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Topic 7: Introduction to quality improvement methods

Why students need to know about make improvements;

quality improvement methods 1 • being aware that the way people think and
Students will be familiar with the term react is as important as the structures and
evidence-based medicine and the randomized processes in place;
controlled trial, which has enabled medicine to • realizing that the spread of innovative
establish if a particular treatment is validated by practices is a result of people adopting new
evidence or merely one that rests on belief of the processes and not the other way around.
practitioners. Research methods such as the
randomized controlled trial measure clinical Most quality improvement methods are based on
effectiveness. But such methods do not measure the application of continuous quality improvement
contextual components or the process of care. theory developed by the manufacturing industry.
The problems in health systems are significantly The principle underpinning quality improvement
affected by the processes of care and a was that quality was not something controlled at
randomized controlled trial will not measure the the end of the line, but rather throughout the
problems nor fix them. Students need to be aware entire work process. This topic explains some of
that process measures require different methods. the underlying theory.
The science of improvement is new to medicine
and as a result there has been debate about Traditional attempts to persuade and influence
whether the measures of quality improvement are clinicians to change behaviour, such as
rigorous enough. Berwick has captured this compliance with a protocol or vigilance in regard
debate in a paper published in 2008 where he to drug interactions in the interest of improving the
argued that both research methods are necessary quality of patient care, have by and large failed.
to improve health-care research for improving There have been thousands of recommendations
clinical evidence and research for improving by hundreds of committees and peer groups for
processes of care [1]. improving the safety and quality of patient care
over decades, yet there is little evidence that
Quality improvement methods are designed to
clinicians have changed their practice because of
study processes and have been successfully used
them. The publication of evidence in peer
for decades in other industries. In health care,
reviewed journals, does not necessarily lead in of
students will be familiar with the goal of scientific
itself , to clinicians' changing their practice. Many
research, which is to discover new knowledge but
articles outline best practice and make urgent
they will be less familiar with quality improvement,
recommendations for changes as a result of new
which is to change performance [2]. Students are
information [3].
encouraged to observe or join a team undertaking
an improvement activity. Medical students can
Quality improvement methods have successfully
begin to understand the role of quality
addressed this gap and provide clinicians with the
improvement methods by:
tools to: (i) identify a problem; (ii) measure the
• asking about measures that improve quality problem; (iii) develop a range of interventions
and safety; designed to fix the problem; and (iv) test whether
• recognizing that good ideas can come from the interventions worked.
• being aware that the situation in the local Tom Nolan, Brent James, Don Berwick and others
environment is a key factor in trying to have applied quality improvement principles in

Topic 7: Introduction to quality improvement methods

developing quality improvement methods for to apply the principles and use the tools to
health clinicians and managers. The identification undertake their own improvement project.
and examination of each step in the process of
health-care delivery is the bedrock of this What students need to know (knowledge
methodology. When students examine each step requirements): 3
in the process of care they begin to see how the • the science of improvement;
pieces of care are connected and measurable. • the quality improvement model;
Measurement is critical for safety improvement. • change concepts;
• two examples of continuous improvement
A range of quality improvement methods have methods;
been designed. Below are some more common • methods for providing information on
examples: clinical care.
• clinical practice improvement (CPI);
• root cause analysis to retrospectively examine What students need to do (performance
what went wrong; requirement):
• failure modes and effects analysis to • know how to perform a range of
prospectively consider what might go wrong. improvement activities and tools.


Quality improvement methods, PDSA cycle,
change concepts, continuous improvement
The science of improvement
methods, variation, CPI, root cause analysis, 5
W Edwards Deming, the father of
flowcharts, Cause and effect diagrams
improvement theory, described the following four
(Ishikawa/fishbone), Pareto charts, histograms,
components of knowledge that underpin
run charts.
improvement: [4]
• appreciation of a system;
Learning objective 2
• understanding of variation;
The objectives of this topic are to describe the • theory of knowledge;
principles of quality improvement and to introduce • psychology.
students to the basic methods and tools for
improving the quality of health care. Deming stated that we do not need to understand
these components in depth to apply the
Learning outcomes: knowledge and knowledge. An analogy used by improvement
performance leaders (e.g. Langley; Nolan [4,5]) is that we can
This topic is an important one for students to drive a car without understanding how it works.
understand because improvement will only be Students beginning their medical careers only
achieved and sustained through continuous need a basic understanding of the science of
measurement. However, it will also be one of the improvement. It is more important to be familiar
most difficult because many hospitals and clinics with the methods used to improve the processes
do not measure the processes of their care. An of care.
effective way for students to understand the
benefits of using quality improvement methods is

Topic 7: Introduction to quality improvement methods

Appreciation of a system predicting what is necessary to pass exams.

