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In our society, advertisements have been used to appeal to our many desires. It

is oftentimes believed that the most powerful is our physiological needs, which are our

biological needs, the need for anything that allows us to live. For example, the need for

oxygen, food, water, sleep, and so on. The second level of need is our safety needs;

such as, the security of our health, body, or family. Next are needs for love, affection

and belongingness. Humans need to feel love, we need to have social connections that

comfort us and are there for us. Needs for esteem is the next level; it’s the human’s

need for things like self-esteem, confidence, and popularity. The main reason that

allows for these physiological needs to be so important is due to the fact that they fulfill

our most basic human desires. But when you mix this with the bountifuness of modern

economics, it causes many things to change. In recent years especially these needs

have been used against each member of society in order to make us buy products that

fulfill each need.

For example, the first advertisement that was found was from the Dasani water

company that displays a person being splashed with water from one of their bottles, with

the words “you can't live without it” displayed above their head. The key reason that this

is important is due to the fact that it displays some of the key factors that are used to

appeal to our physiological needs. When using this advertisement, Dasani knew it

would make people think more about drinking water and making it look good at the

same time. The need for human beings to drink is by far one of the most important

things that contribute to our survival.Another advertisement that I discovered that

represents similar ideas was a Snickers advertisement that says: “Oh deer its hard to

spel when your hungry, If you keap making typing mistakes grab yourself a snickers
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fast”. Our needs to eat and drink are some of the most heavily preyed upon aspects that

companies use in order to grab our attention. Both the advertisement for the candy bar

and for the water appeal to our basic needs for survival, they just do it in different ways.

The water ad appeals to you by saying words like “need” and “survive” making the

audience a bit more likely to pay attention to what the ad is telling us, it also uses logos

to appeal to the logic that we have to drink water or else we will die. On the other hand,

the snickers advertisement just warns us that we would make more typos than usual if

we were to not eat. Both the advertisements show different types of importance and try

to either inform the reader of how important it is to drink water or entertain the reader by

warning of silly misshapes that may happen if you were to not eat their candy bar.Which

is why it appeals to pathos and our emotions, we have to eat snickers otherwise we will

embarrass ourselves with typos.

Another advertisement that expresses our physiological needs in life is one about

our need for sleep as humans, the ad depicts a person falling asleep on a cloud with the

caption “Sleep Well Be Well, get at least 7 hours of sleep”. This advertisement just

prove the point of how important our need for sleep is. The advertisement which was

published by the Department of Education, serves its purpose of informing people to

maintain their healthy sleep schedule. Another advertisement that does this is an ad

published by the Department of Health establishes the importance of exercise in our

daily lives by depicting someone running on a track with the caption “sixty minutes a

day”. By establishing the importance of exercise, the department of health is hoping to

inform the general public and persuade them to exercise more often so they can be

more healthy. These advertisements are more similar, meaning that they both are trying
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to inform and persuade people to live a healthier lifestyle in order to prolong their health.

Both these advertisements use both logos and pathos, when both advertisements come

from government agencies it helps to build upon credibility and trust in the viewer. By

doing this they build upon ethos, they also use logos to appeal to us in order to make it

seem like we could become the people in the ad by just exercising and sleeping more


Overall, the physiological appeal in advertisements is all around us and it's

becoming a bigger part of society everyday. It can also sometimes be helpful to us in

order to make our lives better as well as make our lives better and longer.

Rhetorical Analysis Paper Peer Edit

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Writer’s Name: ________________________________________

Peer Editor’s Name: __Hannah Drabeck__________________________________

1. Highlight the thesis. Is the thesis valid and written appropriately? Explain.
Yes, it went along with the essay but I think it could be a little reworded for clarity

2. What evidence is used to support the thesis?

- Dasani water company that displays a person being splashed with water from

one of their bottles, with the words “you can't live without it” displayed above their


- Our needs to eat and drink are some of the most heavily preyed upon aspects

that companies use in order to grab our attention

- Another advertisement that expresses our physiological needs in life is one about

our need for sleep as humans, the ad depicts a person falling asleep on a cloud

with the caption “Sleep Well Be Well, get at least 7 hours of sleep”.

3. How could the writer make the evidence more convincing?

Maybe reference pathos ethos and logos a little more often?

4. Is the paper 2-3 pages (double spaced)? Yes or No

5. List the examples of strong, precise words the writer has used –
a. physiological e.
b. biological f.
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c. bountifulness g.
d. credibility h.
(Hint to the writer – If the peer editor cannot find at least 8 strong words, you need to improve
word choice)

6. Is the conclusion effective or is it rushed? ___Yes_________________

● What could the writer do to make the conclusion stronger?
I like the sentences you have, but there are only two so I think you should add
more to really wrap up the essay

7. Did the writer analyze: pathos- __x____yes ______ no

ethos- _x_____yes ______ no
logos- _x_____yes ______ no

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