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the association of skin infection due to urinary incontinence. in postnatal mothers.

prevention and treatment perineal dermatitis ; establish a bowel and bladder programme
for patients with incontinence- avoiding excess friction on the skin, cleanse skin gently at
each time of soiling with PH – balanced cleansers, select under pads, diapers, or briefs
that are the absorbent moisture away from the skin, consider utilizing a pouching system
or collection device. Panel of expert from various clinical setting reviewed scientific
evidence to develop the recommendations. The panel used provisional guidelines that
wound ostomy continence nurses and wound healing society developed by expanding,
updating, and elaborating on the work done by the two society the product usage is more
likely to occur in the user of the product accepts or likes the product safety, therapeutic
activity and convenience are key aspects of high quality product. Recent Studies also
suggest that perineal cleaning and protection may be more consistent when regimens are
simplified and one-step products are available.27

A study conducted on the association among perineal outcomes, selected risk

factors, intrapartum nurse midwives. This nonrandomized cohort study analyzed all
vaginal birth (n=1211) by midwives in hospital over 2 years period. Calculated

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