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Fan girling

The 3 Kinds of Friendships Worth

Fighting For
All friendships go through ups and downs, but not all are able to survive the turbulence.

All friendships go through ups and downs, but not all are able to survive the turbulence.
And hey, sometimes, that's okay. The universe drops us little hints here and there to tell
us when it's time to move on from the irreparable, because there's really no use in trying
to mend what refuses to be fixed. If you've been arguing constantly with a buddy and are
no longer able to find a common ground, or if you've been harboring an unhealthy
"frenemy" relationship with one of your kabarkadas, then maybe it's time to let that
toxicity out of your life. After all, you know what they say, "If at first you don't succeed,
try, try again. Then quit. There's no point in being a fool about it."

But don't get us wrong. Walking away when things get tough doesn't apply to all peer
problems. In fact, the more conflict a friendship experiences, the more concrete it gets in
the long run. And although there are times when it's acceptable to forgo a certain
relationship when picking your battles, there are also times when you have to choose
them despite how messy the situation seems. Why? Because depending on the person,
no matter how much your buddy makes your head heat up, like Olaf said, some people
are worth melting for.

Can't decipher who's worthy enough to thaw your cold shoulder? Don't sweat it, we've
got you.

1. The one who rejects peer pressure.

If you've ever been in a situation where a large group of people have tried to ruin your
reputation, then you know how difficult it is to know one truth, but have everyone else
believe another. And it's even more frustrating to watch as people who you thought were
your friends gradually slink on over to the side where they stand against you. It's a
terrible feeling, but if you're lucky, God might bless you with someone who actively
rejects all your enemies' attempts to pull them over to the haters' team as well. You
might think to stand by someone is simple. But in reality, keeping a bond with a person
disliked by a big group of people is considered a big no-no in most contexts. So if you're
in a rough patch with someone who has stuck by you even when they've been told
countless times of your imperfections, do them a solid by looking past their flaws as they
have done for you long ago.
2. The one who awaits you with open arms.
No matter how many friend groups you've been part of, you will always have that one
person that you can always come back to when things go south. Being a social butterfly
has its perks. You get to meet new people, experience new things, and ultimately,
discover a new part of yourself based on the crowd you're currently hanging around
with. Maybe last month you were with emo kids—jamming to My Chemical Romance
and Fall Out Boy while donning a copious amount of black in your daily wardrobe. But
this month, you've started sitting with the hippie crew, so you've gone from "I hate the
world" to "Spread peace and love each other, dude!" Though you may find your sudden
personality shifts usual, some people might disagree with the changes and kick you to
the curb once you no longer fit their style. This is painful. But thanks to that one
constant in your life, you can always be sure that no matter how far you stray, you'll
never be too far that your friend won't be able to accept you again. So if you're having a
disagreement with a buddy that has never denied you a place in their heart, do them a
favor and learn to accept and compromise with their traits as they have done for you
countless times before.

3. The one who defends you.

A bitter ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend is tough, but a bitter ex-friend? The thought on its
own is enough to throw anyone into a fit of paranoia for a week. Because, really, how can
we blame them? It has been said countless times that best friends are also our worst
enemies, and the popularity of the idea does not stem from nothing. I mean, they
know everything. Of all people in the world, they have the most potential to ruin us like
no one else can because during our jolly days, we gave them that kind of power. So it's
always scary when an ex-mate starts trying to tear us apart after a messy buddy breakup.
But sometimes, if we're lucky, a friend from the shadows steps up and actively protects
our dignity in the face of adversity. It takes a lot of faith and trust to believe one person
(aka you) when a lot of people (aka your ex-bestie and their followers) tell them
something different, so if you're experiencing difficulties with a friend that fits this
category, stand up for fixing your friendship with them because they didn't sit around
when people tried to break you.

Why Friendship Breakups Are

It shakes your world.

Friendship breakups. They're the kind of breakup that doesn't get that much attention,
but it hurts and devastates in the same way as relationship breakups.

