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Molecular Ecology (1999) 8, 1199 –1209

Male reproductive success in a promiscuous mammal:

Blackwell Science, Ltd

behavioural estimates compared with genetic paternity

D . W. C O L T M A N , * D . R . B A N C RO F T , † A . R O B E R T S O N , ‡ J . A . S M I T H , † T. H . C L U T T O N - B RO C K ‡
and J . M . P E M B E R T O N *
*Institute of Cell, Animal and Population Biology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH9 3JT, UK, †Department of Genetics,
University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EH, UK, ‡Large Animal Research Group, Department of Zoology,
University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EJ, UK

Molecular techniques have enabled behavioural ecologists to reassess mating systems
from a genetic perspective. Studies of paternity frequently reveal that mating behaviour
does not always reflect parentage, and may bring to light alternative mating tactics. Here
we present a comparison of behavioural and genetic measures of male reproductive suc-
cess in a mammalian mating system in which both sexes are highly promiscuous. Rather
than having a stable harem social structure, Soay rams (Ovis aries) on the island of Hirta,
St Kilda, UK usually consort with individual oestrous ewes sequentially. Not all matings
occur between consort pairs, however, and ewes have been seen to mate with up to 10
different rams on the same day. Using locus-specific polymorphism at five protein and 10
microsatellite DNA loci, we determined paternity for 236 lambs born into three cohorts,
and compared paternity with estimates of mating success derived from more than one
census of rutting behaviour. The correlation between the number of ewes with which
each ram was witnessed in consort and the number of paternities assigned was positive
and statistically significant, and rams that were observed in consort with a ewe were 18
times more likely to have sired her offspring than other candidate rams. However, most
lambs (73%) were not sired by a ram seen in consort with the oestrous mother. Many
juveniles, yearlings and some adult rams were rarely seen in consort with ewes, yet were
assigned a significant number of paternities. These results suggest that mating tactics
differ between age groups, and that alternative mating strategies among adults that do
not involve forming consorts with many females also confer mating success. For these
reasons, census-based observations of consort associations between individuals cannot
be used to accurately estimate individual male reproductive success in this population.
Keywords: mating success, mating systems, microsatellites, Ovis aries, protein polymorphism,
Soay sheep

Received 2 November 1998; revision received 17 February 1999; accepted 25 February 1999

Introduction is now commonplace to distinguish between social and

genetic mating systems (Hughes 1998). From the social
Mating systems describe the ways in which individuals
point of view, mating systems describe different forms of
of both sexes interact for the purpose of reproduction,
mate guarding or pair bonding, which can been seen as
and are best viewed as the consequence of the repro-
adaptations to the need for uni- vs. bi-parental care, and
ductive strategies of individuals rather than population
the spatial and temporal distribution of members of the
or species characteristics (Clutton-Brock 1989). Considerable
limiting sex (Emlen & Oring 1977). Genetic mating systems
progress has been made in the study of mating systems at
often differ, because many animals that form long-term
the level of the individual in the DNA profiling era, and it
pair bonds (social monogamy) produce extra-pair offspring
Correspondence: D. Coltman. Fax: 0131-667-3210; E-mail: (genetic polygamy). Studies employing molecular markers have frequently demonstrated that in many cases levels

