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W. A. Montevecchi, Memorial University of affected by chemical management tools. Agricultural
Newfoundland, NL, Canada and forestry practices have been major sources of
Copyright & 2001 Elsevier Ltd. organochlorine and of other pesticide and herbicide
treatments that affect birds and other nontarget or-
This article is reproduced from the 1st edition of Encyclopedia of Ocean ganisms. Assays using marine birds also yield infor-
Sciences, volume 5, pp 2686–2690, & 2001, Elsevier Ltd.
mation about industrial chemicals, heavy metals and
radionuclides. Pollutant levels reflect toxin sources in
regional as well as local environments and are fre-
Background quently high in estuaries and adjacent waters.
Moreover, many chemical and metal pollutants are
As wide-ranging, upper and multi-trophic level
transported atmospherically, as well as aquatically,
consumers, marine birds can provide useful indi-
over great distances from contact zones – often to
cation of ocean pollutants. Seabirds are the most
pristine polar regions. The movements of contamin-
visible marine animals, and individuals, chicks, and
ated animals can also carry pollutants from source
eggs are relatively easily sampled, often nonlethally,
interactions to distant sites. Marine oil pollution is a
over wide oceanographic regions. Birds also appeal
global problem that results from both highly publi-
to the general public who often go to great lengths to
cized spills and more extensively from long-term
protect them. Hence, there is opportunity to help
chronic low levels of illegal discharges. In both of
preserve marine ecosystems by monitoring and pro-
these situations, research with seabirds has provided
tecting sea birds and the habitats and prey on which
scientists with a means of studying and quantifying
they depend.
biological effects and of raising public awareness and
Pollutants are assayed to measure levels or rates of
concern about ocean health. Discarded and lost
change of environmental pollution and to assess
fishing gear and plastics are relatively recent and
biological effects including those on humans. Both
highly persistent sources of marine pollution that are
nominal and ordinal (qualitative) and interval and
increasing with expanding global use.
ratio (quantitative) measurements are possible.
However, physiological, behavioral, taxomonic, and
seasonal variations can limit the usefulness of dif-
ferent avian assays in reflecting variation in en-
vironmental levels of ocean pollution. Quantitative Widespread uses of synthetic chemicals following
assays can be problematic because pollutants and World War II rapidly created environmental prob-
other environmental stresses frequently occur in lems. Extensive application of organophosphate
combination in indicator organisms, so it is often pesticides poisoned many nontarget animals. Some
difficult or impossible to delineate the effects of a of the first indications of their harmful effects came
specific pollutant. The problem is complicated when to light during the 1960s, many from studies of birds.
different pollutants have synergistic or additive ef- Resultant public outcries were largely responsible for
fects. Hence, determining the most appropriate assay the banning of DDT and other organochlorine
for a pollutant to be monitored and then calibrating pesticides in North America and Europe. As or-
the assay are critical problems in all bio-monitoring ganochlorines were phased out, background en-
programs. vironmental levels soon decreased, and the
Pelagic seabirds such as albatrosses and petrels can reproductive success of brown pelicans and ospreys
provide information on oceanic food webs, whereas increased to pre-pesticide levels.
coastal and littoral species such as auks and terns can Organochlorines have low solubility in water and
provide information on inshore trophic interactions. high environmental persistence. They were replaced
Birds that feed at different trophic levels, such as largely by water-soluble organophosphates, carbo-
gannets on large pelagic fishes, cormorants on ben- mates, and other compounds that are less environ-
thic fishes, and sea ducks on bivalves, can be targeted mentally persistent and rapidly metabolized, but that
to address different monitoring questions. may still be highly toxic to nontarget organisms.
Many problems associated with pollution in the Many organochlorines are still used in South Amer-
ocean are the result of nontarget organisms being ica, Asia, and Africa and affect the avifauna that


