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Your individually-made infographic should contain the following elements:

1. the title & year of the movie

Title : Onward (2020)

2. a brief summary of the movie

In a world inhabited by mythical creatures, magic was commonplace several

millennia ago, though difficult to master. After technological advances over the
centuries, magic became obsolete and was largely discarded.
In the modern day, two elf brothers, Ian and Barley Lightfoot, live in the city of
New Mushroomton. Ian, the younger of the two, is a high-school student lacking
self-confidence, and Barley is an enthusiastic, impulsive history and RPG fan.
Their father Wilden died of a severe illness shortly before Ian was born
On Ian's sixteenth birthday, Laurel gives her sons a gift from Wilden: a magical
staff, a rare Phoenix gem, and a letter describing a "visitation spell" that can
resurrect their father for a single day. Ian accidentally succeeds in casting the
spell, but only the lower half of Wilden's body is reformed before the gem
disintegrates. The brothers embark on a quest to acquire another gem and
complete the spell, taking Barley's beloved van "Guinevere".
Through this brothers adventure, Ian realizes that Barley has been a father figure
throughout his entire life. Ian sends Barley ahead to finally give his proper
goodbye to Wilden, and holds off the golem long enough for Laurel to destroy it.
After Wilden dissipates, Barley tells Ian that their father is proud of him, and the
brothers share a hug.

Ian and Barley visit the Manticore's Tavern, named for a monster possessing a map to the
gem. The tavern has become a family restaurant managed by the Manticore ("Corey" for

3. brief information about the movie characters. If there are too many characters
playing in the movie, you may select some of the major characters only.
- Ian Lgihtfoot

 Ian Lightfoot
Ian has a kind, caring personality where he loves both his mother and brother. However,
as a result of not knowing his father at a young age, Ian developed an awkward
personality where he was afraid to try almost everything. This led Ian to be unconfident
in his capabilities to do anything, despite him striving to be like his father whom he
admired so much.
After the brothers' adventure, Ian became more confident and social where he made
new friends, accepted his mother's new boyfriend (who he despised in the beginning)
and spent more time with his older brother.
 Barley Lightfoot
Barley is large, loud, and excitable. he has memories of their father, and
describes who he was and how he acted. He fully believes Ian can bring their
father back to life and summon magic back to their world.

 Laurel Lightfoot

She is the mother of Ian and Barley, and widow of Wilden Lightfoot. Laurel is a

warm and loving mother and deeply loves her sons, willing to risk life and limb to
protect them. She is brave, as she charged a dangerous monster without
hesitation while declaring herself a 'mighty warrior'.

 Corey the manticore

 She is a manticore restaurant owner who the Lightfoot Brothers go to for help on
their quest.

4. your favorite character(s) and why you love them.

Laurel Lightfoot

She cares for her sons and wants them to be happy and safe but also
encourages them to overcome their insecurities. Whenever something is
depressing them, she does her best to cheer them up and look at things in the

5. what you learn from the movie (the moral values, the new vocabulary)

The moral value from the movie

3. You don’t need to take risks to have an adventure.

Most people refuse to step out of their comfort zones due to the fear of uncertainty –
just like the lead, Ian Lightfoot. He tends to overthink a lot, and ends up not
accomplishing anything on his “list” because of it. Soon he realizes that he doesn’t
actually have to risk anything big or make a grand gesture to tick anything off of his list.
He just let things go with the flow and ended up having an adventure of a lifetime.
Planning ahead does not necessarily mean things will become successful. Sometimes,
we just need to loosen up a bit and take a breather
1. You have to move on sometime.

Losing a loved one is difficult. Most of the time, Ian felt confused about who he is or
what he would become. He felt like there was a huge part of him missing because his
dad passed away when he was born and he never met him. Healing is a long process,
but we have to move on eventually. We just need to surround ourselves with people
who can understand our grievances and give us the space that we need to recover

6. your most favorite quote(s) taken from the movie.

“Now you know the worst that could happen so there’s nothing to be scared of.” This is
a great technique to move from fear: imagine the worst possible thing that can happen
and prepare for that, but keep moving forward

On a quest, the right way isn't always the easy one.”  Barley

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