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ETABS: End Offsets and Rigid gone factor Define —> Section Properties > Panel Zone re yme _ Gnbe axsigned toa point object at beam/colymn interseckion. Pepe - Panel ones putormatically. from column elagho poperbes Speifet Spring- properties Link “ ca) he inate pisperties —7Asce er 4-13 Back bone Tome deat Acceptance, —> Set a frame —> Assign > Frame —> End. Length The overlapping- Poa — Criterion Define lengths cae Rigid Zone factor the fledble logth_ frame = Tote \ — Fe me (exe) nd i j feet ie a => No rigid offeet 1 => Folly rigid. For concrete frames > 0.5 is i pu yecommended. : Panel zone and Rigid offset Model 4: Rigid gone facou =O , Nopanek 30né Deflections + Largest (most conservative) Voments : Smallest (least d Model 2: Rigid. gone factor=4 » No panel zone Deflechios + Smallest Moments + Largest Model 3: Rigid gone Factor 20, Panek Jone Flexibility dnplated ee i Deflection’ + Uneadishially large MomentS + Unconservative Model 4: Rigid gone Factor = 45 Panel gore fem Colon —> igid offsets only. affect M3 and rot axial and torsionl properties - E TABS: End Relesses /Partid Frit Release : Removing Khe capacity of a. frame to resist any of P,V2,V3,M2,M3 and i Global Coordinates a KK Y 4, > Always from I bd 2, and 3 —> decide based on relationship between, So Default 4 and Zz. OL> P e : u29V2. 4) Plane I-2 is vertical, rear V: b) 2 isin t+Z direction b= unless the element is vertical. Ri T (e¢ column) ' : oe RETME ny 2 willbe in +X direction 23» M3 ©) 3 is hovigentah (Wes in X-Y plane) priest ig or al of the six achions can be rested, > M3 Ye in a beam wilh act Like an intemal hinge. It wilh not transfer moments to connecting element - = if om a Apart fiom geometry» we In RC beams, reinforcement also determines whethey the end condition shovld be released , partially. relessed. Cases where we can ue M3 yelese + not transfering. the end moment. a) Intentionally. eg to veduce reinforcement —» model Like no vesistence to moment. by Not enough development fengtls ouaitoble to yebars to behave Uke a rigid connecion. c) Column is so thin and unable to cary. moments coming. from beam. A) On secondary beams Supported. om main beams (girders). Thic wilh avoid. the introduction of tovsion—> Just simply- Supported. « M3 ‘ond. veleases But if Series of Secondary beams 5 then one release at start and one at end is enough. et ee io enkrdase cud release to b i momo” step moment tyanster from bean in He weak re 4o ct-ef-plane Supporting, Column. a. shea’ ¢ Sp wall Leg. ‘Secon beams releases» Only start ant end. in whole series. (nedeseP) 2) On beams —conneck ing to walls and columns on theiy weak axis. [i.e perpendicular fo longer dimension leg ov mais Us P 7 t f) Columns supported on beams (te avid toxin in Supposting- beams) ee Column ? Lend release beam Frame —> Releases ffitiat Fxity- complet Provide yor Yemove 4 oun stifes city coefficient, node to et east. a particle ee adi. > Solect Frame —> Assign —> => wongly- applied weleases—> Stroctyral Stabitity-

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