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General Didactics

Movie Analysis
¨Dangerous Minds

1.According to what you saw, what factors are negative for

student’s success at school?   
There are many negative factors that prevent students from being successful in school
and one of them is the environment, although it is a little difficult to believe the
environment affects the students a lot, they live in a neighborhood there are no gangs,
fights, shootings Among others, then they growing up seeing all that bad stuff and for
that reason it was difficult for them to be successful in school.
Another negative factor was the family, the family plays a fundamental role in
everyone's life, and the family does not support us, it is difficult for us to be successful,
but not in all cases.

2.What strategies did the teacher use to motivate her students to change for
The first strategy that she used was to enter the environment of the students and put
herself in their shoes, and in this way she could get to know her students better, after
knowing her students she taught them according to their tastes on the things that they
liked, she adapted the class and adapted herself according to the students

3. What challenges did the teacher face in her effort to help students to
succeed at school?
The teacher went through many challenges and one of them was trying to make
extremely bad and misbehaving students believe in themselves and thereby be

4. Have you notice in the film any similarities or differences with the
Dominican reality in terms of the school environment? Which ones?
Una similitud que yo pude notar fue,

5. What teacher´s qualities did improve student´s attitude towards

learning and life in general?
6. Did you feel connected to or identified with one of the situations in
the movie? Which one? How?

7. Do you think teachers should put their live in jeopardy to save a

student from gangs, domestic violence, drugs or any other problem? What
would be the best approach to solve this type of situations?
I believe that when a student has problems with drugs, gangs or domestic violence, the
teacher should not try to help the student on their own, it would be best to talk to the
police and the police will take action on the matter in a professional way, Now, if they
are problems of bullying, low self-esteem, bad behavior, etc. the teacher can help that
student, through words, showing affection, talking to him about what is happening to

8. It is appropriate that teachers get involved so much in the students

Everything is dependent on the magnitude of the problem, for example if it is a problem
of knuckles or death, I think it would not be very appropriate for teachers to get
involved a lot, it would be best to talk to the police, now if it is a simple problem and
that does not have to do with deaths or gangs, the teacher can get involved and help the

9. Regarding the entire story, what conclusion did you get?

In conclusion, everything can be achieved with efforts and sacrifices, we saw how at the
beginning the students were rebellious and bad, but the teacher did not give up and I
looked for a way to help them and in the end she succeeded, I think all teachers should
be with the teacher of the movie, many teachers give the class to give it, and if a student
does not turn in an assignment, ¿they immediately give him 0 without first asking why
didn’t you turn in the assignment? Teachers must have more empathy and put ourselves
in the shoes of the students.

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