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Name: ______________________________ Grade: _______________

Based on chapters 1 and 2, answer the following questions. Then explain your answers for questions: 1, 6, 7, 8.

1) Why are the Jewish citizens of Sighet not concerned when the German soldiers first occupy their town?
A. They have an escape plan
B. The Germans are polite at first
C. United Nations will protect them
D. They feel the war will soon be over

2) What are the Jewish people of Sighet forced to wear?

A. Special caps
B. Grey shoes
C. Striped pajamas
D. Yellow stars

4) What do the German guards force the people in the train to hand over?
A. Gold, Silver, Watches
B. Sandals
C. Food and beverages
D. Silver, bronze, Watches

5) What year does the story begin?

A. 1921
B. 1931
C. 1935
D. 1941

6) Do the other train riders see what Madame Schachter is seeing?

A. No
B. Yes

7) You’ll be shot like dogs!” is what type of figurative language?

A. Simile
B. Onomatopoeia
C. Hyperbole
D. Alliteration
8) What does it mean to be human?

9) How do you imagine the gas chambers? Describe them. Include a drawing if you want.


10) Write a fifteen-line summary of chapters 1 and 2.


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