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4SBCEF Poli Gabriel Sec.21 Art III(continuation) to Art IV Recit Questions Dec.

11, 2020 XV 1
DECEMBER 11, 2020 - FRIDAY(Sec 21 - Art 4) 38. In People v. Relova, there was only a dismissal, not
conviction. Was there double jeopardy?
START: 10:18 38. Dismissal because of prescription is dismissal on the merits
34. What is double jeopardy? What is the right against double
jeopardy? 39. When it comes to double jeopardy of the same offense,
does it require similar acts?
41. No. Only identity of the offense      
35. What are the two kinds of Double Jeopardy?   
35. Double jeopardy of punishment for the same 42. Same evidence test in Melo, was it deficient?
offense ----Traditional type of double jeopardy 43. YES, The SC in Melo v. People said that the Same
36. Double jeopardy of punishment for the same act Evidence Test is inaccurate because Double
----- Only applies when an act is punishable by law Jeopardy of Punishment for the Same Offense does
and an ordinance not require similarity of offenses but what is
required by the Constitution is only identity of
offenses. There is an identity of offense even if the
1. WHY IS THERE A NEED TO PROVIDE FOR A SECOND TYPE evidence for the conviction for one offense is not
OF DOUBLE JEOPARDY? IS THE FIRST TYPE INSUFFICIENT? the same as the evidence needed to convict the
The first type only applies when the 2 offenses are either the same accused in the second offense as long as one is an
or identical. There can be no identity of offenses if one of the attempt or frustration of the other or includes or
offenses is punished by the national government and the other by necessarily included in the former charge or
an ordinance. Even if the elements of the offenses are the same, if complaint.
the offense is punished by law and the other by ordinance, there
can be no identity of offenses. This is the reason why there is a need 44. What are the requisites of double jeopardy in People v.
to provide for the second type of double jeopardy. Tampal?
There are only 3 requisites of double jeopardy of punishment for
36. What if same offense punished by 2 ordinances? Does it the same offense:
constitute double jeopardy?  First jeopardy must have attached prior to
the second,
37. HOW DO WE DETERMINE IF THERE IS IDENTITY OF ACTS IN  The first jeopardy must have been validly
PUNISHMENT FOR THE SAME ACT?  Second jeopardy must be for an identical
● By determining the location of the series of acts so that if the acts offense as that in the first. (People v.
are impelled by single criminal design then the acts are identical. If Tampal)
the acts will give rise to violation of a law and an ordinance then
conviction or acquittal on either shall constitute a bar to another 45. What are the requisites of legal or first  Jeopardy or first
prosecution for the same act. (People v. Relova) jeopardy (People v. Tampal)
● Double jeopardy of punishment for the same offense requires 1. There must be a valid complaint or information;
identity of offenses. 2. It must be filed before a competent court;
37. How do the courts determine whether the acts which 3. The accused had been arraigned or pleaded to the charge; and
would result to violation of law and violation of ordinance 4. Had been convicted, acquitted or the case against him is
are identical? dismissed without his express consent.
4SBCEF Poli Gabriel Sec.21 Art III(continuation) to Art IV Recit Questions Dec. 11, 2020 XV 2
46. X & Y spouses. X, husband has a friend, A who is a 49. Why does dismissal with the consent of the accused will
prosecutor. A filed a case for adultery which was not set in motion DJ? Estoppel? Why Estoppel?
dismissed, can it be a source of double jeopardy? People v. Obsania. When dismissal is with the express
consent of the accused, there is an implied admission on
the part of the accused that he cannot be convicted of the
charge against him, thus, there is no danger of jeopardy yet.
47. Under the RPC, private offenses can be instituted at the
instance of the offended spouse (adultery, concubinage), 50. In the case of People vs Obsania and Paulin v. Gimenez,
supposing husband discovered wife having extra marital the SC distinguished between acquittal and dismissal.