migrate to and from these areas from other regions PCBs

where these pesticides have been outlawed. Or-
PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) are industrial
ganochlorines accumulate in lipid (i.e. are lipophilic)
compounds that were used in paints and as fluids in
and can bio-accumulate throughout an animal’s life,
electrical and mechanical equipment. They have
as well as bio-amplify across trophic levels. Hence,
long-term persistence and wide dispersal in the
effects of organochlorines and other lipophilic pol-
marine environment, including polar regions. They
lutants (e.g. methyl-mercury) are often most evident
too are lipophilic and hence bio-accumulate and
and can be best monitored through effects on top
magnify in higher levels of food webs. They seem to
predators especially birds. However, lipophilic pol-
be highly toxic to seals and marine mammals, al-
lutants tend to covary, and an animal’s lipid levels
though not to birds. PCB production was greatly
change seasonally as well as with food stress. In this
decreased during the 1970s, and assays with avian
respect, chicks can yield useful relatively immediate
tissues or eggs could prove informative for levels of
local assays of environmental toxins. Eggs can be
contamination in marine food webs. Because most of
useful assays, although their pollutant loads can also
the PCBs produced are either at refuse sites or still in
be influenced by food conditions and clutch se-
use, it is important to continue to monitor their
quence. For pollutants that are water soluble, it is
presence, effects and environmental dispersion. Terns
normally more useful to use bio-monitors at lower
are the most sensitive seabird species known to the
trophic levels.
toxic effects of PCBs.

Bio-assay Calibration
The sampling of different species, life stages, age Heavy Metals
classes, and tissues have different utilities with re- Copper, mercury, lead, and cadmium produce the
spect to assaying different pollutants over different most serious forms of heavy metal pollution in
time and space scales. Dry-weight analyses are im- marine environments. Pollutant levels generally par-
portant for comparative purposes to control for allel those of regional environments with highest
variation in the water contents of tissues. Different levels being found in the Mediterranean, intermedi-
classes of pollutants are addressed in separate sec- ate levels around the British Isles, and lowest levels in
tions below. northern Norway and eastern Canada. Many metals,
particularly copper, mercury, and lead, and the
chemical tributyltin (TBT) have been incorporated
Organochlorines into marine paints as anti-fouling agents. These
DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane), its pri- biocides are lethal to bivalves and have resulted in
mary and stable metabolite DDE, and cyclodienes their elimination from many benthic communities.
(dieldrin, aldrin, heptachlor) were used in insecticide Metals tend to accumulate in very specific body
applications. Many birds of prey and fish-eating tissues (e.g. cadmium in kidneys) and assays are usu-
birds accumulated organochlorines up to orders of ally targeted precisely. Avian eggs also provide useful
magnitude above those in their prey and up to a assays of some metals and have been found to exhibit
million times greater than background environ- oceanographic trends in mercury contamination.
mental levels. Females often shunt some of their Interestingly, birds shunt body burdens of mercury
toxic burdens into eggs, and some organochlorines and perhaps tributyltin to growing feathers that are
can decrease avian egg viability even at very low molted annually. Assays of mercury levels in feathers
concentrations. DDT via DDE was identified as the permit the assessment of both spatial and temporal
agent responsible for the shell thinning of brown fluctuations in contamination. Feather assays of
pelican eggs in the western USA and of osprey eggs methyl-mercury are attractive for many reasons: (i)
that resulted in the species’ precipitous decline in the removing selective feathers is harmless to the animal,
eastern USA during the 1960s. DDE inhibits en- (ii) feathers can be easily sampled and stored without
zymatic (ATPase) activity in the shell gland pre- freezing or other preparation, (iii) feathers can be
venting calcium transport, causing shell thinning and simultaneously collected over large oceanographic
hence breakage during incubation. Relatedly, diel- regions, (iv) the metal burdens of the same indi-
drin, a powerful neurotoxin, was deemed responsible viduals can be compared in successive years, (iv)
for the population crash of peregrine falcons in the historical trends in pollution can be obtained by
UK. Organochlorines, PCBs, and other toxins have analyzing feathers from museum specimens.
been detected in birds and other animals in polar Mercurial relationships with feathers are particu-
regions as a result of atmospheric transportation. larly interesting in that inorganic mercury that is