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of extra-pair parentage cannot accurately be estim- her exclusively, and the ewe makes no attempt to join
ated from behavioural observation alone (Hughes 1998). other groups of sheep for the duration of oestrus. The vast
Molecular methods, therefore, offer the opportunity to majority of consorts are formed with mature rams aged
enrich our understanding of mating systems, and may 2 years or more, yet there is extensive variation among
suggest productive new avenues of behavioural and mature rams in the number of consorts they establish
ecological research. during the mating season (Grubb & Jewell 1973). Consorts
In polygynous animals, male mating success has tradi- are not necessarily exclusive to one ram throughout oestrus,
tionally been measured from the time during which a however, and a ewe may form successive consorts and
male has exclusive access to an oestrous female, harem mate multiply with several rams on the same day. Grubb
size, or from the number of observed copulations. Mat- & Jewell (1973) witnessed a Soay ewe mated 47 times by
ing success can be measured accurately in this fashion if 10 different consorting rams in 8.5 h. Occasionally, a ewe
females are not promiscuous (i.e. if females mate with may also become involved in a ‘chase’, during which she
only one male) and associations between males and is pursued by one or more (commonly young) rams. Chases
females are stable. However, assessing female promiscu- frequently end with copulation of the ewe by one of the
ity from behavioural observation is problematic due to pursuing rams. This high level of promiscuity is typical of
the difficulties in observing covert mating behaviour (e.g. wild sheep; Hogg (1988) noted that over 48 h of oestrous,
extra-pair copulations and ‘sneaky’ male strategies) and a Rocky Mountain bighorn ewe (O. canadensis) may be
nocturnal behaviour. For these reasons, it is necessary to mated 30 times by one or more consorting rams, and a
use genetic markers to assess the extent to which beha- further 30 times by ‘coursing’ males. ‘Coursing’ refers to
vioural measures of male mating success reflect genetic the tactic described in bighorn sheep whereby subordin-
parentage. Previous studies of polygynous mammals ate rams fight dominant rams in consort with oestrous
have revealed widely different results. In some cases ewes for temporary, and brief, mating access (Hogg 1984,
dominance rank or copulation frequency reflects parent- 1988). DNA evidence indicates that coursing bighorn
age accurately (e.g. lions, Pantherus leo (Gilbert et al. 1991); rams sire equal numbers of progeny as do dominant rams
red deer, Cervus elaphus (Pemberton et al. 1992); man- that defend ewe consorts (Hogg & Forbes 1997).
drills, Mandrillus sphinx (Dixson et al. 1993); baboons, In this study we sought to determine the degree to
Papio cynocephalus (Altmann et al. 1996)). In these examples, which behavioural observations reflect male mating suc-
males usually guard groups of females and there may be cess determined genetically. Two hypotheses were tested.
relatively stable dominance hierarchies among males. First, we predicted a strong positive correlation between
In other species in which associations between males behavioural success (estimated as the number of differ-
and females are brief and transient, or there are more ent ewes a ram was sighted in consort with) and genetic
frequent shifts in dominance rank, there may be a lower success (the number of lambs sired the following spring).
correlation (grey seals, Halichoerus grypus (Amos et al. Second, we predicted that the genetically identified sire of
1993); Japanese macaques, Macaca fusculata (Inoue et al. a given lamb was the ram most frequently observed in
1993); pigtail macaques, M. nemestrina (Gust et al. 1996); consort with the ewe during the previous rut. Evidence
sooty mangabeys, Cercocebus torquatus (Gust et al. 1998)). supporting these hypotheses would indicate that the
Therefore, the use of behavioural vs. genetic methods most successful mating tactic across all age classes was to
for assessing male mating success depends both on the form consorts with as many ewes as possible. It would
study population, social structure and the ultimate study also suggest that census-based observations could be
aim. If behavioural measures do not reflect genealogical used to predict relative success among rams and the
relationships exactly, genetic methods provide the only paternity of individual lambs. However, male Soay sheep
means to determine parentage for studies of heritability, display marked precocial sexual maturity and participate
for example. in the rut as juveniles at only 7 months of age (Stevenson
In this study we present a genetic analysis of paternity & Bancroft 1995). Juveniles are frequently reproductively
in free-living Soay sheep (Ovis aries) on the island of successful (Pemberton et al. 1996), yet rarely hold ewes in
Hirta, UK. Both sexes of Soay sheep are socially pro- consorts (Grubb & Jewell 1973), perhaps due to their
miscuous, and associations between rams and ewes are small body size and lack of previous breeding experience.
dynamic. Rams do not hold harems nor do they form It is thus possible that juveniles adopt a reproductive
stable dominance hierarchies; rather they associate with strategy that does not involve forming consorts with
individual ewes, mating repeatedly before attempting to ewes. In this case, their reproductive success will be
locate the next oestrous ewe (Grubb 1974). Such associ- underestimated by behavioural observation of consort
ations involving a single ram and ewe pair are termed associations. We therefore also compared behavioural
‘consorts’ (Grubb 1974). Consorts involve the co-operation and genetic measures of paternity between and within
of both sexes. The ram follows the ewe and mates with age classes.

© 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 8, 1199 –1209 Page 1201 Wednesday, June 30, 1999 3:54 PM

G E N E T I C P A T E R N I T Y I N A P R O M I S C U O U S M A M M A L 1201

Table 1 Characteristics of loci used in

Individuals Number of Expected paternity analysis of Soay lambs conceived
Locus typed alleles heterozygosity in the 1987–1989 ruts
Adenosine deaminase 741 2 0.382
Beta haemoglobin 673 2 0.498
Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase 750 2 0.327
Isocitrate dehydrogenase 696 3 0.497
Transferrin 827 7 0.783
DRB 3* 744 8 0.825
MAF 18† 843 3 0.542
MAF 35‡ 841 4 0.563
MAF 45§ 833 6 0.743
MAF 65¶ 820 4 0.491
OarFCB 304** 806 4 0.614
OarCP 26†† 764 5 0.711
OarRM 106‡‡ 795 4 0.457
OarVH 34§§ 800 6 0.564
RBP 3¶¶ 828 3 0.616

*Schwaiger et al. (1993).

