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tag Ss s Moorish Pational Republic Federal Government > - Sorietas Republicae Ea Mi Maurikanos ~~ Poocish Divine and ational Hobement ofthe Wectd Aoritimest Gmexem / ortbinest Atriea / orth America / "Che Marth Sate! So = Semple ofthe saan an uns ‘he True and We Fure Matural Peoples — Weice o the Zand Notice of Affidavit of Credit to the Moorish American Treasury From: The Moorish National Republic Federal Government ‘The Moor'sh American Consulate clo 811 SW31a" Place Near [Federal Way Washington [Zip Exempt) ‘To: JOVITA CARRANZA, dlbla TREASURER OF THE UNITED STATES) ‘Treasury Buling 1500 Pennsytvania Avenue NW WASHINGTON Dc US \We are the aboriginal indigenous sovereign natural dine Moorigh American Nationals who are the Moorish National Republic Federal Government and the Moorish American Consulate. We are in Props parson S |i, in Proprio soo, and in Proprio heredes at al imes. We are the descendants ofthe reat Pharaoh of Kemet and ofthe ancient Moabites and Canantes. We are the ministers, crediors, exectots, claimants, trustees, beneficiaries, and heirs of our own estate. We areinthejurediction of our ancectral inherited estate this time and ata ports time We hereby issue the attached Afidavit of Credit o the Moorish American Treasury rom our vas estate in eid and siver in the amount of $100,000,000 for each recorded Moorish American National to be ‘strove to the Moorish National Republic Federal Goverment wo are the Moorish Amercan peopl as ‘stato inthe sai affidavit. The fu ath and creo the Moorish American people is vested ins, the Neos National Republic Fedorai Goverment. ‘You are hereby commanded to distibut the sad gold and siver lawful coinage tthe said Moorish American “Treasury by way of the Moorish National Republic Faderal Government and delivery times and metveds are 2s stated in the attached afta, You are to provide copies ofthese documents to each and al Who are Particioatng in, have knowledge of, need to have knowledge of, or who are not knowledgeable of this ‘document and the stated information and commands so that al are aware or our enstence anv commands. “Those that you ere to noiy wil include DONALD J TRUMP, STEVEN MNUCHIN. and WILLIAM BARR ‘Attached to this notification are the folowing lawful accompanying documents ~ all attached affidavits stand ‘1 Affidavit of Creitin Gold and Siver tothe Moovish American Treasury. 2. Affidavit of CORPORATE Death Penalty, Proof of Death, Revocation of all CORPORATE CHARTERS: ‘and Revocation of al CORPORATE TRUSTS. ‘3, Wet ink signatures ofthe Article il Supreme Judiciary ofthe Moorish National Republic Federal Government who are: Amic, Consular General and Natlnal Grand Shek Taj Tarik Bey, Consular (General Shalamoor Boy, Chet Vici JudgelMnister Light Taji Bey, Vizirudge Sharon Tracy Gals Bey, Vii/Judge Imaran Amor Bey, Vii/Judge Georamur Aqua El, Viai/Judge Nassor Bey VzriJudge Nurs Hamid Bey, VizirJusge Abas Talib Bey, Viriludge Derrance Hatfield Ei, ViarJudge Tara Bey “4. Aleut ofthe National Trust of the Moorish National Republic Federal Goveenment (Document MAC- 9096998) fied wih te Alamence County North Carolina Register of Deeds granting al land back fo the Moorish National Republic “Federal Government thereby reversing’ all" previous ‘CORPORATE/corporate grants, patens, deede of ust, ete mp ean ea tonto hao nae ge genaesaeTe Tosa ‘Sein oc Fesr once Mau anon sans te Fm ay cr as pe is Ss Ss Moorish Pational Republic Federal Government ww - Sorietas Republieae Ea Mt Maurikanos ~~ Moccia Dibine and Fextional Movement of the Werte ortmest Smexem / Aorthoest Siviea / Porth Zmeriea / The Perth Sate T= Temple ofthe floon and Sou ~ <= ‘The Crue any Be Fore Aarural Peoples ~ Weics of the Zand ———— EEE 5. ‘The Universal Religious Corporation Affidavit of Organization of the Temple of the Moon and the Sun Unt proof of service dated March 4, 1:44pm to the King County Recorder of Deeds . The Cirle 7 Koran Of the Moorsh Holy Temple of Science Divinely Prepared by the Noble Prophet Drew All (1926) is included in the recording 16. The Religious Affcait of Organization (August 1, 1928) Document 10105905 showing proof of service at Cook County Recorder by the Prophet Noble Drew Al. 1. Affidavit ofthe National Trust ofthe Mocrsh National Republic Federal Government (document MACN= £2:999699860) placed on the public record al ww MoorishémenleanConsulae. ora 8. Afféavit ofthe international Trust ofthe Moorish Divine and National Movement ofthe World (Document INACN-333328933) placad onthe publi record at ww NoorshAmericanConsulate.ora 198. Afidavit of Termination of Trusteeship (Decument #7018 1130 0002 1259 1518) with proof of service ‘ated January 8, 2079 and placed on the public record at winw MoorisnamercanGonsulate ora 10.Affdavt of Land Tile America, Amexem (Eedesiastc Alodial Tile #MWACN-999988008) placed on the pubs record at wv Moerishamerieanconsulate oy, An unrebutted afdavt stands 2 lw. 11. Proof of Servic ofthe Notice of Existence ofthe Moorish American Consulate andthe Moorish National Republic Federal Government to al CORPORATIONS dibie, GOVERNORS. 