Suddenly not having a friend you used to share anything and everything with will shake
your world and your daily routine. All of a sudden, you don't have someone you can
message memes to or send super babaw or sabaw messages to. You also don't have
someone to watch B-movies with or someone who listens to all the reasons why you and
Ross Butler are meant to be. 

When Your High School Friends Become Strangers

On the first day of our senior year, we all swore that we'd never change. The day we saw
our entrance exams' results, we told each other we'd never forget. On our high school
graduation, our words and tears assured us of our friendship—that it was something we
were sure would last forever and stand the test of time. Summer bondings helped us
reminisce our past years together. We made a pact never to lose contact.
As months passed by, messages were fewer, meet-ups almost never happened. We could
blame our schedules and even the distance between us. But let's face it, we are to blame
for the drifting apart.

There's a Man God Created for Me

And this is for him.

I have been waiting for you all my life. Sometimes I can't stop thinking about you. I
think about that moment when our worlds finally meet. I hope you are as excited as I am
because that day will be one of the happiest and most blessed moments of my life.

I simply wonder how you are today and how you've been these past years. Do you eat
your meals on time? Do you get enough rest despite of your busy schedule? Has your
heart been broken like mine? Please do not worry because I will patiently wait for you. I
am not in a rush—although this waiting period really tests my patience. I do not want to
make you feel like you owe me time when all I understand is that you have to set your
priorities straight, even if I am not one of them as of now.

You told me you are going to focus on your career first before anything else. That is a bright and
wise idea. Like you, I also want to build work on my hopes and dreams. I hope when we both
have stable careers, God will finally direct your steps towards me.

I want you know that you are included in my prayers. I have been asking God to give you
to me because I hold on to what is written in Matthew 7:7-8: "Ask, and it will be given to
you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks
receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened."

I strongly believe in God, miracles, love, you, and the idea of us being one. You will
always be my favorite man in this world—a kind, loving, hardworking, godly, talented
man who uses his talents to glorify God is all I need as a lifetime partner. You are all I
need in this world. You do not know how amazing and lovable you are to me every time
you use your voice to give honor to God.

I know that I am not the best woman you are going to meet but I will make sure that I
will give you every thing you need and want. I will be the woman your heart has been
longing for. I will be the woman who will complete you. I will be the one to give you the
love you deserve.

I love you always. I can't wait to tell you that you mean the world to me. I can't wait to
hug you.

Wait for a Man Who's Worth It

Wait for a man who's perfectly imperfect for you.

We have had our hearts broken one too many times before. We've all had our fair share
of broken trusts and broken vows. We once swore to never love again, to never open our
doors for someone who will hurt us again, but every now and then we still break some
rules because no matter how we think about it, being loved in return is still the most
amazing thing a man can do for us. Being loved is still the best feeling and no matter
how we deny the fact that in the end we'll have our hearts broken again we still choose to
love again.

We've all had our restrictions and standards when it comes to a man we will love, we
believe in the phase "never settle for anything less," but sometimes a perfect man
doesn't drive a sports car. The perfect man is the one who respects you, who won't lie to
you, and it doesn't matter what car he drives as long as he's the real deal. The perfect
man won't be perfect in everything but he'll be perfect for you even with all his flaws and
imperfections. He'll be perfect just the way he is.

Don't wish for a flawless perfect man; wish for a man who's worth it. Wait for a man
who's worth it. Save your heartbreak for the man who'll break your restrictions because
if he's worth it, he'll never break your heart. He'll never let you cry. Yes, relationships are
messy; it's supposed to be messy and that's the way it is. But it will be worth it if the man
you're with is worth it. 

Wait for a man who's worth it. Wish for a man who will do what he says. If he says he'll
call, he will. He makes promises and keeps it. He won't make you worry; he'll do all the
worrying for you. 

Wait for a man who's worth it. If the going gets tough he won't leave you hanging; he won't give
you up for a better life because he sure knows that the life with you will be better than the "better
life" without you. He might not know what exactly you feel but he understands and tries to work
all the issues. He'll be the bigger man to resolve a few misunderstandings and useless jealousy.
Wait for a man who's worth it. Wish for a man who fills your heart and soul with happiness and
love. You’ll know you'll be miserable with someone else. Save your heart for the man that can't
move mountains but is willing to cross it for you. Wait for a man who won't promise you the
moon and the stars, but will make you his moon and stars.

