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“NO Taxation without Representation!

The Road to Revolution…. 
By 1763… 
A. Great Britain had claims around the world. 
“The ​< sun >​ never sets on the British Empire!” 
B. Due to the many wars Britain had fought, she had amassed a huge debt. Needed to ask 
her colonies for help to take the burden off of Great Britain… 

How could the Colonies help?????

A. The colonies provided… 

1. Raw materials 
2.​ < markets > 
3. A merchant fleet 
4. Naval bases 
B. To make “​< mercantilism >​” work, laws needed to be made 
1.​< Navigation Acts >:​ Only export and import goods with Great Britain using British 

Britain didn’t follow through!

A. Followed a policy of ​< Salutary neglect >​ 1. Deliberately failing to enforce laws 
2. “indirect tax” 
3. New Prime Minister, George Grenville sends customs collectors, royal inspectors, 
and Naval patrols to enforce the new “laws”. 
B. When Grenville begins to reform these policies, the colonists become outraged….. 
  “No ​< taxation >​ without <​ representation > ​ ” 
Proclamation of 1763 
A. ​< Pontiac’s War >​ convinced British officials that they should ​<Stop 
>​ British subjects from settling on the ​< west >​ side of the Appalachian Mts. 
B. The ​< Proclamation of 1763 > ​ drew an imaginary line along the crest of 
the ​< Appalachian Mts. >​ . 
C. All ​< settlers >​ west of that line were to “​< remove themselves at once 
> ​”. 
D. The proclamation angered many ​< colonists >​; it also sent ​< 10,000 >  
British troops to enforce the law. 
Pontiac’s War 
A. French traders had always treated the Native Americans as ​ < friends >​ , 
holding ​< feasts >​ for them and giving them ​< presents >​. 
B. ​< Lord Jeffrey Amherst > ​ had a different idea, he allowed settlers to 
build ​< homes >​ and ​< forts > ​ on Indian lands. 
C. He also raised the price of ​< goods traded > ​ with the Native Americans. 
D. ​< Pontiac >​ was a Native American that fought on the ​< French > 
E. Pontiac led an attack on ​< British > ​troops at Fort ​< Detroit >​ . 
F. Pontiac looked for help from the ​ < French > ​ however, because of the 
<Treaty of Paris 1763 > ​ they could not send help to Pontiac. 
Britain Imposes New Taxes 
A. The Sugar Act put a new tax on ​< molasses >​ . 
B. Many colonists ​< protested >​ the tax by ​ < smuggling > ​ molasses into the 
Currency Act of 1764 
A. Law forbidding Colonists from printing their own ​< paper >​ money. 
B. Britain demanded gold and silver coins for tax payments. 
Quartering Act of 1765 
A. Required the colonial authorities to provide ​< barracks >​ and supplies for 
the British troops stationed in America 
Stamp Act of 1765… 
A. The ​< Stamp Act >​ put a new tax on many items made of ​< paper > 
(wills, mortgages, almanacs, newspaper, playing cards) 
B. These items needed to have a ​< stamp >​ that said the ​< tax > ​ had 
been paid. 
C. 1​st​ Direct or internal tax 
D. The colonists insisted that only ​< elected assemblies >​ had the right to 
tax them. 

Protesting the Stamp Act 

A. Colonists met the stamp act with immediate protest. 
B. October 1765, Stamp Act Congress met in NY and vowed to resist taxes levied 
without the consent of the colonies. 
1. Some merchants signed “non-importation agreements” to ​< boycott > 
British goods. 
2. To ​< boycott >​ means to refuse to buy certain goods and services. 
Stamp Act. . . 
A. < Sons of Liberty >​ - Rioted, destroyed offices, burned stamps, tar 
& feathered tax collectors and British sympathizers. 
B. In March of 1766 Parliament ​ < repealed >​ or cancelled, the Stamp 
The Declaratory Act 0f 1766 
A. British Parliament ​< declared > t​ hat it had the “full power and authority to 
make laws to bind the colonies and the people of America…in ​< ALL >​ cases 