In applying Deming’s concepts to the health care, Those with specific experiences may be better at
we need to remember that most patient care focused predictions. For example, health
outcomes or services result from a complex professionals who work in particular health-care
system of interaction between health-care settings such as a rural clinic may be better at
professionals, treatment procedures and medical predicting the results of a change in this
equipment. Therefore, it is important that medical environment. Because they have more knowledge
students understand the interdependencies and about these clinics and the way they function or
relationships among all of these components should function and the way the change will
(doctors, nurses, patients, treatments, equipment, impact on the patients and their families. When
procedures, theatres and so on) thereby health professionals have experience and
increasing the accuracy of predictions about any knowledge of the area they wish to change it is
impact that changes may have on the system. more likely that the change will result in an
improvement. Comparing the results with the
Understanding of variation predictions is important learning. Deming says
Variation is the differences between two or more that building knowledge by making changes and
similar things such as different rates of success measuring the results or observing the differences
for appendectomies in two different parts of the is the foundation of the science of improvement.
country. There is extensive variation in health care
and patient outcomes can differ from one ward to Psychology
another, from one hospital to another and one The last component is the importance of
region to another. Variation, though, is a feature of understanding the psychology of how people
most systems. Shortages of personnel, drugs or interact with each other and the system. Making a
beds can lead to variations of care. Deming urges change whether it is small or large will have an
people to ask questions about variation. Students impact and knowledge of psychology helps to
can get into the habit of asking their clinical understand how people might react, and why they
supervisors what their outcomes are for a might resist change. A medical ward, for example,
particular treatment or procedure. Do the three includes a number of people who will vary
patients returned to theatres after surgery indicate enormously in their reactions to a similar event
a problem with surgery? Did the extra nurse on such as introducing an incident monitoring
duty make a difference with patient care or was it system. The potential different reactions must be
a coincidence? The ability to answer such factored in when making an improvement change.
questions and others like them is part of the
reason for undertaking improvement activities. Deming stresses that successful improvements
can only be achieved when all four components
Theory of knowledge are addressed; he calls this the system of
Deming says that the theory of knowledge knowledge underpinning improvement. Deming
requires us to make predictions that any changes says it is impossible for improvement to occur
we make will lead to an improvement. Predicting without the following action: developing, testing
the results of a change is a necessary step to and implementing changes.
enable a plan to be made even though the future
is certain. Many students will have experience of
such predictions, having written study plans

Topic 7: Introduction to quality improvement methods

The role of measurement in improvement Measurement is an essential component of quality

improvement because it forces people to look at
Quality improvement activities require health
what they do and how they do it. Most activities in
professionals to collect and analyse data
health care can be measured, yet currently they
generated by the processes of health care. For
are not. There is strong evidence to show that
example, a student cannot study the change in his
when people use the appropriate measures to
study habits without obtaining some information
measure change, significant improvements can be
about his current study habits and the environment
made. All quality improvement methods rely on
in which he lives and studies. He first needs the
measurement. The medical student will only know
data to see if he has a problem with study habits
he has improved his study habits by measuring
and, second, he needs to decide what information
the before and after situation.
he requires to measure whether he has made any
improvements. Medical students will be familiar with
measurement in the basic sciences; the measures
In this analogy, the aim of the improvement project in quality improvement are different from those
is to make a change in the study habits of the used in formal medical research. The IHI has
student leading to improved success in leading to produced the following chart (see Table 15) to
improved success his examinations, rather than distinguish between the two measures. 6
simply identifying students with poor study habits.

Table 15. Institute for Healthcare Improvement: different measures

Measurement for research Measurement for learning and process


Purpose To discover new knowledge To bring new knowledge into daily practice

Tests One large “blind” test Many sequential, observable tests

Biases Control for as many biases as possible Stabilize the biases from test to test

Data Gather as much data as possible, “just in case” Gather “just enough” data to learn and complete
another cycle

Duration Can take long periods of time to obtain results “Small tests of significant changes” accelerates
the rate of improvement

