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Caloocan City


Name: __________________________________________ Grade & Section: __________________________________

Gender: ____________________________ Age: _________

Using a stopwatch or a watch with a secondhand, practice counting your heart rate (pulse) at the locations and various
lengths of time listed. Be sure to use your fingertips, not your thumb to accurately count the heartbeats. Practice finding
the pulse at the three locations quickly. This is important when trying to count your pulse after exercising.

1. One-Minute heart Rate Count. Count each heartbeat for 1 minute.

Over the heart pulse = ____________ beats per minute

Carotid pulse (neck) = ____________ beats per minute
Wrist/radial pulse (thumb side) = ____________ beats per minute

How did the count at these three locations compare?

Which location did you find most convenient?


2. Thirty-Second Heart Rate Count. Count each heartbeat for 30 seconds. Multiply the count by two to calculate
beats per minute (bpm).

Over the heart pulse ____________ x 2 = ____________ beats per minute

Carotid pulse (neck) ____________ x 2 = ____________ beats per minute
Wrist/radial pulse (thumb side) ____________ x 2 = ____________ beats per minute

3. Fifteen-Second Heart Rate Count. Count each heartbeat for 15 seconds. Multiply the count by four to
calculate beats/minute (bpm).

Over the heart pulse ____________ x 4 = ____________ beats per minute

Carotid pulse (neck) ____________ x 4 = ____________ beats per minute
Wrist/radial pulse (thumb side) ____________ x 4 = ____________ beats per minute

4. Ten-Second Heart Rate Count. Count each heartbeat for 10 seconds. Multiply the count by six to calculate
beats/minute (bpm).

Over the heart pulse ____________ x 6 = ____________ beats per minute

Carotid pulse (neck) ____________ x 6 = ____________ beats per minute
Wrist/radial pulse (thumb side) ____________ x 6 = ____________ beats per minute

5. Six-Second Heart Rate Count. Count each heartbeat for 6 seconds. Add zero to count to calculate
beats/minutes (bpm).

Over the heart pulse ____________ + 0 = ____________ beats per minute

Carotid pulse (neck) ____________ + 0 = ____________ beats per minute
Wrist/radial pulse (thumb side) ____________ + 0 = ____________ beats per minute

6. Which time length do you prefer?

_________ 1-minute _________ 10-second
_________ 30-second
_________ 15-second

How do they compare?

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