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Security is divided into 2 parts – national & domestic security

National security is the risks that external state and nonstate actors pose to a country whereas domestic
security is the stability risks that emerge from within the nation state.
In national security, certain examples of Cold War are cited into the paper that suggests the risks posed
through AI such as how malfunctioned weapons or decision making without human intervention can lead
to serious threats.
Cybersecurity can also pose significant risks as warfare data can be tampered or sensitive information can
help even win or lose a war. One example of Mirai attack was given in the article.
Mirai attack was a dangerous malware of which, On October 12, 2016, a
massive distributed denial of service (DDoS)  attack left much of the
internet inaccessible on the U.S. east coast . The attack, which
authorities initially feared was the work of a hostile nation-state

In data diet vulnerability, One of the greatest challenges in creating

production AI comes when it moves from the controlled conditions of the
lab to the great outdoors of the real world. Microsoft AI chatbox was developed
to experiment with and conduct research on conversational understanding
but instead it created a chatbot spewing offensive racist, political
commentary to the world. The problem is that Microsoft did not anticipate
what the toxic world of social media might do and instead designed its bot
with the same degree of high innocence as a human child. 
In Network Intervention Methods,
Another example is Paleta 2016
 US agencies believed that the 2016 US elections was subject to
foreign undue influence through cyberattacks
 Hacked private data was released selectively to affect public bias

All these examples suggest that AI can pose serious threats when it comes
to national security.

Now we move on to Domestic Security.

Here, we see that Government makes use of algorithmic or data-driven systems for surveillance and for
administrative law (e.g., in the administration of welfare benefits), civilian law enforcement and criminal
justice proceedings.
Lets understand what happens in criminal justice proceedings.
COMPAS is a recidivism estimation algorithm which was used in the criminal justice hearings created
biased results. This bias, compounded by the misguided use of the system for bail and sentencing
proceedings, led to significant inequities in criminal sentencing outcomes in the courts utilizing the

Apart from this citizen’s rights are violated.

 Fundament citizen rights such as privacy is at risk due to use of AI with overuse of traffic cameras
 Also, Use of robots in law enforcement has also raised concerns as demonstrated in the killing of a
shooter using robot-delivered bomb. This AI entities enjoy benefits due to jurisdiction and transfer
of software across borders compared to human entities due to weak regulations.
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