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The indigenous group from the Cordillera, known as Igorots, have successfully defended their ancestral
lands starting from Spanish colonizers up to the local trespassers for they see their lands as life where they have
shaped their culture and identity. National oppression against Igorot started during the Spanish era when
colonizers failed to take over their lands. Spanish colonizers resorted to a “divide and rule” tactic, making the
Igorots a minority group and an enemy of the state. Even at present times, the oppression against Igorots
continues and they are still regarded as a minority group. The Igorots received oppressive land laws, their rights
to their own ancestral lands and domains are disregarded, they are being discriminated by the dominant groups,
their socio-political systems are not recognized, and blatant commercialization and vulgarization of their
culture. Despite all these struggles and threats, they were still able to maintain and sustain their indigenous
customs, livelihoods, and access to communal lands throughout time. Awareness to their situation and their
different problems helps in making a possible solution in order to protect the Igorots and preserve their culture
and traditions. A Genuine Regional Autonomy being pushed by the Cordillera People Alliances which is the
largest IP organization of Igorots in Cordillera, is one of the solutions that will help the Igorots in maintaining
their culture and tradition by giving them the authority to their ancestral lands. This proposal will give the
Igorots full control over the utilization of their land and resources based from their traditions and indigenous
beliefs for the greater good. This proposal could’ve solved other problems related to territory and protect their
lands from the likes of those companies, both illegal and legal backed up by elites who controls the economy
and politics, that are recklessly exploiting the ancestral lands of Igorots along with their resources. Fighting for
their autonomy should be the priority of the Igorots, and once attained, solution to the other problems regarding
the other aspects would follow. The proposal of giving regional autonomy for the cordillera was rejected two
times and until now, there are no signs of it being accepted. Despite this, the Igorots’ resolve to defend their
own ancestral land and their aspiration for people’s welfare and bright future will always be strong and they
would always stand up against aggressors and tyrants just like how they defended and preserve their cultural
identity for centuries.

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