Topic 7: Introduction to quality improvement methods

Three main types of measures The quality improvement model 8

The quality improvement model is a
Outcome measures combination of building and applying knowledge
Examples of outcome measures include patient to make an improvement by asking three
satisfaction surveys and other processes that questions and using the PDSA (plan, do,
capture the patients’ and their families’ views study,act) cycle developed by Deming.
about their health care. This includes surveys and
other methods such as interviews that seek to The questions are:
ascertain peoples’ perceptions or attitudes to the 1. What are we trying to accomplish?
service and their level of satisfaction with the 2. How will we know whether a change is an
hospital or clinic. improvement?
3. What changes can we make that will result
Some specific examples include: in an improvement?
• access: time waiting for surgery
• critical care: number of deaths in the Deming stresses that the questions can be asked
emergency department; and answered in any order. This model takes the
• medication systems: the number of simple concept “trial and error” and transforms it
medication dosing or administration errors. into the PDSA model that can be used to make
improvements for all sorts of problems, both big
Process measures and small.
Process measures refer to measurements about
the workings of the system. These measures are What are we trying to accomplish?
usually used when a clinician or manager wants to The idea behind this question is to guide and focus
find out how well a part or aspect of a health the efforts of the health-care team doing the
service or system is working or being performed. improvement. It is important that the team agrees
that a problem exists and that it is worthwhile fixing.
Some specific examples:
• access: number of days the ICU is full and Does everyone agree that the infection rate in
has no spare beds; patients who have had a knee operation is too high?
• surgical care: number of times swab count Confirmation that there is a problem requires that
completed. supporting evidence (qualitative or quantitive) exists
indicating the extent of the problem.
Balancing measures
This measure is used to ensure that any change Do we have the figures indicating the high infection
does not create additional problems. It seeks to rate?
examine the service or organization from a It is not a good idea to put a lot of effort into
different perspective. If a medical student makes a something that only one person thinks is a problem.
change to his study habits that leaves no time for
him to see his friends that may have an impact on The person who said the infection rate was high
his well-being. had only worked one shift in three and had a patient
A specific example is: who had an infection-is this a significant problem?
• reducing the length of stay in hospital: ensure Many countries will have national and international
readmission rates are not increasing. databases for specific disease indicators that are

Topic 7: Introduction to quality improvement methods

useful, particularly for benchmarking. These data Plan-do-study-act cycle 9 10

are important because it allows the team to focus
on the right area. In some cases, there might not be Figure 4 Model for improvement
much available to help answer the question;
however, irrespective of the extent of information, The Model for Improvement
Langley, Nolan, Nolan & Provost 1999

the simple rule is to keep the answer short and

What are we trying to accomplish
concise. How we will know that a change is an improvement
What change can we make that will result in an improvement?

How will we know that a change is an

An improvement can only be confirmed when the STUDY DO
measures show things were improved over time.

What changes can we make that will result in an

improvement? The PDSA CYCLE
This last question involves the team testing the
different interventions used to make the Change or test
Determines what

improvements. PDSA is a method designed to changes are to be made

assist testing a range of ways to see if an ACT PLAN

intervention worked. STUDY DO

Summarizes what
was learned Carry out the plan

Using the improvement model developed by

Langley, Nolan and others, the IHI has created a Langley, Nolan, Nolan & Provost 1999

PDSA template to assist health-care practitioners

implement PDSA cycles to improve health-care IHI has summarized a range of quality
services or processes (see Figure 4). The model improvement methods, which can be accessed
for improvement, promoted by the IHI was on their web site at
developed by Associates in Process
Improvement. Their version of quality ementMethods/Tools/ accessed May 2008.
improvement is different from other change
models in that it seeks to accelerate improvement. One of the rules of quality improvement is regular
Hundreds of health-care organizations have testing of any changes introduced because
successfully used the model to improve health- unexpected things may happen. The cycle begins
care processes and outcomes. with a plan and ends with an action. The study
section is designed to build new knowledge. This
is an important step in improvement science
because the new knowledge allows better
predictions about the impact of changes. The
application of the model can be simple or
complex, formal or informal. It can be used to
improve waiting times in the clinic or decrease
surgical infection rates in theatres. A formal
improvement activity may require detailed

Topic 7: Introduction to quality improvement methods

documentation, more complex tools for data Testing changes

analysis or more time for discussion and team The PDSA cycle is shorthand for testing a change
meetings. The PDSA model depends on a format in the real work setting—by planning it, trying it,
that repeats steps over and over until an observing the results and acting on what is learnt.
improvement has been effected and sustained. This is the scientific method used for action-
oriented learning.
The IHI model has two parts:
• three fundamental questions, which can be Implementing changes
addressed in any order (as set out by After testing a change on a small scale, learning
Deming); from each test and refining the change through
• the PDSA cycle to test and implement several PDSA cycles, the team can implement the
changes in real work settings—the PDSA change on a broader scale—for example, for an
cycle guides the test of a change to entire pilot population or on an entire unit.
determine if the change is an improvement.
Spreading changes
Forming the team Successful implementation of a change or
Including the right people on a process package of changes for a pilot population or an
improvement team is critical to a successful entire unit can permit the team or managers to
improvement effort. Teams vary in size and spread the changes to other parts of the
composition. Each organization builds teams to organization or in other organizations.
suit its own needs. For example, if the
improvement project is to improve discharge Change concepts 11
planning than the team should have people who Many people intuitively use change concepts
know about discharge-nurses, doctors, patients, in their daily lives such as asking what changes
primary care physicians and nurses. can be made to improve a particular situation—
improved study habits, tension with a family
Setting aims and objectives member, a teacher or difficulties at work. They
Improvement requires setting aims and ask: “What can I do to make the situation better—
objectives. Objectives should be time-specific and to make an improvement?” A change concept in
measurable and should also define the specific quality improvement is a general notion (a good
population of patients that will be affected. This idea, an approach) that has been found useful in
helps keep the team focused on the project. developing specific ideas for change that will
result in improvement.
Establishing measures
Teams use quantitative measures to determine if a Nolan and Schall [5] defined a change concept as
specific change actually leads to an improvement. a general idea, with proven merit and sound
scientific or logical foundation, that can stimulate
Selecting changes specific ideas for changes that lead to
All improvement requires making changes, but not improvement.
all changes result in improvement. Organizations,
therefore, must identify the changes that are most They identify a number of sources for thinking
likely to result in improvement. about possible changes: critical thinking about the
current system, creative thinking, observing the

