied during the meeting.
• Students could follow a patient through the
Simulation exercises peri-operative process and observe the
Different scenarios could be developed activities or tasks that focused on the
about adverse events in surgery and the patient’s safety.
techniques for minimizing the opportunities for • Students should examine and critique the
errors. These could mainly involve junior staff protocol used for the patient verification
having to speak up to more senior staff to avert an process including observations of the team’s
incident such as the wrong patient being operated knowledge and adherence of it.
on or the wrong limb being prepared. • Students should observe how patient
information is communicated from the wards
Different scenarios could be developed for the to the operating rooms and back to the
students: wards.
• practising the techniques of briefs, debriefs
and assertiveness to improve communication After these activities, students should be
in theatres; asked to meet in pairs or small groups and
• role play using a “person approach” and then discuss with a tutor or clinician what they
a “system approach” in a mortality and observed and whether the features or
morbidity meetings; techniques being observed were present or
• role play a situation in theatre where a absent, and whether they were effective.
medical student notices something is wrong
and needs to speak up.
Operating room and ward activities
This topic offers many opportunities for integrated Arthroscopy performed on wrong knee
activities during the time when students are This demonstrates the role of the team in ensuring
assigned to a surgical ward. This will often be in the correct procedure is performed and how

Topic 10: Patient safety and invasive procedures

hierarchies are a barrier to safe care. was very well equipped.

Brian injured his left knee while exercising and Anaesthesia was induced at 08:35 but it was not
was referred by his general practitioner to an possible to insert the laryngeal mask airway. Two
orthopaedic surgeon. The orthopaedic surgeon minutes later, the patient’s oxygenation began to
obtained consent to perform an examination of deteriorate and she looked cyanosed (turning
the left knee under anaesthetic as a day surgery blue). Her oxygen saturation at this time was 75%
procedure. Two registered nurses confirmed as (anything less than 90% is significantly low) and
part of the ordinary preoperative processes that her heart rate was raised.
his signature appeared on the consent form for
his left knee. At 08:39, her oxygen saturation continued to
deteriorate to a very low level (40%). Attempts to
The surgeon talked to Brian before he entered the ventilate the lungs with 100% oxygen using a face
operating theatre, but did not confirm which knee mask and oral airway proved extremely difficult.
was to be operated on. Brian was taken into the The anaesthetist, who was joined by a consultant
operating theatre and anaesthetized. The colleague tried unsuccessfully to achieve tracheal
anaesthetic nurse saw a tourniquet draped over intubation to overcome the problems with the
his right leg and applied it. The enrolled nurse airway. By 08:45, there was still no airway access
checked the intended side on the operating list so and the situation had become “cannot intubate,
she could set up and when she saw the cannot ventilate”, a recognized emergency in
orthopaedic surgeon preparing the right leg, she anaesthetic practice for which guidelines are
told him that she thought the other leg was the available. The nurses present appear to have
intended operative site. The doctor was heard by recognized the severity of the situation, one
both the enrolled nurse and scrub nurse to fetching a tracheotomy tray, another going to
disagree and the right (incorrect) knee was arrange a bed in ICU.
operated on.
The doctors’ intubation attempts continued using
Reference different laryngoscopes, but these were also
Case studies. Professional Standards unsuccessful and the procedure was abandoned
Committees, Health Care Complaints with the patient transferred to the recovery room.
Commission, New South Wales, Annual Report Her oxygen saturation had remained at less than
1999–2000, p. 64. 40% for 20 minutes. Despite being subsequently
transferred to ICU, she never regained
A routine operation. consciousness and died 13 days later as a result
The case illustrates the risks of anaesthetics. of severe brain damage.

A 37-year-old woman in good health was Reference

scheduled for non-emergency sinus surgery Bromiley, M. Have you ever made a mistake?
under general anaesthesia. The consultant Bulletin of the Royal College of Anaesthetists,
anaesthetist had 16 years of experience; the ear, March. Just a Routine Operation. 2008. DVD
nose and throat surgeon had 30 years available from the Clinical Human Factors Group
experience, and three of the four nurses in theatre web site at
were also very experienced. The operating room

Topic 10: Patient safety and invasive procedures

Wrong kidney removed despite a student’s the patient’s allergy to penicillin and the surgeon
warning suggested clindamycin as an alternative
This case demonstrates the relevance of using a preoperative antibiotic. The anaesthetist went into
protocol to ensure correct patient correct site the sterile corridor to retrieve the antibiotics but
correct procedure. returned and explained to the circulating nurse that
he could not find any suitable antibiotics in the
A male patient aged 69 was admitted for removal sterile corridor. The circulating nurse got on the
of his chronically diseased right kidney phone to request the preoperative antibiotics. The
(nephrectomy). Due to a clerical error, the anaesthetist explained that he could not order
admission slip stated “left”. The operating list was them because there were no order forms (he
transcribed from the admission slips. The patient looked through a file folder of forms). The
was not woken from sleep to check the correct circulating nurse confirmed that the requested
side on the preoperative ward round. The side antibiotics “were coming””
was not checked in from the notes or the consent
form. The error was compounded in the operating The surgical incision was performed. Six minutes
theatre when the patient was positioned for a left later the antibiotics were delivered to the operating
nephrectomy and the consultant surgeon put the room and immediately injected into the patient.
correctly labelled X-rays on the viewing box back This injection happened after the time of incision,
to front. The senior registrar surgeon began to which was counter to protocol that requires
remove the left kidney. antibiotics to be administered prior to the surgical
incision in order to avoid surgical site infections.
A medical student observing the operation Subsequently a nurse raised a patient concern
suggested to the surgeon that he was removing and effected a change in operative planning.
the wrong kidney but was ignored. The mistake
was not discovered until two hours after the Case from the WHO Patient Safety Curriculum
operation when the patient had not produced any Guide for Medical Schools working group.
urine. He later died. Supplied by Lorelei Lingard, University of Toronto,
Toronto, Canada.
British Medical Journal, 31 January 2002, p. 246;
Telegraph, 13 June 2002. TOOLS AND RESOURCES

