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Nation – a stable community of people formed on the basis of a common language, territory, history

ethnicity, or psychological make up manifested in a common culture.

- It is more of a cultural- pollical community that becomes conscious of its autonomy, unity and particular


- According to Benedict Anderson, an American political scientist “ A nation is an quote unquote

imagined community” meaning a notion allows one to feel a connection with the community of people

even if he or she will never meet all of them in his/her lifetime.

- For the most part, members of the nation’s remain stranger to each other and will likely never meet.

- A nation is an intersubjective reality and exist solely in the collective imagination of the citizen.

- The word “umma” which also means community is used by the Muslim to refer to their global

community or nation.

- An American cannot simply go to the Philippine embassy and convert to a Philippine citizen. Not

everyone can simply become a Filipino.

- Another thing is that a nation may have a claim to statehood or self-rule, but it does not necessarily

enjoy a state of its own.

Examples of Stateless Nation

- The Kurds currently reside in Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Turkey but they have not established an

internationally recognize state based on their national identity.

- The Jews who were a stateless nation until 1948 when they declared Israel a state and immediately gain

recognition form the US, followed by the rest of the world.

State- refers to a country and its government

- Territorial society divided into government and subjects claiming within its physical area, a

supremacy over all other institutions.

- It is a political organization which fulfills the security and welfare needs of its people. Example of a

State is the government of the Philippines.

- A state have four attributes and the absence of even one attributes or elements, a state cannot really be a


Four Attributes of a State

- Population - First it exercises authority over a specific population called its citizens.

- Territory - Second it governs a specific territory, it is the physical element of a state

- Unity of Organization or Government - Third a state has a structure of government that crafts

various rules that people, or the society follow

Sovereignty - Fourth the state has sovereignty over its territory

Sovereignty refers to the internal and external authority.

- Internally no individuals or groups can operate in a given national territory by ignoring the state. This

means that group like churches, civil society organizations, corporations and other interties have to

follow the laws of the state where they establish parishes, offices or headquarters.

- Externally, sovereignty means that the state policy and procedures are independent of the interventions

of other states.

- Russia or China for example, cannot pass law for the Philippines and vice versa.

- In the absence of sovereignty, the state loses its existence.

” Not all States are Nations and Not all Nations are Sates”
- Aside from the examples given about stateless nation, there are other examples.

- The nation of Scotland for example, has its own flag and national culture but its still belongs to a state

called the United Kingdom.

- Many commentators believed; the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao is a

separate nation existing within the Philippines but through their elites, recognizes the authority of the

Philippine State.

- Meanwhile, if there are states with multiple nations, there are also single nation with multiple states.

- The nation of Korea is divided into North and South Korea. Whereas the Chinese nation may refer to

vote the people republic of China or Mainland China and other one being Taiwan.

Nation State – is a state in which a great majority shares the same culture and is conscious of

- Cultural boundaries match up with political ones.

- A nation state is a sovereign state of which most of its subjects are united also by factors which defined

a nation such as language, or common decent or ethnicity.

- Nation and state are closely related because it is nationalism that facilitates state formation.

- Examples of Nation-States are those most ethnically homogenous society such as Japan, Korea, Egypt

and Maldives.

II. The Interstate System

(Origins, history of the present-day concept of sovereignty as well as how cooperation of nation came


1.) The Treaty of Westphalia- is a beginning of the modern international system.

- This was a series of peace treaties that were signed in 1648 to end the Thirty Years’ War which

was a brutal religious war between Catholics and Protestants. Which gradually developed into a

more general conflict involving most of the European great powers. It killed 8 million people.

- The treaty’s signers namely Holy Roman Empires, Spain, France, Sweden and the Dutch Republic

design a system that would avert wars in the future by recognizing that the treaty’s signers exercise

complete control over their domestic affairs and swear not to middle into each other’s affairs.

2.) The Napoleonic Wars

- The first major challenge of the Westphalian system was during The Napoleonic Wars headed by

Napoleon Bonaparte that lasted from 1803- 1815

- Napoleon Bonaparte challenged the power of kings, nobility, and religion in Europe

- He believed in spreading the principles of the French revolution: liberty, equity, and fraternity to the rest

of Europe.