Topic 7: Introduction to quality improvement methods

process, a hunch, an idea from the literature, a improvements.

patient suggestion or an insight gained from a
completely different area or situation. A health-care 6. Manage time
team that wants to improve patient care takes a An organization can get more achieved by
concept and moulds it to fit their local reducing the time to deliver health care, develop
environment, situation or the task they are trying to new ways of delivering health care, reducing
improve. This is an important step because it waiting times for services and cycle times for all
engages the local team in the process. Team services and functions in the organization.
members will be more committed to the
improvement project and it caters for the particular 7. Manage variation
variations that can occur in different settings. Reducing variation improves the predictability of
Langley and his colleagues have developed 70 outcomes and helps reduce the frequency of
change concepts that have been grouped into the adverse outcomes for patients.
following nine general categories listed in their
1996 landmark book on improvement, The 8 Design systems to avoid mistakes
improvement guide: a practical approach to Organizations can reduce errors by redesigning
enhancing organizational performance. 12 the system to ensure that there is redundancy
i.e. multiple checks and balances to combat
1. Eliminate waste human error.
Look for ways of eliminating any activity or
resource in the hospital or clinic that does not add 9. Focus on the product or service
value to patient care. Although many organizations focus on ways to
improve processes, it is also important to address
2. Improve workflow improvement of products and services.
Improving the flow of work in processes is an
important way to improve the quality of patient
Example: change concept
care delivered by those processes.
A health-care team may want to adhere to the
3.Optimize inventory WHO protocol Clean hands are safer hands.
Inventory of all types is a possible source of waste Infection control is a good idea and the WHO
in organizations; understanding where inventory is guidelines are based on evidence, expert
stored in a system is the first step in finding opinion and the literature. One could predict
opportunities for improvement. that if the guidelines were implemented then
an improvement would be made, i.e. a
4. Change the work environment decrease in the transmission of infection via
Changing the work environment itself can be a hands. Implementing a guideline is an
high-leverage opportunity for making all other example of an abstract concept.
process changes more effective.

The team is required to then make more specific

5. Enhance the health provider/patient relationship
statements about implementing the guideline in
To benefit from improvements in quality and safety
their workplace. This process will move the
of health care, the health-care professionals and
abstract change concept to a practical aim. If the
patients must recognize and appreciate the

Topic 7: Introduction to quality improvement methods

change concept is abstract as opposed to Patients should always be considered as

practical then it should be backed by literature appropriate members of the team rather than as
and evidence-based medicine. an after thought. At this stage the team should
consider the type of measures they may use.
As the concept becomes more local and practical
it should be increasingly concrete, logically Diagnostic phase: Some problems are annoying
connected and sensitive to the local situation. yet may not be worth fixing because of the little
One of the benefits of lists such as the 70 change benefit they add. Therefore, the team needs to
concepts described by Langley et al. is that they ask if the problem they have identified is worth
can speed up the process by not having to solving. The team should establish the full extent
duplicate long searches for ideas to test using the of the problem by gathering as much information
PDSA cycle. about the problem as possible. A brainstorming
exercise by the team will generate possible
A number of catalogues have been published changes that could lead to an improvement. A
covering topics such as medical errors, waiting decision about how to measure the improvement
time, delays, intensive care and asthma. needs to be resolved during this phase.

Two continuous improvement methods The following activities will assist the team to
There are a number of examples of quality complete the diagnostic phase.
improvement methods in health care but the two 1. Team members collect and analyse quantitive
most relevant to medical students are: and qualitative data of the process being
• CPI (Clinical practice improvement) investigated to establish causes of and
methodology; potential solutions.
• root cause analysis. 2. Members discuss the different causes
interact to produce the problems.
Clinical practice improvement Slides 13 14 3. Members identify solutions using the following
CPI methodology is used by health-care
• process flowchart;
professionals to improve the quality and safety of
• brainstorming;
health care. It does this through a detailed
• consumer focus groups;
examination of the processes and outcomes in
• nominal group technique;
clinical care. The success of a CPI project
• tally chart.
depends on the team covering each of the
following five phases. An example of a completed
Members organize and prioritize information by
CPI project is provided in the second part of this
using the following tools.
topic and in the Case Study Bank in Appendix 1.
• cause and effect diagram;
Project phase: The team needs to ask • affinity diagram;
themselves what it is they wish to fix or achieve. • Pareto chart.
They do this by developing a mission statement or Members prepare graphs of current data-run
objective that describes what it is they wish to do chart, statistical process control chart.
in a few sentences. This is the time to select the
team members who should be selected on the Intervention phase: By now, the team will have
basis of their knowledge about the problem. worked out what the problems are and their