42, The Notioe of Existence ofthe Moorish American Consulate with Orders to Honor the Sovereian Statue ofthe Moorish Americans. 19. The Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1786 and 1836 stamped, signed, and sealed by the Library of Congress. Further Credits to be issued at ourcscretion where all other Nations are concerned, Adsiona originals Or copies ofthese documents wil be sent to The National Mint (Philadelphia Pennsylvania), The National Bureau of Engraving and Pring and others. This awful affdavils hereby sued inthe Sint ‘of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice. ‘thing in his documents consent oben any friction cer chan inthe arson oar ancestral inherited stat, [Nae aget note fe pica Noe propa etc to agent. None pro tne, rer anyon setae ho met ameanane stb mp! em 104 yh scant nr ec Anes on Cot th a te wo sae tee on can f= vase Narco aac Anarene ne anos “ons tems m= © uml ie S Moorish Pational Republic Federal Government oe ~ Sorietas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~~ Roociy Divine and asional Movement ofthe Weel tortitvest mexem / Porthos Uiriea / arth Timeriea / he ert Gate’ To = Cem of the Sloan an Su pe Crue and He Fure Aatucal Peoples — Weies of the Zand Affidavit of Credit tn old and inert the Moorish American Treasary ‘Decument Member MACK 99 99 999 010105908 ‘Value of Credit: $100,000,000 in Gold and Silver "Tobe tondered in laf coinage to each aboriginal indigenous Moorish American National as stated rei Crit Numbers MACR 999 999 99908192019 ate ofthis document: 19 Apel 2019 ate of isbursement of Gold and Siler tothe Moorish American Treasury: 19 April 2019 Date of tender tothe Moorish National Republe Federal Goveraaent from the Moorish American Treasury: ‘May 27,2019 Creitor: The aboriginal indizenows sovercigas who are the Moorish National Republic Federal Government ‘Beneficiaries: The recorded aboriginal indigenous sovereign Moorish American Nationals ofthe Moorish ‘National Republic Federal Government and this Mecrish American Consslate For Credit to: The Moorish American Treasry For farther Credit o: The abovementioned beneficiaries ‘oriadietion: AA222141 Al Truth -The sovereign ancient ancestral jurisdiction of our inherited estat. ‘Held in the National ast withthe ll igh andl ret ofthe Moorish Ameria People: Yes ‘We, the sovereign, aboriginal, indigenous, str, divine Moorish American people who are the de jure Moorish ‘National Republic Pedoral Government, are in propia persona sui uri, in proprio solo and in propo heeds a Times, Wear th aw and we are the government. Wear slays he juristicton of our ancestral inherited ete and tie jurstition css mis ime or at any pot in ine, We emain in oa aid jristition whichis the highest jJrlicton in heaven anon cath We ae the descendants of the Phanohs of Kemet and of the ancient Moabts and Cansaites. Weare the ministers eens, excels, claimants, beneficiaries, ang hei four om vs sins Ailproclamatione made in our lull rserded Religious Corporation AMidavit of Organization and that ofthe Divine Propet Noble Drew Ali stand a Supreme Law ofthe Land This Atfdsvt of Cetin Gold and Silver wo the Moorish American Treasury from the people who are te de jure ‘Moi National Repub Federal Government is inthe amount of $100 00,000 in Gold and Sve for enchresorded Merah Amrican National in assordance seth the Teust performance by the Trusts for ditrbuton 4 the recat cf the National Tras of the soi’ Moorish Naomal Republic Federal Government and he Trust of te rontet Noble Drew Al, We, the dure te aboriginal, ndigenous divine natural ancient Moorish Amerisan els do ‘vay ca, declare, and proclin ou ight inertanoo ss stated inthis document. This bono is herby availa tesach Moot Ameria Nationa beneficiary upon recording of their proclamation of status comecton wit this ‘Moorit Amerizan Cons who are the