affairs with X, H told bff, bff assured H that justice will be Acquittal is always based on the merits, that is, the defendant is
served. BFF was a public prosecutor. Public Prosec filed acquitted because the evidence does not show that defendant’s
case against wife. Wife was acquitted due to insufficiency guilt is beyond reasonable doubt; but dismissal does not decide the
of evid. After acquittal of Wife, can Husband consequently case on the merits or that the defendant is not guilty. Dismissals
file for another case for the same acts? terminate the proceedings, either because the court is not a court
No, adultery is a private offense and must be initiated by the of competent jurisdiction, or the evidence does not show that the
offended spouse, no valid complaint or information offense was committed within the territorial jurisdiction of the
court, or the complaint or information is not valid or sufficient in
form and substance, etc.
47. In order that double jeopardy must attach, first jeopardy
must attach, and legal jeopardy must have been
terminated. Suppose prosec filed a criminal case against A. 48. Two exceptions to the dismissal without express consent
After trial, Court acquitted A due to failure to prove 49. Dismissal is based on insufficiency of evidence
beyond reasonable doubt. Suppose after trial, it was (demurrer to evidence also amounts to judgments
discovered that the killing was actually in a different city. on the merits and acquittal); and
Can the public prosec file the same case in the other city? 50. On the denial of the right to speedy trial. This
Yes. Trial court was not a competent court. Place of amounts to judgment on the merits because there
commission of crime is jurisdictional. is a failure on the part of the prosecution to present
sufficient evidence.
48. Suppose after arraignment, accused pleaded guilty. In trial,
accused presented justifying circumstances. Court
acquitted accused. Did Legal Jeopardy already attach? 50. In Paulin v. Gimenez, the SC enumerated 3 reqs in order
People vs Balisacan - There was no valid plea. There is no DJ that waiver will not preclude the subsequent dismissal.
because there is no legal jeopardy yet. There can only be 51. The dismissal must be with the express consent or
legal termination if there is acquittal or conviction or upon motion of the accused;
dismissal without the express consent or at the instance of 52. The dismissal must be on the merits or an acquittal;
the accused. This is because it will amount to waiver of his and
right or privilege; in total, he prevents the court from 53. Only issues of law are raised.
proceeding with the trial to resolve the case based on its
merits. 52. Will provisional dismissal of a case put in set double
jeopardy? Even if the accused agreed to such dismissal?
4SBCEF Poli Gabriel Sec.21 Art III(continuation) to Art IV Recit Questions Dec. 11, 2020 XV 3
53. Supposing there was a long delay in the presentation of continuing state of anxiety and insecurity, as well as enhancing the
evidence, the accused contends “my right to speedy trial possibility that even though innocent, he may be found guilty."
has already been violated”; the other party asked to  Right of repose? Wisdom behind this? PSB v. Bermoy
provisionally dismiss the case to find witnesses. The
parties agreed. Hence, the case was provisionally
dismissed. Is this a waiver? Can the prosecution revive the  How about Motion for Reconsideration? Is it also covered?
In essence, where a criminal case is dismissed provisionally not only
with the express consent of the accused but even upon the urging of  In the case of PSB v. Bermoy, what are the three instances
his counsel there can be no double jeopardy under Sect. 9 Rule 113, if where right against double jeopardy may be invoked?
the indictment against him is revived by the fiscal. (a) the accused is charged with the same offense in two separate
pending cases, or
(b) the accused is prosecuted anew for the same offense after he
55. Is dismissal due to violation of the right to speedy trial had been convicted or acquitted of such offense, or
equivalent to a judgment on the merits? (c) the prosecution appeals from a judgment in the same case.