Topic 7: Introduction to quality improvement methods

possible solutions. Each of the solutions have to Root cause analysis 21

be tested through a trial and error process by Many hospitals and health services are now
using the PDSA cycles to test changes, observe using a process called root cause analysis to
them and keep the bits that work. determine the underlying causes of adverse
15 16 17 18 events or incidents. A root cause analysis is used
after an incident has occurred to uncover the
primary possible causes. As such, it focuses on
Impact and implementation phase: This is the the particular incident and the circumstances
time to measure and record the results of the trials surrounding it. However, there are many lessons
of the interventions. Did they make any to be gained from this retrospective process that
difference? 19 may prevent similar incidents in the future.

A root cause analysis is a defined process that

All changes are required to be measured for
seeks to explore all of the possible factors
impact so that the change can be said to truly
associated with an incident by asking what
have made a difference rather than a coincidence
happened, why it occurred and what can be done
or a one-off effect. The goal is to introduce a
to prevent it from happening again.
change that has sustained improvement. The data
showing the evidence of the change are displayed
Health-care workers require training in this
using run charts and statistical process control.
method as they do in CPI methodology. Many
Using the study habits of a student as an
countries have introduced training programmes
example, we can say that the student has
for staff to develop skills in conducting root cause
improved his study habits if he has maintained his
analyses. The Veteran Administration in the United
improved study habits for a period of months and
States has adapted root cause analysis to
not returned to the old habits.
investigate adverse events; their model has
become a prototype for health-care organizations
Sustaining and Improvement phase: The final
the worldwide.
phase requires the team to develop and agree
upon a monitoring process and plans for
It will be very difficult for a team of health-care
continuous improvement. Improvements made
professionals to conduct a root cause analysis
now will become failures in the future if there are
without the support of the organization because
no plans to sustain the improvements. 20 the process requires resources to be effective—
people, time, support from the managers and
This may involve:
clinicians and the chief executive. Yet, the benefits
• standardization of existing processes and
are real and can lead to improvements of the
systems for undertaking work activities;
system as a whole. An effective root cause
• documentation of relevant policies
analysis requires the following components.
procedures protocols and guidelines;
• multidisciplinary team:
• measurement and review to enable the
- of no more than six people;
change to become routine;
- including lay people, particularly those
• training and education of staff.
that may bring a patient’s perspective;
- in which no one on the team has had an
actual involvement in the event under review;

Topic 7: Introduction to quality improvement methods

- composed of people who can add value the events including documenting the
because of their knowledge, position in process of questions about each event
the organization or unique perspective and expanding the chart on the basis of
they bring; the information:
- made up of some members who have • environmental factors: e.g. the work
been trained in root cause analysis, who environment and its attention to
can guide the rest of the team with just-in- safety; the type of culture in the unit
time training about the root cause analysis or locality; medico-legal issues;
process, wider system issues and factors • organizational factors: e.g. staffing
that may be associated with the event; levels; quality and attention to
- who will be committed to meeting weekly policies; morale of staff; workload and
for two to four hours at a time over a fatigue; access to essential
period of five to six weeks; equipment; administrative support,
• root cause analysis effort is directed towards attitudes to patients and their families;
finding out what happened: • team staff factors: e.g. supervision of
- documentation and review (medical junior staff; quality and effectiveness
records, incident forms, hospitals of communication between
guidelines, literature review, letters from professional groups; availability of
the patient or their family or carer); senior doctors;
- site visit—the team will benefit from • individual staff factors: e.g. level of
visiting the environment in which the knowledge or experience; fatigue and
event occurred to examine the stress; expectations of staff;
equipment, the surroundings and observe • task factors: e.g. existence of clear
the relationships of the relevant staff; protocols and guidelines; system in
• event flowchart is a key part of the place for obtaining test results;
investigation as it: definition and description of tasks;
- helps to form a common understanding • patient factors: e.g. distressed
of what happened; patients; communication and cultural
- allows the team to develop problem barriers between patients and staff;
statements to enable a cause and effect multiple co-morbidities.
diagram to be developed;
- outlines the story and defines what The VA root cause analysis process has
happened chronologically; developed a guide to staff about the possible
• the team develops a problem statement that: areas and questions they might ask to uncover
- clearly states the problem to be the possible factors involved in an incident.
addressed; • communication: Was the patient correctly
- focuses deeply about the problem(s) and identified? Was information from patient
not the solutions; assessments shared by members of the
• establishing the contributing factors or root treatment team on a timely basis?
causes are accomplished through: • environment: Was the work environment
- a brainstorming process of all possible designed for its function? Had there been an
factors; environmental risk assessment?
- the development of an event flowchart of • equipment: Was equipment designed for its