†Crawford et al. (1990).
‡Swarbrick et al. (1991).
§Swarbrick et al. (1992).
¶Buchanan et al. (1992).
**Buchanan & Crawford (1993).
††Ede et al. (1995).
‡‡Kossarek et al. (1993).
§§Pierson et al. (1993).
¶¶MacHugh (1997).

the entire study area was censused four to five times per
Materials and methods
day (approximately once every 2 h of daylight). During
each census, the entire study area was surveyed and the
The study population
identity of each oestrous ewe seen in association with one
Soay sheep on St Kilda have been the focus of biological or more attending rams was noted. The occurrence of
research since the early 1960s ( Jewell et al. 1974; Clutton- oestrus in the Soay ewe is marked by persistent associ-
Brock et al. 1991, 1992). An unmanaged population has ation with rams and the display of overt sexual behaviour
existed on the island of Hirta (638 ha), the largest island by rams, and is confirmed by her receptivity (Grubb
in the St Kilda group, since their introduction in 1932 & Jewell 1973). A ram–ewe association was defined as a
from the adjacent island of Soay (99 ha) where they have ‘consort’ if the pair were observed in close proximity
existed for centuries. The analysis described here is based (typically within 5 m), but isolated from other sheep.
on individually marked animals that reside in a 170-ha Consorts are further defined by the behaviour of the ram.
study area centred on Village Bay. The Village Bay popula- In a consort, the ram will follow the ewe if she moves
tion comprises approximately 30% of the island total. Since away, and will challenge another ram if he approaches
1985, over 95% of lambs born in the study area have been the pair. So defined, consorts exclude chases and associ-
sampled for genetic analyses shortly after birth. Genetic ations of oestrous ewes with more than one ram during
samples have also been obtained by catching sheep resident the same census. A ‘consort observation’ is a recorded
in the Village Bay area each August, and by tranquilliz- observation of the identities of each member of a consort-
ing immigrant rams from other parts of the island during ing pair in a census. Particular consorts lasted from one to
the rut. All individuals sampled for genetic analyses have eight consort observations.
been marked with ear tags for permanent identification.

Paternity analysis
Observations during the rut
Eight hundred and forty-nine sheep were typed for five
The mating season of Soay sheep, the rut, lasts from late polymorphic protein and 10 microsatellite DNA loci
October until early December. During the 1987–1989 ruts, (Table 1). The methods used to screen these polymorphisms

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1202 D . W. C O L T M A N E T A L .