57. Do you agree that there is DJ when the accused is charged

56. How about dismissal due to demurrer on evidence, is that with the same offense in 2 different cases?
a Judgment on the Merits? What did the SC say in People 58. Not yet, when the two cases are still pending. See
v. City Court of Silay? requisites.

59. Reconcile Bermoy and Pineda.

56. Double jeopardy for the same offense presupposes that 60. In the case of Pineda, main issue is whether there is DJ
there are two identical offenses filed against the accused. when two pending charges no DJ yet.
Can there be double jeopardy if the accused was charged 61. In Bermoy issue is propriety of  appeal after acquittal,
with only one offense? bermoy on pending charges is an obiter
62. Pineda is controlling even if decided earlier than Bermoy
57. What were the reasons given in  PSB vs BERMOY  and 61. Under the last paragraph of Sec.7 Rule 117, motion to
Lejano vs People on appeal after acquittal violates right quash, there is a rule called the doctrine of supervening
against DJ? event. When do we apply this doctrine? As stated in Melo
The fundamental philosophy highlighting the finality of an acquittal v. People and People v. Adil.
by the trial court cuts deep into "the humanity of the laws and in a The accused may still be prosecuted for another offense if a
jealous watchfulness over the rights of the citizen, when brought in subsequent development changes the character of the first
unequal contest with the State x x x x" Thus, Green [v. United indictment under which he may have already been charged or
States] expressed the concern that "(t)he underlying idea, one that convicted. Thus, under Section 7, Rule 117, Rules of Court, the
is deeply ingrained in at least the Anglo-American system of conviction of the accused shall not be a bar to another prosecution
jurisprudence, is that the State with all its resources and power for an offense which necessarily includes the offense charged in the
should not be allowed to make repeated attempts to convict an original complaint or information when:
individual for an alleged offense, thereby subjecting him to (a) the graver offense developed due to supervening facts arising
embarrassment, expense and ordeal and compelling him to live in a from the same act or omission;
4SBCEF Poli Gabriel Sec.21 Art III(continuation) to Art IV Recit Questions Dec. 11, 2020 XV 4
(b) the facts constituting the graver offense arose or were required at the time of the commission of the
discovered only after arraignment; or offense, in order to convict the offender;
(c) the plea of guilty to a lesser offense was made without the 74. Every law which, assuming to regulate civil rights
consent of the fiscal or the offended party and remedies only, in effect imposes a penalty or
63. Suppose accused was charged with grave physical injuries. the deprivation of a right for something which when
During trial, victim died. Can Prosecution file a subsequent done was lawful; and
criminal information for homicide? Will this be covered by 75. Every law which deprives persons accused of a
People v. Pineda? Or Doctrine of Supervening Event crime of some lawful protection to which they have
64. Pineda, attack it based on multiplicity of suits become entitled, such as the protection of a former
65. Use Pineda, not Doctrine of Supervening Event, bec conviction or acquittal, or of a proclamation of
in the latter, other remedies such as litis pendencia, amnesty..
and multiplicity of suits are not available, unlike in
the former. 71. What are the characteristics of Ex post facto law?
-(i) It refers to criminal matters;
65. Is there a need of a previous conviction in applying the (ii) It is retroactive in application; and
doctrine of supervening event? (iii) It works to the prejudice of the accused.
        Yes, previous conviction of a lesser offense
In the case of US v. Conde, involving anti-usury law, at the
time of the loan, there was no law on usury. During the
period of the installments, a law on usury was passed. Can
the law on usury be used to consider the loan obligation in
Sec 22 EX POST FACTO LAW this case?
 Are all ex post facto laws considered bill of attainder? -No, the laws in force at the time the contract was made must
Why? What is the missing element in an ex post facto law govern its interpretation and application. Laws must be construed
that it cannot be a bill of attainder? prospectively and not retrospectively. If a contract is legal at its
There is no legislative determination of the guilt of the accused. inception, it cannot be rendered illegal by any subsequent
66. What are the 6 kinds of an ex post facto law in the case of
Salvador v. Mapa? Loan contracted in 1990, payable for 10 years (up to year
KINDS: 2000). Law on Usury was passed in 1995. The 1995 law
70. Every law that makes criminal an action done cannot be charged against the lender for a loan contracted
before the passage of the law and which was in 1990. Can it however be used to consider the lender to
innocent when done, and punishes such action; have violated the law in 1995 to year 2000?
71. Every law that aggravates a crime, or makes it
greater than it was when committed; -No, will impair the obligations of contracts.
72. Every law that changes punishment, and inflicts a
greater punishment than the law annexed to the In the case of Garcia v. Concepcion, initially a bond was
crime when committed; not required to be paid. During the pendency of the case, a
73. Every law that alters the legal rules of evidence, and law was passed exempting the government from payment
receives less or different testimony than the law of the bond. Can ex post apply? (Di ko sure if baliktad yung
scenario ko di ko narinig maayos)
4SBCEF Poli Gabriel Sec.21 Art III(continuation) to Art IV Recit Questions Dec. 11, 2020 XV 5

Supposing that a criminal charge was filed for violating the

labor code. Subsequently, a law was passed increasing the Art 4 - CITIZENSHIP
penalty for the offense. Can we say that the amendatory What does citizenship mean? Under David v SET?
law is unconstitutional for being an ex post facto law? -Citizenship is the right to have
-No. A law increasing the penalty of the offense is not an ex post rights and it is one’s personal and
facto unless it is expressly made applicable retroactively (Nasi-Villar permanent membership in a
case) political community