Topic 7: Introduction to quality improvement methods

intended purpose? Had a documented safety was a pre-existing duty to act;

review been performed on the equipment? • preventing a reoccurrence:
• barriers: What barriers and controls were - many root cause analyses fail at this
involved in this? Were they designed to stage because they have not paid
protect patients, staff, equipment or sufficient attention to the feasibility and
environment? practicality of the recommendations—if
• rules, policies and procedures: Was there an there is no senior engagement and
overall management plan for addressing risk commitment to implementing the
and assigning responsibility for risk? Had a recommendations then a root cause
previous audit been done for a similar event, analysis process can wither before it
were the causes identified and were effective blooms;
interventions developed and implemented on - once the root cause analysis is
a timely basis? completed the team should come up
• fatigue/scheduling: Were the levels of with recommendations that aim to either
vibration, noise and other environmental eliminate it (requires action), control it
conditions appropriate? Did personnel have (requires action) or accept. They should
adequate sleep? be very focused and not too general and
certainly not only about more resources.
Other activities involved in the root cause analysis All recommendations should be realistic and:
process include: • address the root cause of a problem;
• cause and effect diagrams: • be specific and concrete;
- a cause and effect diagram helps the • be easily understood;
team to stay focused on all of the • be possible to implement;
possible causes rather then fixate on the • define roles and responsibilities for
one cause. The cause and effect diagram implementation;
or fishbone diagram begins with a few • define a timeframe for
problem statements and shows how implementation.
these may have been caused by a few
actions and many latent (underlying) WHAT STUDENTS NEED TO DO
• root cause statements: Know how to use a range of improvement
- root cause statements should only be activities and tools.
made at the end of the process—the VA
process provides the following guidance Quality improvement tools 22
to staff in writing root cause statements; The following tools are commonly used in
• the cause and effect relationship must be quality improvement efforts to improve health care.
explicit and: They are simple to use and can be used by
- avoid negative value statements; everyone in the organization. Most hospitals and
- identify a preceding cause in each human clinics routinely collect and use data about the health
error; services being delivered and many will statistically
- each procedural deviation must have a analyse the data to report to the health authorities or
preceding cause; head of the health service. The following tools are
- failure to act is only causal when there commonly known as the seven tools of TQM (total

Topic 7: Introduction to quality improvement methods

quality management). Four of these are listed below. Guidance team members:
• flowcharts; • Health service manager;
• cause and effect diagrams • Executive officer for the hospital;
(Ishikawa/fishbone); • Director of nursing for the hospital;
• Pareto charts; • Area clinical nurse consultant pain
• run charts. management;
Experience from other industries and quality • Visiting medical officer surgeon.
improvement experts such as Ishikawa
demonstrate that 9 out of 10 operational Project team members:
problems may be solved by one of the tools • Area clinical nurse consultant pain
described in this section. In health care that management (team leader);
means a health service problem can usually be • General surgeon;
solved by applying some or all of these tools. • Anaesthetist;
• Acute pain nurse;
The following case example of a CPI project will • Peri-operative clinic;
assist students to understand the tool and how it • Surgical ward registered nurses;
is used in the improvement process. The case • Physiotherapist;
used below is a real case and was undertaken • Dietician;
during the CPI programme conducted by the • Patient.
Northern Centre for Healthcare Improvement
(Sydney, New South Wales, Australia). The name Is this a problem?
of the hospital and the participants are de- This group of health-care workers decided that
identified, the title of the project is accelerated there was a problem with the length of stay and
recovery colectomy surgery (ARCS). wanted to reduce the time patients were in
hospital 23
The first thing that needs to be done is to identify
exactly what it is that needs fixing. Is the length of
stay for patients having colectomy surgery too Flowcharts 24
long and outside best practice? A mission The next step is to understand the steps
statement is developed that captures the aim of involved for patients having colectomy surgery.
the project. Participants are encouraged to aim A flowchart is a pictorial method for showing all
high, to develop stretch goals. The following the steps or parts of a process that makes up the
mission statement was agreed upon. system. Health care is so complex and before we
can fix a problem we need to understand how the
The mission statement: parts fit together and how they function. A range
To reduce the length of stay for patients of people construct and contribute to a flowchart.
having colectomy surgery from 13 days to 4 It would be very difficult to only have a doctor
days within 6 months at the base hospital. draw a flowchart because he may not know the
The next thing to do is to make sure that the right wide range of actions that occur in a particular
team has been selected to undertake this project. situation or have access to the documentation of
The team members must have the fundamental the service. Flowcharts are good for setting out
knowledge. what people actually do at work rather than what
others think they do.