A failure to administer preoperative antibiotic Universal protocol for preventing wrong site, wrong
prophylaxis in a timely manner according to procedure, wrong person surgery™: Carayon P.
protocol Schultz K. Hundt AS. Righting wrong site surgery.
This case illustrates the importance of preplanning [Case Reports. Journal Article. Research Support,
and checking prior to a procedure and how Non-U.S. Government. Research Support, US
protocols can minimize the risk of infection. Government, P.H.S.] Joint Commission. Journal on
Quality & Safety, 2004, 30(7):405–10
The anaesthetist and the surgeon discussed the (
preoperative antibiotics required for the C600EB-043B-4E86-B04E-
laparoscopic cholecystectomy that was about to CA4A89AD5433/0/universal_protocol.pdf,
begin. The anaesthetist informed the surgeon of accessed May 2008).

Topic 10: Patient safety and invasive procedures

5 step correct patient, correct site, correct HOW TO ASSESS THIS TOPIC
procedure: ACT Health (Australia), issued
September 2005 A range of assessment methods are suitable for
( this topic including observational reports, reflective
=p&fid=1127862008&sid, accessed 29 April 2008). statements about surgical errors, essays, MCQ,
Surgical events toolkit: Joint Commission SBA, case-based discussion and self-
International Center for Patient Safety, 2007 assessment. Students can be encouraged to accessed 29 develop a portfolio approach to patient safety
April 2008). learning. The benefit of a portfolio approach is that
Correct site surgery toolkit: Association of peri at the end of the student’s medical training they
operative Registered Nurses (AORN) will have a collection of all their patient safety
( activities. Students will be able to use this to
CorrectSiteSurgeryToolKit/, accessed 29 April assist job applications and their future careers.
Perioperative patient “hand-off’ toolkit: The assessment of knowledge about surgical care
Association of Perioperative Registered Nurses and the potential harm to patients, about system
(AORN) and the U.S. Department of Defense approach to improving surgical outcomes and the
Patient Safety Program techniques for minimizing opportunities for
( surgical errors are all assessable using any of the
PatientHandOffToolKit/, accessed 29 April 2008). following methods:
Ensuring correct surgery and invasive • portfolio;
procedures: Veterans Health Administration, US • case-based in discussion;
Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, DC • OSCE station;
( • written observations about the perioperative
ion.asp?pub_ID=1106, accessed 29 April 2008). environment (in general) and the potential for
WHO safe surgery saves lives: The Second error;
Global Patient Safety Challenge. • reflective statements (in particular) about:
( - theatres and the role of teamwork in
ndex.html). minimizing errors;
- the role of hierarchy in the theatre and the
Resources impact on patient safety;
Calland JF et al. Systems approach to surgical - the systems in place for reporting surgical
safety. Surgical Endoscopy, 2002, 16:1005–1014 errors;
( - the role of surgeons in learning from errors
ut3re9n/fulltext.pdf, accessed 29 April 2008). and making improvements;
Vincent C et al. Systems approaches to surgical - role of patients in the surgical process;
quality and safety: from concept to measurement. - the effectiveness or otherwise of mortality
Annals of Surgery, 2004, 239:475–482 and morbidity meetings.
Cuschieri A. Nature of human error: Implications
for surgical practice. Annals of Surgery 2006, The assessment can be either formative or
244:642–648 summative; rankings can range from unsatisfactory
( to giving a mark. See the forms in Appendix 2
cgi?artid=1856596, accessed 29 April 2008).

Evaluation is important in reviewing how a SAFETY AND INVASIVE PROCEDURES
teaching session went and how improvements
can be made. See the Teacher’s Guide (Part A) for Didactic lectures are not usually the best way to
a summary of important evaluation principles. teach students about patient safety. If a lecture is
being considered, it is a good idea to plan for
References student interaction and discussion during the
lecture. Using a case study is one way to
1. Vincent C et al. Systems approaches to generate group discussion. Another way is to ask
surgical quality and safety: from concept to the students questions about different aspects of
measurement. Annals of Surgery, 2004, health care that will bring out the issues contained
239:475–482. in this topic such as the blame culture, nature of
2. Leape L et al. The nature of adverse events error and how errors are managed in other
in hospitalized patients: results of the industries.
Harvard Medical Practice Study II. New
England Journal of Medicine, 1991, The slides for topic 10 are designed to assist the
323:377–384. teacher deliver the content of this topic. The slides
3. Kable AK, Gibberd RW, Spigelman AD. can be changed to fit the local environment and
Adverse events in surgical patients in culture. Teachers do not have to use all of the
Australia. International Journal for Quality in slides and it is best to tailor the slides to the areas
Heath Care, 2002, 269–276. being covered in the teaching session.
4. Joint Commission on Accreditation of
Healthcare Organizations. Guidelines for
implementing the universal protocol for
preventing wrong site, wrong procedure and
wrong person surgery: Chicago, JCAHO,
5. Lingard L et al. Communication failures in the
operating room: an observational
classification of recurrent types and effects.
Quality & Safety in Health Care, 2004,
6 Crossing the Quality Chasm: a New Health
System for the 21st Century. Washington DC:
National Academy Press, 2001.
7. WHO safe surgery saves lives: The Second
Global Patient Safety Challenge.
y/en/index.html) accessed January 2009.


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