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History homework marked

q1. Who was General Ludendorff and what would his reasons for signing the armistice with England
and France be? 7 marks 
q2. how were the Allies able to get Germany to surrender finally? 5 marks 

ans1. General Ludendorff was a German General who was one of the most top generals in Germany.
He was the one who, in the last moments of the war, took Germany 65km ahead but had to stop due to
lack of resources. After this incident, he had decided to sign the armistice and so it was signed on 11th
November at 11 am 1918.
There were several reasons as to why general Ludendorff has signed the armistice. One main reason is
the abdication and fleeing of Kaiser William. When the Kaiser had fled to Holland, the German army
was still undefeated but with no leader, the general had no choice other than to sign the armistice as
without a leader there were no orders to advance the army forward.
Another reason why General Ludendorff has signed the armistice was because the allies were then
getting more soldiers and resources to fight the war whilst Germany were losing their allies and losing
many soldiers due to the lack of resources. Soldiers and people were dying to disease and lack of food.
Due to this they had very little manpower and were not able to cope up with the enlarging army of the
Finally, the last reason would be that the economy was decreasing due to the businesses going
bankrupts and the factories not being worked because all the men had gone to fight the war and so
there was no development in the country happening and so there was a large increase in prices of food.
To make things better the men on the front were called back after the armistice were then given jobs
that would then benefit Germany and increase the economy as they also had to give a large amount of
money due to the treaty of Versailles.
These were few of the many reasons why the armistice was signed.

Ans2. After the mass breakthrough by Germany, the allies regrouped and then used tanks to push back
the Germans from the river Herne. The allies used tanks to push back the Germans and so the allies
pushed the Germans all the way to the Hindenburg line. The allies used this as an advantage by using
their tanks and taking over the Hindenburg line. As soon as this happened there was chaos all over
Germany and people were dying of diseases and the allies were eliminating many soldiers with the use
of their advanced machinery. Political chaos had spread after the breaking of the Hindenburg line after
the fleeing of Kaiser Williams, the allies had indeed won.
q1. who were the Big 4 at the signing of the Treaty of Versailles.? 2 marks 
q2. what was the significance of Germany not being able to sit in the conference? 2 marks
ans1. The big four at the treaty of Versailles were: Woodrow Wilson, the president of America, David
Lloyd George, from the United Kingdom, Vittorio Emanuele Orlando of Italy and Georges
Ans2. The significance of Germany not being able to sit for the conference was that they could not
defend themselves and so make issues worse for the people already if they could not agree to the
terms set by the ‘big four’ they had to pay a large sum of money and so they would not even have
agreed to that if Germany was there or the consequences of the treaty would have been worse for

q1. what economic, political and physical changes took place in Germany after the treaty of
Versailles? 7 marks 
q2. do you think Germany deserved the blame for instigating world war 1.? 5 marks 

ans1. After the treaty of Versailles, Germany had learned that they had a huge sum of money to give
to the allies. This made them worry as their economy had decreased in the first place and so they
didn’t know how they would pay the large amounts of money to the allies.

The economic change was that in order to make the budget they started to print more money which
ended up as a massive disaster for them as with huge amounts of money the people couldn’t even
afford bread. Children would use money as a toy to build stacks with because it had become so
useless. People started to become demoralized because the famine was spreading.

Politically, Germanys government had all resigned because they believed that the treaty was unfair
and so they refused to sign it. Germany had also lost all their overseas territories which they had
claimed before and during the war. Germany had been excluded from the league of nations and so was
not a political superpower like it had been before the war. Lastly, areas in Germany were then
occupied by the allies like Rhineland where the allies had stayed there for 15 years.

Physically, Germany had suffered a lot. They had lost many lands which they had annexed before the
war and during the war. The allies had annexed those lands form them and also, due to Germanys
weakness in the army, had annexed lands within Germany. The polish had created a ‘polish corridor’
which was a strip of land that the polish had taken which would connect them to the sea and so
separated eastern Prussia from the rest of Germany damaging them physically through landscape.
Overall, they had lost over 1,000,000 square miles of land. This made them lose many areas which
contained resources which could have helped them to regain their status.