Wait for a man who's worth it. Wish for a man who's not perfect and flawless. He makes
himself real in all aspect of his being. Don't ask a man to make you his world, but wish
for a man to be full of passion not only for you but for other things that can make him
happy. Wish for a man who's independent, who is man enough to cry because he's brave
enough to show weakness. 

Wait for a man who's worth it. Wish for a man who is ready for you, who will let you love
yourself first so that when you love him, you already are the best version of
yourself. Who will make you see yourself without restrictions and walls. Wait for a man
who makes you feel beautiful even without make up.

When God finally gives him to you, give yourself to him and make sure that you'll also be
the perfect imperfect woman for him. Be the imperfect woman who won't cheat, lie, and
be the light to a dark world for him. Be the best woman you can be. Be the woman who
will change his life for the better and will make him the best man he can be. Be the
woman who inspires him and encourage him. Be the woman he can lean on and can
depend on. Be brave enough to take a leap of faith and have the courage to take the risk
with him. Be the woman he can love for the rest of his life. Live in the moment and
accept that some things won't go your way, but know that God has better plans for both
of you. Just enjoy the unknown and the uncertainty of the future.

What It's Like to Wait for the Right

Person to Love
Because the best people are worth the wait.

Waiting isn't really a popular option in this day and age, what with everything "instant"
populating stores and social media. But for some of us, waiting is still the best option especially
when it comes to finding love

The Joy of Waiting for a Love Worth Finding

"People say that you know you're ready for love when you're also ready to get hurt. Pain
is the opposite of love, but pain can also be prevented. How? By waiting. Yes, waiting,
for the right time and right person. I'm not against young love because I, myself, have
encountered it. I just want to share my thoughts on this struggle and give my fellow
teens some advice to be stronger and responsible in this area of life
"To prevent heartbreak, one must really guard their hearts (Proverbs 4:23) and pray for
their feelings. Most teens today rely on their short-term feelings, give their partners
everything—which just cause them to get hurt in the end. That's why most young
couples end in painful breakups."

For Every Girl Waiting For The

Maybe I should just let love find me.

We always hear people saying that love is around the corner. Now, tell me, where is that
corner? I'm almost 20 and I wonder why my true love hasn't given me signs that he's
coming. It's not that I'm rushing (well, maybe I am, a bit) but I see people my age
claiming that they finally have found their true loves. This is crazy, I should be focusing
on my studies and my future but I can't stop imagining the possibility of not being able
to have someone beside me for the rest of my life.

My mantra became, "Talk to people and see if you find zing with someone". I have been
talking to people in my entire existence I am starting to believe that there are no zings. I
am also greatly aware of broken relationships. I mean, love is a great deal for me so how
can it not be a great deal for some. They are actually lucky to have found someone who
goes along with their craziness then they let them go.

Maybe I can never find love. I've tried. I talked to people who've been trying longer than I've
been. Maybe we got it all mixed up with giddiness and desperation and anxiety. Maybe
everything I thought about love wasn't really the truth. Maybe I should just let love find me.
Maybe I should stop trying to look for it and wait for it to find me. There will come a time when
everything will just fall into place, when everything I hoped for finally becomes reality. That is
when love would show me who he really is. I'd accept him for who he is because I'd always know
who he is going to be. I'd never bat an eye when he comes running towards me for the tightest
hug I'll ever have in my life. I'd fall for his kisses for the first time because it'll feel so familiar. I'll
know love when I see him. Love will know me when he sees me.

We all should learn a lesson that as cliche as it is, love knows no age or boundaries. Love makes
everything possible. I, and even you, shouldn't be afraid of not finding love because love always
know its way to us. He has memorized the road by heart. And if he's taking too long to go home
to me, I would wait, because I'm sure he just stopped to buy ice cream and pizza. For me.
Love Is Not the Same as Owning
I have loved you, and I love you that's why I am letting go.