deposited atmospherically, like other heavy metals, potential avian species for assaying this metal in
adheres to feather surfaces and can be measured. In marine environments. Cadmium and other metals
comparison, methyl-mercury that is derived from that are not lipid soluble are not assayed in feathers,
food sources is incorporated into the keratin struc- so there is no advantage in assaying birds compared
tures of feathers. The use of small body feathers from to other taxa. All atmospherically deposited metals
circumscribed plumage sites, such as the scapulars, is can be evaluated by accumulations on feather
proving most amenable for comparative analyses. surfaces.
Mercury levels in the feathers of adults tend to be
more variable than those of nestlings that are accu-
mulated during a brief period from food obtained in Oil Pollution
the vicinity of the nest. The same holds for eggs.
Chronic illegal discharges of unsegregated ballast
Mercury levels in the feathers of puffins, shear-
and bilge water and tank flushes at sea pose long-
waters, and skuas have increased during the past
term environmental problems for birds and other
century in the UK. Levels in the Baltic sea birds also
marine organisms. Unlike highly publicized situ-
increased from the beginning of the twentieth cen-
ations involving tanker spills, oiled birds found on
tury, and this trend was attributed to the extensive
beaches are often the first and sometimes the only
use of alkyl-mercury as a seed treatment in Scandi-
evidence that a pollution event, likely illegal, has
navia. Mercury levels in the feathers of auks in the
occurred. Standardized beach bird surveys have
North Atlantic during the 1970s and earlier were
generated robust intra- and inter-regionally compar-
much lower than those of auks in the Baltic Sea,
able databases for decades. However, these surveys
reflecting the higher pollutant levels there.
appear to be possible only in regions inhabited
An important caution about the use of feathers for
by large numbers of pursuit-diving birds (auks,
historical analysis is that if the species’ diet has
penguins) that are highly vulnerable to oil at sea
changed trophic levels (as occurs at times) over the
(Figure 1). Surveys have shown divergent trends in
study period, this could influence the levels of metals
oil pollution in different regions: decreasing in the
in the feathers. Hence it is most conservative in his-
north-east Atlantic and increasing in the north-west
torical reconstructions to target specialist species
Atlantic. Oil pollution is extensive in the Medi-
with narrow dietary breadths. However, stable iso-
terranean where, owing to an absence of auks, beach
topic determinations of trophic level can also be
bird surveys have not proven tractable.
derived from feathers to assess possible dietary
Once oiled, birds often swim to shore to get out of
the cold water at high latitudes and to attempt to
Fish absorb mercury directly from water through
clean their plumage on land. Carcass trajectories are
their gills and can also be used to assess contamin-
influenced by winds and currents. The numbers of
ation by heavy metals. However, unlike fish, birds do
oiled birds that are recovered on shore are fractions
not bio-accumulate mercury over their lifetimes and
of those oiled at sea, and estimates of these pro-
so offer different assaying possibilities. Evidence
portions are being assessed by experiments involving
suggests that mesopelagic and deep-water fishes ac-
cumulate higher levels of mercury than epipelagic
and coastal fishes. These findings have led to the
hypothesis that inorganic mercury is converted to
methyl-mercury in low oxygen environments in deep
oceans and that this may facilitate uptake in these
fishes and then hence by the birds that prey on them.
Research is ongoing.
Lead weights used by fishers and lead shot used by
hunters are major sources of contamination. Lead
concentrations are highest in estuarine and inshore
areas, and lead toxicity has been responsible for
mortality among swans, marine waterfowl, and
seabirds. This mortality has attracted considerable
public attention that is resulting in (albeit too slowly)
the replacement of lead with nontoxic materials.
Blood and enzyme analyses can be used to assess Figure 1 A murre entangled in a small piece of net (on left) and
environmental lead levels. Eiders often exhibit high an oiled murre, both recovered on a beach on the south coast of
levels of copper in livers and appear to be the best Newfoundland.