Ans2. In my opinion, indeed Germany does deserve the blame for instigating the war globally. When
there was just a local conflict between Serbia and Austria-Hungary, Germany interfered and made it
larger by declaring war on France and Russia when everyone could have left them alone to sort out the
problem, Germany interfered and instigated the war into a global war. The Germans had also
influenced the Austrian-Hungarians to go for war as Germany wanted a fight so that they could
become the greatest European power. Even after the declining of one instruction out of 10, the
Austrian-Hungarians had declared war on Serbia thus declaring war on Russia and so Germany
declared war on Russia, Serbia and France. Overall. I believe that the blame may have been put upon
Germany but other countries did have their fair share of the domino effect such as the murdering of
archduke Franz Ferdinand and the denying of one out of ten instructions by Serbia and so Austria-
Hungary declaring war anyways on Serbia. But Germany does deserve most of the blame turning a
local war into a global war. you think America should be given the glory for winning ww1 for the triple entente?
Ans1. Despite the fact that America funded the triple entente for all their errands and resources,
America does not deserve the responsibility for winning the war for them. There are several reasons
why this is so.

America had joined the war in 1917. Before this many events had taken place, which had made
tensions worse and so the triple entente had to defend from dangerous attacks from the central powers.
When Germany had initiated the Schlieffen plan, Britain and France had defended with their own
troops and tactics. France and Britain had made sure using their own resources and troops. When
Germany had failed the Schlieffen plan the general had come and told the Kaiser himself that they had
lost the war due to the efforts shown by the allies.

Even when Germany had tried to win the African lands for themselves Britain and France had
combined forces to push the Germans back. And also when Britain and Germany had their naval arms
race, Britain had produced their own ships and submarines and so also had used them against the
Germans to defend themselves without the help of any American made machinery. The triple entente
had also defended against Germanys large attack which had almost led into a defeat until the triple
entente had used the tanks and pushed them back.

These are the reasons that support my answer as to why America did not really help the triple entente
win world war 1.

Q1. what was the great depression and how did it affect the European countries financially
and politically? 5 marks
Q2. how did Stalin come into power and how did he manage to control his people? 5 marks
Q3. Mussolini was able to take control of the people of Italy using what tactics and why was it
easy for him to do so? 5 marks
Q4. Hitler found it easy to manipulate the people of Germany to think of him as their only
savior. why was is possible for him to do so? why was he so against the Jews? 8 marks

ANS1. As most people think, the great depression had occurred when the stock market had
fallen down. However, this acquisition is wrong. The great depression had actually occurred
when the banks had fallen and the trade wars had started which was when every country
was allowing the minimum amounts of imports coming in.

Because of the investments that were falling in the stock market as well, industrialists were
losing a lot of money and so they were unable to pay many of the wages and so that left
many people unemployed. Because of that African Americans were the first ones to get
unemployed if they had been employed.

Countries like germany had a large economic crisis. This allowed Hitler to rise and take hold
of the people's attention. Eventually Britain and America were able to deal with this but the
other countries had different ways. Germany dealt this with fascism. With the rise of Adolf
hitler, germany had become more powerful as he increased their military and made many
more roads and improved the architecture. This also led to nationalism which meant that
people mostly followed hitler and people supported his ideas.

Italy dealt it almost the same way. With fascism. Russia however, dealt with the great
depression by largely industrializing themselves and making what was called a five-year plan
which was to industrialize Russia to become independent and a better nation which would be
advanced in technology. The government was ready and chose good options. Finally, japan
had taken a more aggressive approach by taking over areas in china due to lack of land.

Q2. Stalin was born into a lower-class family. His mother was a laundress and his father was
a shoemaker as well as being an alcoholic and so resulting in him beating his son. Having a
tough childhood, he was also involved in many criminal activities for the Bolsheviks. He
started to have riots and was involved with the bolsheviks, during his exile in Switzerland, he
was called by Lenin to join the Bolshevik party. Going further he kept on gaining more status
and thus eventually taking hold of the bolsheviks after Lenin's death. By late 1920s, he had
become dictator of the Soviet Union. He had managed to get control of his people by many
different methods. One of them was fear. The fear of him in people was a big reason as to
why people respected and followed him. If they did not listen to him or he suspected them as
dangerous to his rule, then he had them executed whether or not he had any evidence.
Second was having control of the school education. History would only focus on Lenin and
Stalin. If any other material was taught then the teacher would be purged. Propaganda is
another way how Stalin had control of his people. He had constructed statues of himself so
that he was known as a fatherly figure in people's minds and would be liked. Told people to
be cheery and educated at all times and never refrain from doing so. Through these
methods, people listened to him and followed him and did not contradict to what he said.