and the genetic characteristics of these loci are described were likely to span the oestrous period during which con-
in detail elsewhere (Bancroft 1993; Bancroft et al. 1995; ception occurred. We then estimated the proportion of
Smith 1996). No locus showed significant genotypic lambs expected to be sired by a ram seen in consort with
disequilibrium, nor was there evidence for allelic dis- the ewe, assuming that all sampled candidate rams were
equilibrium between any pair of loci (tests implemented equally likely to be the sire. Finally, to address the question
in genepop 3.0 (Raymond & Rousset 1995), data not whether a sire seen in consort with the ewe was the most
shown). frequently seen consort ram, we compared our observed
We assigned paternity using a likelihood-based approach results with the estimated proportion of lambs expected
described in Marshall et al. (1998). The simulation pro- to be sired by the most commonly seen consort ram,
gram within cervus 1.0 (Marshall et al. 1998) was used to assuming all rams seen in consort with a ewe were equally
estimate the critical difference in log-likelihood scores likely to be the sire.
between the most likely and second most likely candid-
ate male for assignment of paternity at a level of 80%
Statistical analyses
confidence in each rut separately. For each rut, all sam-
pled rams, including lambs born in the spring preceding Consort observations and paternities are discrete count
the rut (henceforth referred to as juveniles), known to data, and thus were analysed using generalized linear
be alive at the time of the rut were considered as candid- models (GLMs) with Poisson error structure and a log
ate males. We assumed that 80% of candidate males link function (Crawley 1993). Initially tests were per-
were sampled, 95% of loci were typed, and a 1% rate of formed using all data; however, many individuals were
typing error. present in more than 1 year. Therefore, to assure statist-
The analyses presented here are based on paternities ical independence when comparing across years one
assigned at 80% statistical confidence. Although we may observation per individual was randomly selected for re-
expect one in five assignments to be incorrect at this analysis. The results of both tests are shown. Correlations
confidence level, incorrect assignments are unlikely to be between nonnormal data were analysed using Spearman’s
biased in relation to the behavioural data. Three times as rank method.
many assignments could be made at the 80% confidence GLMs with binomial error structure were used to
level than at 95%. The 80% confidence data therefore analyse factors contributing to the probability that the sire
offered greater statistical power for analyses in which was either seen in consort at least once, or seen most
paternity was the response variable. We observed similar frequently in consort, with the mother. Variables tested
qualitative results using paternities assigned at 95% con- included: rut year (factor), total number of consort observa-
fidence to those reported here (data not shown). tions in which the mother was observed (continuous
variable), age class of the ram most frequently seen in
consort (factor: lamb/yearling vs. 2 year old plus), number
Comparison of behavioural and genetic measures of male
of consort observations with the most frequently seen
reproductive success
consort ram (continuous) and the age class of the sire
We analysed the number of paternities assigned to each (factor: lamb/yearling vs. 2 year old plus). GLMs were
candidate ram in relation to: (i) the number of different constructed and the significance of predictor variables
ewes with which each candidate ram was observed in tested using standard techniques (Crawley 1993) in splus
consort; and (ii) the total number of consort observa- (version 4.5, MathSoft).
tions in which a ram was observed. Because many rams
were considered in more than 1 year, and the distribution
of paternity among rams is known to differ between
years (Stevenson & Bancroft 1995; Pemberton et al. 1996),
Consort observations
correlation analyses are presented separately for each
year. A total of 1141 consort observations were recorded dur-
To ascertain whether consort observations may predict ing rut censuses from 1987 to 1989 (Table 2). The distri-
the paternity of specific lambs, we restricted our ana- butions of consort observations, and of the number of
lysis to lambs for which paternity had been determined different individuals observed in consort, were strongly
and whose mother was observed in consort with one or right skewed for both rams and ewes in all years (Fig. 1).
more rams in the previous rut. Furthermore, we only Many individuals were observed only once or twice in
considered consort observations that occurred 150 ± 7 consorts, while a smaller number of individuals were
days prior to the date of birth of that lamb (gestation observed in five or more consorts (Fig. 1). Significantly
period ± one standard deviation; Grubb & Jewell 1973). more consort observations per marked ewe and ram
This restricted the behavioural data to observations that were recorded in 1987, and marked rams were seen in

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G E N E T I C P A T E R N I T Y I N A P R O M I S C U O U S M A M M A L 1203

Table 2 Summary of consort observations recorded in the 1987, 1988 and 1989 ruts

Total consort Marked Consort Number of Marked Consort Number of

observations ewes seen observations rams seen in rams seen observations ewes seen in
Year recorded* in consorts marked ewe consort ewe in consorts marked ram consort ram

1987 504 132 3.63 ± 0.26 2.17 ± 0.11 51 8.96 ± 1.60 5.31 ± 0.76
1988 403 140 2.70 ± 0.17 2.06 ± 0.11 80 4.36 ± 0.64 3.36 ± 0.39
1989 234 79 2.86 ± 0.27 1.73 ± 0.12 31 5.58 ± 1.34 3.58 ± 0.69
Mean 380 117 3.09 ± 0.14 2.03 ± 0.07 54 6.04 ± 0.66 4.02 ± 0.34

All data
∆ deviance† 20.3 5.0 105.0 29.9
(P < 0.001) (P = 0.08) (P < 0.001) (P < 0.001)
Independent data‡§
∆ deviance† 21.2‡ 6.7‡ 97.6§ 36.9§
(P < 0.001) (P = 0.036) (P < 0.001) (P < 0.001)

*Includes observations of consorts in which one individual was unmarked.

†Differences between years were tested by a generalized linear model assuming Poisson error structure. The significance test is the
change in deviance explained by the inclusion of year, which is compared to χ2 with 2 d.f.
‡Some individuals were represented in more than 1 year. When this occurred, one observation from each ewe was selected at random to
ensure statistical independence.
§Some individuals were represented in more than 1 year. When this occurred, one observation from each ram was selected at random to
ensure statistical independence.

