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Young Achievers School Of San Pedro

2 Quarterly Test – EPP V

Name : ________________________________ Date : October 16, 2018

Parents’ Signature : ____________________ Tr. Tess Campang

I . Identify the parts of the house that is being described.

______________ 1. Area where food is prepared and cooked.

______________ 2. Place where family members gather to dine.
______________ 3. Place where we accept visitors and friends.
______________ 4. Private place of the house.
______________ 5. This place must always be kept clean and hygienic.
______________ 6. Place of the house where family members bond together.
______________ 7. This room is designed for personal hygiene.
______________ 8. This room must be made functional and clutter-free.
______________ 9. Room for relaxing and socializing.
______________10. This room must always be kept clean and odor free all day.

II . True or False.
_____ 11. Position the furnitures and appliances against the wall.
_____ 12. Rub the window glass with crumpled newspaper.
_____ 13. Always wash vegetables after cutting.
_____ 14. Size of the family and income are some things to consider in food preparation.
_____ 15. Do not overcook the vegetables.
_____ 16. Block the window with big cabinets to have adequate lightings.
_____ 17. Do not group large small pieces of furnitures just in one area of the room.
_____ 18. A home is a shelter to protect us from the heat of the sun and from the rain.
_____ 19. Remove cobwebs from the walls before sweeping the floor.
_____ 20. Focal point is the range of focus or concentration.

III . Enumeration.

A . List down the factors to consider when planning meals for the family.
21 . __________________________________________________________________
22 . __________________________________________________________________
23 . __________________________________________________________________
24 . __________________________________________________________________
25 . __________________________________________________________________

B. List down 5 house cleaning tips.

26 . __________________________________________________________________
27 . __________________________________________________________________
28 . __________________________________________________________________
29 . __________________________________________________________________
30 . __________________________________________________________________

IV. Meal preparation and cooking.

A. Write down the ingredients in cooking “SINIGANG NA BANGUS” (5 pts)


B. Write the procedure on how to cook “SINIGANG NA BANGUS”


V. Essay. What is the difference between a house and a home. (5-7 sentences)

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