Topic 7: Introduction to quality improvement methods

Even though the actions described may differ understanding of the process and use this
from the organization’s view, it is important to knowledge to collect data, identify problems,
draw in the flowchart what actually happens focus discussions and identify resources;
because this provides a common reference point • it serves as a basis for designing new ways to
and shared language that all members of the deliver health care;
team can share. Constructing a flowchart enables • health-care workers who document the
a “real” and actual portrayal of the process. process also gain a better understanding of
each other’s role and functions.
The IHI has assembled a range of tools on the
Institute’s web page that is available to help Not all flowcharts look the same. Slide 24 shows
people with improvement projects. the flowchart developed by the team who want to
reduce colectomy patient length of stay from 13
There are two levels of flowcharts: days to 4 days within 6 months.
• high-level flowchart:
- there are only 6-12 steps described that The team also wants to understand the
gives an overview of a process; expectations of the participants. 25
- these show any major blocks of activity,
or the major system components, in a A cause and effect diagram is a tool for solving
process; problems. This diagram is also called an Ishikawa
- they are especially useful in the early or fishbone diagram. The diagram is used to
phases of a project. explore and display the possible causes of a
• detailed flowchart: certain effect. The content on each arm of the
- there are many steps described and is a diagram is generated by members of the team in
close-up view of the process; a brainstorm about possible causes. The fishbone
- it can identify loops and allows complex diagram in slide 26 is the result of a brainstorm by
causes of errors to be identified; a team of health-care professionals working on
- these are often shown using the cloud reducing length of stay post-colectomy. 26
symbol as shown in the slide below
(flowchart of process); A cause and effect diagram has a variety of
- detailed flowcharts are useful after teams benefits:
have pinpointed issues or when they are • it identifies multiple causes that may
making changes in the process. contribute to an effect;
• it graphically displays the relationship of the
Using a flowchart has a variety of benefits: causes to the effect and to each other;
• it explains the processes involved in health- • it focuses the team to the areas for
care delivery; improvement.
• it identifies the steps that do not add value to Continuing with the CPI project conducted by
the health-care service including the team at the base hospital who were trying
delays; needless storage and to reduce length of stay post colectomy, the
transportation; unnecessary work, duplication Pareto chart identifies the factors that they saw
and added expense; breakdowns in as contributing to the current time patients
communication; stayed in hospital. 27
• it helps health-care workers get a shared

Topic 7: Introduction to quality improvement methods

Pareto charts continually fall or rise.

In the 1950s, Dr Joseph Juan used the words The benefits of using run charts include:
“Pareto principle” to describe a large proportion of • helping the team judge how a particular
quality problems being caused by a small number process is performing;
of causes. The principle that a few contributions • helping the team to identify when a change is
account for the majority of the effect is employed to truly an improvement by plotting a pattern of
determine where to focus the effort in attempting to data that one can observe as the changes
fix a problem. This is done by prioritizing problems, are made.
highlighting the fact that most problems are
affected by a few causes and indicating which Strategies for sustaining improvements 30
problems to solve and in what order. Making the improvement is not the end; the
improvement needs to be sustained over time.
A Pareto diagram is a bar chart in which the This means continuous measuring and making
multiple factors that contribute to the overall effect adjustments through PDSA cycles. Slide 30
are arranged in descending order according to the describes the strategies for sustaining
magnitude of their effect. The ordering is an improvement and this is where we leave our team.
important step because it helps the team They have successfully reduced the length of stay
concentrate its efforts on the factors that have the for patients having colectomy surgery at their
greatest impact. It also assists them to explain the hospital. In doing so they have saved the hospital
rationale for concentrating on particular areas. a significant amount of money as well as
Slides 26 and 27 come from the IHI tool Pareto decreased the chance of a patient receiving an
diagram. Slide 26 describes a sample data table infection. Even so, they need to sustain these
setting out the types of errors discovered during improvements. The above strategies were
surgical setup and Slide 27 is a bar chart identified by the team to monitor and measure the
depicting in descending order the magnitude of length of stay on a monthly basis.
the contributing factors.
There is overwhelming evidence that patient care
Implementation of plan-do-study-act improves and errors are minimized when clinicians
cycles 28 use quality improvement methods and tools. Only
A team can brainstorm a number of possible then will the efforts of the team be rewarded by
interventions. real sustained improvements to health care. This
topic set out the methods for quality improvement
Run chart example 29 and described a range of tools that are used in
Slide 29 is a run chart produced by the base quality improvement.
hospital team that tracks over time the
improvements. Run charts or time plots are HOW TO TEACH THIS TOPIC
graphs of data over time. A run chart helps the
team know if a change is an improvement over Teaching strategies/formats
time or just a random fluctuation wrongly Teaching quality improvement methods to
interpreted as significant improvement. Run charts students can be challenging because it requires
help identify if there is a trend. A trend is formed clinicians who have had real experience with the
when a series of seven consecutive points tools and know the benefits. The best way to

Topic 7: Introduction to quality improvement methods

teach this topic is to get the students to use the

quality improvement tools and arrange for Examples of self-improvement projects:
individualized coaching in quality improvement • develop better study habits;
methods. Students should be encouraged to join • spend more time with family;
existing projects to experience the team • give up smoking;
approaches and how patient outcomes are • lose or put on weight;
significantly improved with such methods. • perform more housework.