A B Fig. 1 Frequency distributions of the total

consorts observed and the number of
50 marked individuals observed in consorts
1987 for ewes (A and B) and rams (C and D) in
40 1988 the 1987, 1988 and 1989 ruts.
Number of ewes





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
Number of consort observations Number of different rams
per marked ewe per marked ewe seen in consort

Number of rams



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
Number of consort observations Number of different ewes
per marked ram per marked ram seen in consort

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1204 D . W. C O L T M A N E T A L .

Table 3 Summary of paternity analysis of lambs conceived in the 1987, 1988 and 1989 ruts

Rut Village Bay Number of Number of lambs born in Number of paternities

year population size candidate rams the following spring assigned (% of tests)

1987 311 132 154 97 (63.0%)

1988 457 191 81 36 (44.4%)
1989 290 86 130 93 (71.5%)
Total 365 226 (61.9%)

consort with a greater number of different ewes in 1987, 1.0

on average (Table 2). This was due in part to a greater 1987, mean = 0.74, var = 1.40
censusing effort in 1987. However, fewer different 1988, mean = 0.19, var = 0.19
0.8 1989, mean = 1.52, var = 6.79
rams were seen in consort with each ewe in 1989 due to
their being fewer rams alive following a year of high

male-biased over-winter mortality (Clutton-Brock et al.
The number of consort observations recorded for each 0.4
marked ram and the number of different ewes with
which each marked ram was seen in consort were highly 0.2
correlated in each year (ρ = 0.996, 0.998 and 0.997 in 1987,
1988 and 1989, respectively). Therefore, all subsequent
analyses of consort observations use the number of ewes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8+
seen in consort. Similar results would have been obtained Number of paternities per ram
using the number of consort observations in place of the
Fig. 2 Distributions of paternities assigned per ram, sired in the
number of ewes seen in consort. 1987, 1988 and 1989 ruts.

Paternity analysis
rate differed significantly between years (χ2d.f.=2 = 15.67,
Sires for 226 of 365 sampled lambs were identified at 80% P < 0.001) with a lower success rate in the cohort con-
statistical confidence over the three ruts investigated ceived during the 1988 rut. This was a consequence of the
(Table 3). Fewer lambs were born following the 1988 large number of candidate rams in the 1988 rut. The dis-
rut due to very high over-winter mortality in 1988–1989 tribution of paternities among all sampled rams was right
(Clutton-Brock et al. 1991). The paternity assignment skewed in each year (Fig. 2), with many rams assigned

Table 4 Consorts observed and offspring

Rut Ram age Mean number of different Mean number of sired by age category for all marked rams
year class N* ewes seen in consort with (± SE) paternities assigned (± SE) in the 1987, 1988 and 1989 ruts. Differences
between age classes were tested by a gener-
1987 Adult (2+) 31 5.7 ± 1.2 1.4 ± 0.3 alized linear model (GLM) assuming Poisson
Yearling 36 2.3 ± 0.4 0.9 ± 0.2 error structure
Juvenile 65 0.2 ± 0.1 0.3 ± 0.1
∆ dev.† 323.2, P < 0.001 33.6, P < 0.001
1988 Adult (2+) 64 3.4 ± 0.5 0.3 ± 0.1
Yearling 61 0.8 ± 0.2 0.11 ± 0.04
Juvenile 66 0.05 ± 0.03 0.11 ± 0.04
∆ dev. 305.6, P < 0.001 11.4, P = 0.003
1989 Adult (2+) 36 2.0 ± 0.6 2.8 ± 0.6
Yearling 6 1.0 ± 0.8 0.8 ± 0.5
Juvenile 44 0.5 ± 0.2 0.6 ± 0.1
∆ dev. 39.8, P < 0.001 61.8, P < 0.001

* Total number of rams known to be alive and using the Village Bay study area, therefore
included in the paternity analysis.
† Significance tested by comparison of change in deviance with χ2d.f.=2.
SE, Standard error.

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G E N E T I C P A T E R N I T Y I N A P R O M I S C U O U S M A M M A L 1205

Table 5 Total number of rams considered,

Juveniles Yearlings Adult rams Total ewes observed in consort, and paternities
assigned to rams of different age classes
N 175 (42.8%) 103 (25.2%) 131 (32%) 409 combined over the 1987, 1988, and 1989 ruts
Ewes observed in consort 36 (5.7%) 133 (21.0%) 464 (73.3%) 633
Paternities 56 (21.2%) 43 (16.3%) 165 (62.5%) 264

paternity of none or a single lamb, and only a few rams A 10

assigned many more (maxima of eight, two and 20 in ρ = 0.517, N = 132, P < 0.01
each respective year).