The Townshend Acts 

A. In May ​< 1767 >​ , Parliament began to <
​ tax >​ the colonists again. 
B. New Prime Minister 
- ​< Charles Townshend >  
C. The ​< Townshend Acts >​ , taxed goods such as glass, paper, paint, lead, 
and tea. 
D. This act also sent ​< customs officials > ​ to the colonies to try and stop 
<smuggling >​ and legalized ​< Writs of Assistance >​ . 
- Writs of assistance were legal documents (search warrants) used to inspect a 
ships cargo without giving a ​< reason >​ . 
E. The colonists responded by attempting to ​< boycott >​ the goods taxed by 
the ​< Townshend Acts >  
Samuel Adams 
A. In response to the Townshend Acts, ​< Adams >​ united the colonists and 
started “ ​< Committees of Correspondence >​ ” 
  - Inter colonial Network of information. 
B. Colonists began rioting again 
  - Taunted the British soldiers calling them “Lobsters”, “​< Red Coats >​ ”, 
and “Blood Backs” 
Boston Massacre 
A. On March 5, 1770, a ​< crowd >​ gathered outside of the Boston ​< 
customs house >​ . 
B. Colonists began shouting insults such as “ ​< Lobster backs >​ ” at the soldiers 
who were outside. 
C. Some colonists even began to ​< throw >​ things like ​< snowballs >​ , ​< 
oyster shells >​ , and ​< ice chunks >​ . 
D. Soldiers ​< fired shots >​ into the crowd, killing five Bostonians. 
E. One of the Colonists that was killed was a freed slave named ​< Crispus 
Attucks >​ . He had no rights, but was there fighting for colonial freedom! 
►​ Lord Frederick ​< North > ​ became Prime Minister 
- Urged the Parliament to ​< repeal >​ the Townshend Acts and allow the 
Quartering Act to expire. 

Tea Act of ​< 1773 > 

A. Allowed the British East India Company to BYPASS British wholesalers and 
sell tea ​< directly to the colonists >​ making the price ​< lower >​ than 
before, but still taxed. 
B. Why are the colonist still rebelling? 
1. Low prices would put ​ < colonial merchants out of business > ​. 
2. Would give Great Britain a ​< monopoly >​. 
Boston Tea Party 
A. In ​< November 1773 >​ three ships full of taxed tea landed in the ​< 
Boston >​ harbor. 
B. By ​< December >​ Sam Adams and ​< the Sons of Liberty >​ decided to 
take action into their own hands. 
C. Colonists disguised as ​< Native Americans >​ boarded the ships and ​< 
dumped 342 chests >​ of tea into the harbor. 
D. “Boston harbor a ​< tea pot >​ tonight! The Mohawks are come!” 
Intolerable Acts of 1774 
A. Called Coercive Acts by Britain 
B. As a result of the ​< Boston Tea Party >​ parliament thought the colonists 
should ​< pay >​ for the damaged tea. 
1. Boston Harbor would be ​< closed >​ until tea paid for. 
2. Parliament forbade Massachusetts colonists to hold ​< town meetings ​> . 
3. Authorized the ​< Quartering >​ of Troops in ANY Colonial town. 
4. Permitted ​< British Officials >​ accused of crimes to stand trial in Great 
A.​ ​In 1774, delegates from 12 colonies (no Georgia) met in Philadelphia as the… 
​< 1st Continental Congress >   
- They addressed a “Declaration of Rights and Grievances” to ​< King George 
III >​ , asking for a ​< redress >​ of wrongs and they voted to impose a 
boycott of British goods. 

< Patrick Henry > 

►​Acclaimed the work of the 1​st​ Continental Congress in a <
​ famous speech >​ , 
concluding with…“I know not what others may choose but, as for me, ​< give me 
liberty or give me death > ​.” 
By 1775, the situation was uncertain… 
►​Colonists protested everything Britain did… 
- This uncertainty is about to end……. 

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