Will the creation on the ad hoc committee on anti behest

loan an ex post facto law (Salvador v. Mapa) What is the core of citizenship?
-No, they are only created for investigative functions not for --The core of citizenship is the capacity to enjoy political rights, i.e.,
prosecution. Memorandum Order 61 merely provides a frame of the right to participate in government principally through the right
reference for determining behest loans. Not being penal laws, to vote, right to hold public office, and right to petition the
Administrative Order 13 and Memorandum Order 61 cannot be government for redress of grievances.
characterized as ex post facto laws. There is therefore no basis for
the Ombudsman to rule that the subject administrative and
memorandum orders are ex post facto. Is citizenship the same as nationality?
-Nationality is membership in any class or form of political
Bill of attainder. Term for bill of attainder if penalty is less community. Thus, nationals may be citizens (if members of a
than death? democractic community) or subjects (if members of a monarchical
        -Bill of pains check Bernas community)
- It does not necessarily include the right or privilege of exercising
civil or political rights
Under the recently passed ATA, is the declaration of
terrorist groups considered a bill of attainder?
- no 2 Traditional modes of acquiring citizenship?
1. Naturalization (Bengzon v. HRET)
2. Birth (Bengzon v. HRET)
Suppose that accused is charged in an admin proceeding,
and was dismissed. May the prosecutors file a case against 2 kinds of fil citizens: natural-born or naturalized
the accused for violation of RA 3019?
Yes, in order that DJ may attach the two identical What is the third mode?
offenses must be both criminal  ● Marriage as a third mode is a derivative naturalization so
covered by naturalization
If a charge was filed in the office of the Ombudsman, and
was subsequently dismissed, may another complaint be Acquisition by birth--What are the two principles covered
filed in the same office for the same offense? in this? Under the 1987 Constitution, what principle is
-DJ does not attach in PI applied?
-Jus Sanguinis - applied
-Jus Soli (loci)
4SBCEF Poli Gabriel Sec.21 Art III(continuation) to Art IV Recit Questions Dec. 11, 2020 XV 6
Was there any stage in our history where we applied Jus AS OF APRIL 11, 1899 AND THAT HE HAS RESIDED IN THE
In DAVID v. SET the SC discussed the history of Filipino citizenship,   Jus soli was applicable. Any child born from April 11, 1899 until July
during the Spanish colonization there is no such animal called 1902 regardless of alien parentage is a Filipino citizen. (David v. SET)
Filipino citizens so native inhabitants of the Philippines are either  The SC justified that since under that time we are under American
called “Spanish subjects” or “Indios”. The first time that the term protection then we apply the principles in the United States which is
citizens of the Philippines was used was in July 1, 1902 under the jus soli
Philippine Bill of 1902. Under the Treaty of Paris signed by US and DOES THE 1935 CONSTITUTION APPLY JUS SOLI?
Spain on December 10, 1898, all inhabitants of the Philippine Islands To a limited extent the 1935 Constitution also applies jus soli
who continuously reside therein and who are Spanish subjects upon principle because if you look at Art. 4 of the 1935 Constitution,
the effectivity of the Treaty of Paris and who do not elect the option there are 5 groups of Filipino citizens. First group, those who are
to continue to become Spanish subjects shall bete considered as citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption of the 1935
citizens of the place where they reside.we have never applied jus Constitution. Second group, those born in the Philippines of foreign
soli in our country? parents which means that children of foreign parents born in the
         Philippines are citizens of the Philippines with the condition that
What is the specific date of the en masse naturalization in before the adoption of the Constitution they had been elected to
the Treaty of Paris? public office. This provision was called Caram Doctrine or Principle
For those who are Spanish citizens in april 11, 1899, until the accommodation?
how long can they choose their citizenship? If you look at the list of the delegates of the Constitutional
1 year Convention you would see a delegate named Fermin Caram. Caram
UNDER THE PHILIPPINE BILL OF 1902, CUT-OFF DATE IS is a delegate of the 1935 constitution representing Iloilo. He was
APRIL 11, 1899. WHAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF APRIL 11, born in the Philippines. His parents are Syrians who are subject to
1899? persecution and in order to evade persecution they migrated to the
-The Treaty of Paris was signed December 10, 1898 but unlike Philippines where Dr. Caram was born. During the 1935
ordinary contracts, Treaties become effective upon the exchange of constitutional convention, he ran and he was elected.
the instrument of ratification. The instrument of ratification To fill out the vacuum of having a foreigner to be one on those  who
between US and Spain were exchanged on April 11, 1899 so this is drafted the consti, In order to  make the 1935 constitutional
the effectivity date of the Treaty of Paris convention an all-filipino convention
  Under the Treaty of Paris, Spanish subjects have 1 year from the Who are citizens of the Philippines under Section 1 of Art.
effectivity of that Treaty to choose whether to continue to become IV of the 1987 Constitution?
Spanish subject or to become a citizen of the place where they
BILL 1902? THEY ARE NOT COVERED BY THE TREATY OF Is this an exclusive list?
PARIS NOR THE PHILIPPINE BILL OF 1902. UNDER - No. Foundlings are considered as Fil citizens.
4SBCEF Poli Gabriel Sec.21 Art III(continuation) to Art IV Recit Questions Dec. 11, 2020 XV 7
In the third group of citizens, what are the conditions for
the grant of Filipino Citizenship? What is the significance of
In Poe and David, SC cited the deliberation of the 1984 the date/cut-off?
Concon. Can we say that the proposal to include in the list - Those born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino mothers, who elect
the foundlings, and the subsequent rejection of this Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority;
proposal by the Concon, means that they cannot be  WHY THE CUT OFF
Filipino citizens?  JAN 17 1973 is the effectivity of the 1973 Constitution -
No. The SC said here that the number of foundlings are too few to Children born after the date are considered natural born
merit an expressed constitutional provision. Plus they are already already, no need to elect
considered as such under international law.