Lambs sired

Consorts, age and relative male reproductive success 4

In each year, rams 2 years of age and older were seen in 2

consort with significantly more ewes than yearlings and
juveniles (Table 4). They were also assigned the pater-
nity of significantly more lambs in every year (Table 4). 0 5 10 15 20
Yearlings did slightly better than juveniles, both in terms B 3
of total ewes observed in consort and the number of ρ = 0.172, N = 191, P < 0.05
patern-ities assigned. Over all three seasons combined,
Lambs sired

juveniles were greatly under-represented in the total

number of ewes observed in consorts (5.7%) compared
with their abundance (42.8% of rams considered) and 1
mating success (21.2% of all paternities; Table 5). Adult
rams accounted for a greater fraction of both consort-
ships observed (73.3%) and paternities (62.5%) than their
representation in the total sample (32% of all rams consid- 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
ered were adults; Table 5). The difference between age C 25
classes in the number of consortships observed and pater- ρ = 0.296, N = 86, P < 0.01
nities assigned was highly statistically significant
Lambs sired

(χ2 = 49.0, 2 d.f., P < 0.001). 15

Figure 3 illustrates the correlation between the number
of ewes each ram was sighted in consort with and the 10
number of paternities assigned to each ram in each rut 5
across all age classes. The correlation was significant and
positive in each year. However, in each year a single ram 0
with both relatively high numbers of ewes in consort 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
and assigned paternities appeared to have great leverage. Number of ewes sighted in consort with
This was the same adult ram in 1987 and 1989. When
Points represent:
these points were removed the correlations in 1987 and
1989 remained statistically significant (ρ = 0.503, n = 131,
P < 0.01; ρ = 0.151, n = 190, P > 0.05; and ρ = 0.264, n = 85, 1 2–5 6–10 11–15 16–20 21 or more
P < 0.05, respectively). Restricting the data to observa- individuals
tions of rams greater than 2 years of age or more revealed Fig. 3 Correlation of the number of ewes sighted in consort and
similar levels of correlation (ρ = 0.784, n = 31, P < 0.01; the number of paternities assigned to rams for the 1987 (A), 1988
ρ = 0.228, n = 64, P < 0.05; and ρ = 0.233, n = 36, P < 0.05, (B) and 1989 (C) ruts.
for 1987, 1988 and 1989, respectively). When data were
combined across years, there was a significant correlation ewes observed in consort therefore explained 22.4% of
between the number of ewes observed in consort and the variation in the number of paternities assigned per
the number of paternities assigned (all data: ρ = 0.277, marked ram (GLM assuming Poisson error structure, one
n = 408, P < 0.001; one observation per ram randomly observation per ram randomly selected, χ2 = 85.44, 1 d.f.,
selected: ρ = 0.306, n = 242, P < 0.001). The number of P < 0.001).

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1206 D . W. C O L T M A N E T A L .

Table 6 Observed and expected frequencies of consort observations of sires with mothers of lambs conceived in the 1987, 1988 and 1989

Sire seen with mother in at Sire most commonly seen consort ram
Lambs least one consort observation (proportion of times when sire seen in
Year considered (proportion of lambs) the majority of consort observations)

1987 59 19 (0.32) 10 (0.53)

1988 24 3 (0.12) 1 (0.33)
1989 45 13 (0.29) 7 (0.54)
Total 128 35 (0.27) 18 (0.51)
Expected probability 0.015* 0.49†
Expected number of 1.9 17.1
Significant difference χ2d.f.=1 = 34.4, P < 0.001 χ2d.f.=1 = 0.1, P = 0.8
from expectation

*The estimated probability of a ram seen in consort being the sire under the assumption that all candidate rams were equally likely to be
the sire. This was estimated as (mean numer of rams seen in consort per ewe)/(mean number of candidate rams) = (2.03/136).
†The estimated probability that the most commonly seen consort ram is the sire under the assumption that all rams seen in consort were
equally likely to be the sire. This was estimated as 1/(mean number of rams seen in consort per ewe) = (1/2.03).

