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‘This questionnaire is solely for academic purpose.’

Please answer the following by choosing one option only.

1. Your gender:
I. Male
II. Female

2. Your household income:

I. Less than Rs50,000
II. Rs51,000 - Rs100,000
III. Rs101,000 - Rs150,000
IV. Rs151,000 – Rs200,000
V. More than 200,000

3. You are familiar to hybrid cars:

I. Yes
II. No

4. You think it is too early for hybrid cars to enter in the markets of Pakistan:
I. Yes
II. No
III. Unfamiliar to hybrid cars

5. You think hybrid cars are environmental friendly than non-hybrid cars:
I. Yes
II. No
III. Unfamiliar to hybrid cars

6. The kind of vehicle you (or any of your family member) are using currently:
I. Petrol
II. Diesel
IV. Hybrid
V. Other:

7. You (or any of your family member) don’t own a hybrid car because:
I. Already own a hybrid car
II. Unfamiliar to hybrid cars
III. It is expensive
IV. Not much popular in Pakistan
V. Other:

8. If you are familiar to any hybrid car, advantage to buy any of them would be (select one):
I. They are environmental-friendly
II. Less fuel consumption
III. Designing
IV. Higher resale value
V. Unfamiliar to hybrid cars
VI. Other:

9. If you are familiar to any hybrid car, disadvantage to buy any of them would be (select one):
I. High price
II. Not much popular in Pakistan
III. Recharging is time consuming/inconvenient
IV. Unfamiliar to hybrid cars
V. Other:

10. You would prefer:

I. A hybrid vehicle
II. A non-hybrid vehicle

11. You (or any of your family member) is planning to buy a hybrid car:
I. Yes
II. No
III. Unfamiliar to hybrid cars

12. If planning to buy a hybrid car, after this period you might buy:
I. Within one year
II. Between one to two years
III. Between three to four years
IV. After four years
V. Not planning to buy any hybrid car

13. Your brand preference for hybrid cars:

I. Suzuki
II. Toyota
III. Honda
IV. None of the above

‘Thank you for your response, have a nice day!’

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