This requirement of those born of Filipino mothers and of

A Filipino mother may only transmit an inchoate right in alien fathers before the effectivity of the 1973 Consti, does
citizenship. The SC discussed this in Tecson, with regard to this mean that it covers ALL children born of Filipino
the 1987 and the 1935 Constitution. Why did Bernas in this mothers?
case say that the 1987 Constitution bent backward
particularly to those born of Filipino mothers? What is the
accommodation given by the 1987 Constitution to this
group of individuals? (Follow up Question) There was no qualification in the
 Those born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino mothers, who elect Constitution regarding the distinction/qualification
Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority; between illegitimate and legitimate children. Where did
● 1935: children born of Filipino mothers under the 1935 the Supreme Court get this qualification?
Constitution only have an inchoate right or an expectancy that they
may become Filipino citizens upon reaching the age of majority
● 1973: Children born of Filipino mothers regardless of filiation
legitimate or illegitimate will automatically become a filipino citizen Can we say that Fernando Poe, Jr. is not a Filipino citizen
at birth. It confers citizenship to these groups of children without due to the generally accepted principles of International
need to perform any other act. Law?
● 1987: it did not only consider them as Filipino citizens but also
bent backward by considering those who were under this group as
natural-born Filipino citizens because under the 1973 Constitution
they are considered as naturalized because as was said by the SC in Can Filipino citizenship be established by presumption?
Benzon v. HRET there are only two kinds of citizens: Natural-born or Yes - Case of FPJ (David case)
naturalized. Meaning if the child is not a naturalized citizen then he
is natural-born. Therefore, under the 1987 Constitution they are
now given the status as natural-born Filipino citizens in accordance
with Section 2 of Article 4. Is this conclusive?
No, only disputable.

May be disputed through what evidence?

4SBCEF Poli Gabriel Sec.21 Art III(continuation) to Art IV Recit Questions Dec. 11, 2020 XV 8
If foundling has green eyes, blonde hair, etc., does the Co v HOR Acts of respondent are considered as informal
foundling still enjoy the presumption that he is a filipino election. Why is there a need to consider these informal
citizen? acts when they are already citizens? - for them to be
considered natural born

The burden of proof to prove otherwise rests on whom? -

the party asserting the same; the burden does not shift

Who are natural born citizens under 1987 consti?

What is the citizenship of a legitimate child born to a

chinese father, filipino mother under 1935 consti, prior to How about foundlings; they are still considered natural-
attaining age of majority? - he is not a filipino citizen born even if there is a need to issue a certificate of

Republic v Lim - did the SC agree with the SolGen that the
respondent is not a filipino citizen? - no, because he was an Non-registration within 3 years from reaching majority, will
illegitimate child. The 1935 consti provision applies only to that bar the election of Philippine citizenship?
legitimate issue.

FPJ an American Citizen?

END: 12:09 - HW up to sec. 5 of Article 6

Is there a formal reqt for children belonging to the 3rd

group? see CA 625

Di ko nanote sorry - tanong kay jamil; yung may reasonable


Co v. HOR differentiate from In re: Ching

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