In each year, the variance among rams in the number of

Frequency with which sire observed in consort

ewes with which they were seen in consort (σ2c) exceeded 1.0
the variance in the number of paternities assigned (σ2p) 8
(σ2c = 17.9, 7.9, and 7.1; σ2p = 1.40, 0.20, 6.79; for 1987, 1988 0.8 Juveniles and yearlings 13
and 1989, respectively). However, when scaled to the Rams (2 years and older)
mean, the levels of variation were similar (coefficients
of variation for consorts = 2.06, 2.04 and 2.34; for
paternities = 1.61, 2.35, and 1.74; for 1987, 1988 and 1989, 22
respectively). 0.4
0.2 7
Exact paternity and consorts 11 11
20 9
Paternity was determined for 128 lambs for which at least 0.0
one ram was seen in consort during the mother’s recept- 1 2 3 4 5
ive period (Table 6). In 35 cases (27%), the sire was seen Number of consort observations
in consort with the ewe. If all candidate rams were Fig. 4 Frequency with which the sire was seen in consort
equally likely to be the sire, the frequency of seeing the with the mother of a lamb of identified paternity in relation to
sire in consort with a ewe could be estimated as 0.015 the total number of consort observations in which the mother
(Table 6). A ram seen in consort with a given ewe was, was seen. Data are shown for cases in which the sire was a
therefore, 18 times more likely to be the sire than a male juvenile or yearling (filled columns) or an adult ram (open
columns). The numbers at the top of the columns represent the
randomly chosen from the pool of candidate males, aver-
sample size.
aged across years (Table 6). In 18 of these cases (51%), the
sire was seen in more consort observations with the ewe
than any other ram. This was no more frequent than influenced by two factors. These were the total number
would be expected if we were to assume that all rams of consort observations in which the ewe was seen
seen in consort with a ewe were equally likely to be the (χ2d.f.=1 = 24.95; P < 0.001), and whether the sire was a
father of her lamb (Table 6). Being in consort with a ewe mature ram (2 years or greater) or younger (χ2d.f.=1 = 10.48;
therefore makes a ram a more likely candidate for the P < 0.005; Fig. 4). This model explained 23.6% of the total
paternity of her lamb. However, the most commonly seen deviance (null deviance = 150.2 with 127 d.f.). If the sire
consort ram is not more likely to be the sire than any was an adult ram, the mean probability of seeing him in
other consort ram. consort with the ewe was greater than 0.8 if the ewe was
GLMs indicated that the probability of seeing the seen in at least four consort observations (Fig. 4). The sire
sire in consort with the ewe during the rut was positively was seen less than one-third of the time if fewer consort

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observations were recorded, or if the sire was a juvenile consorted with. The data collected for this study are
or yearling. Juvenile and yearling sires were very rarely unfortunately insufficient to test these alternative ideas.
seen in consort, regardless of the number of consort
observations in which the ewe was recorded (Fig. 4).
Estimating paternity exactly from behavioural data
The fact that rams seen in consorts were 18 times more
likely to be the sire than other candidate rams means that
observing associations between individuals provides some
Behavioural estimates of relative reproductive success in
useful information for predicting paternity. Furthermore,
Soay rams
with an increasing number of recorded consort observa-
Our data suggest that the number of ewes a ram is tions, the probability of seeing the sire increases (Fig. 4).
seen in consort with is a weak predictor of relative male On the surface, this suggests that given more intensive
reproductive success, particularly for young rams. Even observations, some useful predictions about paternity
among adult rams, while those seen in consort with many could be made. For example, information about rams
ewes tended to be assigned the paternity of more lambs, seen in consort could be used to modify the probability
this was not always the case. For example, in 1987 an of paternity calculations using a Bayesian approach (e.g.
adult ram seen in consort with 17 different ewes was Adams et al. 1992). Rams seen in consort with the mother
assigned the paternity of only one lamb, yet an adult ram of a given lamb might be considered to have a higher
seen in consort with only two ewes was assigned three prior probability of paternity than other candidate rams.
paternities in the same year. This discrepancy is partly This information could improve the success rate in deter-
due to the fact that juveniles and yearlings gain some mining paternity. However, juvenile and yearling rams
paternities, yet rarely form consorts. However, there was are rarely seen in consorts and may sire many offspring
no great improvement in the relationships when the data (see also Stevenson & Bancroft (1995)). The probability
were restricted to adult rams. There are several possible that the sire was seen in consort only improves with an
explanations for this. increasing number of behavioural observations when the
First, juveniles, yearlings and some adults may adopt sire was an adult ram (Fig. 4). When the sire was a
mating tactics that do not involve forming consorts. juvenile or yearling, he was highly unlikely to have been
Rams that attempt to mate opportunistically or predomin- witnessed in consort with the mother (four times in 58
ately following chases will have their reproductive out- paternities), whereas when the sire was an adult ram he
put underestimated based on the number of consorts was sighted 44.3% of the time (31 of 70 paternities). Over-
observed. It may be difficult for young rams to defend a all, the sire was seen in consort with the ewe on at least
consort ewe from competitors due to their small body one occasion in only 35 cases of 128 assigned paternities
size and limited previous breeding experience, as com- (27.3%). The most frequently sighted consort ram was the
petitive interactions between rams for access to oestrous father in only 18 of 128 cases (14.1%).
ewes involve physical conflict including nudging, butt- Taken together, these results indicate that considerably
ing and pushing (Grubb & Jewell 1973). Similarly, adult more detailed observational data would be needed to
rams of lower physical competitive ability may find that make reliable predictions about paternity from beha-
there is a better fitness payoff for an opportunistic mat- viour. The census-based approach used here is a form
ing strategy, or searching more widely for unattended of scan sampling which may not efficiently record
oestrous ewes, than to attempt to hold ewes in exclusive behaviours (such as chases and brief nonconsort mating)
consorts. The fact that both the number of consorts and that may occur in a shorter period of time than the inter-
paternities per ram increase from juveniles to yearlings val between scans. However, collecting more detailed
then to adults (Tables 4 and 5) suggests that increasing observational data is not a trivial task. Continuous focal
body size and breeding experience favour a shift towards watches on oestrous ewes would be required to record
the tactic of holding individual ewes in consort for most the identity and behaviour of every possible candidate
rams. male. Alternatively, focal watches on rams could be car-
Second, sperm competition may play a major role in ried out to better characterize the variation in reproduct-
the Soay sheep mating system. Sheep have relatively ive behaviour and the payoff for different mating tactics
large testes, and Soay males have the largest testicular among individuals within and between age classes. Both
to body weight ratio of all sheep breeds (Lincoln 1989). of these approaches would necessitate a limited sample
Order, frequency and/or timing of copulation with respect size of individuals that could be monitored. The advant-
to ovulation and sperm depletion may be important age of the census-based approach used in this study was
determinates of paternity which are not reflected in an in the number of individuals that could be monitored
association index, such as the total number of ewes given the practical limits to observer effort.

