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A Thesis Proposal

Presented To

The Faculty of Education Department

Eastern Visayas State University

Tanauan Campus

In partial Fulfillment

In Prof. Ed 353 Educational Research

Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major in Technology and Livelihood Education


Ma. Cecelia P. Garcia

Zyjen G. Laurona

Melchanitte Beriso

October 2019





Alcohol is the drug of choice among youth, often with devastating consequences.

Although peer influence, alcohol accessibility, and pressure to be accepted all affect

students' alcohol use (Hanson, 1974), early research with reasons for drinking, or

drinking motives, found two main reasons why college students drink: purposes

and 2.emotional escape or relief (Brennan et al., 1986). However, research has been

incompatible regarding the most prominent reasons for student drinking and their

consequential effects on drinking outcomes.

Being one of the major problems in this society particularly the school, alcohol used

can affect the study of an individual, for example in their academic stress, or by the

influenced of the students. They might not be able to go to school due to hangover, if

they do, they can’t really focus on the lessons because their minds are somewhere else

rather than in school or in the activities. In that way, it will result to a failing grades or

worst being dropped due to excessive absences. In addition, in a college setting, also a

unique environment that has a large proportion of young people that are exposed in

drinking alcohol.

Poor integration into school, poor academic achievement and low educational

aspirations are associated with substance-using behaviour (e.g. Crum, et al., 2006),

although substance use may be a symptom, rather than a cause, of poor academic

adjustment and educational failure (Bachman, et al., 2008).

Background of the Study

Drinking in college varies from campus to campus and from person to person.

Levels and patterns of consumption are associated with individual, outside-campus, and

inter-campus factors. Indeed, many college students accept alcohol use as a normal part

of student life. College students are a highly visible group of underage drinkers among

whom alcohol consumption is commonplace. The inability to perform at school is linked

with alcohol abuse (Beitchman et al. 2001), and strong academic performance appears to

protect against excessive alcohol use (Costa et al. 1999; Engs et al. 1997; Mainous et al.

2001) Similarly, the more bonded students feel to their school, the less likely they are to

engage in alcohol abuse (Amonini 2001; Hawkins et al. 1997; Hoppe et al. 1998). As in

the case of income, lower levels of education are associated with greater quantities of

alcohol consumed (Duncan et al. 1998), and a higher levels education are associated with

greater expenditure on alcohol (Abdel- Ghany and Silver 1998). There is also condition

to alcohol- related harms among drinkers with less education (Kunz and Graham 1998).

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the stage of alcohol intake that can affect their

academic performance of the respondents of the Eastern Visayas State University-

Tanauan Campus.

Specifically, this seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the students in terms of:

1.1 Age
1.2 Sex

1.3 Type of drinker

1.4 Kind of alcohol

2. What is the status of drinking alcohol in terms of:

2.1 Reasons for taking alcohol

2.2 Frequency of taking alcohol

2.3 Volume of alcohol intake per session

2.4 Cost of drinking alcohol per session

3. What is the level of the academic performance of students in Technology?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the alcohol use and their academic


Null Hypothesis

1. Between the academic performance of the students and their drinking habit, there is no

significant relationship.

2. There is no significant relationship between the drinking habits and their profile.

According to DOST- FNRI, here in Philippines they considered that 9.9 million are

binge drinker or an intention of becoming intoxicated by heavy consumption of alcohol

over a short period of time. They said that women have a percentage of 29.5% as a binge

drinker, while the men have a total of 70.5%

Significance of the Study

This study would be a great help to all the future researchers, parents, teachers,
school administrators and also the students.

Future Researchers

The outcomes of this study would prove other researchers’ insight as a guide to their

research work.


This study would be serve as an eye-opener to them, enabling there to see the real-

life situation regarding to the health nutrition factor of their children. They should know

the important factors that would help their children towards the effect of alcohol intake in

the academic performance of the students. In order for them to realize what are the

important facts that might be help their children to abstain from such activities.

Moreover, this would encourage them to work hand in hand with their children to

enhance harmonious relationship between their environment and in school.

School Administrators

In this study, the school administrators should let the students to have better reality

based information about the students academic performance towards alcohol use. Such

information that might help them in order to make an action that would be better to

increase awareness of the students to such activities and address this action to the youth

and work towards a common good for the elevation of the living conditions to the

individuals of the society.


The result of the study would be guide them in order to increase their awareness
about the alcohol drinking and alcohol- related issues so that at the early stage of their

lives they would change the desirable habit and value toward a better and value of life.


They should be guided their students to know better with this study. They would

come to understand the nature of adolescence that exposed in alcohol drinking in relation

to their effort and to establish their capacity to become good contributors of this society’s


Scope and the Limitation of the Study

The study focuses on the presence of the alcohol in academic performance of the

college students. This study also involves the college students that includes their age,

sex, course, type of drinker and their kinds of alcohol intake. The researchers choose the

College of Technology students as the respondents of the Eastern Visayas State

University- Tanauan Campus, in the Academic Year of 2019-2020, because the

researchers wanted to find out how alcohol use , can affect their academic performance

and how they prevent from it. And the researchers also wanted to find out what are the

drinking habits of the students. The words that are not mentioned above are not covered

of this study.


