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Anthony’s College
San Jose de Buenavista, Antique

Lesson 5:Types of Speech Context

Oral Communication is the process

of verbally or nonverbally transmitting ideas
or messages within and across various
contexts, cultures, channels and media—it is
perceived by many, involves two or more
persons. However, an individual can engage
in communication even when he or she is


There are three types of speech context: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, and Public.


Intrapersonal communication refers to communication with oneself. This type takes

place when reflecting upon or pondering over something like analyzing a situation, mulling over
an idea, or making a decision.
Intrapersonal communication is a form of reflective thinking as a result of an internal or
external stimulus. Internal stimuli include hunger or any sudden physical pain felt. External
stimuli include anything seen or witnessed, which triggers an intrapersonal reaction.
Communication with oneself takes place in different ways.
1. Internal monologue (i.e. appreciating the taste of food or the beauty of the rainbow,
complaining about a difficult test , calming oneself before an interview , laughing at a funny
thing you suddenly remembered)
2. Writing (i.e. journal entries, list of grocery items, computation of expenses

3. Speaking aloud (repeating to oneself what one hears)
4. Making gestures while trying to remember something


Interpersonal communication takes place between two persons (dyad) or among several
people (triad or group), ranging from the very personal to the impersonal.
Personal refers to the communication between people who have a close relationship with
each other.
 Couples
 Family members
 Close Friends
 Colleagues
 Neighbors

Impersonal refers to the communication between people who are not related to each
other. Exchanges are usually brief.

 A waiter and customer
 A taxi driver and a passenger
 A police officer and a lost foreigner
 A bank teller and a depositor

Interpersonal communication may be direct or mediated. Direct interpersonal

communication refers to face-to-face communication. Mediated communication refers to
communication assisted by technology like telephone, mobile phone, and computer for online
The process of interpersonal communication can be further exemplified by the Shannon-
Weaver model of communication, wherein the sender sends a message and the receiver gives
feedback. Note, however, that in interpersonal communication, everything counts—the message
said, how it is said, and the gestures used.


Public communication, also known as public speaking, refers to communication between

a speaker and an audience, which may be a few people or big crowd.

This type aims to entertain, inform, or persuade the audience.
 A sales agent promoting new product.
 A fire survivor telling his inspiring story.
 A political candidate presenting his or her platform
 A religious leader discussing the importance of humility.

Public communication focuses more on the sender who has to consider his audience, his
purpose, and the occasion before delivering his speech.

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