- The Napoleonic war lasted from 1803-1815 with Napoleon and his armies marching all over Europe.

- In very country the French conquered, they implemented The Napoleonic Code.

- The Napoleonic Code forbade birth privileges, encouraged freedom of religion and promoted

meritocracy in government service.

- This code shocked the monarchies and the hereditary elites like the dukes, the ditches and etc. of Europe

and they mastered their armies to pushed back against Bonaparte.

3.)The Battle of Waterloo

- Anglo and Prussian armies finally defeated Napoleon in the Battle of Waterloo 1815, ending his mission

to spread liberal Code across Europe.

4.)The Concert of Europe

- To prevent another war and to keep their systems of privileged, the royal powers created a new system

that in of that restore Westphalian system.

- The Concert of Europe was an alliance dominated by the five great powers of Europe at that time:

Austria, Russia, United Kingdom, Prussia, and France.

- Its sorters to the world monarchial, hereditary and religious privileges of time before the French

revolution and the Napoleonic wars.

- Ultimately though it sought to restore the sovereignty of state.

- Lasted from 1815-1914

III. Internationalism

- The Westphalians and the Concert System divided the world into separate sovereign entities.

- Since the existence of these interstate systems, there have been attempts to transcend it, some like

Bonaparte challenge this system still others imagined a system of heightened interaction between

various sovereign states particularly the desire for a greater political and economic cooperation

among states and people or what we call “internationalism”.

- People of the world should unite across national, political, cultural, racial or class boundaries to advance

common interest,

- Governments should cooperate because their mutual longer interest have greater importance than short

term disputes.

Internationalism comes with different forms, but the principle maybe divided into 2 broad


1.)Liberal Internationalism

- The first major thinker of the liberal internationalism was German Philosopher Immanuel Kant

who likened states in a global system to people living in a given territory.

- If people living together require a government to prevent lawlessness, the same principle should be

applied to states.

- States like people must give up some freedom without a form of global government, the international

system would be chaotic.

- Another thinker is British philosopher Jeremy Bentham who advocated the creation of

international law that would govern inter-state relations.

- Bentham also famously coined the word “international” and 1780

- United States President Woodrow Wilson who became one of the most prominent internationalists

forwarded the principle of self-determination or the belief the world’s nation has the right a free and

sovereign government and democracy.

- Cause only by being such, would they be able to build a free system of international relations based on

international law and cooperation.

- He was the most notable advocate of the League of Nations to prevent another war after World War I

which earn him a noble piece prize in 1990 but unfortunately the league was unable to hinder another

war from breaking out.

- It was practically helpless to prevent the onset and intensification of World War II but despite its failure,

it gave birth to some of the most task specific organizations that are still around today.

- The most popular of which is the WHO or the World Health Organization and ILO or the International

Labor Organization. Its also serves as a blueprint of future forms of international corporations such may

we know today the United Nations.

2.)Socialist Internationalism

- German Philosopher, Karl Marx believed that any true form of internationalism should

deliberately reject nationalism, which rooted people in domestic concerns instead of global ones.
- Instead he placed a premium on economic equality

- Marx did not divide the world into counties but into classes (economic equality); capitalist class

( owners of factories, companies and other means of production) and proletariat class ( those who do not

own any means of production, but worked for the capitalists)

- Marx died on 1883 but his followers soon sought to make his vision concrete by establishing their

international organization called Socialist International

- Socialist International – this is a union of European socialist and labor parties established in Paris of

1880. Although short lived, its achievements included the declaration of May 1 as Labor Day, the

Creation of International Women’s Day and initiated the successful campaign of the 8-hour work.

- The organization collapsed during world war I as the member parties refuse or unable to join the

internationalist efforts to fight the war.

- As the Socialist International collapsed, a more radical version emerged.

- The Communist International or also called as Commenter who was established by Vladimir Lenin

(leader of Bulsovec Party of Russia Revolutionary Government) in 1919.

- Served as the central body for directing communist parties all over the world. It was more radical and

less democratic than the Socialist International.

- Many states feared, it was working to stirred up revolutions in their countries which was ultimately true.

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