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Music Video Proposal 

Song:​ Location
Artist:​ Santan Dave featuring. Burna Boy

Song choice-​ Location by Santan Dave, featuring Burna Boy is the song I chose for my music
video. I chose this song as it fits with many available locations in Oman that I could use for the
music video. In addition, the song features some singing and rapping parts, which is a good
balance between rap and pop. I like the lyrics of the song and could use them to my advantage
for inspiration as to how to film the music video, and the shots in the original music video
emulate those I would like to use for my own music video, such as the candid shots, close up
shots and the slow motion used- I also like the non- diagetic sound of the crowd, which I may
use in my music video. This song is also very suitable for the target audience, being a
demographic of 16-25 year olds predominantly in the UK, due to the themes and lyrics of the

Location- ​Living in Oman, making use of the sandy beaches and beautiful scenery is
something I wanted to incorporate into my music video indubitably. Looking at the
mise-en-scene in the original music video, along with analysis of the lyrics, gave me the ideas
and opportunity to incorporate the scenery and locations available to me. The music video I
studied is set in Ibiza, exploring ideas of young fun, travel and friendships. The use of areas
such as Waterfront in Shatti, elucidated the same ideas, with the lively ambiance and travel
aesthetic, showcasing the sunny weather, beaches and palm trees; making for a suitable and
budget friendly replacement for Ibiza, having similar scenes and locations without the expense
of travel. These are all areas available to the public, which made it very easy to shoot at any
time, and have unlimited access and availability without release forms and reservations, making
any retakes swift and easy. The areas I have chosen are close to myself and the cast members,
again, making it easier for reshoots, as travel and transport were fairly simple and cost effective.

Cast- ​The cast, including myself, consists of 4 actors; with 3 main actors and a backup actor. I
chose to cast friends of mine who lived in close proximity to the locations I wanted to film in,
making it time effective and hassle free for everyone. I chose to cast a male cast, to go with the
themes and conventions of the music video, with myself as an extra actress to illustrate female
representation and the theme of women in the music video, putting myself in shots specifically
talking about females. The actors I have chosen for my video are Mohammed Khatoon, Khaled
Hammad, Omar Falah and Hussain Allawati. ​I chose Khatoon to be one of the main actors and
lip syncers for my music video, as I feel that he is suitable for this role - he frequently listens to
Burna Boy songs, which is the artist he will be acting as, therefore he will be familiar with his
type of music and the lyrics. In addition, Khatoon knows how to dance, and I plan for him to
show this in the music video.​ ​ Khaled is to be the main actor for my music video, taking on the
role of Dave. I chose Khaled, as I feel that he fits the role of the rapper, and many of Khaled's
outfit choices emulate that of Dave's. In addition, Khaled makes rap songs and freestyles as a
hobby, therefore has the ability to rap fast and is able to memorize lyrics quickly, making him a
suitable actor for the main role. I chose Hussain to be an extra actor in my video, and will act as
the friend of the 2 main actors, participating in candid shots and narrative scenes. I liked the
idea of having extra actors and non lip-syncers in the original music video and wanted to use
this in my version. Hussain is already a friend of mine, and of the 2 main actors; Khaled and
Khatoon, which is useful as it will eliminate any element of awkwardness or discomfort, making
the shots as natural and candid as possible, which is my aim. Omar Falah is my backup actor, in
case a misfortune with the 2 main actors occurs, and is able to take on either of the roles. Omar
is part of the school's music team, and will be able to lip sync lyrics efficiently.

Crew-​ I will be filming the music video myself, however in scenes where I am the one being
filmed, this would be difficult. My brother, Yaseen, has aided in filming shots of me walking and
of me looking at the camera; and Hussain assisted by filming the birds eye view shot in which I
was too short to film, which is shown in the video where the actor, Khatoon, is looking at his
phone. Khatoon assisted in the music video, as he filmed the candid narrative shot of myself,
Khaled and Hussain in the beginning of the video. Yaseen, Khatoon and Hussain acted as
directors of the second unit, when needed, which allowed for all cast members to be in the
video. The reason I have chosen to use assistant directors rather than the use of equipment
such as a tripod, is due to the fact that I preferred to have hand held shots and make the video
clips look candid and natural, often at eye level view, rather than artificially set up.

Costume- ​The costume requirements for my music video are very simple and casual for the
boys, and more outgoing for me. For the main actors, they are expected to wear casual street
wear like clothing, brands such as Nike and Adidas with shorts and sweatpants would be
suitable; as the video is a hip hop and rap video. Also the video is being filmed near the beach
and palm trees, therefore the attire must be suitable for this - which is shown at the end of the
video where the actors are wearing more summery holiday outfits, such as shorts and linen
shirts. I asked one of the actors to wear a chain for the video, as it displays wealth, which is
important in this rap video. For myself, the lyrics mention bringing girls and having girls,
therefore I must wear clothing and makeup which is feminine. I decided to wear an off the
shoulder top with red lipstick and jeans, in order to be casual but still feminine and presentable.

Equipment- ​For filming, I am using my phone, which is the iPhone 11. I chose to use my phone
as it is the most convenient for me. There is a large amount of storage, which allows me to film
without the use of an SD card, and is convenient as I will also edit my video on my phone. In
terms of the camera, I believe that the camera quality on the iPhone 11 is of high quality and
adequate for filming a music video. The iPhone 11's cameras get an excellent new Night Mode
and an ultrawide-angle camera that can add extra detail in photos and videos, which allows me
to film in different lighting without altering the quality of the visuals, and to have different angles,
such as wide shots and closeups with detail and precision. In addition, my phone is light and
handy, which diminishes the possibility of damage, along with the waterproof aspect of the
phone, which will be useful for filming at the beach where damage is possible. Not only is this
an expedient and viable option, it is also budget friendly and low cost, making it preferable due
to the circumstances in which damage could be likely to occur.

Finance- ​In terms of finance and funding, the company of Director M, will provide a generous
budget of $12,000, which will cover the costs of equipment, release forms, costumes and
makeup, as well as wages of the actors and crew. This budget will also be useful for the post
production aspects, for editing and advertising the music video.

Marketing- ​There are several ways the company has chosen to market and distribute the
production, to ensure success and exposure in all aspects. Ways in which the music video will
be marketed include:

● Posters and billboards-​ to showcase the music video to a large range of audiences
both online and offline, making it widely accessible and exhibited.
● Trailers and teasers-​ creating anticipation and excitement among the target audience,
whilst informing them on the general theme, and teaser scenes from the production, so
they know what's to come.
● Social media- ​use of trending platforms such as twitter, youtube, instagram and tik tok
will allow for a wide interaction with audiences all over the world, with use of hashtags
and synergy with influencers, to increase exposure and virality, giving the production a
push towards success and recognition.

The use of these marketing opportunities, especially the use of social media, allows for the
music video to gain exposure in many ways, and gaining the attention and recognition from the
target audience. Using highly recognised platforms with a similar following to the target
audience is an efficient and easy way to guarantee success and audience recognition. These
platforms will not only guarantee target audience viewings, but will also provide marketing for a
wider audience, undoubtedly increasing success. The target audience for this particular project
are young people predominantly in the UK aged 16-25, which usually follow a certain category
and strain of social media accounts, which will be used to market the music video on several
different platforms.

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