Related Literature

The reasons for students to use alcohol were for sociability, enjoyment and

relaxation. Higher level of males chose sociability (71%) whereas higher proportion of

females showed for enjoyment (74%). A similar study in a US College showed the

majority of the participants (63%) considered themselves social drinkers (Fisher, Fried &

Anushko, 2007). Further research shows that peer influence is a strong indicator of

drinking behaviour in late adolescence. Two types of social influences have been

determined; ‘passive’ and ‘active’.

Active social influences are seen where a substance has been offered to be used,

such as being bought a drink and passive social influences relate to an individual’s

perception and interpretation of others drinking pattern (Graham, Marks & Hansen 1991;

Oostveen, Knibbe & De Vries 1996; as cited in Wood, Read, Mitchell & Brand, 2004).

Related Study

The following shows of the similarities to the present study

Binge drinkers are 50 percent more likely to get cancer compared to those who do

not drink alcohol, a 2015 study shows. The study was presented by Dr. Encarnita Limpin

of the Philippine College of Physicians during the Senate Ways and Means committee

hearing on the bill hiking excise taxes on alcoholic beverages on Thursday. Binge

drinkers are those who drink four shots or 4 bottles of alcohol in a row.

Limpin said that in 2015 alone, more than 3,000 in the Philippines died of cancer
caused by the alcohol. These include the oral, esophageal, stomach, colorectal, breast,

head, and neck cancer. No data was provided on liver and ovarian cancers. The same

study also shows that binge drinkers are 71 percent more likely to get into a vehicular


Theoretical Framework

The researchers will use The Social Learning Theory of Albert Bandura (1993:66-

70) he states that “ people learned through observing others behavior and most human

behavior is learned experimental through modelling from observing others, from forms

of an ideas how new behavior are performed and from this coded information serves as

guide for an action”. In this social learning theory explains human behavior in terms of

continuous mutual interaction between cognitive, behavior and environmental influences.


Bandura further believes in mutual determinism that is the world and the three (3)

components: the environment, the behavior, and the one’s psychological process

(1993:70). In this theory, it is assumed that the students cognitive development results

from a behavioral processes (Eynsenk: 120-122) where a students learned in drinking

alcohol. We all know that alcoholic beverages have been a part of social life for

millennial, yet societies have always found it difficult to understand or restrain their use.

Finally, show the actions of the community level to change the results in less drinking

among youth. It shows that the community level will have a success in changing the

environment and expectances to alcohol use due to the decreasing rate of the youth

access in drinking alcohol. In using an alcohol, you can produce a “rush” feelings of
relaxation, election, and to enhanced the sense of well being. Problems might be

temporarily relieved. The risk for relapse and thus dependence was most associated with

being older with alcohol parents who are involved in the criminal activity (Hingson, et

al., 2002)

Some of the teens came to school with demographic, family and drinking histories

that influenced them in drinking alcohol. For example, one out of ten college students

reported of growing up with a drinking parental condition once in college this young

people might be abstain in drinking alcohol or either be greater than the expected rates or

proportionality engage in binge drinking and .abuse alcohol (Weitzman and Wecshler,


Figure 1.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 shows the Conceptual Framework of the study, as what can be seen in the first
box is the input of the study, the student’s profile that includes their age, sex, type of

drinker, and kind of alcohol. The second box is the process of the study, it includes their

status in drinking alcohol, and the output of this study is the level of the academic

performance of the technology students.

Definition of Terms

In order to give a common definition, the following terms defined. In order to

provide the common structure.

Academic Performance - it defines as the outcome of the education that is the extent in

which the student, teacher or institution has achieved their education goal and it is

commonly measured by examination or continuous assessment (Ward, 1996).

Alcohol - is a liquid that has strong pungent taste, an inflammable intoxicating element

in fermented or distilled liquor. This study, alcohol refers to the beverages which can

alter the mood and attitudes of the respondents (Grolier, 2000).

Performance - refers to the acts of taking action in a accordance with the requirements

of the job. In this study it refers to the performance of the respondents in their academic

field (Great Illustrated Dictionary).

Technology Students - refers to the person engage in the study who attends a school. In

this study, the term is used to address the respondents.


Research Design

This study employs the descriptive correlational research design in utilizing the

group correlational analysis among the variants. In particular, the research examined the

correlation of the alcohol use and the academic performance among the Technology

Students. The main instrument used in gathering the data is the .questionnaire and the

supplemented observation in order to verify and clarify of the said information that had

been given by the respondent data.

The data will be gathered by through questionnaire that will be formulated by the

research for the respondents. It will supplemented also by the unstructured interview

being ask to the respondents supplemented with the documentary analysis and the direct

observations to crosscheck and verify the information.

