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Name simona points: /45 Grade:

1.Mark the rooms on the picture


2. What are these? Choose from the words in the box

mobile phone radio ball stereo camera CD

_radio__________ ____________ ___________ __________

___________ /5

3. Look at the room. List what’s in it:

*_________________ *__________________ *__________________

*_________________ *__________________ *__________________ /6

4 .Write a or the in the gaps.

This is ________ photo of my dog Rex. It is on _________ chair in _________ garden.

Who is ________ girl with you? She is ________ friend from my neighbourhood. /5

5. Look at the room and complete the sentences. Use in, on, under, by, in front of, opposite ,
behind, between
1.The books are ______________ the windows. 2. The wardrobe is ____________ the cupboard.

3.The lamp is ______________ the bedside table. 4.The pictures are ___________ the cupboard.

5. The bed is __________________ the bedside table and the cupboard. /5

6.Write- Whose is this? Write a sentence using possessive ‘s



John 2. _________________________________________________________

Our cousins 3. __________________________________________________________

Anna 4._______________________________________________________

David 5._______________________________________________________ /5

7. Complete the sentences with there is or there are, a or some

My aunt lives in California. Her house is very big. _______________ five bedrooms and _________ three
bathrooms. There is _______ big sitting room and ________ garden, too. In the garden ______________ a
swimming pool and there are ___________palm trees, too. /6

8 .Complete with a, some or any

*Is there _______ stereo in your room ? Yes, and there are ________ CDs, too.

*Is there _______ computer in your house? –No, there isn’t _______computer, but there is _______big TV.

*Are there ________ plants on the window? – Yes, there are ______ and there are _________ curtains, too.

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