the release of drift blocks at sea. Most oiled seabirds very high and produce large-scale negative popu-
come ashore on beaches exposed to dominant lation effects.
wind directions. Such geographic features are essen- Thousands of plastic pellets litter each square
tial considerations in selecting beach bird survey kilometer of ocean surface and often accumulate at
sites. fronts. Many marine animals ingest plastic, espe-
Species composition can at times be indicative of cially small particles of industrial plastics such as
the distance of a pollution event from the coast. For styrofoam. Ingestion can create gastrointestinal
example, murres tend to be oiled farther from shore problems and result in mortality. Petrels appear
than dovekies and sea ducks, and when the com- most vulnerable to small bits of plastic. PCBs and
position of oiled species changes from the former to other toxic chemicals often adhere to the surfaces of
the latter it can reflect the shoreward movement of plastic debris and hence can also increase the con-
an oil slick. Gas chromatographic and mass spec- taminant burdens of animals that ingest plastic.
trometric techniques have been used to ‘fingerprint’ Some seabird species incorporate plastic strapping,
the compositions of hydrocarbons removed from netting, line, and other solid objects collected from
oiled seabirds and have been used in efforts to the ocean surface into nests. Cormorant and gannet
prosecute specific ships alleged to have polluted. nests with plastic built into them have increased in
There is also the possibility of ‘marking’ oil ship- recent decades, reflecting increased plastic pollution
ments so that they could be identified in the case of at sea.
discharge or spillage. Separators have to be installed
as mandatory equipment on ships to promote oil Acid Rain
recycling, in much the same way as anti-pollution
devices have been legislated for automobiles. How- Acid precipitation of industrial releases of sulfur di-
ever, until binding, enforceable international agree- oxide, ammonia, and nitrogen oxides has generated
ments require the recycling and discharging of used many environmental problems. Most of these have
oil at land-based flushing facilities, hydrocarbon been evidenced in terrestrial and freshwater en-
pollution in the world’s oceans will be a fact of life vironments. However, as the generation of this pol-
and death. lution increases, effects are to be expected in marine

Radionuclides Conclusion
Radionuclides (e.g. cesium) are released from As pollutant inputs to the environment continue to
weapon testing and use and from industrial acci- accelerate, diversify, and combine in novel ways, new
dents, such as those associated with power-gener- effects on marine birds will be detected and new
ating facilities. As is the case with many other avian bio-assays will continue to be developed and
pollutants, specific radionuclides are taken up in needed. A healthy and diverse avifauna supported by
specific tissues. These chemicals are monitored in a natural diverse prey base is indicative of a well
shellfish with concerns for human consumption. functioning and healthy marine environment. De-
Hence, shellfish predators including shorebirds, creases in avian diversity are evident in regions with
gulls, and sea ducks are likely the best avian species increased pollution levels. Nature abhors vacuum
to assay with reference to this source of pollution. and life proliferates, but biodiversity creates the
Seabirds could potentially provide useful indications fabric of life that sustains the natural functioning of
of the bio-availability of certain radionuclides over large-scale ecosystem processes. For the sake of the
global oceanographic regions. oceans and for our own benefit, it is essential to do
everything possible to understand human-induced
threats to the world’s oceans and with or without
that understanding to protect and preserve them.
Plastic biodegrades slowly, is very environmentally
persistent and occurs in all of the world’s oceans. The See also
replacement of twine nets with synthetic mono- Antifouling Materials. Atmospheric Input of
filament nets has extended the existence of lost and Pollutants. Chlorinated Hydrocarbons. Metal
discarded nets adrift at sea that entangle and kill Pollution. Oil Pollution. Pollution: Effects on
many fish, birds, and mammals (Figure 1). The levels Marine Communities. Pollution, Solids. Radio-
of mortality associated with these by-catches can be active Wastes.

Further Reading Ratcliffe DA (1967) Decrease in eggshell weight in certain

birds of prey. Nature 215: 208--210.
Furness RW and Greenwood JJD (eds.) (1993) Birds as Spitzer PR, Riseborough RW, Walker W, et al. (1978)
Monitors of Environmental Change. London: Chapman Productivity of ospreys in Connecticut –Long Island
and Hall. increase as DDE residues decline. Science 202:
Furness RW and Rainbow PS (eds.) (1990) Heavy Metals in 203--205.
the Marine Environment. New York: CRC Press.
Poole A (1987) The Osprey: A Natural and Unnatural
History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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