A correlational analysis will be used in order to determine the relationship between

the alcohol use and the academic performance of the students of the Technology

Students of the Eastern Visayas State University- Tanauan Campus, Tanauan Leyte.

The statistical measures that were used in this study were the frequency counts,

weighted mean and ANOVA.

Research Locale

This study will be conducted at the Eastern Visayas State University- Tanauan

Campus, located at the Barangay San Miguel, Tanauan Leyte. Since the chosen
respondents are students of the said university.

Research Respondents

The respondents of this study are the Bachelor of Mechanical Technology and the

Bachelor of the Industrial Technology Students in the Academic Year of 2019- 2020.

Research Instrument

The principal instruments that will use in this study is the questionnaire.

Questionnaire- Interview guide questionnaire consisted of the three parts. Part I

consists the information of the profile of the respondents including their age, sex, type of

drinker, and the kind of alcohol. Part II is pertaining their status in drinking alcohol in

terms of: reasons for taking alcohol, frequency of taking alcohol, volume of alcohol

intake per session, cost of drinking alcohol per session. Part III contains the academic

performance of the students and the significant relationship between the alcohol use and

the academic performance of the respondents. The questionnaire will use the checklist


Documentary Analysis- Will be use in the study to investigate the total

enumeration of the Bachelor of Mechanical Technology and the Bachelor of Industrial

Technology students in the Eastern Visayas State University. The documents that the

researchers will go to analyze are the official list of the Bachelor of Mechanical

Technology and the Bachelor of Industrial Technology Students

Data Gathering Procedure

After the final draft of the interview guide questionnaire, and after seeking the

permission of the Dean of College of the Technology, the researchers then will distribute

the questionnaire to the respondents for the collection of data.

Methods of Scoring

The data gathered were recorded, tallied and also interpreted in using different

scoring and interpretation based on the different variables used in the study. The

following method of scoring were presented below.

Age. The classification and description of the students’ age are presented below

(Krosnicks, 2009)

Age Level Qualitative Description

18-21 late adolescence

21-23 adult

23-26 adult

To determine the academic achievement, the researchers utilize the quartile description

of Mean Percentage Scores (MPS) according to the DepEd Order No. 73, s. 2012


Percentage Range Descriptive Equivalent

90-95 Advanced

85-89 Proficient

80-84 Approaching Proficiency

75-79 Developing
74- below Beginning

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data that will gathered from the respondents will be tallied, analyzed,

interpreted, tabulated, and subjected to descriptive statistics. The statistical tools that will

be use in this study are the frequency counts, mean, weighted mean, Fishers t- test, t- test

and ANOVA.

To describe the data on the profile of the Student’s- respondents and their status in

drinking alcohol that can be found in the question number one (1) and the question

number three (3), the frequency counts and the conversion of the percentages is used.

To answer the question number two, four, five (2,4,5) the researchers will be using the

weighted mean. For the computation of weighted mean, the formula that was found in

the book of fegerson and Takane (1989:54) will be use. The formula is:

X = Σfixi


F = Weighted mean or arithmetic mean

Fi = The corresponding frequency of their nth scale

xi = The corresponding scale used

N = The sum of value in the f1 column

For the interpretation of the weighted mean, the information below was adopted:

The answer the question number Six (6) the researchers will utilize the F test or
the ANOVA (Analysis of Variance). The researchers use two-way ANOVA because this

is use when comparing the mean of two or more independent groups or many variables

that are involve.

Finally, the 0.05 level significance will be alpha (a) error in all cases of




Direction: The following questionnaire ask you about your personal information. Please
answer the following questions by putting a check (/) mark in the parenthesis or

providing the information being ask.

1. Respondents Name (optional) ______________________________

1.1 Age: ___

1.2 Sex: Male ( ) Female ( )

1.3 Type of Drinker

( ) Light Drinker

( ) Moderate Drinker

( ) Heavy Drinker

Others, Please specify: ______________________

1.4 Kind of Alcohol

( ) Beer

( ) Hard

( ) Wine

Others, Please specify: ______________________

2. The status of drinking alcohol in terms of:

2.1 Reasons for taking alcohol.

( ) Curiosity

( ) Academic stress

( ) Peer pressure

( ) To feel good (get high)

( ) To help with sleep

Others, Please specify: _____________________

2.2 Frequency of taking alcohol

( ) Daily

( ) Often

( ) Sometimes

( ) Occasionally

Others, Please specify: _____________________

2.3 Volume of alcohol intake per session

( ) Light

( ) Moderate

( ) Heavy

Others, Please specify: ____________________

2.4 Cost of drinking alcohol per session

( ) Nothing, it is typically free.

( ) Under 50.00 to 100.00 pesos

( ) Under 150.00 to 200.00 pesos

( ) Under 250.00 to 300.00 pesos

( ) Under 350.00 to 400.00 pesos

Others, Please specify: ____________________

3. What is the level of your academic performance ?


4. In your opinion, do you think that there is a significant relationship between the

alcohol use and your academic performance? _______________________________


Thank you for best answering the questions! God bless :)

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