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Supreme Court Justices—WEBQUEST NAME_______________

Using the internet, excluding WIKIPEDIA, find the following answers. Your answers do not need to be in complete

1. List all nine current justices on the Supreme Court, the president that appointed
them, and the year that they were appointed.

1. John G. Robers, George W. Bush, Spetember 29, 2005

2. Clarence Thomas, George H. W. Bush, October 23 1991
3. Stephen G. Breyer, Bill Clinton, August 2 1994
4.Samuel A. Alito Jr., George W. Bush, Janurary 31 2006
5. Sonia Sotomayor, Barack Obama, August 8 2009
6. Elena Kagan, Barack Obama, August 7 2010
7. Neil M. Gorsuch, Donald Trump, April 10 2017
8. Brett M. Kavanaugh, Donald Trumpe, October 6, 2018
9. Amy Coney Barret, October 27, 2020
The answers to the following questions are from the current and past Supreme Court members

2. He is considered the Arnold Schwartzenegger of American jurisprudence and is referred to as Nino by members
of the court and his friends.
Antonin Scalia

3. The Senate confirmed him by a vote of 58 to 42, the closest confirmation vote since that of Clarence Thomas.
Any Coney Barret

4. She was President Bill Clinton’s first appointment to the United States Supreme Court.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg

5. When Thurgood Marshall retired from the Supreme Court in 1991, Bush decided to elevate him to the Supreme

Clarence Thomson

6. Who was the first Chief Justice?

Jon Jay

7. Who was the first female appointed to the Supreme Court?

Sandra Day O'Connor

8. Who was the first African American appointed to the Supreme Court?
Thurgood Marshall

9. What is significant about William Howard Taft becoming the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court? HE was the
first person to become president and a supreme court justice

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