© 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 8, 1199–1209 Page 1208 Wednesday, June 30, 1999 3:54 PM

1208 D . W. C O L T M A N E T A L .

The low predictive value of the behavioural observa- Amos B, Twiss S, Pomeroy P, Anderson S (1995) Evidence for
tions presented here (number of ewes in consort explain- mate fidelity in the grey seal. Science, 268, 1897–1899.
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Genetics, 23, 85.
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highly promiscuous, with a rapid turnover of consort Clutton-Brock TH, Price OF, Albon SD, Jewell PA (1991) Per-
pairs. Furthermore, not all rams adopt the consort-holding sistent instability and population regulation in Soay sheep.
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R. Clarke, F. Gulland, A. Jarvis, D. Robertson, I. Stevenson and
Jewell PA, Milner G, Boyd JM) Island Survivors, pp. 200 –235.
many other volunteers for practical assistance. D. Green provided
Althone Press, London.
instrumental assistance in the first years of rut observations and
Grubb P, Jewell PA (1973) The rut and the occurrence of oestrus
tissue sampling. I. Stevenson, K. Wilson, David Westneat, Terry
in the Soay sheep of St. Kilda. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility,
Burke and one anonymous referee provided useful comments on
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Kline Foundation, the Cambridge Philosophical Society and the
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Mammal Conservation Trust provided financial support.
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in a captive group of pigtail macaques (Macaca nemestrina).
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variable simple sequence repeats. Molecular Ecology, 3, 469 – 478. ecology, life history and genetics of Soay sheep on St Kilda
Pemberton JM, Albon SD, Guinness FE, Clutton-Brock TH, involving Professor Tim Clutton-Brock and coworkers, includ-
Dover GA (1992) Behavioral estimates of male mating success ing Tony Robinson (Department of Zoology, Cambridge), Dr
tested by DNA fingerprinting in a polygynous mammal. Josephine Pemberton and coworkers, including Dave Coltman,
Behavioral Ecology, 3, 66 – 75. David Bancroft and Judith Smith (formerly Department of
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nance of genetic polymorphism in small island populations: other UK researchers. Dave Coltman brought this paper to
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Royal Society of London, Series B, 351, 745–752. fellow at Edinburgh.
Pierson CA, Hanrahan V, Ede AJ, Crawford AM (1993) Ovine

© 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 8, 1199–1209

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