I don't know why and I don't know how I get into this cage that's supposed to be my
home? I don't know why I wanted to be free from this prison when I was longing for this
embrace to take me into a different horizon. I don't know why I want to get out from this
chest, from the love that I always treasured.

Maybe it's not you; it was me who lost a hold on this knot. It was me who's afraid to stay
because I know that soon enough we'll give up this fight. Maybe it was me whose love is
not enough. It was me whose happiness is not found in your arms anymore. Maybe I lost
myself from the love that I dreamt of after all this time.

I don't know how I will put my feelings into words. How will I say that this love, it's not our
novel is not what I want to write anymore; I want to have my own poem? How will I tell you that
the flame I have for you has faded into ashes? How will I tell you these without causing you so
much pain? How will I tell you these scars and stains?

I have loved you but I need to bid you goodbye, not because all I want is my freedom but because
I want you to be free and to be loved. I'm afraid that if won't let go, our story would just be a
game—a game that's full of pretentions, a game instructed by lies, a game of losing one's self, a
game of imprisonment, a game of black and grey, a game that both of us might lose. I had loved
you, and I love you that's why I am letting go because maybe this would be the best for the both
of us. We may part ways but you wouldn't lose me. After all, we've been friends before we came
into this plot.

What we had could be one of the best chapters of my story, but I think this chapter has to end
and I have to move on to the next page of my life. And I am hoping that soon you can write your
next chapter on your own, with a brand new journey and with your happy ending. Even without

How to Bring Back the Kilig No

Matter How Long You've Been
Don't let the kilig die just because it's been a while.

It's easier to be sweet and spontaneous when the relationship is new, when you're still in
the honeymoon phase and trying your best not to miss each other so much when you're
apart. But that's the thing about the honeymoon phase, it is just a phase. 

As time goes by, your presence in each other's lives will become too familiar that it's easy
to take each other for granted and not exert an effort anymore. But that doesn't mean
you should both get used to the feeling of being taken for granted or staying in the
relationship just for the heck of it. If you're feeling like the kilig slowly drifting away or
that it's completely gone, you don't have to break up with your bae ASAP. You just need
to work on it again and bring the spark back. Here are a few things you can do:
1. Learn each other's love language. 
How does your bae want you to show your love for him? Is it with words, actions, or
gifts? Get to know him a little better by observing the way he responds to what you're
doing. You can also observe how he shows you that he loves you. People show love and
want love in different ways, and knowing how to love them the way they want you to will
strengthen your bond.

2. Introduce him to the old people in your life.

Make him feel that he's a legit part of your life by introducing him to your people—your
grandparents, your kababata, your cousins. This will make him feel that you're serious
about where the two of you are going and that you'd want to make him a part of the life
you've lived and you're living. We even recommend that you show him your childhood
photos, too!

Why It's Important to Love

You are worth so much more.

Love yourself because you are going to be your own best friend. People may come into
your life and leave you, but you will always remain with yourself. You can never leave
your own person. You will always be by your side. And you should be your own best

Love yourself because no one is exactly like you. God created you with a unique DNA.
Your gifts, your weaknesses and strengths, and your experiences in life are yours; they
will guide you in reaching your full potential. You are one of a kind. To not love yourself
and wish to be someone else instead is a trap; it's only going to disappoint you because
you can't be anyone else but you.

Love yourself because you are worthy of love. Love yourself because in doing that, you will also
learn to love others better. Loving your own flaws, scars, and imperfections leads you to accept
others in the same way and eventually, love them for who they are.

Love yourself, every day. Love yourself by embracing how you feel, your likes and
dislikes, everything that makes you who you are. Be true to yourself. No. Matter. What.

You owe yourself that much. Only when you love yourself will you appreciate what
matters most in life.

Every Hello Ends with a Goodbye

You walked out of my life. Without any explanations.

