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The pollution

Name: Carolina Galeas

Date: 10th September 2020

Nowadays, enveromental issues are becoming more frecuent and dangeours for the
population. These problems surround us in our everyday life, and we are not paying attention
to them. Some examples or cases include global warming, ocean contamination and air
pollution. Our country faces them all and we do not have any long term plan to mitigate these
enviromental issues.

First of all, the main enviromental problem that our country is facing is air pollution. Ecuador
does not have any kind of regulations or taxes that control pollution from all kind of vehicles;
the only city in Ecuador that regulates the number of vehicles that circulates in the urban
perimeter day a day is Quito. The regulation dictates that you can circulate with your vehicule
by the last digit of your car license plate, for example, if your car license plate ends in an odd
number, you can use your car only on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.

Another point worth noting is, land and ocean contamination, in the last few years our country
has increased the use of landfills because of the population growth and many times local
governments just allow to throw garbage without previous studies in the area. On top of that,
many wastes and scraps are toss to the sea and it is causing that sea life is not availabe for
human consumption.

In my opinion, to stop enviromental pollution is essential to start making small changes in our
daily life, such as recycling and to do that we have to teach our younger generations the
importance of a cleaner nature. We have to increase aweareness in our communities about
the dangers that our country is facing against pollution and that this may lead to global

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