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An international airport has been hijacked by a group of terrorists. They takes

over the control system by moving the system into an old church that is used as a new
navigation control. Therefore, the navigation system is now in the hands of the terrorists.
On the other hand, a big airbus carrying more than 300 passengers is in a big
trouble. The plane has to be landed as soon as possible because it is almost out of fuel.
The plane has been flying around the airport waiting for permission to land for a couple
hours. The crews cannot land the plane because they loose contact with the tower. They
do not realize that the navigation system has been hijacked and the tower they tried to
contact with is no longer functioning. They cannot use the automatic navigation because
the system is down and is not functioning. They also cannot land the plane manually
because it is dark out there and the airport’s electricity is also mulfunctioning. Now, all
they need is a guide from the tower to land the dying plane.
In such critical situation, the pilots receive a message from what they believe it is
the main tower. The pilots think that they have had contact with the tower and do not
relaize that the tower is a fake. The tower the plane have contact with is actually the
terrorists who try to crash tha plane. The fake tower gives the pilots a false information of
the plane’s height. The actual height of the plane is X as seen in Figure 1.

Point of plane


Figure 1
The terrorists tell the pilot that the plane is X + Y above the ground as seen in
Figure 2. Because of this information, the point of plane landing moves but the ground
does not actually move.

Point of plane

Ground X

Figure 2
Using the false information, the pilots start to land the plane and believe that the
plane will reach the ground in 60 seconds. Suddenly, they are very terrified because they
have seen the ground before they fisnish the countdown. They realize that there is
something wrong, but it is too late to control the plane. It crashes the ground and no
living has been found.

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