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Some of the unhygienic practices like unhygienic bathing after 40 days and not

frequently changing of pad. Unhygienic materials (soda, mud, leaves) to soak up the
lochia, not drying under sunlight. Untrained daies conducting unhygienic practices
during delivery and not using 5cleans by recommended by WHO, these leads to bad
order. Infection sepsis, swelling fever vaginal infection. To prevent infection Maine
steps to be taken by proper hands washing before and after the procedure. Remove old
pad disposing properly and washing the perineum with water mixed antiseptic solution.
Gently tap the perineum with toilet paper making sure to start at the front and end at the
back to avoid spreading of germs from the rectum to vagina. After drying place a new
clean pad and wash the hands after caring for perineum. These are the steps should
followed during the postnatal period.14

Bathing perineum in plain clean water will aid the healing process and soothe.
No special antiseptics are needed. If maternity unit or birth centre has policies in place,
use complementary therapies, eg, adding essential oil of lavender to bath water or using
vulvae compresses to aid healing and prevent infection will also smell delightful. In some
Hospital maternity units in UK provides own supply of sanitary protection. Mothers will
need to wear them for up to two weeks following the birth of baby.15
Change pads frequently throughout the day, as blood stained pads can encourage
infection, and smell offensive. As loss becomes lighter, can change to pant protectors that
are thinner and more comfortable to wear.11

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