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11. Give three examples of exempt income under the Income Tax Assessment Act.
   Australian Government pensions
   Excerpt defence force payments
   Excerpt UN payments
    CCB
    FTB
    CSP
    Carer allowances
      Disaster relief payments

12. Give five examples of work related expenses that can be deducted.
      self - education
      Work related travel
       Uniforms
      Office rent
      Office supplies
       Telephone 
        lntemel

13. How long must a taxpayer keep receipts for work-related expenses?
           Generally, you must keep your written evidence for five years from the date you  
lodge your tax return or if you: have claimed a deduction for decline in value (formerly known
as depreciation) – five years from the date of your last claim for decline in value.

14. Who must register as a BAS agent with the Tax Practitioners Board?
 Any person who provide BAS services for a fee or other reward,


15. Outline the educational requirements for persons seeking to register as a BAS
         Any new applicant seeking standard registration as a BAS Agent must meet all
standard BAS Agent eligibility criteria before applying.This includes meeting the two
education requirements;
·         to have been awarded at least a Certificate IV in Financial Services
(Bookkeeping) or (Accounting),and
·         To have successfully completed  course in GST/BAS taxation principles
that is Board approved

16. Explain the requirements for a Fit and Proper person in terms of registering as a BAS
Agent with the Tax Practitioners Board.
             In deciding whether an individual is a fit and proper person, we must consider:
         whether the individual is of good fame, integrity and character
        whether any of the following events have occurred during the
previous five years:
    the individual has been convicted of a serious taxation offence
    the individual has been convicted of an offence involving fraud or
    the individual has been penalised for being a promoter of a tax
exploitation scheme
    the individual has been penalised for implementing a scheme that
has been promoted on the basis of conformity with a product ruling in
a way that is materially different from that described in the product
    the individual has had the status of an undischarged bankrupt
  the individual has been sentenced to a term of imprisonment, or
served a term of imprisonment in whole or in part.

17. Explain the Code of Professional Conduct as stated in the Tax Agent Services Act
2009? Give at least one example of expected codes of behaviour.
A Code of professional Conduct (Code) governs the ethical and professional
standards of tax agents and BAS agents. The Code is set out is get out as a
statement of principles and the board may issue binding written guidelines for the
interpretation and application of the Code of Professional Conduct.
Honesty and integrity
1. You must act honestly and with integrity.
2. You must comply with the “ taxationtion laws in the conduct of your personal
3. If;
a.            You receive money or other property from or on behalf of a client
b.            You hold the money or other property on trust
c.             You must account to your client for the money or other property.
(4) You must act  lawfully in the best interests of your client.
(5) You must have in place adequate arrangements for the management of conflicts
of interest that may arise in relation to activities that you undertake in the capacity of
a “registered tax agent or BAS agent.
(6) Unless you have a legal duty to do so,you must not disclose any information
relating to a client to a third party without your client’s permission.
(7) You must ensure that a “ tax agent service that you provide, or that  is provided
on your behalf is provided competently.
(8) You must maintain knowledge and skills relevant to the “ tax agent services you
(9) You must take reasonable care in a ascertaining a client’s state of affairs to the
extent that ascertaining the state of those affairs is relevant to a statement you are
maiding or a thing you are doing on behalf of the client.
(10) You must take reasonable care to ensure that taxation laws are applied
correctly to the circumstances in relation to which you are providing advice to
a client.
Other responsibilities

(11) You must not knowingly obstruct the proper administration of the taxation laws.

(12) You must advise your client of the client’s rights and obligations under the
taxation laws that are materially related to the BAS services you provide.

(13) You must maintain the professional indemnity insurance that the Board requires
you to maintain.

(14) You must respond to requests and directions from the Board in a timely, responsible
and reasonable manner.

18. Give three examples of sanctions that may be applied by the TPB for failure to
comply with the Code of Professional Conduct?
  Give you a written caution.
  Give you an order an order under section 30-20
 Suspend your registration under section 30-25
 Terminate your registration under section 30-30

19. What is the purpose of the Privacy Act 1988?

            The privacy act is an australian law which regulates the handling of personal
             Information about individuals personal information is information or an 
             Opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably

20. Explain the purpose of the Australian Privacy Principles?

            The apps are rules that set out how businesses may collect, use, store and disclose 
personal  information. They also give your customers a right to access the information your
hold about  them and correct it if it wrong.   
21. List three points that should be followed to ensure you comply with the Australian
Privacy Principles.
 Collection must be necessary.
 Collection must fair and lawful.
 Take reasonable steps for to ensure the personal information you collect use or
disclose is accurate, complete and up to date. 

22. Briefly describe the purpose of A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act
            This legislation was passed on 28 june 1999 and came into operation on 1 july 2000
the act provides for the administration of the goods and services tax,and for related

23. Place a tax code next to each transaction.

Tax Transaction
fre Sold an old photocopier
cap Purchased a new photocopier for office
ncg Recorded purchase of trading goods
No abn Recorded a supplier invoice for stationery with no ABN
ncg Recorded a supplier invoice for R&M with ABN and GST status
inp Recorded interest received from the bank
No gst Recorded the bank charges from the bank statement
ncf Recorded the payment of council rates

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