This topic can be delivered in a number of ways. Students can implement the PDSA cycle to suit
their own personal circumstances and obtain a
An interactive/didactic lecture better understanding of the process so they can
This topic contains a lot of underpinning apply it in their professional work as medical
and applied knowledge that is suitable for an students or members of a health-care team.
interactive didactic lecture. Use the accompanying Following the steps set out above in the case
slides as a guide, covering the whole topic. The example, students can begin to experiment with
slides can be PowerPoint or converted to the tools and see how to use them and whether
overhead slides for a projector. they helped them in their project.

Panel discussions Another activity, if available, is for students to ask

Invite a panel of health professionals who have their clinical supervisors or other health
done a root cause analysis or a CPI project to talk professionals if the hospital undertakes quality
about the process and whether the methods gave improvement. If so, they could ask to observe a
them insights they would not have had except for root cause analysis process of a CPI project.
the root cause analysis or CPI.
After these activities students should be asked
Small group discussion session to meet in pairs or small groups and discuss
The class can be divided up into small with a tutor or clinician what they observed and
groups with three students in each group asked whether the features or techniques being
to lead a discussion about the benefits of quality observed were present or absent, and whether
improvement methods—root cause analysis and they were effective.
CPI and when they might be used.

Simulation exercises
Different scenarios could be developed for
the students: practising the techniques of
brainstorming; designing a run chart, cause and
effect diagram or histogram.

Teaching and learning activities

This topic is best taught by getting the students to
practise the tools and techniques used in quality
improvement methods by undertaking their own
personal quality improvement project.

Topic 7: Introduction to quality improvement methods

TOOLS AND RESOURCES Publishers, 1996.

Mozena JP, Anderson A. Quality improvement

Web-based resources handbook for healthcare professionals.
Root cause: Root cause analysis. US Milwaukee, ASQC Quality Press,1993.
Department of Veteran Affairs National Center for
Patient Safety, 2007 HOW TO ASSESS THIS TOPIC
(, accessed
May 2008). A range of assessment methods are suitable for
Flowchart: Flowchart. Institute for Healthcare this topic including:
Improvement Boston, 2004 • complete and write up a self-improvement
( project;
9F2F-44D7-A423-81F81891F19E/651/Flowchart • write a reflective statement about an
s1.pdf, accessed May 2008). observation of the root cause analysis or
Improvement methods: Improvement Methods. CPI process;
Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Boston • participate in a root cause analysis or CPI
( project.
vementMethods/Tools/, accessed May 2008).
Root cause: Ask “why” five times to get to the HOW TO EVALUATE THIS TOPIC
root cause. Institute for Healthcare Improvement,
Boston Evaluation is important in reviewing how a
(0htt10p:// teaching session went and how improvements
provementMethods/ImprovementStories/AskWhy can be made. See the Teacher’s Guide (Part A) for
FiveTimestoGettotheRootCause.htm, accessed a summary of important evaluation principles.
May 2008).
Clinical improvement guide: Easy guide to
clinical practice improvement: a guide for health
professionals. New South Wales Health
Department, 2002
yguide.pdf, accessed May 2008).
Health care improvement: Northern Centre for
Healthcare Improvement
documentation.asp, accessed May 2008).

There are many good examples of completed CPI


Langley GL et al. The improvement guide: a
practical approach to enhancing organizational
performance. Institute for Healthcare
Improvement. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass

Topic 7: Introduction to quality improvement methods


1. Berwick D. The science of improvement. TO QUALITY IMPROVEMENT
Journal of American Medical Association, METHODS
2008, 299(10):1182–1184.
2. Davidoff F, Batalden P. Toward stringer Didactic lectures are not usually the best way to
evidence on quality improvement: draft teach students about patient safety. If a lecture is
publication guidelines: the beginning of a being considered, it is a good idea to plan for
consensus project. Quality & Safety in Heath student interaction and discussion during the
Care, 2005, 14:319–25. lecture. Using a case study is one way to generate
3. Lundberg G, Wennberg J A. JAMA theme group discussion. Another way is to ask the
issue on quality in care: a new proposal and a students questions about different aspects of health
call to action. Journal of the American Medical care that will bring out the issues contained in this
Association, 1997, 278(19):1615–1618. topic such as the blame culture, nature of error and
4. Langley GL et al. The improvement guide: a how errors are managed in other industries.
practical approach to enhancing
organizational performance. San Francisco, The slides for topic 7 are designed to assist the
Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1996. teacher deliver the content of this topic. The slides
5. Nolan TW et al. Reducing delays and waiting can be changed to fit the local environment and
times throughout the healthcare system, 1st culture. Teachers do not have to use all of the
ed. Boston, Institutue for Healthcare slides and it is best to tailor the slides to the areas
Improvement, 1996. being covered in the teaching session.


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