I clearly remember how we began

We went from everything and then to nothing
I convinced myself that what we had was real,
That I once had someone who made every day mean something,
That two souls don't just meet by accident,
That it was destined for us to cross each other's paths.
The only mistake I did was
love you,
care for you,
stay with you,
believe in you.
You were right,
You were unlike the others—
You were worse.
You left me in a sea of questions.
You just stopped calling me.
You suddenly stopped calling me by our endearment.
You never wished me a good morning or a good night.
The last time we spoke, I didn't expect it would be the last.
I kept pretending like things were okay, but all I had was your silence.
I tried to chase you, but you ran away.
Why would you hurt someone whose only intention was to love you?
You did it on purpose, you cut all our connections.
You're not even mine, but why does it still hurt.
People said you looked like heaven, but you actually felt like hell.
I told myself that I'll love you just the same even if we don't talk anymore,
But you were toxic and poison to my veins.
The only closure that I need
Is for us to be strangers once again.
Today, I finally have the courage to let go of our memories.
These feelings won't linger in my heart soon anymore.
I'm setting free myself from the pain as I bid you goodbye.

You are Beautiful

Never let anyone let you feel that you aren't.

Hi there, beautiful!
Yeah, YOU!  
I know what your thoughts are and I understand
the struggle you faced just to understand it. It happens to me, too.

I know the inferiority you have because I have that, too.

I know how you hide those scars beneath
the clothes you wear and even those at the very depth
of your skin. That's okay, we all are battle-scarred, embrace it!

I know the feeling of having loved someone that broke

your heart, someone broke mine, too.
I know how you get so crazy about little things
you adore and love. I know how weak you are
deep inside but decided to be strong instead.

I know the flaws that made your self-esteem lower, don't be

caught up by the judgments of others and don't live by their opinions.
I know how hard it is to sleep at night thinking
about all the things that made you sad and you just can't
help it but cry those lonely, longing eyes.

I know why you just get so jealous about something

or someone that you want but will never be yours.
I know why you get so clingy about the things
that you possessed, go fight for it little warrior!

Life is meant to be loved and enjoyed, don't

just merely live but live a life that you will
be proud of, the life where everyone will be
inspired by. It's okay to be weak, it's okay
to be wrong, it's okay not to be perfect. You don't
have to anyway.

Life's best-learned lessons are learned from those that we have

encountered the hardest battles. Remember, you are made
of all the wonderful things. You are made of all the petals
of your favorite flower. You are made of all those scars
you get from a beautifully fought battle.

You are you.

Never let anyone let you feel that you aren't. 

To the Girl Who Wishes She Were

Someone Else
Even if you do not know it, you are a fine lady.

I know there are a lot of things going on inside your mind as you stare at yourself in the
mirror. At first, it's all good. You are thinking about how lucky you are to get your
mother's lovely eyes, your father's full lips. You're thankful for how your hair is beautiful
the way it is. You have the height and body posture that you could connect to being a
beauty queen. Suddenly, you find yourself smiling and dancing as you wear the dress
that fits you perfectly.

As you turn around, sway those hips and move your arms and body gracefully, you will
notice that one spot that will make you stop and stare at the mirror once more. The way
you stare earlier is the same as how you do it now. But sadly, with a different kind of
feeling. Your good thoughts about yourself turn into something that's quite negative.

You will then find yourself sitting down on the floor and start thinking about the things
and questions that should not be bothering you in the first place. Questions about how
you got your scars, your pimple scars. Those about your small chest and butt or those
stretch marks. You ask yourself, "How can I be beautiful? Why am I not like those girls?"

They will never be you and you will never be them. Does it hurt? Honestly, no. And it
should not hurt. Because they will never be like you. They will never have all of the
things that you have. It is you and yourself alone who can handle your own body
beautifully. They will never have the personality that you have, the very thing people
love about you. They will never have your smile or your confidence.

You are unique. Unique in a way that you appreciate your good side, but you also know
how to admit that you don't have everything. None of us do. Every one of us is
unique. Being insecure about what you think your flaws are is normal, but don't beat
yourself up about it. Keep your head high and be brave to show your flaws, too.

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