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Name : Amelia ade wardani

Class : IC

NIM : P07134120097

Motion : this house would ban homework

(+) Banch

Opening goverment (1st speaker ) :

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, honorable to the judge, keeper my beloved
negative team and all of the audience. Thank you for opportunity that given to me.
My name amelia ade wardani as the first speaker from team goverment.
Next, i would like to given our motion today. Our motion today is “this house would
ban homework”.

The definition of motion is :

Ban is an order (rule) that prohibits an act, homework is a structured independent
task that the teacher gives to do at home as an addtional exercise. Ban homework is
prohibition of giving homework to students.

The justification point of the motion is :

-Children need time to relax and calm the mind. After studying 7 - 8 hours / day it
feels very unfair if they have to do the homework for another 3 hours at home. This
kind of pressure is not good for children and they need time to renew their minds and
-Homework reduces their time with family. Time with family is very important for
children who are growing mentally and physically and without this social problems
can grow in the child and can break up the family due to lack of family time.
-Homework can create conflicts between children and parents when parents want
their children to do homework but the children don't want to do endless chores.
-Too much homework creates a desire for children to copy or copy someone else's
work to get their work done.

The urgency of the motion is :

This motion really needs to be discussed because it involves education in Indonesia.
especially we have to pay attention to students who complain of being tired because
they have studied at school, but still have to do a lot of homework at home.

The mechanism of the motion is :

whether the application of homework is appropriate for all levels of education ?

My argument for this motion is :

I think I agree with the ban on homework, because Homework is a burden for
students. How not, students have spent a lot of time in school to explore a lot of
material and calculations. The hope is that students have time to play and rest. Even
so, parents feel. She wants her child to have time to play, chat with family, or just to
relax when at home.

In some school systems, even kindergarten children do some homework. Will giving
students study through homework benefit students?

Robert's research shows that homework assignments work best when teachers and
students are clear about the benefits of the assignment, even if the nature of the
assignment is expected only when needed. Robert's research group also showed
homework spends more time on students doing it and leaves less time to play and
rest after a tiring day.

The status uqo this motion is :

I chose to agree with the PR ban because Therefore, I emphasize that homework is
bad for the health of our children because it gives a pressure and stress, which will
influence their health. More than that, homework does not give a significant benefits
to student’s academic, thank you.

(-) Banch

Opening opposition (1st speaker ) :

Okay, ladies and gantlemen. We are from the opposition team, who are against this
motion. My name lukiyani putri as a first spaker i strongly disagree if homework is
prohibited because giving homework is motivated by the increasing number of
students who are getting addicted to technology. One of them is communication
media, handphone. Students enjoy playing the cellphone more than reading
textbooks. Students are more engaged in playing games, social media, and so on.

This results in students being lazy to do other activities. More than that, students
consider learning to be something that is not important anymore, because students
begin to feel very happy with the cellphone they often use.

To overcome this, the teacher took the initiative to provide homework to students, so
that students, apart from having the responsibility, are to reduce their addiction to the
technology. With homework, students will feel learning while playing and playing
while learning. So, children will be able to balance when it is time to play and when
to study, thank you.

(+) Banch

Opening Government (2nd speaker)

Ladies and gentlemen, my name cristin ayu as the second speaker government i
desagree with the first speaker opposition, because In my opinion, students have
learned enough and understand the lessons at school. If they are not at home
playing mobile phones so they are not bored and stressed

here the role of parents is very important if homework has been eliminated, parents
should limit their children to the use of electronic devices.

therefore I strongly agree that homework is prohibited because it can cause stress
and boredom for students, thank you.


Opening Opposition (2nd speaker)

My name rima ayu azizah as the second speaker opposition i desagree with second
speaker government, because not all parents can supervise their children, some
parents are busy with work so they don't have time to supervise the use of their
children's electronic devices.
but if students can focus on additional learning and rarely even don't have time to
use electronic devices.

because not all parents can supervise their children, some parents are busy with
work so they don't have time to supervise the use of their children's electronic

but if students can focus on additional learning and rarely even don't have time to
use electronic devices.That's why we from the team opposition are very much
against the homework ban, thank you.

(+) Banch

Closing Government (1st speaker)

Ladies and gentlemen after all it's pity if the child still has to be forced to do
homework especially if at home there are no parents who teach learning, in the end
it will be in vain and make the child instead cheat on his friends, as well as other
effects of housework

Downtime at Home

2 hours of homework is a punishment after sitting 8 hours in class. Going out,

dedicating time to friends, attending hobby clubs, helping parents, and, yes,
watching TV and playing games make kids feel like kids. The teacher should give
them more free time.

Negative Impact on Tests

Should schools ban homework in order to get better grades on exams? The answer
is yes. While students focus on homework assignments, they run the risk of failing to
pass the test well. It seems that complex and lengthy tasks are distractions like
mobile devices, video games, television, friends, house chores, etc.

Threats to Child Nerves

Why should schools ban homework for mental health? Teachers ignore the adverse
effects of post-class assignments on children's brains and overall mental health
(-) Banch

Closing Opposition (1st speaker)

i disagree, because I think the homework is very good because it can improve time

Time management is something every professional needs. Without it, it is impossible

to allocate 24 hours per day.

Better Critical Thinking Doing additional assignments after class is the best way to
improve critical thinking & memory skills.

Developing a Sense of Independence Most children go to great lengths to gain more

freedom. Children get the opportunity to work independently, explore personal
weaknesses & threats, thank you.

(+) Banch

Closing Government (2nd speaker)

okay all here I will conclude all of our arguments that we strongly agree with the ban
on homework, because I'm sorry for students who are bored and stressed because
of many tasks, lack of social time with family and the environment at home, thank

(-) Banch

Closing Opposition (1st speaker)

Okay, here I will conclude the argument from our team opposition that homework is
still very important to limit students' addiction to electronic devices at home,
homework can also build a lot of student personalities, one of which is being
responsible for the tasks given by the teacher and others. , thank you.

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