Q3. Mussolini had quickly gained control of italy by implementing different strategies that
would help him keep power. He had started of as a socialist. He went on to become a fascist.
He used fascism to increase his influence. He also used fear when he told 30000 black shirts
(fascists) to march on rome. This made the king put mussolini to the state of prime minister.
Mussolini was in milan to flee to switzerland is the march had failed. The king had put him to
power due to the fear that was portrayed but it was not meant to do so. After becoming prime
minister the black shirts would beat up or kill the people who came in the way of mussolini.
He also used propaganda which was when he had pictures taken and paintings painted
showing that he was a strong and powerful leader and that he was making Italy a better
country. This made the people like him more. It was easy for him to do so because due to
the paintings his power influenced the people and made them feel better that he would be
there to lead italy to a better future. For fear all he had to do is employ the blackshirts and
make sure that the people who may challenge him would be eliminated and no one would
pose a threat to him so he could keep his place as prime minister later becoming a dictator.
Finally, in the way of being a fascist, the control of the government helped him put people
from his party in high positions in the government thus gaining control of most of the

Q4. When hitler had gained power, he had immeditately balmed everything on the jews and
the communists. He said that everything, including the inflation and everything bad was
because of the jews. Hitler had also said that he would make germany great like it used to be
in its glory days. He also said that he would release germany from the treaty of Versailles. As
well as that, he said that he would reunite all ethnic germans ino one nation by reganing the
territory lost in the past war. In summary, he would eliminate all the other races and only the
‘pure blood Arians' would remain on top. After many defeats and let-downs, the people
believed that hitler could be the one who could save them from the inflation and help them
become a bigger and better nation. The people wanted hope and so hitler gave them hope
and a better future on a plate. His influence had also increased as there were no riots
against him as just like mussolini he had eliminated all the people who could have
challenged him and taken his dictatorship. He had also banned all other parties to stand for
an election other than the nazis therefore making hitler win everytime and no elections being
held. Hitler’s main reasons as to why he despised the jews is unknown. But, historians do
have an idea as to why he hated them. Hitler was a large supporter of Karl Lueger. The
Austrian prime-minister was a large supporter of the germans being the most elite race in the
world. Due to this, Hitler followed his beliefs and himslef developed a large liking to
antisemitism. Another reason was that Georg Ritter, a german nationalist, said that the
german speaking areas of austria-hungary should be added to the German empire and that
Jews would never be fully fledged German citizens. Again, another liked person and so Hitler
almost following his advice, makes sure that the Jews barely have any previlleges and that
the Jews would not be allowd to do anything. Hitler had so much hate for the jews that he
had them put in concentration camps and thus resulting in almost 6million Jews dying due to
the torture and killing them recklessly. Lastly, Hitler hated the Jews because he thought that
they wanted world dominance and so being a nationalist of Germany he disagreed and made
their lives miserable as much as possible. These are the reasons as to how Hitler had gained
control of the German public and why Hitler despised the Jews.

Q1. Wrie a paragraph explaining how the league of nations worked.

Q2. What were the main weaknesses of the league?
Q3. Give two examples of countries ignoring the league.
Q4. Study source C. what message is it giving to the voters in the USA?

ANS1. The league was developed by the americans to solve all the countries problems and so the
USA had ledt it for the Europeans to use as their own. It was there to stop any future wars from
happening. It had an assembly and had 42 memebers thus making the decisions unaminous. Councils
were four parliamntry members who would vote on certain things. Secretariat would prepare notes and
the meetings. Permanent court of justice was there to solve different matter between countries.
International labour organization would be concerned with welfare and labour issues. Finally, high
commision for refugees was there to assist the refugees of the world.

ANS2. The first big weakness of the elague was that it had noa rmy so it could not go and resolve any
issues regarding the two countries. And could not pose a threat to the countries to stand down. The
second weakness was that it was biased towards European countries. Therefore, Japan would barely
have a say in anything and would not be able to say anything regarding any topic.

ANS3. Italy had first ignored the league when they invaded Abyssinia and had annexed the entire land
and the other example was when Japan had taken territory in Manchuria to get more resources because
of their want for technological advancements.

ANS4. Source C is giving a message to USA voters that America is the greatest country and that both
the people who were standing up for election would make America a bigger country and would make
it better in terms of power and prosperity.

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