crestoreo ths docuren. This benefit is avaliable to and foreach Meri ‘Xmorican Nation! at North Ameria, South America, Cental Ameri, and the adjoining Allnts and Amricane ‘Munts upon rovrding by tis Moorah American Consult ofthe Moorish Nations! Republi Feral Goverament Diatibufon shall be made of cofage with aymbols that ave of ancient Moorish herige, Mining of he coinage and folerturn ral commence inomedisy atthe National Mint in Piladeiphos Tertory, Pennsylvania Rouble, This ‘Atti of Crests valid unl the Moorish Nate! Republic Feder] Goverament Judiciary of hase whose signatrs ths dosent bear detonines by majorly vote aot 1 rnew this document. The fl ath and eet of the Moorish ‘Auican People voted completly within ourselves and noone ele, Weare the Benga by which she nations ofthe ‘ata be blessed. Furor Governance of sid ntibution to the Moorish Americans from our vst ea is under {hevnahorty and joriaditon of the said de jore Moorish National Republic Federal Government, Nothing tn thi tlocment no the goverance tat follows it ta be ensued or interpreted a consent 10 any ober jorisdeton than in the rnd of our ancestral inert estate. ‘Methods of every of coinage and dltrum shall tke the foro actual old an aver colnage and paper money, ia tegtongainsnwaimeena. Se et enema recone = lUcll S wy Moorish National Republic Federal Government & ~ Sorietas Republicae Ea Al Haurikanos ~~ ‘Mooriey Divine and ational Movement ofthe Wes! ‘Sortmest Hmesem / Aoribinest rica / Morty Hmeriea / "Ede Porth Sate! So Temple ofthe soon am sun — he True and He Face Aatural Peoples - Weics of tye Rand plastic gold and sliver backed universal eureney card, and god and silver basked electronic exchanges. “Wherever god and silver are stated in this document, othe precious meta a also inladed. “Whereas this awful Affidavit f Credits ako Antigitous adverse elim to al oer claims to our lt ince all lunciims andl mining clin spursuent othe Faoduert MINING LAW OF 1872, THE MINING ACT OF 1872, All affidavits of eles generated asa rel of te said actor any oer colorable ACTS, CODES, STATUTES, LEGISLATION or LAWS claiming right of any kind to sry land to which the Moorish American Nationals ar the hee. |Wharas this awful Affidavit of Cres also adverse chi 10 any and all posesory titles, deeds fad patents, tts a chains ofenjoyinent tat are no tht ofthe Moors American Nationals ofthe de jure Moorish National Republic Fodorl Goverment and tis Moorish American Consult, Keys TP henetciary is defined as a declerd and recorded Moorish American National by bloodline sd berg. Sal ‘mvordng ito be erfermed by the Tastee Boy who are this Moorish American Consulate ofthis dare Moorish ‘Nation! Republic Feeral Goverment. Revelations 35 He sat overcomet the same shal be clothed in white Net cnt il nt lt outs mam ont ofthe on of if, but wil confess his name Before my Father, and Defoe his angel 2 Bisthrght Bloodline is defined as all of those who ae branded unlawflly as “negro” “black”, “colored”, and "afm Ameria wo reborn ofa Moorish American Mother whose Mather 8 Moorish American, Genesis 22:18 tnd vty ced shal al de ates of the earth be esse: Base tho hast obeyed my Woes ‘3. $100,000,00 foreach Moorish American National - Matthew 25:18 And tone he gave ive talents toanotier thor and another one fo everyman according to his several abil, and stnghtway took his jourey Further Minting of coinage and gold and ser dallarium fo be announced as Moorish images are selected (0 torn the sid coinage and dollarium. Delegation of Authority “The Moorsh Divine and ations Movement af he World, The de jure aborsinalindiaenous rata dine Moorish National Repl Federal Government, Moorish American Consults \Werldwida, the Moorch American Atl it Consul Courts, and the Moorish American People ‘nce declare, proclim an fle thisorde with Delegations of Authority by the same and additonal Delegations of Authority ae given by The Wil of Als, The Holy Koran ofthe Moorish Holy Tempe of Science dvinely prepared by The Noble Prophet Drew Al The Treaty of Peace and Fendship 1786 and 1836, The Decaraton of independence 1776, and the Constitution for the United states 1789/1791 “This laf afidavit is authorized and signed by the aboriginal indigenous natural divine Supreme Sadicary of the Moorish National Republic Federal Government and the Moorish American Consulate om this 19 April {019} 1439 1440, sme gi ora a i nn a an ee chm tn eter se Zh “joann ace nese el

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